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天门市|20182019|学年度高一年级|11|月考 试|英口吾|试卷口本式卷共10页|, 12题。 全卷满分| 1$01分考试用时120分钟卜| |第二 部吩:听力(共两节,睡| 30分)| |做题时, 先膈答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后你将|二二 有两分钟的时间将试卷止的答案转涂到答题传| 上门第卜节1(共每小题DM满 分5 I分b |所下面| 51段的话。每段对话后打: 一力小题,1从题中|所给的I IA、B、| C|三|个选项 中选出最隹选项,1并标在试卷的相应位置折1 . 完每段对话后1例都有| |10秒钟的时闹来回翱有. 关小题和阅读下T小题I每段对话仅读1遍I I 丁 1. I How dOeS M|andy want tO go to the CHema? A,On foOt. B. By) bus.l C.| By taxi. 2.| What s the 卜elatlonship between the twO speakers? A. Teacher and student. B. Boss and employee. C Father and daughter. 3.Where dobslthe Conversatidn probably t&ke place ? A. In a I bank. Bl. M al trainI 口station C.| In a restaurant. 4When wil | |the show| start? A. 7:10. B. 7:20. C. 7|50H 5. | What a the tWo spleakebs talking WbOut? A Shoppihgl Onjjne B.Bathroom decdratioh. C. | Saving ImOnly.1 第1节|(共 15小题|每小题 1.5份|,满分|2.5|分|) |所下面5|段附活直独 白每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所| 一 给口A; 回 IC三个选顼中选出最佳选顶J听: 每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个力rrr 题I,每小题|5秒钟;听宪庙,各小题将给出 不 秒钟的作滞时间。1每段忖话或独白读两遍卜I 1 . 听第.6段材料,回答第一6、.7题。6. HowEng hash 1 t I th& womah had a vacatioh? I A. For three yehM B. For fo|uryears. C. Fof_万Ve years 7. What will| thb Woman do bekt?A. Make a 廿aVel Iplan.I B.| Take a vacation. I C. Talk WithI her husband. I听第I 71段材料,回警第一 81至U . 8. Which of the following is NOT mentibned? A. The man I s name. B. The mak J s phone number. C. Thd mad s ema l address. 9. How much Will theman pay ih tbt*l? |A. 2400yUan. B. 242oyuWn. | C. 1620yUan |听帝81段忖料j回答第|10至|12 题 I10. HOw | ddes th|e mah feel now? A. | |proud. B| sUrpriSed. C. Dis|appointed| 11. | How did |hah lear* danCing? A. By | | | Idarning hjmjefJB By tdkihg courseS. C | By learnihg frOm his pgenS 12. Why djd the man 期加 to play the | piano? A. Td I I sUpport hi|s Skil|l. B To mke himself I I I | 一 relaxed. C. To | mke h|is patents happy| 听第19假材料,|也答第|13至|16题。.13. Why Was the house in| a terrible mess? A. A wild III monkey got in.| B.| The kids played a game inide. C. |The oman ha6n|: t cleaned it . days. 14.| What wad the han doingl at| that time? A. WatChingl the little baby. B. Ill Speak ng to his boss. |C.| Mailing, some papers. 15.What did the Catl knock over? A. A lamp. B. The desk. C. The glass of juiCe. 16. How coes the woman sound like? A.Ahgry. B.| Wbied. C. EmbWrrassed. | | |听|第彳0 段材料用笞笫17至20题|口 17 What ki|nd口 of | English leSsbnS doeS the|speaker Illi rebommehd? A Exambatioh skills. B. | | Reading and Writing. C|. Listening and | | | | speaking118. HoW can| a garner take th | | 一 leSsons Whe|n he js not。*加? A. By Usihg | the downloaded sound filbs B. By making | ) cdnversatbns With othba C. By revieWiRg | | w6rds, phrases abd idiloMs. | 19. What is | | mentioned ab On 05050g3 of the | speaker s online coUrse? A. It imprdvebI learners f English skilQ qUickly. B. it | | offers lea|rners better Cheating skills. C. III. It helps 演痴加 to make friends. 20. I I I I What s the speaker s idea about learning Engl sh? A. Being confident in oneself While learning. B. Leabing English I I I I I little by little.l C. Having clear learning Illi, goals.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、 B、 C和 D) 中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Roger: Hi, there! It was my15th birthday last Saturday. Some of my friends and Aan, my cousin,came to ce ebrate it Everyone brought me a gift. We played games,sajg songs and had a big birthday cake. |t was really a wonderful day!Did you do anything special last week? Jessica: Yes, my c ass were ona school fied trip last week. First, we wen| to the University ofNorth Carol na to learn about the history cf its basketball team.Many basketbal stars were students there. Then we visited a museum.We learned about how the plane was invented and took many picturesthere. Sara: Well I was lucky enough to go to a conference(会 议)on charity(慈 善 )last Wednesday. I was excited to meet a lot ofkind people there. One of them was a boy named Richard. He spoke atthe conference about the charity work that he had done in the pastfew years. Martin: It was a more diffeient week than usual. LastThursday, my school band(乐 队) went to Atlanta to perfom ina competition. I played the violin and we won a prize! On Friday wewent to the Georgia Aquarium and got to see different kinds of sealife from over the world. t was really cool! 21. When did Roger havehis birthday party? A. Last Saturday. B. Last Thursday. C. LastFriday. D. Last Wednesday. 