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Unit51. Her suggesti on may sou ndreason ableto you, but in everybody else eyes rm afraidit may seem ridiculous .她的建议听起来合理,但在其他人眼中恐怕看起来荒谬。Some doctors believe it isbrutal (残忍的) to tell dying patients the truth about their condition because they may become sodistressed as to commit suicid e.一些医生认为这是残酷的实话告诉垂死病人对自己的疾病,因为他们可能变得如此痛苦的自杀。(commit vt.犯罪,做错事;把 交托给;指派作战;使承担义务)2. We note with satisfactionthat all these activities have helped to promote mutualun dersta nding and frie ndship betwee n our two cou ntries.我们满意地注意到,所有这些活动有助于促进我们两国之间的相互了解和友谊promote vi.成为王后或其他大于卒的子vt.促进;提升;推销;发扬3. .Contrary to the belief of some doctors, even very old and sick people want to know thedetails of their illness so that they can prepare for death in their own special way.一些医生的信念相反,即使很老,病人想知道疾病的细节,以便准备死在自己的特殊方式。5. Corruption in government is nottolerated in any country that wants to achieverapideconomic growth and improve the life of its citizens.腐败在任何国家在政府是不被容忍的,想要实现经济快速增长,提高市民的生活。corruption n.贪污,腐败;堕落tolerate v.容忍;忍受(tolerate 的过去分词)6. Mary betrayed her friends by going back on her words.玛丽背叛了她的朋友,背弃了她的话7. The author brings the first chapter of his book to a closeby giving a brief accountof the adva nces scie nee has made sinceliberati on . brings to a close作者将他的书的第一章结束一个短暂的解放以来科学取得了进步。8. In that accident,Julianrisked her own life to help a disabled woman.Risked在这种事故,朱利安冒着自己的生命去帮助一个残疾的女人。risk n.风险;危险;冒险 vt.冒的危险9. It pays in the long run to introducenew techniques . in the long run从长远看的观点看引入新技术是值的introducevt.介绍;引进;提出;采用 techniques n.技术(technique 的复数);方法;技巧10. Mrs. Queen gave us a distorted account of what had happened; thats why we nolon ger believe in the sin cerity of heruttera nces.Distorted女王太太给了我们一个扭曲的账户发生了什么,这就是为什么我们不再相信她真诚的话语11.ln every cou ntry pare nts always remember the first time their childutters theword Mama or Dad. uttervt.发出,表达;发射在每个国家的父母总是记得孩子第一次说出妈妈”或 爸爸”这个词。12. At times the oral En glish class wasno isy , with every oneparticipati ng in an activityat the same time, but at others, the class just sat there and did nt say any thi ng.Attimes有时英语口语课是嘈杂的,每个人都同时参与一个活动,但是在其他人,类只是坐在那里,什么也没说Unit71. The nurse on duty hurried to Mr. Spensers wardd to meet her.抓住眼前的妈妈,小孩停止了哭泣,蹒跚见她。in an swer tohis bell.值班护士赶到贝尔斯宾塞先生的病房在回答他。in answer to 回答;应 要求2.Catching sight ofits mother, the little childstopped crying and toddletoddle n.东倒西歪的走路;刚学走步的小孩vi.蹒跚学步;东倒西歪地走;散步3. The football players were trying tomake ansio non the national coach.足球运动员是试图在国家队教练留下深刻印象。4. Banks have to think of ways of makinglon g-term sav in gsmoreattractivetoin dividuals and bus in esses.银行不得不想到的方法使得个人和企业长期储蓄更有吸引力5.Though he had done a days hard work, he said he wasnt虽然他做了一天的辛勤工作,他说他不是在最不累。in the least(一点;丝毫)tired.wer the rate ofin flation . Stabilizevt.使稳固,使安定 vi.稳定,安定a difficult problem. Knitn.编织衣物;编织法 vt.编织结合 vi.编织;结合;皱眉大卫先生是习惯的皱眉毛每当他专注于一个困难的问题。brow 眉,眉毛7. Mother always taught me to be thrifty and not to livebeyOnd my meanS付不起妈妈总是教导我要节俭,不要超岀我的收入生活。8. Fruit is best and cheapest when it isin season.9. All of a sudde n the trainjerked to a stop and in the samein Sta ntevery one onthe train knew that something must have gone wrong, instantn.瞬间;立即;片刻突然火车晃动了几下就停住了,在同一瞬间在火车上每个人都知道有什么做得不对10. We would have succeeded in fulfilling the task ahead of schedule if the weatherhadnottaken a hand inour pian.我们会成功地提前完成任务如果天气没有参与我们的计划。