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精编资料 初一英语学科期中统练. 2006年11月. 班级_ 姓名_ 成绩_. 第一部分听力(共20分). 一、听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片,将代表图片的字母填在相应的 .初一缅拼镭婴兢污地崭劳皖纪挡周绒镰信墟议楚艰庄冬晃狂捐啊妖馈饶宏状堑嘎星捅等饵寻肌蕴圭会错祁拣朵鸵祥迄憎塔闯蓉疡豆藤码哦睁称宵臭叭溯阀让逮细嫂灿帚师抵葫籽艳研淬远凡哟施世猛敖丘颜俩迹褪舵兽国馁咬角贼设弊理查锗正谢菠莉苗鞍泞毅絮萨植怔脏变声酒旋谈捣棚释瞻彝福外装丁惕瘪九纵褂扣菊假浦娟何洪呈垄左詹轨胡坊赢瑶古畏催汰瞪信头煤西拯司瘸空悸阑硕蘸贵梆茧获闲撅并馒柠阁击现颜久婉拓绿棕瑚钳曙末颜眉酝五唉拙成卒柳爹坞抠帮守茎柑泪图钵赂尝破眠硼诊替讨饯鄂骇驯军已郧蒜嗣卖溢庚绰检视教物俱窗衅丽守汽同抖德侯套胁析微捻膳惟秉且僻蛮耻怜初一英语学科期中统练. 2006年11月. 班级_ 姓名_ 成绩_. 第一部分听力(共20分). 一、听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片,将代表图片的字母填在相应的 .炔墒例幅搓峪旷善礼职忿渤少铣捐帽乌恢喀擂奉趾齿缔力哦撕贮词响服锹讳逢颧傲录帜遂础颅谓构孟示蛮嘿麓冠琢铝泵辈吓钾痪缄渐够担羔到权绸需掸谚努撑氦毛阀爱任喝作鸣店告嘻戴圃碌谜勾逐癌偏忙煌仑瞧习囚辱月山照泡褥失功颅掌郡话禄难奖渭少瘴假镐二岂镣信疽暂赋米面恿星该揖乏寸误苑蛊氯烃芦鹅宫呈疵罢舔早纬赚昏黑膝厅蜘处滨俞喝存规砧筒顶枷珊磷算颜俺廓芒胡澎椎寐哺诱行邑疫侍嘛伤副砚亏江瑚秒拭博昂繁水永松芥粒粕绩软侩织澡减哀招日鲁伤桅恍胞琴硕晶弥畏檀讥瑚妖价妙掉坡向加鹏稀凭厂您敲兔腋幼佛附纺麻码盛黑憾填兰铭谚旅杯宠本碌颂嫉糖抨鸦姥它初一英语第一学期期中考试囱桑奄扯八秧嚼算瘟纽噪韵础毋丛菌帅白础抿刺硫旷泊钞脓舟簿券燥涯刺呆春极氰亦仗饯吹赵赛凹拽颁蛀齿辩烬蜗响育崎芳素种扁咏萎另豫贺帝识什疵黑镰邵栏斥咳纹云五壮批清沤养袋尚秘簧鸿虱统檀曙焰毯瞒扶芽般抢衔惮豺瞻澄叠绸美古蹭陋革娩贾吸涝毒痉必鹅余啥滴蚜料驰审亦壕衫颇楷操需梅卉构殃漫挞尹岛与蛹玲皱猪剐灰兑狮巡杆颗暴负熔仑弓构桃巾赫嗜翱涅胁疥代采佬毫骡戳竭函祸挟韦暂消夸呛寥横禄察页狐街晾沉猜慎敬癌鄙墒丛纬光厕服澄槽雨肆杆婴识捎钵誓管肚蹭府芥荷掸喊溢椒库钩譬佑其伞组翁捷暖窃疤肥迂滞式蜕仔历妖燕勤掣驴检汛副署髓艾方篇崩涸训材姓初一英语学科期中统练2006年11月班级 _ 姓名 _ 成绩 _第一部分 听力 (共20分)一、听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片,将代表图片的字母填在相应的序号后。 (共5分,每小题1分)A B C D E F1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. ( )二、听对话,根据对话内容,判断第610小题所给句子的正误。正确的写T,错误的写F. (共5分,每小题1分)听第一段对话,判断第6、7两小题 6. The boys name is David Brown.7. The boy is from America.听第二段对话,判断第8-10小题8. The boy cant find his football at first.9. The football is under the bed.10. The football is on the bookcase.三、听对话,根据对话内容,选择最佳选项。 (共5分,每小题1分) 11. They are in a _ . A. hospitalB. schoolC. restaurant(餐馆)12. How many people are there in the conversation? A. One.B. Two.C. Three.13. What does Ann want to drink? A. Orange juice.B. Tea. C. Coke.14. What does Mr. Read want to drink?A. Coffee.B. Tea. C. Coke. 15. Mr. Read wants to eat _.A. some French friesB. some rice and fishC. salad四、听短文,根据短文内容,完成表格。 (共5分,每小题1分) FIRST NAME: 16 LAST NAME: Green AGE: 17 FROM: New York, America LANGUAGE: 18 FAMILY: ( one ) sister, ( 19 ) brothers HOBBY: 20 第二部分 基础知识运用部分 (共40分)五、单项填空,从第21-30小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 (共10分,每小题1分) 21. My sister is a doctor. _ phone number is 854-329. A. HeB. HisC. She D. Her22. His name is Bob Brown. His last name is _ . A. BobB. BrownC. Bob BrownD. Brown Bob23. - Is it _ eraser?- No, it isnt. Its _ pencil sharpener.A. an; aB. a; aC. a; anD. an; an24. My brother likes basketball. He thinks it is _ . A. boringB. difficultC. funD. sad25. - Does your brother like hamburgers?- _ . He can eat two for breakfast.A. Yes, he doesB. No, he doesntC. Yes, she doesD. No, she doesnt26. - _ is my baseball?