湖南省高考英语总复习 M9 Unit 3 The meaning of colour课件 牛津译林版

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湖南省高考英语总复习 M9 Unit 3 The meaning of colour课件 牛津译林版_第3页
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Unit3Unit3The meaning of The meaning of colourcolourModule91.starve v. 挨饿 starvation n. 饥饿2.strong adj. 强壮的 strength n. 力气 strengthen v. 加强,巩固,强化3.substitute v. 替换,代替 substitution n. 替换4.oppose v. 反对 opposition n. 反对,对比 opposed adj. 反对的热热 点点 单单 词词5.influence n. 影响 influential adj. 有影响力的,有权势的6.option n. 选择,配件 optional adj. 可选择的,可有可无的7.virtue n. 德行,品德,美德 virtuousadj. 有美德的,正直的8.violent adj. 暴力的,激烈的 violence n. 暴力,剧烈热热 点点 单单 词词1.Our constitution states that all men are equalequal. However, women have yet to achieve full equality with men in the workplace.2.I couldnt toleratetolerate the long hours of study. Luckily, my parents were tolerant of my choice of music.3.As an innocentinnocent child, I can prove my innocence .热热 点点 单单 词词4.It is impossible to overestimate the significance of this discovery, which is highly significantsignificant.5.You cant combinecombine studying for your exams with a wild social life. A combination of factors may result in failure. 热热 点点 单单 词词热热 点点 单单 词词1. equality我们的宪法规定人人平等。然而,妇女仍需争取与男人在工作上的完全平等。2. tolerant我无法忍受长时间地学习。幸运的是,我父母对我选择音乐持宽容的态度。3. innocence我是无辜的,我可以证明自己的清白。4. significance对这次发现的意义怎么高估都不过分。这是一次非常重要的发现。5. combination你不能在备考的同时到处参加社交活动。各种因素的综合可能会导致失败。 根据中文填单词完成句子,每空一词(记忆时,用下列横线上的新单词造句记忆) 在一个国家里贫富不均、饥饿和长期内乱可造成社会动荡。 Inequalities in wealth, starvation and permanent civil wars can cause social unrest in the country.热热 点点 单单 词词重重 点点 短短 语语根据中文写出英文短语1. 不依赖于 be independent of2. 摆脱,去掉 ridof3. 有发言权 have a say4. 追溯到,始于 date back to/date from5. 与相符/一致 correspond to6. 听任,顺从 resign oneself to重重 点点 短短 语语7. 使平静/镇定下来 calm down8. 忠诚于 be loyal to/be faithful to9. 对体贴 be considerate to/towards10. 对坦率直言的be outspoken about11. 与有关联 relate to/associatewith/have a link with12. 爱上 fall in love with1.It tells us something about 告诉我们有关的东西。2.There are many explanations offered for 对于有许多的解释。3.Sth. be regarded as a symbol of 被认为是的象征。重重 点点 句句 型型重重 点点 单单 词词1、 values n. 准则,是非标准,价值观念Not all Asian values are good values just as not all Western values are good values. 不是所有的亚洲价值观都是好的价值观,正如不是所有的西方价值观都是好的价值观一样。The literature of a period reflects its values and tastes. 某一时期的文学可反映出该时期的价值观念和审美观念。重重 点点 单单 词词 value n. 价值,重要性,价格 vt. 评价,估价,重视 valuable adj. 贵重的,有价值的The_value_of most newspaper writing is not long. 大多数新闻报道的价值都不长久。He valued the house for me at 20,000 pounds. 他替我估价那栋房子为两万英镑。This painting is very_valuable. 这幅画非常名贵。重重 点点 单单 词词 He is a teacher _ of great respect.A. value B. worthC. worthwhile D. worthy D (be) worthy of 值得的。重重 点点 单单 词词2、conclusionn. 结论;结尾,结束;推论 Your information is inaccurate, and therefore your conclusion is wrong.你的信息不准确,所以你的结论是错误的。What_conclusion did you come to?你得出了什么结论?重重 点点 单单 词词 bring sth. to an early conclusion 把事情早早地了结 bringto conclusion 使终结 draw a conclusion from 由得出结论 reach / come to / arrive at a conclusion 得出结论 in conclusion 最后, 在结束时 conclude v. 结束, 使结束, 下结论 to be concluded 下期完结(用于杂志的连载文章等) to conclude 总而言之,总之重重 点点 单单 词词用 conclude相关短语的适当形式填空警察得出结论认为他是这桩凶杀案件的凶手。 The police came to / arrived at the conclusion that he was the criminal of the murder.这本书以大团圆作为结局。 The book concluded with a happy ending.他说了一些有趣的话结束他的演说。 He concluded his speech with some amusing remarks.重重 点点 单单 词词3、 opposevt. 反对;反抗;抵抗Father does_not_oppose the idea at all.父亲丝毫不反对这个想法。oppose (doing) sth. 反对(做)某事oppose to / against 反对be opposed to 反对opposition n. 反对,敌手,抵抗重重 点点 单单 词词My mother is opposed to the new plan. 我妈妈是反对这个新计划的。Many residents are_opposed_to the plan of building the motorway. 许多居民反对修建那条高速公路的计划。重重 点点 单单 词词 No other deaf students had applied to a musical school before and some teachers _ my admission.A. supported B. followedC. required D. opposed D 从句子的前半部分看可知那样做引起了一些老师的反对。