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Unit 1 The Kings new clothes一、中英互译皇帝的新衣_在前面_讲故事_认真地思考_愚蠢的人们_ 神奇的衣服_每个学生_ 一个美国牛仔 _摘花_多么漂亮的一件衣服!_二、按要求写词语。clever(反义词)_new(反义词)_cry(反义词)_great(近义词) _ begin(同义词)_ they(宾格)_is(过去式)_ are(过去式)_get(过去式)_say(过去式)_ tell(过去式)_city(复数)_ child(复数)_ story(复数)_三、选词填空。 (am, is, are, was, were)1. _ you a student? No, I_ not.2. He _ my good friend.3.Jim and I _ in theteachersoffice a moment ago.4. I _ a student some years ago but I _ateacher now.5.The CDs _ on the bookcase yesterdaymorning.四、按要求填空。1、Let_(I)show _(they)some photos.2、Long long ago,there_(is)agirl .She _ _(live)in a big house.3、Two_ _(woman)_ _(talk)under the tree.4、She _(try) on that newcap. 5、Pleaseread_(this)story books.五、介词填空1、We can make new clothes _you. 2、Please try _thesemagic clothes.3、The king walk _ thecity _his clothes. 4、A little boy pointed_ theking.5、There were a lot of people_ the street.6、They looked_ the kingand shouted.7、It said “Come _ myparty _ half past four in the park!”8、I got a card _ myfriend Mark.9、We have _ start our story again.一般过去式的四种句式变化顺口溜:肯定句中动词要变化;否定句很简单,主语之后didnt 添,动词要还原;疑问句did 放在主语后,动词还是要还原。Unit3 Holiday fun知识点归纳come back回来National Day国庆节call you打电话给你at home在家Shanghai Museum上海博物馆many interesting things许多有趣的事情our family我们的家庭go to a farm去农场pick some oranges摘桔子go fishing去钓鱼catch fish捉鱼a big fish一条大鱼Great Wall长城Palace Museum故宫Summer Palace颐和园Tiananmen Square天安门广场travel experiences旅游经历Easter holiday复活节the summer holiday暑假the Christmas holiday圣诞假期Its time for.该到了做某事的时候了come home回家have a fashion show一场时装秀beautiful clothes漂亮的衣服be excited about对.感到兴奋a paper T-shirt一件纸T恤衫ask sb about sth问某人关于某事a lot of bottles 许多瓶子go well进展顺利at first开始,最初(反)at lastheavy rain大雨too bad太糟糕本单元最主要的句型结构:特殊疑问词+did+主语+动原+.?(课本29页) 主语+动词过去式+.本单元需要掌握的过去式:come-camedo-did(否) didnt=did notare-were (否) werent=were notsee-sawgo-wentcatch-caughteat-atewear-woreUnit4 Then and now知识点归纳six years ago六年前do many things做许多事情write letter to sb写信给某人at home在家in the office在办公室a mobile phone一部手机write emails写邮件listen to the radio听收音机read newspapers读报纸on the Internet在网上read e-books看电子书make friends交朋友at school在学校buy things买东西buy from从.买东西buy sb sth=buy sth for sb给某人买东西all over the world全世界do shopping购物work hard努力工作on holiday度假invent the aeroplane发明飞机an English lesson一节英语课look out of朝-外看listen to me听我说go on继续get angry生气make a sentence造句eat a cake吃蛋糕wait for等待in the cake在蛋糕里compare with和.比较需要记忆的过去式:can-couldwrite-wroteread-read(注意读音)make-madebuy-boughtUnit5 Signs 知识点归纳整理shopping centre购物中心be careful=look out(祈使句)当心!a juice shop一家果汁店go in进入take into带入eat some noodles吃些面条in a restaurant在餐厅that sign那个标志No eating or drinking禁止吃喝No littering禁止乱丢杂物No parking禁止停车No smoking禁止吸烟Danger危险Wet floor小心地滑No fishing禁止钓鱼No swimming禁止游泳School学校No dogs禁止遛狗be on an outing去远足in the forest在森林里feel tired感觉很累look for寻找give sb sth=give sth to sb给某人某物walk on继续走路on a tree在树上eat bananas吃香蕉a lot of monkeys许多猴子look at看着say(过去式)said情态动词:can /cant ,should /shouldnt ,must等等后面都要加动词原形重要句型:1.Do you want some juice?(同义句)Would you like some juice?注:征求对方意见或者建议的时候,用some2.What does it mean? It means.Unit6 Keep our city clean知识点归纳these pictures这些图片our city我们的城市make our city dirty使城市变脏black smoke黑烟in the water在水里keep our city clean保持城市干净take the bus坐公交车walk to school步行去学校move. away from从.中搬走in the bin在垃圾桶里plant trees植树help sb do sth帮助某人做某事well done干得好!walk home走回家after school放学后live in the city居住在城里many museums许多博物馆a banana skin一个香蕉皮on the ground在地上eat bananas吃香蕉pick up捡起,拾起用法:代词-放中间 名词-放中间或者后面too late太迟了go to hospital去医院看病go to the hospital去医院上班/探望病人put your rubbish in the bin把垃圾放进垃圾箱里keep(过去式)keptmake(过去式)madedead(名词)death (动词)diethrow(过去式)threwslip(过去式)slippedfall(过去式)fell补充:1.强调下“不可数名词”的用法,像smoke,rubbish,air等都属于不可数名词。2.many/much(比较级)more(最高级)most3.