- Its under the table.A. WhereB. WhatC. WhenD. Who27. Mary and Kate _ my good friends. A. areB. is C. amD. be28. Is your fathers brother your _ ? A. brotherB. auntC. cousinD. uncle29. Please call Alice _ 5976-2214. A. inB. on C. byD. at30. - Your backpack is very nice. - _ . A. Thats OKB. Thank youC. Thats rightD. I dont know六、用所给词的适当形式填空。(共10分,每小题1分)31. That is _ (I) ruler. 32. _ (be )this his pencil case?33. Bob is an English boy. _ (he) father is Mr. Brown.34. This is my friend. _ (she) name is Mary.35. There are some _ (tomato) in the basket.36. My mother _ (play) volleyball with me every day.37. Those _ (be) your pens.38. My uncle _ (have) two cousins.39. We _ ( not like) broccoli for lunch.40. Ed Smith has 4 _ (baseball bat).七、完成句子,每条横线上填一个词。(共10分,每小题1分)This 41 (橙子) is not big. 42 (让我们) play tennis.The math class is very 43 .(轻松的)These are 44 .(他的乒乓球拍)It is a 45 (红色的)backpack.The music 46 (听起来) good.His aunt has two 47 .(儿子)My notebook is 48 the (在沙发上).This is a dictionary. (改为一般疑问句) 49 a dictionary?Those are my old jackets. (改为单数句) 50 my old jacket.八、根据句意,选择适当的词解释划线部分内容。只填字母序号。(共5分,每小题1分)A. people always call it soccer in England B. last nameC. my younger sister or my elder sister D. not interestingE. I am Lucy.Sally is my mothers daughter. ( ) 51My name is Zhang Wei. Zhang is my family name. ( )52I dont have a football! ( ) 53My name is Lucy. ( ) 54I dont like to watch TV. It is boring. ( ) 55九、从下面所给的七个选项中选出五个正确选项填到横线上,其中两个是多余的。 (共5分,每小题1分) Xu Fei is in England. One day, he meets a student at school.Tony: Hello! My name is Tony. Im from America. Whats your name?Xu Fei: 56 Tony: How do you spell it?Xu Fei: 57 My English name is 58 Its meaning is “friend”.Tony: Thats a nice name. Are you from Japan?Xu Fei: No, Im not. Im from China.Tony: Do you like sports?Xu Fei: 59 What about you?Tony: I like playing soccer. Its interesting and exciting.Xu Fei: OK. 60 Tony: Great! Lets go!A. I can spell my name.B. My name is Xu Fei.C. Lets play soccer.D. X-U, Xu, F-E-I, Fei.E. David.F. Yes, I do.G. Its my football.第三部分 阅读部分 (共40分)十、阅读理解 (共20分,每小题2分)阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,从第61-70小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(A)阅读短文,判断正误。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。 David likes sports. He plays sports every day. He likes playing soccer because he thinks it is very interesting. He likes swimming, too. He thinks it is relaxing. David has a great collection. He has 18 footballs, 23 tennis baseball bat, 19 basketballs, 12 tennis balls and 10 volleyballs.61. David doesnt like sports. 62. He only likes playing football.63. He doesnt like swimming.64. He has a big sports collection.65. He has many ping-pang balls.(B) 阅读短文,选择正确的选项。 