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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上New Concept English Book 1Revision Lesson 178 重点词汇一 名词服装:clothes handbag watch coat dress skirt shirt blouse tie hat suit shoe trousers pocket交通:way car ship aeroplane食物:food ice cream bone cheese bread soap chocolate sugar cake biscuit egg butter honey jam meat beef lamb steak mince chicken milk water tea coffee Scotch whisky wine beertomato potato cabbage lettuce pea bean apple pear grape peach orange banana 称呼:Mrs. Mr. Miss name father mother mum grandfather grandmother sister brother son daughter sir wife husband girl boy child children man woman friend baby winner tourist 职业:job keyboard operator engineer policeman policewoman taxi driver air hostess postman nurse mechanic hairdresser housewife milkman customs officer employee sales reps office assistant teacher student boss butcher doctor dentist shop assistant greengrocer baker grocer stationer年月:year January February March April May June July August September October November December星期:week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday weekend季节:season spring summer autumn winter动物:dog cat bird 地点:garden village park school shop church dairy library town生活:case carpet box glass cup bottle tin knife fork spoon shelf table plate cupboard cigarette tobacco television dressing table magazine bed newspaper stereo refrigerator electric cooker armchair picture wardrobe basket tap bookcase hammer dish kettle teapot vase envelope writing paper pad glue change family photograph match telephone key letter housework passport fashion umbrella ticket news appointment noise学校:pen pencil book desk chalk blackboard homework handwriting subject conversation phrase phrasebook颜色:colour white black green blue red yellow pink gray purple brown orange房子:building house room window door floor wall living room kitchen bedroom cloakroom方位:right left middle front north south east west时间:time day morning afternoon evening night moment 疾病: matter headache earache toothache stomach ache cold temperature flu measles mumps aspirin自然界:tree grass cloud sky sun bridge boat river valley hill bank flower weather climate身体部位:tooth teeth mouth tongue hand量词短语:a pair of,a loaf of, a bar of, a bottle of, a pound of, half a pound of, a quarter of, a tin of ,a bowl of , a piece of , a bunch of , a carton of , a cup of , a glass of, a basket of 国家-国籍: country nationalityChinaChinese JapanJanpanese EnglandEnglish AmericaAmerican KoreaKorean RussiaRussian FranceFrench GermanyGerman BrazilBrazilian HollandDutch ItalyItalian NorwayNorwegian SpainSpanish SwedenSwedish AustraliaAustralian AustraAustrian CanadaCanadian FinlandFinnish IndiaIndian NigeriaNigerian TurkeyTurkish PolandPolish ThailandThai 其他 truth lunch size race crowd finish 二 动词1. be 动词:am is are were was2. 情态动词:can could must may shall should will would 3. “有”动词: have has4. 助动词:do does did5. 实意动词: excuse meet see look watch catch come give shut open air put dust sweep empty read sharpen put on take off turn on turn off climb run type eat clean cook drink shine walk flysleep shave cry wash wait jump swim make listen drop show send take find boil ask liftlike want tell rain snow rise set live stay arrive feel call remember remain play talk drivebreak hear enjoy keep spend stand telephone answer say smile understand speak cut go greetbuy wear三、形容词big-small new-old-young fat- thin long-short-tall dirty-clean hot-cold open-shut empty-full light-heavy large-little sharp-blunt good-bad lazyhard-working busy-free left-right tidy-untidy lucky-unlucky same-different comfortable-uncomfortable smart nice fine well lovely tired thirsty favourite careful terrible fresh pure ripe choice pleasant mild wet interesting rich absent sweet exciting awful last urgent white black green blue red yellow pink四、副词upstairs downstairs hard either always well better best early late oclock certainly so quickly just again ago together home pleasantly slowly hurriedly suddenly