特殊疑问词作主语,动词用第三人称单数eg:What makes the air dirty?Unit7 Protect the Earth 知识点归纳save water节约用水drink water喝水use water使用水every day每天in many places在许多地方much water许多水waste water浪费水save energy节约能源come from=be from来自.on Earth在地球上a lot of energy许多能源save treesmake tables做桌子cut down砍伐too many+可数名词too much+不可数名词be bad for 对.有害(反) be good for对.有益plastic bags塑料袋glass bottles玻璃瓶Earth Day地球日World Environment世界环境日do a projet做课题our home我们的家园all students所有的学生make a poster做一张海报tell sb about sthtell sb to do sthon the trees在树上(长在上面的)in the tree在树上(不是长在上面的)a rubbish bin一个垃圾桶at the school gate在学校门口protect the Earth保护地球drive(过去式)drove补充:1.总结归纳所有学过的不可数名词:oil,coal,plastic,wood,energy.much+不可数名词2.go,come,leave,want,reuse后跟不定式作目的状语 (例句见课本71页)3.should(否)shouldnt后加动词原形4.具体的几月几号前用介词on(例句见课本73页)Unit8 Chinese New Year知识点归纳Chinese New Year春节get.from.从.收到.Hong Kong香港next week下一周(反)last weekin the evening在晚上make some cakes做些蛋糕Chinese New Years Eve除夕have dinner吃晚饭Chinese New Years Day大年初一my parents我的父母亲red packets红包a lion dance舞狮watch fireworks看烟花in the evening在晚上the most important holiday最重要的节日Spring Festival春节cook dumplings煮饺子get sth from sb从某人那得到某物after dinner晚饭后talk about谈论a nice cake漂亮的蛋糕rich(反)poor补充:1.讲解on/at的用法2.将来时be going to/will+动词原形时态复习一、现在进行时现在进行时:表示正在进行的、发生的动作。通常在句子中有以下的词:now, look, listen. 句子的结构如下: be + doing am,is,are的用法口决:我用am,你用are,is 跟着她,他,它,单数is,复数are其中,动词的ing形式有如下方法: A. 在动词后直接加ing: go- going , wash-washing, flyflying B. 以单个元音+单个辅音+e结尾 , 去掉e加ing, 如 :drivedriving;rideriding;makemaking C. 某些单词要双写词尾的字母:swim- swimming; runrunning;getgetting;eg:1. I am listening to the music now. 2. The students are drawing pictures now. 3. Listen! She is singing .4. Look! Mr Li is riding a bike.二、一般现在时一般现在时:表示经常发生的动作。常与every, always, usually, often, sometimes等表经常的时间状语连用。注:当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词也要用第三人称单数。动词第三人称单数:A:直接加sB:以ch,sh,s,x结尾的单词加es(washes, watches)C:以辅音字母加y结尾的单词,变y为i加es。(studies)eg:1. We often play in the playground.2. He gets up at six oclock.3. Mike sometimes goes to the park with his sister.4. Ben always has a lot of questions.三、一般过去式一般过去时:表示事情已经发生。常见时间状语:last, yesterday, just now, a moment ago, some years ago.句子特点:动词用过去式. 动词过去式分规则动词和不规则动词。eg:1. I had an exciting party last weekend. 2. They all went to the mountains yesterday morning.3. The pen was on the desk just now.4. I was a student some years ago.四、一般将来时一般将来时:表示将要发生的事情。句子结构:be going to ; 常见时间状语:next,tomorroweg:1. I am going to play football this afternoon. 2. Su Yangs dad is going to New York next week. 3. Nancy is going to play the piano tomorrow. 4. The children are going to sing at the concert next Friday.练习:用所给单词的适当形式填空1._(do ) your father often go to the park?No, he _(do).2. There _(be) a sign over there. It _(mean) No smoking.3. Tom _(have) a new pen.4. Yang Ling_(like)_(go) shopping.5. Ben _(want) _(fly) a kite.6. Jim _(see) a Beijing opera tomorrow evening.7. Listen, the teacher _(come).8. What _Nancy usually _(do) on Sundays?9. They_(fly) kites now.10. My book_(be) on the desk just now.11. The teacher is_(give) the orders.12. I _(have) a hat, he _(have) a cap.13. She often _(wash) clothes at home.14. Mike_(swim) now.15. The teacher and the students _(climb) the mountain next week.16. They are _(talk) about Bens birthday.17. Id like_(watch) cartoons.18. I can _(sing),but she cant. She can _(dance).19. Nancy often _(read) books. Sometimes she _(play) chess with her father.20. A:What does it _(mean)? B:It means No_( smoke).It means you shouldnt_(smoke)21. She can _(skate),she _(like)_(skate), too.22. He _(want)_(play) table tennis.23. She _(be) at home yesterday(昨天).24. Look, our teacher _(water) the flowers.25. I usually _(watch) TV, my mother uaually _(go) shopping.26. Suhais hair is longer than_(I).27. Suhai is taller than _(I)28.Mike often goes_(swim) in summer.29.A: What_Nancy _(do)? B: Let me see. She_(sing)30.A:What _you _(do) last Sunday? B:I_(go) to the park.


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