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Book 8 Module 1知识运用导学案、学习目标1、 通过本节课学习,能够牢记本模块中重要单词、短语和句子并能熟练运用这些知识点.2、通过本节课学习,能够正确运用主语及动词这一语法.3、在掌握根本知识和对文章整体了解的根底上,能运用所学知识进行有关写作.4、 自主学习,合作探究,学以致用,掌握分析-归纳-总结并结合例句记忆的方法.二、学习建议:1课前认真做好预习工作.由于内容多,强度大,不认真预习,课上会很被动. 预习要做到掌握单词准确的语音、语调,了解单词和短语的意思,找出疑难问题.2课上认真听讲,积极参与课堂活动,给自己更多的锻炼时机,认真适当地记笔 记.3 课后要及时复习,按时完成作业.复习是为了稳固课堂知识,要认真做好课后 练习,遇到没有理解的内容应及时问老师,使问题尽快解决.三、课前预习:20minutes 1. Basic words词义搭配“.inhospitable2. annual3. extreme4. adapt5. commercial6. promoteA. happening every yearB. difficult to stay or live inC. connected with buying and sellingD. make suitable toE. not ordinary or usual; serious or severeF. contribute to the progress or growth of2. Vocabulary Development1. n.探险者t v.探险;勘查-n.勘察2. v.促进;增进 n.提升3. adj.不正常的t adj.正常的4. n.缺乏;不存在t adj.缺席的5. adj.令人沮丧的t adj.沮丧的t v.使沮丧t n.沮丧6. v.消除的念头t adj.令人失去信心的t n.泄气tv.鼓励语境活用学生逐一说出答案1这位著名的探险家最后死在那个荒凉的岛上.The famousfin ally died on theisla nd.2. 不久你就会适应宿舍生活.You ll soonto the life in the.3. 这个突发事件使他没有参加这次重要的会议.Themade himfrom the importa nt meeti ng.4. 这个令人沮丧的消息消除了他出国的念头.Then ewshim from going abroad.3. 短语互译要求一起说答案,让学生注重英汉互译1. 平均2. 适应3. 由组成4. 显眼;醒目;杰出5. 踏上;进入6. come into sight7. come up with8. keep one s promise9. discourage sb from doing sth10. in detail语境活用1. This issue will be discussedin the next chapter.2. Have you everthe hun ti ng area in the forest?3. The red flowersaga inst the white snow.4. Whe n the famous towerat last, we all jump with joy.5. All of a sudde n, shea good idea.四、课中学习Now lets come to important vocabulary, ok?重点词汇讲练结合1. discourage v. According to discouragefrom. 1 lead to more points教材原句 : We discourage you from smoking except in specific areas.归纳拓展:discourage sb.from doing sth.劝某人不要做某事;使某人失去做某事的信心(2) discouraged adj.沮丧的,灰心丧气的discouraging adj.令人泄气的;令人沮丧的(3) encourage v.鼓励encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人做某事检测反应: We hope the bad weather wont discourage peoplecoming along.我们希望坏天气不会阻止人们来. (2021 福建高考单项填空 )The failure was a big blowto him , but wasnt(discourage) and soon got as enthusiastic as ever.这次失败对他来说是个大的打击,但是他并未感到沮丧并且很快变得和以前一样充满 热情. Study hard , or you will get a(discourage) result.努力学习,否那么你会得到一个令人沮丧的结果. I encouraged her (work) hard and to try for the 2021 college entranceexamination.我鼓励她用功学习并为2021年高考努力.2.imagine vt.(look at more sentences to get the use of “magine)教材原句:It is difficult to imagi ne a more in hospitable place.很难想象地球上还有比南极洲 更不适宜居住的地方.1) .We can t imagine life without water.我们无法想象没有水的生活.2) .He imagined that he had heard a strange sound upstairs.他好似听到楼上有奇怪的声音.3) .I can imagine my marrying a man of that sort.我难以想象我回家给那种男人.4) .1 can imagine Sarah running her own business.我能想象出萨拉自己开公司的情景.5) .1 was surprised to see the house. I had imagined it to be much bigger.我看见房子时大为惊 讶一一我原来想象它会大得多.imagine+ sth.doing s doing sth.that/wh-clausesb/sth +(to be+) adj./as +n./prep.即时应用:1) .你能想象我在河里游泳的情形吗?Can youin the river?2) .在那种地方工作一真是难以想象It s hardin a place like that.3.请设想你自己处于他的位置.Pleasein his place.3. set off: discuss to translate the sentences and get the meaning of set offDiscussion:三分钟He sets off with his father and uncle on a 25 year journey to mysterious, distant lands that most people in Europe have never heard of.教材原句 He set off early to avoid the traffic.The naughty boy is setting off fireworks 烟花爆竹 .His speech set off a wave of anger.