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TRUE/FALSET 1 . Management is often considered universal because it uses organizational resources to accomplish goals and attain high performanee in all types of profit and not-for-profit organizations.T 2 . Leadership in volves the use of in flue neeto motivate employees to achieve theorganization s goals.F 3 . Organising means defining goals for future organizational performanee and decidi ng on the tasks and resources n eeded to atta in them.F 4. Efficie ncy refers to the degree to which the orga ni zati on achieves a stated objective.F 5. The managers ability to think strategically requires high technicalskillsand a proficiency in specific tasks within an organization.F 6. First-li ne man agers are the man agers who have the resp on sibility for making the significant strategic policy decisions, often with staff managers assisting them in these decisi ons.T 1. The lear ning orga ni zati on is an attitude or philosophy(哲学) about what anorga ni zatio n can become.F 2. The essential idea in a learning organization is efficiency.F 3. As a man ager, Lou prefers to thi nk in terms of con trol over rather tha n control with others. This is in agreement with the idea of a learningorga ni zatio n.T 4. Empowerment means giving employees the power, freedom, knowledge, and skills to make decisi ons and perform effectively.F 5. Theory X and Theory Y, proposed by Douglas McGregor, provide two oppos ing (相反的)views of workers: Theory X recog ni ses that workers enjoy achieveme ntand responsibility,while Theory Y recognises(承认)that workers will avoid workwhe never possible.F 1 、The study of man ageme nt traditi on allyhas focused on factorsexter nal to theorga ni zatio ns.T 2、The general environment and the task environment are the two layers of an organization s external environment.F 3、Customers and competitors are two important sectors of the economic dimension (次元) of a firm s general environment.F 4. Other orga ni zatio nsin the same in dustry or type of bus in ess that provide goodsor services to the same set of customers are referred to as suppliers.F 5. The in ternal environment within which man agers work in cludescorporate (公司的) culture, sociocultural aspects and customers.T 1、Found between the domains(领域)of law and free choice, ethics(道德规范)is the code of moral prin ciples that gover ns any in dividual or group.T 2、Most ethical dilemmas (困境)involve a conflictbetween the needs of the partand the whole.F 3. The four approaches that guide ethical decisi on making are utilitaria n(功力的),in dividualism, moral-rights and objective dualism(双重论)F 4. Free choice lies betwee n the doma ins of codified law and ethics.F 5. Most of the laws guid ing huma n resource man ageme nt are based on thein dividualism approach.F 6. Culture is the only aspect of an orga ni zati on that i nflue nces ethics.T 7. All stockholders of an orga ni zatio n are its stakeholders, but not all stakeholders are its stockholders.F 1、Of the four man ageme nt functions, orga nizing is the most fun dame ntal(根本的) , as everything practical(实际的)stems (血统)from careful organization.T 2. A desired future state that the in dividualor orga ni zati onattempts to realizeis a goal.F 3. Plans specify(歹U举) future ends; goals specify today s means.F 4. The act of determining the organization s goals and the means for achievingthem is called goal sett ing.T 5. Goals and plans are valuable to an organizationbecause they provide legitimacy(合法),ratio nale(基本原理)for decisi ons and an in crease in motivati on(积极性)and commitme nt (承诺).T 6. An organization s mission describes its reason for existenee.T 7. Mission statements often reveal(显示)the company s philosophy as well aspurpose.T 8. Strategic plans and goals are those that focus on where the organizationwantsto be in the future and perta in(属于) to the orga ni zati on as a whole.F 9. Review ing progress is the most difficult step in an MBO process.T 10. Lon g-term pla nning in cludes strategic goals for the overall orga ni zati on.F 1、By far the most difficult decision situation is uncertainty.T 2、A choice made from available alter natives is called a decisi on。