take/have a hand in 参加,介入11. The two kid nappersthrusthim into the back of a jeep and the n drove off at fullspeed.他两个绑匪把他推到一辆吉普车,然后全速开走了12. The ni ght was very dark, and sudde nly aflashof lightning(闪电)lit the sky.夜很黑,突然一道闪电照亮了天空。flash n.闪现,闪烁The Brow ns were veryhospitableto us whe n we visited Chicago in the summer of 1995. They showed us around most of the city.hospitableadj. 热情友好的布朗一家都很好客,我们参观了芝加哥 1995 年夏天。他们给我们的大部分城市。15. In some countries,theconstitutionforbids在一些国家,宪法禁止军队使用核能。宪法,禁止,军队Unit86.Mr. Davidis in the habit ofknitting his browswhe never heconcen trates on14. Ways must be found toassureour children adecent start in life.必须找到方法来保证我们的孩子一个体面的开始assure 保证the military use of nuclear energy.2.ln order tostabilizethe economy,the gover nment has worked hard to lo为了稳定经济 , 政府努力降低通货膨胀率。There is no c ommercial excuse for hunting an endangeredspecies, such as thewhale, out of existence (存在) . speciesn. 生物 物种;种类 没有商业狩猎的借口一个濒临灭绝的物种 ,如鲸鱼 ,存在。6. The book is too difficult for the children. We are trying tosimplifyit.Simplifyvt. 简化;使单纯;使简易这本书是为孩子们太困难。我们正在努力简化它。8. It seems to me that the Americans are a highlymobilepeople. Most of them liketo travel whenever they get the chance. Mobile 活动的在我看来 , 美国是一个高度流动的民族。他们中的大多数喜欢当他们有机会去旅游。10.Did you say you agreed with him? Yes, butmind you, I didnt make any commitment (承诺) .“你说你同意他吗 ? ”是“的 , 但是请注意 ,我没有做出任何承诺。 “mind you 听着,请注意 commitmentn. 承诺,保证;委托;承担义务;献身Unit 5翻译1)我确信这项所谓(so-called)明智的决定,与期望相反, 会带来极其严 重的后果。I amconvinced that, contrary to expectations, the so-called informed decision willbring very grave consequences.2)诚然,他曾欺骗你,但他已经承认自己做错了,并道了歉。所以你不应 该老是以怀疑的态度对待他。Its true he once deceived you, but he has admitted he has done wrong andapologized. So you shouldnt always treat him with suspicion.3)他在这个问题公开进行辩论之前就已表明了自己的立场。He had taken a stand on the issue before it was openly debated.4)在调查过程中,他们发现了种种形式的政治腐败,并揭露了许多贪官污 吏(corrupt officials)。In the course of their investigation, they discovered various forms of politicalcorruption and exposed a number of corrupt officials.5)玛丽的两难处境是:把真相告诉老板从而失信于她的同事,还是让老板 蒙在鼓里从而辜负他的信任。Marys dilemma was whether to betray her colleagues by telling her boss thetruth or to betray his trust by keeping him in the dark about it.6)首先,是什么使你认为这项规划会促进改革?其次,你怎么知道这些改革会让全县得到好处?Now, in the first place, what has made you think (led you to think) this programwill promote reforms, and in the second, howdo you know these reforms will benefitthe whole county?Unit7Translation翻译1)法庭的判决引起史密斯先生的朋友们的气愤,他们相信他是无辜的。The courts judgment aroused anger among Mr. Smiths friends, who believedthat he was innocent.2)当我们经过那家价格昂贵的餐馆时,父亲催我们快走,他说在这样高档 的(fancy)地方用餐是大大超过我们的经济能力的。As we passed the expensive restaurant, father hurried us along saying that it waswell beyond our means to have dinner at such a fancy place.3)老师在评价一篇文章并给它打分(grade vt.)时,可能是根据总的印象 而不是根据仔细的分析(analysis)。A teacher mayevaluate and grade an essay on the basis of his generalimpression rather than on a detailed analysis.4)小狗(puppy)将我的一张画搞坏了, 我真想对它发火, 可它那十分可爱(cute)的样子使我不禁笑着把它从地上抱了起来。(be inclined to, ruin)I was inclined to get angry at the puppy for ruining my painting but he was so cutethat I could not help but laugh and pick him up.5)爱德华(Edward)常常喜爱在那间可以眺望大海的房间里朗诵诗歌。Edward was in the habit of reciting poems in the room overlooking the sea.6)安东尼(Anthony)彻夜未眠,因为他对于是否得插手此事举棋不定。Anthony stayed up all night because he just could not make up his mind whetheror not to take a hand in the matter.


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