归纳拓展:read the following together set outset out to do sth.set about doing sth.set an example to sbset asideset up即时应用:出发;安排;开始/打算/着手做某事 着手做某事为某人树立典范留出;搁置建立,成立Opening this door will拉响the alarm.The president着手dealing with the problem.They动身on the last stage of their journey.Leifeng树立了好典范 all of us.Try to扌由出at least an hour each day for learning new vocabulary.重点句型由根本句型引出相关句型及知识,讲练结合1. Not until the late 18th century did the British explorer James Cook cross the Antarctic Circle , but he never saw land.直到18世纪末,英国探险家詹姆斯库克才穿越了南极圈,但他却从未发现任何陆地.句式点拨:本句为倒装句,not until置于句首时,主句要局部倒装.“ Not until +从句/短语+ did/does+主语+其他成分.意为:直到 才until后面的从句不倒装.即时应用:Not until I failed in the examhow much time I had wasted.直至测试不及格我才意识到已经浪费了很多时间.归纳拓展:1 until/till用于肯定句中,主句的谓语动词通常为延续性动词,表示这一动作或状态一直 延续到until/till所表示的时间为止.not.until/till.直到才该句型中主句的谓语动词通常为非延续性动词即时应用:2021 天津高考单项填空We won t start the work all the preparations have been made.(3) not.until.的强调句型:It was/is not until.that.即时应用:(2021 福建高考完形填空)lt wasnt until her friend wasbadly hurtKerry became aware ofher habit of finding fault.2. Then in 1895 , a Norwegian called Carstens Borchgrevink became the first man to set foot on the Antarctic mainland.后来到了 1895年,一个叫卡斯腾博克格雷温克的挪威人成为第一个踏上南极大陆的人.询式点拨:the do.第一个做的序数词、最高级或由序数词、最高级修饰的名词后常用不定式作后置定语:the first/second./the only/last/形 容词最高级+名词+to do.即时应用:1) 仿写第一个被送入太空的中国女宇航员是谁?Who was the first Chinese woman astronaut ?2) Mo Yan is the first writer(win) the Nobel Prize in Literature in China.莫言是中国第一位赢得诺贝尔文学奖的作家.3) I dont think him to be the best ma n(do) the job because he is very careless.由于他非常粗心,我认为他并非是做这项工作的最正确人选.知识构建:常接不定式作定语的名词:chance, way, time, promise, ability , ambition , attempt,courage 等.即时应用:1) Volunteering gives you a chance(change) lives , including your own.志愿者活动给了你一个改变人生的时机,包括你自己的.2) He does nt have the ability(pay)for the house .他没有水平买这座房子.Grammars:(给出例如,让学生总结规律,进而练习稳固)Review of subjects(主语)Review of verbs(动词)1.主语:词类例句The n ews is excit ing.The disabled are well cared for in our coun try.None of us believed what he said.One-third of the work has been finishedTo decide is to act.Watch ing a film is a pleasure.Whether he will come is unknown.2.动词:谓语动词、非谓语动词动 词 的 分 类用法后接宾语,女口 teach,do,expect,hear, pass,buy,mke,find 等之后不接宾语 ,女口 arrive,come,die,rise,happen,swim 等通常要加上表语,否那么意义不完整,如be,become,keep,rema in, stay,lie,sta nd,seem,appear,look,feel/smell,taste,so un d,grow,tur n, get,go 等后接动词原形,与其一起构成谓语,本身具有意义,如can/could,will/would,shall/should,may/might, need,dare,must等用来构成各种时态和语态,本身无具体词义,如do,have,be,shall,will,would等时态 种类构成现在过去将来过去将来一般 时态s/am/are/do/doesshall/will+动词原形进行; 时态am/is/are+doingwere/was+ doi ngshall/would+be+do ing完成1时态has/have+doneshould/would+have+do ne完成 进行 时had+been+doi ng3. 动词的语态1被动语态的构成主动语态(active voice)主语动作执行 者谓语及物动词宾语动作的承受着被动语态(passive voice)主语动作的承 受着谓语be+过去分词by+宾语动作执行者2被动语态的结构时态被动语态一般现在时am/is/are +do ne一般过去时一般将来时过去将来时现在进行时过去进行时现在完成时过去完成时操练稳固:1) .最使我感到惊讶的是这个小女孩的小提琴拉得太好了.was that the little girl could play the violin so well.2) .我完成论文花费了一个月的时间.took me one month .3) .约翰和他的同事们去过北京.John as well as his colleagues Beijing.4) .Around the corner ( be) several small shops.5. Five carsrepair) so far.6. He cant depend) upon.主题写作(与测试题型挂钩,对所学知识运用,四分钟)Step one: To complete the shortened text:Antarctica, the coldest place on Earth, is the fifth 1.(large)continent in theworld. The 2.(condition) there are quite extreme with nearly no rainfall.98percent of the surface is covered3.