重重 点点 单单 词词4、correspond vi. 通信;相当;符合,常与介词to,with连用If you correspond regularly, you wont be out of touch. 如果你们定期通信就不会失去联系。The arms of a man correspond_to the wings of a bird. 一个人的双臂相当于鸟的双翼。The written record of our conversation doesnt correspond with what was actually said. 对我们交谈所作的文字记录与我们的原话不符。重重 点点 单单 词词correspondence n. 通信,信件;符合,一致;对应correspondent n. 通讯记者重重 点点 单单 词词 Weve _ each other for years but Ive never actually met him.A. written with B. corresponded withC. communicated to D. competed with B 句意:我们已互相通信多年了,可是我从未见过他本人。用correspond with表示“与通信”;write 与to连用,表示“与通信”; communicate与with连用;compete with与竞争。重重 点点 单单 词词5、strengthen vi.&vt.加强, 增强,巩固 weaken变弱,变衰弱lengthen使延长 soften使软化 loosen放松,解开 thicken使变厚 quicken加快,刺激 shorten使变短 roughen变粗糙 deepen加深,深化 lighten 减轻 harden使变硬 sharpen变尖锐 重重 点点 单单 词词翻译下列短语quicken ones pace加快步伐broaden ones horizons/view拓宽某人的视野enrich ones knowledge 丰富某人的知识enlarge vocabulary扩大词汇量 重重 点点 单单 词词6、tolerate vt.容忍,忍耐,忍受 tolerate (doing) sth. 容忍(做)某事tolerate sb. doing sth. 容忍某人做某事 tolerance of 对宽容;对的忍受能力be tolerant of 对容忍的重重 点点 单单 词词选用正确的介词填空: On the continent people are more tolerant _ children in public places. of句意:在大陆,人们在公众场合更宽容孩子们些。be tolerant of 对容忍的。重重 点点 单单 词词7、have no say in 在没有发言权 have the final say in 在有最终发言权 【注意】have a say 有发言权,其中say只以单数形式出现。如果表示“在方面有发言权”, 常借助于介词 in。重重 点点 短短 语语1、date back to/ date from 追溯到,起源于;始自(某时期)。无被动式,通常用一般现在时态。The temple dates back to the Ming Dynasty. 这座庙宇始建于明代。My grandfathers hobby of collecting old coins dates_from_his_childhood. 我祖父收集古币的嗜好是从孩提时代开始的。重重 点点 短短 语语 The Shaolin Temple, _ has many legends and mysteries surround it, _ AD 495.A. which; dates back toB. where; dates back toC. which; dated back toD. where; dated back to A 关系代词which引导一个定语从句,修饰temple。date back to通常用一般现在时态。重重 点点 短短 语语2、have a link with ( be linked with be related tobe associated withbe connected with have connection with )与有联系 Researchers have concluded that smoking _ with heart disease. A. has an attachment B. has an associationC. has a link D. has a contactC句意:研究者得出结论说抽烟与心脏病有联系。疑疑 难难 句句 型型1、Therefore, the next time you choose an outfit, you should not be arbitrary about what you pick. 因此,下次当你选择外套时,你不应该随心所欲地挑。 此处the next time 充当了时间状语从句的引导词,the next time you choose an outfit相当于when you choose an outfit next time。许多表时间的名词都可以用来引导时间状语从句,除the next time 之外,还有each time, the first time, the moment, the minute, the instant等。疑疑 难难 句句 型型Hed let me down more than once so the_next_time he asked me for a favour I gave him the brushoff. 他已不止一次难为我,因此下次他求我帮忙时,我也让他碰碰钉子。The moment I heard the voice, I knew father was coming. 我一听声音,就知道是父亲来了。重重 点点 短短 语语_ I toured Zhangjiajie, I was deeply impressed with its beautiful scenery.A. For the first timeB. At firstC. It was the first timeD. The first time D句意:第一次我游张家界时,就被美丽的风景深深地吸引了。 疑疑 难难 句句 型型2、A flag tells us something about the country it represents and often symbolizes the origin of that country, along with its values, beliefs and culture. 一面国旗让我们了解它所代表的国家,并常常象征着该国的起源及价值观、信仰和文化。 本句是一个并列复合句,主句谓语是tells和symbolizes,这两个谓语由and连接;省略了关系代词that或which的定语从句it represents修饰the country;介词短语along with引导的成分和逗号前面的the origin of that country之间是并列的关系。The old ladys hand shook frequently. She explained to her doctor _ this shaking had begun half a year before, and _, only because of this, she had been forced to give up her job. A. when; how B. how; when C. how; how D. why; why疑疑 难难 句句 型型 C句意:这位老太太的手经常颤抖。她向医生解释说半年前这颤抖是如何开始的,并如何因这而被迫辞了职。根据half a year before可知第一空不能用when;再根据because of this可知第二空不能用why。故选C。疑疑 难难 句句 型型_ made the school proud was _ more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities. A. What; because B. What; that C. That; what D. That; because 疑疑 难难 句句 型型 B句意:使学校自豪的是百分之九十几的学生都被录进重点大学了。该句为主从复合句,what made the school proud是主语从句,what在从句中充当主语;而that 引导一个表语从句,that在从句中不充当句子成分。 疑疑 难难 句句 型型


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