22. Who went on a school field trip lastweek? A. A an. B. Sara. C. Jessica. D. Richard. 23. Martin went toAtlanta to . A. speak at a conference B. perform in a competition C.organize a party D. visit a un versity E It was late one even ng.can t remember what it was about, but my Dad and I had a vey bigargument when my mother was away. We both said th ngs we didn t mean,and in the end I said,“I m leaving. And he said,Godd. Thesooner, the better. I threw a few things in the suitcase and cWsedthe door violently behind me, not knowing where I was going. Afterwalking aimlessly for 20 minutes, stopped at a local supermarket.Then my phone ang. It was my mom calling. She said,“Hey, Mary.Where are you? Dais worried abou t you. ”“How can he worry aboutme? I ve beer away for nearly half an hour, but he d dn t call. Isaid with annoyance. My anger returned and I remembered all thehateful things he d shouted to me.“Listen, Mom. You can tell Dacthat I m fine I ll call you tomorrow. I said and hung up. Iwa ked around the supermarket, trying to get my thoughts together. Bythetime? I P:mid fo)r my puchases,it had been rnuchlater than Iuseeto b)e oujt al()ne.Whe;n I left thie sij permarket, ai largje pieceof whitepap)er w/as in front of,meOnthepiece ofwhit(e paper werethes;ewoi,ds:P)lease ccmehome! I rmissyouandI,m worried about you!Thn acarpulled upbesideme.Hangingoutof the windovv was myD Dad.Bei;ides him, smilinggenitly, Jsat my mom.And thatswhen I sitarteidlauighirig. Ilaughedso hardhatI cried Despte(尽管)mny b(esteffort torunawa/ from ho)me,myfath讨finallymanage(d totrackmedovvn. Icoudn,tleave now, not wth him sttincthere with caringeyes. 2-4. Mary left homebecaus(e shj.A. h(ad to make her ownlivir】g Bhada a bad performanice cmt schoolC. hiad ain argument ,withhermotherD. had abigarguiment witth her father :25. Afterhermothiercaled herjMary_. Ai. tri(ed tocallm down 13. forgave herfathier C:.became angrie,than beforeD. agreed togo hiom(e 26The5undlerlirled vordpucha)sesinParagraph 4means.A.goods Mlarybought E1. actions;Mary regret|ed (后悔)C,tele2honecals Meary nnadeDess()ns 1/larylearned27.What pro)bably haippenedattheendof tlhe story?A. 1Marystillrefusedto g(o hoime.B. Maryretirne(d home happily.(:.Mt day of high20 X 20school,I asked ian eeventh crads3r whiereit wason the fourthfloor, neminiutesl latesr thait wes dori,teven hapoo)l either!BesdesthatI didn,kid:s. I thinkthe)igg(est cifferencebetweeis the hiome?work load (工作县 里frorn mier to get to 1【nowpeo)plen evI Cain give abouttheyears you spendin hithings for yo)urse肝,not just togeta good cmany te冶tsthatve prepare力for thenotrememb)ere(any,thing later. Ivenjoy s(choc)l somuch more.Don,simple :yearIf you havea choicebetw/eerfirs:willpro、ve tobe (a lotmore useful!Whimicht be pnesent in s)om(e mi(idlescho)ols,school.I have alot of friejndswhopromisesmoke,butare ilowpartyingevery wejekemy class:wa.s. Arid he tokm metothe pool.I foundoutfiveve afourth fl00rland ,here!snot have any troube with the ol(dern middleandhighi school) aind size of theschool.I wenta night to)sevralhours, so IOur class:siz(e is .Hotrainedto simellpeop)le.When this hsignal(信号).Thiss sent toa smalltheres(:uers follow the r arebetter.()hristianLinster at Cornelsays,“Robotsnoses) dori 1wok wearound.Rats an、go()d at that.Raarecheapeiandquickerto train thandogsdori tneedi electricity! Therat pJulie R)/an()f Inernational R(escue CorpsbefantasticA rat couldget into spaces wratwoud gc4out if itwasn,tsafehistory, peo()le will beh happy to see aat inafter anearthquake,of co)urss0. 3:2. Intherats) willbecomemain,sbestfriendstake the place of mansres(:ue jobse bigandt they can,t gei projectis us)inga smallei)w doesit work?First,a r alive. The rat has smielledbotswhich can do this jobUniversityjQewYorl:,ell whenthene areo other srnellsbIts can aso see in thedark. Theys, and undikerobots, theyroje(cti.s notfinii)hed,bu:in S(cotland says,“Itwoude couldn,t g(式toanda.”Perhap)S for thefirsttme ina building (but onlyworld earthqiuakecapitals|because tlheycan_.A.B. s(erveas foodfor peoplealive who are trapped in build ngs C. fnd the position of peoplealive who are trapped in buildings D. get into smal spaces 33. Fromthe third paragraph we k|ow the rescuers can judge a person who isalive by. A. the noise made by the rat B. the rat s unusualbehaviour C. the smell g ven off by the person D. the s gnal sent bythe radio on the rat s,ack 34. In doing rescue jobs,. A.rats smell b etter than dogs B. dogs don t need to be trained tosmell people C. rats can see in the dark and are smaller than robotsD. robots sense of smell can be affected by other smel s around 35.Ras have all the following advantages EXCEPT that. A. theydon t need electricity B. thej are less expensive to train than dogsC. they are more fantastic than other animals ). they are small andcan get into small places第二节 (共 5 小题: 每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中 有两项 为多余 选项。 