F 3 The classical decisi on making model assumes that the decisi on-makeris rati on al,and makes the optimal decision each time.F 4、Decision-making must not be done amid ever-changing factors, unclearin formati on and con flict ing points of view.F 5、According to the Vroom-Jago Model, leaders should be concerned with decision characteristics like a commitme nt requireme nt,problem structure and subord in atecon flict.T 1. Organizational structure refers to the framework in which the organization defi nes the way tasks are divided, resources are deployed and departme nts are coord inated.T 2. Authority is the right to use resources, make decisions and issue orders in an orga ni zati on.F 3. Given the challenges to meet customer needs and adapt to the environment,mostorganizationstoday discourage managers to delegate authority to the lower levels.T 4. The nu mber of employees report ing to a supervisor is his or her spa n of man ageme nt.T 5. An advantage of vertical functional structure is its quick response to external cha nges.T 1、The set of activities that are undertaken to attract, develop and maintain an effective work force is referred to as huma n resource man ageme nt.F 2 、 An in terviewis a on e-way com mun icati on cha nnel that allows the orga ni zati onto obta in in formatio n about the applica nt.T 3、HRpla nning,choos ing recruit ingsources, and select ingthe can didate are thefirst three steps in volved in attract ing an effective work force.T 4、The value of an exit in terview is to provide an excelle nt and in expe nsive tool for lear ning about pockets of dissatisfact ion with in the orga ni zati on and hence for reduci ng future turnover.Multiple ChoiceC 1. The figurehead role in volves:A. motivat ing and com muni cat ing with staffB. in itiat ing(发起)cha ngeC. han dli ng cerem on ial (正式的) and symbolic activitiesD. developing information sources within the organizationE. stay ing well in formed about curre nt affairsB 2. How an orga ni zati on goes about accomplish ing a pla n is a key part of the man ageme nt function of:A. pla nning B. orga nizing C. leadi ngD. con trolli ngE.motivati ngE 3. Which of the following is not a function of management?A. con trolB. pla nC. orga nizeD. LeadE.performa neeA 4. A social entity (本质)that is goal directed and deliberately(慎重地)structuredis referred to as:A. an orga ni zati onB.ma nageme nt C.employeesD.stude nts E.tasksC 5. Which of the followingtypes of skills is the understandingof and proficiencyin the performa nee of specific tasks?A. huma n skill B.leadership skillC.tech nical skillD.co nceptual(概念上的)skillE.social skillE 6. The in formatio nal role, accord ing to Min tzberg, is a(n)role?A. e ntrepre neur(企业家)B.leaderC.figurehead(有名无实的领袖)D.celebratoryE.m on itorto those aspects of a culturethat guide and in flue neeE 1.forces referrelati on ships among people.A. LegalB.Ec ono micC.Political D.PsychologicalE.SocialE 2. Variables (变量)such as interest rates, inflation(通货膨胀)and trade tariffs(关税)are all examples offorces.A.tech no logicalB.political C.social D.socio-educati onalE.none of the aboveD 3. Strategy has traditi on ally bee n the sole(唯一的)A.middle man ageme ntB. project man agersresp on sibility of:(项目经理)C. compa ny acco untantsD. top man agersC 4. During the early twen tieth cen tury, the prevaili ng(普通的) man ageme ntperspective (观点),which emphasised rati on ality(合理性)and a scie ntific approach,was theperspective.A. scie ntific B. behaviouralC. classicalD. qua ntitative E.ParetoC 5. The three subfields(子域) of the classical perspective in clude:A. bureaucraticorganization,quantitativemanagement, and the human relationsmoveme ntB. qua ntitativeman ageme nt, behaviouralscie nee, and adm ini strativeman ageme ntC. admi nistrative man ageme nt, bureaucratic orga ni zatio n, and scie ntific man ageme ntD. scie ntificman ageme nt, qua ntitativeman ageme nt, and admi nistrativeman ageme ntE. none of the aboveemployees are responsible(管理).He is a:A.Theory X man agerB. Theory Y man agerC.Theory Z man agerD. con ti ngency(偶然性)theory man agerE.classical man ager1.Which of these is a part of an orga ni zatio ns internal environment?B 6. Bruce believes his direct ion and supervisi onand able to work without intenseBA. its customersB.its salespeopleD. its suppliersE. its competitorE 2. Theenvironment represe nts (表现)and affects orga ni zati ons.A. task; in directlyB.C.its wage structurethe outer layer of the environmentgen eral; directlyC.intern al; directlyD. intern al; in directly(间接地)s general environment? C. competitorsE.ge neral; in directlyC 3. Which of these is NOT a part of an orga ni zati onA. tech no logicalB. econo micD. l egal-politicalE. socio-culturalD 4. An organization s task environment includes all of the following EXCEPT: A.competitors B. customersC. labor marketss task environment?