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Google 面试题(英文版)A friend of mine had an interview a couple weeks ago with Google Inc. Heprovidedme a listof justsome of the questionshe was asked. I ve addeda few more from others I have talkedto who had interviewswith the internetgiant, Google, as well. See if you can answer them. Many are open ended with several right answers, therefore I did not provide the answers.1. How many golf balls can fit in a school bus?2. You are shrunk to the height of a nickel and your mass is proportionallyreduced so as to maintainyour originaldensity.You are then thrown intoan empty glass blender.The blades willstart moving in60 seconds. Whatdo you do?3. How much should you charge to wash all the windows in Seattle?4. Howwould you findout ifa machines stack grows up or down in memory?5. Explain a database in three sentences to your eight-year-old nephew.6.How many times a day does a clocks hands overlap?7.You have to get from point A to point B. You don t know if you canget there. What would you do?8.Imagine you have a closet full of shirts. Its very hard to find ashirt. So what can you do to organize your shirts for easy retrieval?9.Every man in a villageof 100 married coupleshas cheated on his wife.Every wife in the villageinstantlyknows when a manotherthan her husbandhas cheated, but does not know when her own husband has. The village hasa law that does not allow for adultery. Any wife who can prove that herhusband is unfaithfulmust kill him that very day. The womenof the villagewould never disobey this law. One day, the queen of the village visitsand announces thatat least one husband has been unfaithful.What happens?10. In a country in which people only want boys, every family continues to have children until they have a boy. if they have a girl, they have another child. if they have a boy, they stop. what is the proportion of boys to girls in the country?Word 文档11. If the probability of observing a car in 30 minutes on a highway is0.95, what is the probability of observing a car in 10 minutes (assuming constant default probability)?12. If you look at a clock and the time is 3:15, what is the angle between the hour and the minute hands? (The answer to this is not zero!)13. Four people need to cross a rickety rope bridge to get back to their camp at night. Unfortunately, they only have one flashlight and it onlyhas enough lightleftforseventeen minutes.The bridgeis too dangerousto cross without a flashlight, and it s only strong enough to supporttwo people at any given time. Each of the campers walks at a differentspeed. One can cross the bridge in 1 minute, another in 2 minutes, the third in 5 minutes, and the slow poke takes 10 minutes to cross. How do the campers make it across in 17 minutes?14. You are at a party with a friend and 10 people are present including you and the friend. your friend makes you a wager that for every person you find that has the same birthday as you, you get $1; for every person he finds that does not have the same birthday as you, he gets $2. would you accept the wager?15. How many piano tuners are there in the entire world?16. You have eight balls all of the same size. 7 of them weigh the same, and one of them weighs slightly more. How can you find the ball that is heavier by using a balance and only two weighings?17. You have five pirates, ranked