thirstily warmly usually terribly badly late fast yet五、介词in on near (next to/ beside) under over with between behind along across off into out of in front of at六、数词基数词:number one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred thousand序数词:the first the second the third the fourth the fifth the sixth the seventh the eighth the ninth the tenth the eleventh the twelfth the thirteenth the fourteenth the fifteenth the sixteenth the seventeenth the eighteenth the nineteenth the twentieth the thirtieth the fortieth the fiftieth the sixtieth the seventieth the eightieth the ninetieth the one hundredth七、人称代词主格 I You He She It We You They宾格 me you him her it us you them 形容词性物主代词 my your his her its our your their 名词性物主代词 mine yours his her its ours yours theirs 反身代词 myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves 重点句型1. Is this your? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.2. Are these ? Yes, they are. No, they arent.3. Whats your job? Im a/an4. What are their jobs? Theyre.5. Look at6. Whose is this/that ? This/That is my/your/his/her7. What colour is ? Its.8. What colour are ? Theyre.9. Give me/him/her/us/them a/some10. Which one? Which ones?11. Where is it? Its in/on/under/near/beside/next to/behind/in front of/between.12. Where are they? Theyre.13. There beThere is a/an/some+不可数名词+介词短语。There are some+可数名词+介词短语。Is there a/an+介词短语? Is there any+介词短语? Yes, there is. No, there isnt.Are there any+介词短语? Yes, there are. No, there arent.14. What must I do? Open the window and air the room.15. Whats he/she/it doing? He/She/It is 16. What are they doing? Theyre 17. Can you? Yes, I can. No, I cant.18. What do you usually do? I.19. What does he/she/it usually do? He/She/It20. He likes, but he doesnt like21. Do you like/want/have? Does he/she/it like/want/have? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. Yes, he/she/it does. No, he/she/it doesnt.22. What nationality are you? Im.23. Where are you from? Im from24. Where do you come from? I come from25. Whats the matter with you? I have/ Ive got26. What must he/she do? He/She must 27. Dont28. You mustnt29. Enjoy yourself!30. Whats the time? Its31. Where were you on Sunday? I was at32. When were you at the hairdressers? I was aton .33. What did you do? I34. When did you? Ilast Sunday/ a moment ago/yesterday. New Concept English 1 Lesson 79-144词汇部分一、名词1、 地名Paris n.巴黎 New York n.纽约 Tokyo n.东京 Madrid n.马德里 Athens n.雅典 Berlin n.柏林 Bombay n.孟买 Geneva n.日内瓦 Moscow n.莫斯科 Rome n.罗马 Seoul n.汉城 Sydney n.悉尼 Scotland n.苏格兰 Egypt n.埃及 city n.城市 world n.世界 Stockholm n.斯德哥尔摩2、地点cinema n.电影院 restaurant n.饭馆,餐馆 garage n.车库,汽车修理厂 bar n.酒吧 hostel n.招待所,旅馆 hotel n.饭店 toilet n.厕所,盥洗室 company n.公司 station n.车站,火车站 3、人物 job n. 工作, 职业 newsagent n.报刊零售人 chemist n.药剂师,化学家 attendant n.接待员 neighbour n.邻居 person n.人 people n.人们 pilot n.飞行员 youth n.青年 millionaire n.百万富翁 conductor n.售票员 thief n.贼 customer n.顾客 manager n.经理 guy n.家伙,人 passenger n.乘客 tramp n.流浪汉 actress n.女演员 actor n.男演员 reporter n.记者 visitor n.参观者,游客,来访者 engineer n.工程师 madam n.夫人,女士(对妇女的尊称) darling n.亲爱的(用作表示称呼) 4、日常生活shopping n.购物 list n.单子 stationery n.文具 bath n.洗澡 haircut n.理发 suitcase n.手提箱 zip n.拉链 label n.标签 handle n.提手,把手 address n.地址 X-ray n. X光透视 card n.明信片 powder n.香粉 compact n.带镜的化妆盒 rest n.其他的东西present n.礼物 glasses n.眼镜 torch n.手电筒 thing n.事情 mess n.杂乱,凌乱 litter n.杂乱的东西 rubbish n.垃圾 nuisance n.讨厌的东西或人 counter n.柜台5、餐饮vegetable n.蔬菜 groceries n.食品杂货 fruit n.水果 dinner n.正餐,晚餐 breakfast n.早饭 lemonade n.柠檬水 teaspoonful n.一满茶匙 water n.水 6、假日休闲holiday n.假日 party n.聚 film n.电影 story n.故事 trip n.旅行 football n.足球 pool n.赌注 7、钱币money n.钱 pound n.英镑() penny n.便士 pence n. 便士 price n.价格 fare n.车费,车票 note n.纸币 coin n.硬币 deposit n.预付定金installment n.分期付款 change n.零钱,找给的钱;v.兑换(钱)8、交通crash n.碰撞 lamp-post 灯杆 train n.火车 platform n.站台 track n.跑道 mile n.英里 speed 限速 road n.路 sign n.标记,牌子 line n.线路 tyre n.轮胎 9、学习exam n.考试 mathematics n.数学 question n.问题 paper n.考卷 mark n.分数 dictionary n.词典 mistake n.错误 10、身体back n.背 mouth n.嘴 beard n.