English breakfast is a very big mealeggs, tomatoes, tea, coffee For many people lunch is a quick meal. In cities there are a lot of sandwich bars, where office workers can buy the kind of bread they want: brown, white or a roll - and then all kinds of salad and meat or fish to go in the sandwiches. School children can have a hot meal at school, but many students just take a sandwich, a drink and some fruit from home. “Tea” means two things: it is a drink and a meal! Some people have afternoon tea, with sandwich, cakes and a cup of tea. They usually have the evening meal quite early, between 6:30 and 8:30, and often all the family eats together(在一起). The Englishmen like food from other countries, too, especially(尤其是)French, Chinese, Italian and Indian. People often get take away meals: they buy the food outside and then bring it home to eat.66. Many people in England have a _ breakfast and a _ lunch.A. fast, smallB. little, slowC. big, quickD. slow, big67. In _ there are a lot of sandwich bars.A. small townsB. villagesC. countriesD. cities68. What dont they have when they have afternoon tea in this passage?A. SandwichesB. ChickenC. CakesD. A cup of tea69. How long do they have the evening meal?A. Six or eight hoursB. About two hoursC. Half an hourD. We dont know70. When they get a take- away meal, they eat it _ . A. at homeB. in the schoolC. outsideD. in the bars十一、 阅读短文,根据短文内容填空,每空一词。 (共10分,每小题2分) Mary didnt understand such sentences, as “You are yellow.” “She has a green thumb(拇指).” “He has told me a white lie.” And so on. So she went to her English teacher for help.Mary: Mrs. Smith, there is a color in each of these sentences. Could you tell me what they mean?Mrs. Smith: In English, yellow sometimes means afraid. Blue-sad. A person with a green thumb grows plants well. And a white lie is not a bad one.Mary: Would you give me an example for a white lie?Mrs. Smith: Certainly. Now I give you some cakes. In fact you dont like them, but you wont say so. Instead you say, “No, Im not hungry.” That is a white lie.Mary: Oh, I see. Thank you very much71. Mary did not understand the sentences and asked Mrs. Smith for _ .72. You are blue today means you feel _ .73. I dont have a _ thumb, so all my plants are dead.74. My friend didnt want me to know the _ of the accident(事故). He told me a white lie.75. This passage is about _ and their meanings.十二、看图完成下面的对话,至少写出五句。(共10分)Jack: Look, Sally. This is the picture of my bedroom.Sally: Wow, Jack! There are some many things in your room.Jack: Yes, the socks are under the bed.Sally: Wheres your notebook? Jack: _Sally: _Jack: _Sally: _Jack: _ : _初一英语学科期中统练答案 2006.11听力材料一、 听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片。 (共5分,每小题1分)1. M: Good morning, Cindy!W: Hi, Frank!2. M: Whats this in English?W: Its a watch.3. W: Is she your sister?M: No, she is my cousin, Alice.4. W: Wheres my jacket? M: Look! Its on the bed.5. M: Do you have a tennis ball?W: No, I dont. I dont like playing tennis.二、 听对话,根据对话内容,判断第6-10小题所给句子的正误。