from 5 to 1 in descending order. The top pirate has the right to propose how 100 gold coins should be divided amongthem. But the others get to vote on his plan, and if fewer than half agree with him, he gets killed. How should he allocate the gold in orderto maximize his share but live to enjoy it? (Hint: One pirate ends up with 98 percent of the gold.)Do you still think you have what it takes to work for Google?Word 文档腾讯网络编程面试题1、OSI 七层模型和功能2、四层模型和功能3、TCP和 UDP协议的区别(网络方面面试题最常见的了)4、HTTP和 FTP是哪一层的协议,是基于哪个协议的协议?5、为什么 TCP是可靠的, UDP却不可靠?6、TCP协议是如何实现它的可靠性的?搜狐的一份面试题英文题目 ( 可以用中文回答 )1) Please describe the different between XML,XSD,XSL through their definition.2) Do you know the Persistent Object in J2EE;if yes ,please describe some mechanism of it.3) Please describe somefamous encryption arithmetic as manyas you know, one of arithmatics to explain if possible.智力逻辑题1某一密码仅使用 K、 L、 M、 N、 O共 5 个字母,密码中的单词从左向右排列,密码单词必须遵循如下规则:( 1) 密码单词的最小长度是两个字母,可以相同,也可以不同( 2) K 不可能是单词的第一个字母( 3) 如果 L 出现,则出现次数不止一次( 4) M 不能使最后一个也不能是倒数第二个字母( 5) K 出现,则 N就一定出现( 6) O 如果是最后一个字母,则 L 一定出现Word 文档问题一:下列哪一个字母可以放在 LO中的 O后面,形成一个 3 个字母的密码单词?A)KB)LC)MD)N问题二:如果能得到的字母是 K、L、M,那么能够形成的两个字母长的密码单词的总数是多少?A)1 个 B)3 个 C)6 个 D)9 个问题三:下列哪一个是单词密码?A) KLLN B) LOML C) MLLO D)NMKO问题四: 3 个相同的字母可以构成的不同密码单词的总数是多少?A)1 个B)2 个C)3 个D)4个问题五:单词密码MMLLOKN可以通过下列变成另一个密码单词,除了:A) 用 N代替每个 L B) 用 O代替每一个 M C)用 O代替 D) 把 O移到 N的左边262-63=1 等式不成立,请移动一个数字(不可以移动减号和等于号),使得等式成立,如何移动?技术编程题1) 请用 VB(或者 c#)语言来描述一下 blowfish 的加密解密算法。如果不行,可以用中文 +图的形式来说明。 如果不了解 blowfish 算法,请描述一下自己比较熟悉的加密解密算法。2) 如果你是一位软件架构师, 您将如何去搭建一个符合 n-tie 的架构?并请描述一下您搭建的每一层的作用。 (注意:请您考虑项目中有 WebService 的情况)3) 请用代码简单描述一下 Singleton 、抽象工厂、 Bridge 、Composite(任选三个)的设计模式的概念。Word 文档网易互动面试题面试流程如下:一环节:拿起桌上的白纸折叠成一个名牌,两面写上自己的名字和学校二环节:自我介绍,每人时间不超过 30 秒,总时间不超过 5 分钟三环节:案例分析,案例容是一个刚毕业开始工作的大学生遭遇到的职场困境一问:面对的是什么问题,出现这种问题的原因是什么二问:如果是你将怎么做三环节首先让大家各自提出对一个问题的看法,不限次序,大家说完后13 人分为 3 组,共同讨论第一、二题,时间 20 分钟,然后每组选出一个人论述讨论结果,时间三分钟,小组其他人有 2 次补充机会,每人 1 分钟最后 HR让每个人说一句话,用这一句话来打动HR。面试随后结束,时间11 点整在 11 点 40 分左右有 6 位同学接到了 2 面通知,我被成功 BS 下午 2 点 10 多分开始的 2 面,每人 30 分钟, 3VS1,单面经过和几位二面同学的交流,面试容如下:一、 大部分针对简历中所列的实践容进行的发散性提问,具体面试官问什么就看自己如何引导了二、 人格测试类的问题 , 比如说出一个自己最想去的地方和到达这个地方想使用的交通工具三、 博弈类:试举出你相对于这次二面的某位同学你的3 个优点和 3 个缺点及他相对于你的3 个优点和 3 个缺点,这个问题类似囚徒博弈二面后当晚 8 点左右发放了 3 面通知, 3 位同学通过,三面在11 月 3 日开始,面试官是 2 位网易互动的总监据和 3 面的同学交流,三面流程如下:首先三面开始前有200 个性格测试题,时间20 分钟,无序有重复三面问题随意性很强, 3 位同学问的问题并不相同,以下为戴同学3 面时所遇到的问题 :1、 对你昨天的面试情况做个总结2、 为什么你是人力资源岗位,却要申请营销类职位3、 你刚才说的经验,其实很多社招生比你有经验,而且我有个顾虑,你没有市场营销这个学科基础,你怎么看待这个问题4、 你说你很有激情,踢过足球吗?有激情的人很容易上场5 分钟就受伤,这就是有激情不好的地方5、 你对今天的面试有什么准备吗?6、 你刚才说你玩过梦幻西游,来说说优缺点7、 如果我说你刚才说的都是错误的,你怎么想?8、 另外一个面试官马上接话, 说你像 1 面案例中的那个学生, 还没进公司就开始提意见Word 文档9、 你的表达能力在同龄人中是优秀的,但你说话时整天用“我”这个词,说这个词的人一般都有个缺点就是缺乏换位思考,你怎么看待?10、 你对这个岗位有什么了解问题大致上时这些,每人的面试时间在 1 个小时左右,其中一位同学在 3 面时面试了 2 次,因为两个面试官意见发生了冲突, 很犹豫要不要, 可以看出网易在招聘时的态度是非常严谨的。感戴同学对三面经历的慷慨提供,也祝福他早日能收到网易的 offer !整个笔试和面试过程就是以上这些了, 下面我写点个人的建议希望能为想去网易工作的同学做个参考:1、 笔试,网易是可以霸笔的,如果同学有心,而距离网易所设的考点都比较远时可以在网易笔试前一天到达考点等待,收到了笔试通知更好, 没收到也无所谓,但笔试一定要参加的,网易对笔试成绩还是很看重的2、 面试着装, 如果是市场类的职位推荐大家穿正装,技术类的则不必拘泥3、 群面的时候一定要主动, 积极提出自己的看法, 总结一句话就是要多说4、 网易一般是不给霸面机会的,如果要霸面,一定要提前准备充分5、 网易在校招时并不很注重毕业院校、专业、学历等,但最好有很多的实践经验6、如果自己玩游戏不多, 没有玩过网易的游戏也没有关系, 但一定要真诚,不要遮掩新浪面试面试环节:1、自我介绍,时间在三分钟。每个人在介绍自己前,必须对上一个人的时间控制和发言容进行点评,时间也是3 分钟;2、回答指定问题,每人抽个信封,里头有题目,但只有在叫到自己的时候才可以打开看,看完先把题目念出来,然后立刻作答,时间也是三分钟;3、辩论,大家分成两个小组,确定组长、1 辩、 2 辩、总结词;4、考官发问;5、自由提问时间。Word 文档


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