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澳大利亚留学个人陈述范文参考 ick up any newspaper today and you can find many headlines related to stories about economic problems andtrends. am always deeply absorbed in the economic news,especiallyintheanalysisand descriptionofthecapitalmarkets. was born in ity , a large city with lotsofheavy industry companies. y father is an engineer in a shipbuilding institute and my mother is a technician in anelectronicapparatusfactory.ince was very young,theybegan to teach me plenty of knowledge of natural science andhoped me to become an engineer like them one day.ut theychanged their mind when they find me interested in the fieldofeconomics, an absolutelydifferentareatheywere notfamiliarwith.hey agreedtosend me toinanceand conomic niversity which has been ranked in the top ten in my country by commerce & economics.ntheyearof2000, enteredthefacultyofnvestingconomy ofthatuniversityand startedmy four-year strict education.n the first twoyears , laidmoreemphasis on the basic theories, such as models in economics1 / 4and investing.ater in my 3rd and 4th semesters, foundthat lackingof practicebecame abottleneckoffurtherstudying. ortunately, mygraduatedthesistutor, rofessor and eacher providedme some goodopportunities to practice in theompany ofahuealstate andanxia ecuritiesompany, in which liveda substantialand pleasingtime.esides my major , computerscienceismy antherinterest.n thelastyearofmyuniversity, was certifiedwith( icrosoftertifiedystemngineer) andgot a parttime teachingjob inichinfoeachingenter, which largely increasedmy communication abilities.hen finished my graduatedthesis, gotthe achelor s egreeof conomicssuccessfully inuly 2000. n the day of 28eptember 20XX , began my careerin the accounting and funding department ofeijingompany and was assigned the duty of investing.y companyusually got irregular cash flows so lots of money was leftunused.tfirst followedmy workmate, r.,asenior staff in my department and put only a little fund inthesecuritiesmarket. he initialsuccesswas agreatencouragement to me and began to invest more. 20XX was a2 / 4golden year for me though the whole market was not good.n that year admit 90 ,000 shares of the stock-ea il roject and 50,000 shares of stock- a ha in thier nitialublicffering and sell them in the same year.hat brought us 1 ,100,000¥ profits before taxation and my work results was highly confirmed by the general manager andother colleagues.he luck continued to the first half yearof 20XX until the stagnancy of the whole stock market inuly. ow am directly led by the general manager and do some management and marketing work as well. he four years of working matured me rapidly not only in technique skills but also in abilities of communicationand cooperation with colleagues and other person.ith theopeningpolicyofhina sapitalarket , realizeinternationalizationisatrendmustmakegoodpreparations for.o determined togo abroad to goonfurther learning about financial knowledge and improved my nglish skills and the course of master of finance will be my best choice.ocialising is very important to me, and am alwayskeen to meet new people. enjoy trying new culture and newfoods.y good culinaryskillswillproveveryusefulto3 / 4thedailylifeofmy futureforeignstudying.enjoytraveling and learning about modern history.usic is oneof my biggest hobbies, and use music to help me unwindand reflect on things. use the inter* to keep up withcurrent affairs and sports news. have always been a keen sportsman, representing myschool of basketball competition many times and now oftenplayitintheevening.alsoenjoyplayingtennisandtable tennis, as well as football. believe that have made sufficient preparations fora new university life.y skills together with my ambitionto succeed prove me to be good candidate for your master degree.pplicant: 4 / 4


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