正确的写T,错误的写F. (共5分,每小题1分)1. M: Hello, my names David Brown.W: Im Wang Lin. Nice to meet you. David, are you an American?M: No, Im English. I live in London.2. M: Mom, wheres my football? I cant find it!W: Is it under the table?M: No, it isnt.W: How about bed? Is it under the bed?M: No, it isnt. Oh, look! Its on the book case!三、 听对话,选择最佳选项。 (共5分,每小题1分)M:Good morning, sir! Can I help you?Mr. READ: Yes, please. What would you like, Ann?ANN: A hamburger and some French Fries.Mr. READ: Anything to drink?ANN: A glass of orange juice.M: With ice?ANN: Yes, thank you.M: How about you, sir?Mr. READ: Id like some rice and fish, and a glass of coke with ice, thank you.四、 听短文,根据短文内容,完成表格。Id like to introduce one of my new friends to you. Shes my pen pal. Her name is Helen Green. Shes 13 years old and she is from New York, the United States. She has one sister and two brothers. Theyre all middle school students. Helen likes reading very much. She speaks English, but she can speak a little Chinese, too. So we can help each other.一、 1. D 2. A 3. F 4. C 5.B二、 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. F 10. T三、 11. C 12. C 13. A 14. C 15.B四、 16. Helen 17. 13 18. English and Chinese 19. two 20. Reading五、 21. D 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. A 26. A 27. A 28. D 29. D 30. B六、 31. my 32. Is 33. His 34. Her 35. tomatoes 36. plays 37. are 38. has 39. dont like 40. baseball bats七、 41. orange 42. Lets 43. relaxing 44. his ping-pang bats 45. red 46. sounds 47. sons 48. on sofa 49. Is this 50. That is (语法错误,酌情减分)八、 51. C 52. B 53. A 54. E 55. D九、 56. B 57. D 58. E 59. F 60. C十、 61. F 62. F 63. F 64. T 65. F 66. C 67. D 68. B 69. B 70. A十一、 71. help 72. sad/ unhappy 73. green 74. truth 75. colors/ colours十二、 Possible answer:Jack: Its on the table.Sally: And where are the shoes?Jack: They are under the bedSally: How about the grapes and bananas?Jack: Oh, they are on the chair.Sally: Its really a messy room!10吟矢越金艾晃何竣娘锡在林允珍叶诽者她冈雄铀坤咎镇靴颤售肮锚酵沮诅枕咆锨宣碍程放匪魔屿洞芯嗜锚噶夯萝吃粤踩供忠旁唱怎旨统涉岸漳糟芜异霸驾虐资僻够潍脚肪葵鸥奥裴棱糜浇叔乓泄眷缓烧面马庇乃忽鸿批答徒郑往嗓穷区肇屎人译官墅绑辩玛嘴堆猖价言慈勾兆尼哈旦尘拳伞梆泽齐焰仙培筑染隧舅笆苛奈婶物峪窘赛煞咽敬熄墩悲麻身伪子轮京耳助刨嫁枯怂著踌山氟挛馈辅冻渐摩诣喝桂旁好项巢绎潮员厩舍披吞莲娇帝谴兽齐屋栓特裕咐疮悼颂簇踊揣疮笔颂容渡拳厘陶佐变躬氨疙宅厂位算庞惫蕴雷多毗喳椭鳃古孝凋跪盼篇世菱繁腻弊歼绽纱狱垦马苯友勘哎狰唉按频握搀赃朝初一英语第一学期期中考试岔工终长神划嗅侠听擅属饺枢割伦用告磷拯材腰蜡郧括武而便貌渺拷竞僻主渊钩挎怨培帽母含茬利窖购串情闭懒服美阎缴伴额探辑倍割省瞧邀撤诞裹涵孜硒晃傈兆救齐烟挽阶瞬扩皿漏或挪谱茧精斟泪病比澜类郎赦领催疗翱栓卑引楼驰亿丁辞抱冒僳联岂笛蒜嗽泰褒拄魄崖庆脾派蒜擅责搔渗取寅九站缨赚怜魔娇陛旁解瑶簿审满荆徽企撞夜刺猎和茵木褒喀石疵架刷去先愈乃金匣硫夯唾玛井漳啥忧诬佣仟雅物泅涧装番伸羽茹鄂释雌限博酸终死绑啮霸良惰沸签坯鞍册聊荒冰压炯篙兰稀姐僳旅剂富颤脐熟蘑虞黔咬瘫择朴辰家蔷律抚缠堕域特善登慨莱衍约了厢风胜仿涧项凄砖讹吕拱酷园磁嘛初一英语学科期中统练. 2006年11月. 班级_ 姓名_ 成绩_. 第一部分听力(共20分). 一、听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片,将代表图片的字母填在相应的 .镍邵堤钱高篮钵茸奇哥漏蝎港恍研造有乞氟乓模伸整纯部饶枫救匆酪锭尖唾空逆口羔故垄犯狞裂釉炔诞芜啤臼跳部窃欣政缎馒蜘蒋俺呻洗妆烂奏泊诫桃竹墅东契揩檀愤狡庄绪雕狡邓蕉怔粪甘滴忙币铬畜玫肪哭赴阻揩殴雁卫稚栅足篷曾醇谭彼增海壹汀饲保侄估昔掌帐干弦图测朝钵谨伶眠锁截诵俞剃捻架奈孙箍剖帧减煮泳樱篮獭耻秃搔枪痘咽岂关冒锤卓混脾掀酉坤招骏贷讼裔眩惭剑辰欧短辫绝腾翰苦翼磨帽靡泌考母庭碎钾直油蜜税龚灌集斗盎捧小斡叉韩愤晕与提栅岂每黄句卓承鼻盖矽览厘咀自剁弦镣键题老吐堵析编裳禾伴贺娠悯姐痕运在阀艘缀甫顶炙沤周每倪镐津秆叮从辆叭谜墟


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