(permanent)by ice and strong winds drivenby gravity blow from the pole to the coastline.4., it is full of wildlife like thefamous penguins,5.can adapt to its hard conditions.The ice there has become a window on the past with gases and minerals6. (trap)in it. It was not until 1895 7.Norwegian explorer called CarstensBorchgrevink set foot 8.the Antarctic mainland. In 1961,12 countries9. (sign)a treaty to make it the worlds biggest nature reserve. Today scientists fromall over the world go there10. (study) its resources and to work together forprogress and peace.Step two: To write about the Antarctica :根据提示,运用本模块所学知识完成下面小作文:(十分钟)1. 南极洲是一个很多探险家想要探索的地方.(Antarctica , explore)2. 在那儿有很多野生动植物,它们已经适应了极其恶劣的环境.(adapt to , extreme)3. 我也想踏上南极洲看可爱的企鹅.(set foot on, penguin)4. 此外,我想宣传南极洲的美,并且呼吁每个人保护它.(promote)A version: Antarctica is a place many explorers want to explore, where there is much wildlife , which has adapted to its extreme conditions. I also desire to set foot on Antarctica to see lovely penguins. In addition, I want to promote its beauty and appeal to everyone to protect it.五、课后练习1. On the next birthday, Annmarried for 20 years.A. isB. has beenC. will beD. will have been2. In the last few years, thousands of films all over the world.A. have producedB have been producedC. are producing D. are beingproduced3. Tom has been absent for two days. Do you know what to him?A. has happened B. would happen C. was happened D. had happened4. As neither side was willing to give in at all, no agreement .D. will be reachedA. reached B. had reachedC. was reached5. A park in the neighborhood. Then people living in it will be very happy.A. will be set upB. is set upC. has set upD. was set up6.I the room to be empty but found it occupied.A. had thoughtB. have thought C. didn t thinkD. was thinking7. Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology so rapidly.A. will have changed B. has changed8.I ping-pong quite wellyear.A. will playB. have played9. Visitors not to touch the exhibits.A. will request B. are requestedC. is changing D. will change, but I haven t had time to play since the newC. playedD. playC. are requesting D. request10. They a snowstorm on their way home.A. caught inB. had caughtC. were caught D. were caught in11. - I rang you at about ten, but there was no reply.- Oh, that was probably I was seeing the doctor.A. when B. whyC. what D. that12. Maria has to baby-sit. That s she cant come with us.A. whyB. howC. whenD. whatcrossedthe Antarctic Circle, but he never saw land.13. surprised me most was they had finished it so quickly.A. What, whatB. That, thatC. What, thatD. That, whatt come to the meeting was she had not been14 . The reason why she couldn invited.A. because B. which C. that D. why15. In some countries, is called equality does not really mean equal rightsfor all people.A. which B. that C. what D. one16.Not until the late 18 th century did the British explorer James Cook cross theAntarctic Circle, but he never saw land.改写成notuntil形式的句子和强调 until 局部的强调句 Answers:1-5 DBACA 6-10 . ACDBD 11-15. AACCC16. The British explorer James Cook didntcross theAntarctic Circle until the late18 th century, but he never saw land.It was not until the late 18 th century that the British explorer James Cook


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