(手续)demographic (人口统计学的)D.employersE. suppliersA 5. Which of these are in cluded in an orga ni zati onA. suppliers B. acco unting proceduresC. tech no logyD. gover nmentE.characteristicsB 6. Which of the follow ing con sists of demographic factors, such as populati on den sity?A. tech no logical en viro nmentB. sociocultural environmentC. legal-political en vir onment D. i nternal environmentE. econo mic environmentB 7. The represe nts people in the environment who can be hired to workfor the orga ni zati on.A. competitorsB. labour marketC. suppliersD. customersE.gover nmentC 8. Which stateme nt(叙述)below is correct?A. When environment is dyn amic(活跃的),un certa inty is low.B. When the environmen t is un stable(动态的) ,un certa inty is low.C. A dyn amic environment has more un certa inty tha n a stable en viro nment.D. The stability (稳定性)of the environment does not determine the structure of the firm.E. None of the above.A 9. Research has found that a(n)structure works best whe norganizations experience uncertainty.A. flexible(灵活的) B. mecha nistic(机械的)C. i ntuitive(直觉的)D. i norga nicE.rigid(死板的)C 1、Which of theserefers to the code of moral principlesand values that governbehavior with respect to what is right and wrong?A. social resp on sibility B.free domai nC. ethics D. codified lawresp on sibilityE 2. Aroundper cent of adults reach theA. 30 B. 40 C. 50D. 80(编纂法典)E. discretio narylevel three stage ofE. 20(任意的)moral developme nt.culture and shapes en viro nment.A 3. Ethics deals with values that are a part of corporatedecisions concerning social responsibilitywith respect to theA. i nternal/externalB.external/externalC.i nternal/i nternalB 4. The assumption (假设)thatIf it s not illegal,itwhich of the followi ng?A. doma in of codified lawB.domain of ethicsC. doma in of free choiceD.discreti onary resp on sibilityE. domain of symbolismD.exter nal/internalE.none of the abovemust be ethical,C 5. The golde n ruledo unto others as they would do unto youA. an example of the utilitarian approach to ethical behaviourignoresis:B. represe ntative of the moral-justice approach to moral decisi on makingC. an example of the values that guide the in dividualism approach to ethical behaviourD. an age-old piece of advise not to be take n too seriouslyE. an example of the justice approach to ethical behaviourB 6. Individualism is most closely related to:A. social resp on sibilityB. free choiceC. econo mic resp on sibility D. codified lawE.together nessD 7. Sexual harassment (性骚扰)is unethical because it violates (违反)an important part of which approach to ethical behavior?A. the utilitaria n approachB. the in dividualism approachC. the justice approachD. the moral-rights approachE. the defen sive(防御的)approachD 8. Most of the laws guid ing huma n resource man ageme nt are based on the:A. utilitaria n approachB. moral-rights approachC. in dividualism approachD. justice approachE. collectivism(集体主义)approachC 1.A desiredfuture state that an organizationattempts to realise (明白)is calleda( n):A.pla nB. visio n stateme ntC. goalB.D. missi on stateme ntE. ideaA 2specify future ends andspecify today s means.A.Goals, pla nsB. Pla ns, goalsC.Pla nning, orga nisingD. Ideas, behaviours E. Missi on, visi onC 3. Which of these is the act of determining the organization s goals and themeans for achievi ng them?A. orga nisingB.bra in storm ingC.pla nningD.develop ing a missi on E.a bluepri ntB 4. The pla nning process begi ns with which of these?A. the developme nt of operati onal(运作的)goalsB. the development of a mission statementC. com muni cati on of goals to the rest of the orga ni zati onD. a compa ny-wide meeti ngE. brain storm ingD 5. Theis the basis for the strategic level of goals and pla ns whichin turn (空的) shapes theandlevel.A. goal, missi on, tacticalB. operati onal goal, missi on and tactical(策略的)C. objective, operati on al, missi onD. missi on, tactical, operati onalE. tactical pla n, operati on al, missi onA 6.are primarily concerned with tactical goals/pla ns.A.Middle man ageme ntB.Board of directorsC.Con sulta ntsD.Se nior man ageme ntE.Lower man ageme ntD 7. Which of these are primarily resp on sible for strategic goals/pla ns?A.middle man ageme ntC.con sulta nts (咨询者)E.lower man ageme ntD 8. A statement that identifies is known as:A.a goals stateme ntC.an in come stateme ntB.board of directorsD.se nior man ageme ntdistinguishingcharacteristics of an organizationB.a values stateme ntD.a missi on stateme ntE. a competitive-edge stateme ntC 9. The orga ni zati onA. the orga ni zati onC. the orga ni zati onE. the orga ni zati ons reas on for existe nee is known as:s value B. the orga ni zatio n s missi on D.the orga ni zati ons services visio n s goalC 10. We seek to become the major computer maintenance(维修) bus in ess inShanghai is an example of a statement you are most likely to find in the organization s:A. tactical goals C. missio nB.operati onal goalsD.tactical pla nsE.operatio nal pla nsB 11. Goals that defi ne the outcomes that major divisi ons(部门)and departme ntsmust achieve in order for the organization A.strategic goalsB. tactical goalsto