(下巴上的)胡子,络腮胡子 11、动物parrot n.鹦鹉 kitten n.小猫12、其他 plenty n.大量 association n.协会 top n.上方,顶部 idea n.主意 pity n.遗憾 advice n.建议,忠告 model n.型号,式样 voice n.(说话的)声音 engineering n.工程 wood n.树林 hundred n.百 piece n.碎片 surprise n.惊奇,意外的事二、动词need v.需要 hope v.希望 pack v.包装,打包,装箱 leave v.离开 bring v.带来,送来 repair v.修理 try v.努力,设法 believe v.相信,认为 sell v.卖,出售 retire v.退休 cost v.花费 move v.搬家 miss v.想念,思念 return v.返回;n.往返 fly v.飞 catch v.抓住 describe v.描述 slip v.滑倒,滑了一脚 belong v.属于 fall v.落下,跌倒 help v.帮助 write v.写 hurt v.伤,伤害,疼痛 pass v.及格,通过 answer v.接(电话)fail v.未及格,失败 hate v.讨厌 cheer v.振作,振奋 spell v.拼写 carry v.携带 correct v.改正,纠正 suit v.适于 afford v.付得起(钱) knock v.敲,打 invite v.邀请 joke v.开玩笑 swallow v.吞下 ring v.响 appen v.发生 enter v.进入 forget v.忘记 recognize v.认识 serve v.照应,服务,接待 travel v.旅行 offer v.提供 guess v.猜 read v.读 grow v.长,让生长 mean v.意味着,意思是 wave v.招手 overtake v.从后面超越,超车 dream v.做梦,思想不集中 charge v.罚款 worry v.担忧 introduce v.介绍 win v.赢 depend v.依靠 smile v.微笑 surround v.包围 place v.放 throw v.扔,抛 count v.数,点 cover v.覆盖 prosecute v.依法处置三、形容词ready a.准备好的,完好的 roast a.烤的 beautiful a.漂亮的 poor a.可怜的; 贫穷的 easy a.容易的 sure a.一定的,确信的 enough a.足够的;ad.足够地 difficult a.困难的 high a.高的low a.低的,矮的 clever a.聪明的 stupid a.笨的 expensive a. 贵的 cheap a.便宜的 fresh a.新鲜的 stale a.变馊的 loud a.大声的 hard ad.努力地 sweet a.甜的 soft a.软的 sour a.酸的 intelligent a.聪明的,有智慧的 pretty a.漂亮的 less a.较少的,更小的 most 最多的 least 最小的,最少的 best a. 最好的;ad.最,最好地 worse 更坏的 worst a.最坏的 quiet a.宁静的,安静的 Impossible a.不可能的 asleep a.睡觉,睡着 dark a.黑暗的 dry a.干燥的,干的 famous a.著名的 sensational a.爆炸性的,耸人听闻的 future a.未来的 latest a.最新的 extra a.额外的 overseas a.海外的,国外的 excited a.兴奋的 middle-aged a.中年的 funny a.可笑的,滑稽的 ugly a.丑陋的 amused a.有趣的 embarrassed a.尴尬的,窘迫的 worried a.担心,担忧 tidy a.整齐的 rusty a.生锈的 四、副词nearly ad.几乎,将近 already ad.已经 never ad.从来没有 ever ad.在任何时候 why ad.为什么 still ad.还,仍旧 downstairs ad.下楼 soon ad.不久 instead ad.代替 neither ad.也不 later ad.后来 terribly ad.非常 immediately ad.立即地 abroad ad.国外 kindly ad.和蔼地 regularly ad.经常地,定期地 curiously ad.好奇地 五、介词till prep.直到为止 since prep.自从 worth prep.值钱 except prep.除外 during prep.在期间 opposite prep.在对面 among prep.在之间 六、代词none pron.没有任何东西 anyone pron.任何人 everything pron.一切事物anything pron.任何东西 nothing pron.什么也没有 七、连词 because conj.因为 八、情态动词 may (用于请求许可)可以 九、感叹词 ow int.哎哟 十、短语 how long 多长 stand up 起立,站起来 at once 立即 as well 同样 a little 少许 a few 几个 get off 下车 at least 至少 driving license 驾驶执照 mink coat 貂皮大衣 get married 结婚 get on 登上 beauty spot 风景点 litter basket 废物筐 dining room 饭厅 exercise book 练习本句型部分I must go to theI hadHave you had?What have you done?Have youyet?When will ?When did you/will you go to ?Whats the exact time ?Whose is it? Whose are they? Dobelong to? Doesbelong to?He says (that)/She says (that)/They say( that)He said (that) he He told me (that) heToo/very/enough: tooto enoughtoI want you/him/her/them to I dont want you/him/her/them toTell him/her/them to Tell him/her/them not toAsas. Not asasIve got none.Every, no, any, someWhat were you doing?It had already happened.Who/whom, which, that(关系代词)Have to / Do not need toHe cant be He must beHe cant have been He must have been.He may be He may have been Im not sure.IfHe wants to know if/why/what/whenSomeone invited Sally to a party. Sally was invited to a party.He hasnt been served yet. He will be served soon.附带练习:用He, They改写(1)I am a student. (2)I do my homework every day.(3)Im going to visit an Art Museum next summer. (4)Im reading a magazine.(5)I was watching TV when a thief appeared. (6)I havent seen you for a long time.(7)The train had left before I arrived at the station. (8) I can make a model plane.合并句子(1)Do you know the man? Hes repairing the red car.(2)The house is still there. They built it in 1903.(3)Where does he live? Do you know_?(4)Why didnt you come to school yesterday? Can you tell me_?(5)Does Jenny like mooncakes? I want to know_.(6)When did you go to the park? He wants to know_.(7)We wont go out if _.(8)If you break the window, youll _.(9)What will you do if you miss the train?专心-专注-专业


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