Five tips for safe running We allknow that exerc se is good for our health. But some kinds of exercisemay be better than others. Running, for example, may help to protectagainst heart disease and other health problems. Running is goodexercise, but it can be hard on the body. 36 Take it easy. Do not runtoomuc,h, t()o so)on()r too fast. Most peopthey push thiemsielves too bad. The bodyinceases indisanco orspeed. 37 Listeninjuriesdo nlot comeunexpec;tedly. 38;Thesore mijscle冶ard paiin thiat doesnot(jo abesit shoe fo)r every runner. You shoud finbest fitandsupp)ort for your fset.More imreplaceyour sho)es ej ver5 50)to300kilomtime after each iun to wrte downwhat youfor K)atterns,things that happen ov/er and chelp you find thes bes;t exercise for youi. Crearlier,running is hard on your body.So psuggesisorne f()rm(f cross trainng tc imhelp you stay injury free.They say swimmbicyclearegoodexercises tocong崂witrunningshoes. 13. Us2ally, there eme泊tsfor tlie ruinning shioesNikeHefe are fie ideasto reduce theriskof ile g(式running nurieswhenneeds timne togetused tot。yo)ur body.Mo,st runningey may inicluce b()dy iches,way.39 -There isno sngled the shoes tthatoffertheportaintlyyoushc)uldheteis. Takegoo(n no,es.-akeu didandhow/ yoiu fel,.Lo(ckveragain. Thiesenotes wllcsstrain.Aswesaidhysical fitnes)s excpertsprove muisclebal,anceandtoing,yogja, and rid“ngah ruinning. 40A.(Get !joodng signs.C.Runningmayses (are ejasier onthebod),.ieedtimet to reco1ver.f. Aie say,Just dot.G.njury弟二部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、 B、 C和 D) 中,选出可以填人47 to go out for the cross-country(越 野 )team. Every day he空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂0My sonJoesy w.as bon vvithclubfeetTL畸形脚).Thedoc:torstoldus that vithtreatment hewould be abe towalk(normally,but would never 41 very well The first three years of his life we,e42 iri surgery,(手术).Ey the tine h(? was eight, you vouldn,kne)whehada 43whejn y()u siw hm w,alk.Thechil(irenin our nsighl)orh(oodranaround(during their 44 , and Joeywould jump rightin, run andPlay, too. We 45tolchimtha:he probablywouildn,tbe able to runas 46 as the other children. So he didnt know. In seventh grade hetrained with theeam. He worked harder and ran 48 than any o theto so manyothes did not come naturallyo hiim. 50 theentire teamothersperhaps he sensed that the 49 that seemed to come naturallyruns, only the top seven runners have the chance to score points 5t hes school.Wedidn,t tel himi heprobablywoild neveir make the team,so he didn t know. He 52 to run four to five miles a day, everyday even the day he had a 103 -degree fever. I was 53 , so I wen tolook for him after school. I found him unn ng all alone. I asked himhow he 54 .“Okay, he said. He had two 卜。通 55 to go. The sweat randown his face and his eye$ were glassy(呆 滞) from hi fever.56 he looked straight ahead and 57 running. Two weeks later, thenames of the team runners were 58 . Joey was number six on the list.Joey had made the team. He was in 59 gradethe othe,six teammembers were all eighth- graders. We never told him he shculdnl t 60 tomake the team. We never told him he couldn t do it so he didn tknow. He just did it. 41. A. walk B. jump C. cycle D. run 42. A.wasted B. spent C. suffered,. lost 43. A. problem B. disadvan age C.treatment D. shortcoming 44 A. play B. holidays C. fun D. debate 45.A. finally B. usually C. never D. aways 46. A. hard B. straight C.slowly D. well 4:. A. disagreed B decided C. refused D. preferred 48.A. better B. less C. more D. faster 49. A. change B. ab lity C.energy D. powe. 50. A. After B. Although C. Since D. Because 51. A.for B. with C. on D. in 52. A. stopped B. continued C. liked D. hoped53. A. calm B. amazed C. worried D. shocked 54. A. felt B. suffered C.recovered D. suvived 55. A. miles B. examinations


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