reach its overall goals are called:C. operati onal goalsD. a missi onE. a pla nA 12. Specific results expected from in dividuals are called:A.operati onal goalsB.tactical goalsC. strategic goalsD.operati onal pla nsstateme ntsD 13.goals lead to the attai nment(成就)ofin turn lead to the atta inment ofgoals.A.Operati on al, strategic, tacticalB. Tactical,E.missi ongoals, whichoperati on al, strategicC. Strategic, tactical, operati onalD. Operati on al, tactical, strategicE. None of the aboveA 14. The first step in the MBO process is:A. setti ng goalsB. develop ing action pla nsC. apprais ing (评价)overall performa neeD. review ing progressE. relia nt (依赖) on the objectives, which should be laid dow n(制定)firstA 15. The final step in the MBO process is to:A.appraise overall performa neeB.develop an actio n pla nC. review progressD.set goalsE. conduct periodic checkups(周期的审查)C 16. Con ti nge ncy (偶然性)pla ns are:A. pla ns that are developed to achieve a set of goals that are un likely to be repeated in the futureB. pla ns that used to provide guida nee for tasks performed repeatedly with in the orga ni zati onC. pla ns that defi ne compa ny resp on ses to specific situati ons, such as emerge ncies or setbacksD. most importa nt in the orga ni zati onsE. none of the aboveA 1.A choice made from available alter natives is known as a.A. decisi onB.pla nC. pla nnedgoalD. tacticE.strategyC 2.The lowest possibility of failure is associated with the condition of:A. ambiguityB. un certa intyC.certa in tyD. RiskE. two of the aboveC 3.The classical model of decisi on making is based onassumpti ons.A. philosophicalB. irrati onalC. econo micD. uncertaintyE.in dustrialC 4.Which of these is the first step in the man agerial decisi on making process?A.evaluati on and feedbackB.developme nt ofalter nativesC. recog niti on of decisi on requireme ntD.diag no sis and an alysis ofcausesE. selecti on of desired alternativesA 5.Feedback is importa nt because:A. decisi on making is a continu ous processB .it provides decisi on-makers with new in formatio nC. it helps determ ine if a new decisi on n eeds to be madeD. all of the aboveE. B and C onlyC 1. Which of these refers to the deployment of organizationalresources to achievestrategic goals?A. pla nningB. con troll ingC. orga nisingD. leadi ngE. strategic man ageme ntC 2. Strategy defi nesto do while orga nising defi nesto do it.A. how, what B. how, whyC. what, howD. what, whyE. whe n, whatB 3. Orga ni zatio n structure is defi ned as:A. the visual represe ntatio n of the orga ni zati onB. the framework in which the organizationdefinedare deployed, and departme nts are coord in atedhow tasks are divided, resourcesC. the divisi on of labourD. the unbroken line of authority that linksallindividualsin the organizationE. none of the aboveC 4.is the formal and legitimaterightof a manager to make decisions.A. Delegati onB. Resp on sibilityC. AuthorityD. LeadershipE. Span of man ageme ntB 5. Which of these means that each employee is held acco un table to only one supervisor?A. scalar prin cipleB. unity of comma ndC. work specialisati onD. divisi on of labourE. spa n of man ageme ntC 6 . the orga ni zati on.mea ns that decisi on authority is located n ear theofA. Cen tralizatio n, bottomB. Decen tralizati on, topC. Cen tralizati on, topD. Centralization, middleE. None of the aboveD 7. Which of the followi ng is a con temporary approach to structural desig n in departme ntalizati on?A. functional B. divisi onal C. MatrixD. teams E. geographic-basedE 8. Advantages of the matrix structure include:A. It in creases employee participati on.B. It makes efficie nt use of huma n resources.C. It works well in a cha nging environment.D. It develops both gen eral and specialist man ageme nt skills.E. All of the above.A 9. An adva ntage of the divisi onal structure is:A. concern for customers needs is highB. there is little duplicati on of services across divisio nsC. there is good coord ination across divisionsD. top management retains tight control of the organizationE. there is no competiti on for corporate resourcesD 10. Disadva ntages of the n etwork approach in clude:A. a lack of han ds-on con trolB. the possibility of losing an important part of the organizationC. weake ned employee loyaltyD. all of the aboveE. A and C onlyE 1. Which of the following is an example of organizational change?A. the switch to a new product ion methodB. the decisi on to offer a new product lineC. the in troduct ions of a new pay for performa nee systemD. all of the aboveE. A and B onlyA 2.The adopti on of a new idea or behaviour by an orga ni zati on is known asorga ni zati on al:A.


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