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1 / 5范文最新推荐优秀毕业生英文简历范文RESUME Perso nal In formatio n: Family Name:WangGiven Name: Bin Date of Birth: July 12, 1971 Birth Place: Beiji ng Sex:Male Marital Status: Unm arried Teleph one: (010)62771234 Pager:99900-1234567E-mail: Work Experienee:Nov. 1998- presentCCIDE Inc, as a director of software development and web publishing .Orga ni zed and atte nded trade shows (Comdex 99). Summer of 1997BIT Compa ny as a tech ni cia n ,desig ned various websites . Designed andmaintained the website of our division independentlyfrom s electingsuitable materials, contentediting to designing webpage by FrontPage, Photoshop and Java as well ;Education: 1991 - August 1996 Dept.ofAutomation,Tsinghua University, B.E.Achievements & Activities:Preside nt and Foun der of the Costumer Committee Established the orga nizati on as a member of BIT Preside ntofCom mun icatio ns for the Marketi ng Associatio n Represe ntative in theStudent Association Computer Abilities: Skilled in use of MS Fron tpage,Win 95/NT, Sun, JavaBea ns, HTML, CGI, JavaScript, Perl, Visual Interdev,Distributed Objects, CORBA,C, C , Project 98, Office 97, Ratio nal RequisitePro, Process, Pascal, PL/Iand SQL software En glish Skills: Have a good commancbf both spokenand written English .Past CET-6, TOEFL: 623; GRE: 2213 Others:Aggressive, i ndepe nde nt and be able to work un der a dyn amic en vironment. Have coord in atio nskills,teamwork spirit. Studious nature and dedication are mygreatest stre ngths.两则会计英文简历会计英文简历范文一 I wasborn on December 6, 1967 in Shijiazhua ng, the largest city inHebei, Chin a. I lived there un til completio n of senior high school study in1984. In September 1984, I was admitted to Tianjin Finance and EconomicsCollege after successful performa nee in the competitive college entranceexam in ati on.In the four years that followed, I studied in the Departme nt of Acco un ti ngand Statistics of that college and obta ined a diploma in June 1988. InAugust 1988. I began to work in bus in ess and was an assista nt at Da Xi ngEn terprise Corp. Si nee November 1980, I have bee n worki ng with Electronic Memories & Magnetics Corp. At first. I was a junior accountant;then successively I became assistantto AccountingManager,accountant, and senior accountant (presentposition).The范文最新推荐attached Pers onal Data gives a detailed acco unt of my work3 / 5experiences.As a result of my six and a half years ofexperience in accounting. I have become thoroughly familiar with acco un ting operati ons in mediumsize bus in ess firms. This, however, can notsatisfy my ambition and desire for knowledge. To meet the n eeds of careerdevelopme nt in the future, I have decided to continue myeducation.Myplans are first to complete baccalaureate study, and the n to work towardan MBA degree in the field of acco un ti ng. Most bus in ess firms in Chinaareexpa nding, and manynew compa nies are being set up every mon th. Myproposed study will no doubt rein forcemy qualificatio nfora more gainful executive positi on.会计英文简历范文二Ihave bee n told by Mr.Joh n L.Pak,Credit Man ager, The Busin essBook Publishing,NewYork,with whom I believe you areacqua in ted,that you are expect ing to make some additi ons to your accounting staff in Juneshould like to be con sidered an applicant for one ofthese positions. You can see from the data sheet that is en closed with thisletter that I have had five years of varied experie nce in the book bus iness.The compa nies for which I have worked have give n me permissi on torefer you to them for informationabout the quality of the workI did while in their employ. My work was in the credit departme nt and in theacco un ti ng departme nt in both compa nies,with some experie nee also ininven tory con trol. I n both positions,I have been assigned with the dailyofficeadministration.Thecourses taken at Central Commercial and theBronx Community College specifically prepare me for doing the acco untingrequired in your departme nt. I hope that you will give me an in terview atsome time convenient to youf there is further informationthat youwish in the meantime,please letme knowcan always be reached at the address give n at the begi nning ofthis letter. Very truly yoursHOTELCLERK OBJECTIVE: To con tributedeveloped customer relatio ns and admi nistrative skills to a challengingin a hotel. SUMMARYOF QUALIFICATIONS:Developed in terpers onal skills,hav ing dealt with a diversity ofclients,professionalsand staff members. Detail-andgoal-orie nted. Fun cti onwell in high-stressatmosphere.Knowledgeable on both EECO and APTEC computers systems. CAREERHISTOR Y 1992-Prese nt THE OLIVER HOTEL,Whitewater,KS Hotel ClerkResolved guests n eeds.C on trolledreservati onin pututilizi ngEECO computersystem.Ha ndledincoming范文最新推荐calls.Maintaineddaily reports involvingreturn guests ,corporateacco un ts,a ndsuiteren tals.I nspectedrooms.5 / 51988-1991 WALDENHOTEL,Walto n,KSHotel Clerk Trai nedpers onn el.Ha ndled teleph on e,i ntern atio nal fax and telex book in gs.Maintained daily and mon thly reports track ing dema nds and guara nteedno-show billi ng.Utilized APTEC computer for in putti nggroup booki ngand lists.1986-1987 WALDENHOTEL,Walto n,KSSales AssociateAssistedcustomers.Mai ntai nedstock.Ope ned/closedshop.Tracked bestsellingnovels,andmade recommendations to customers.1983-1985 BETHEL COLLEGE,North Newton,KSSecretaryResp on sibleforgen eralclerical duties.Resolvedinquiries.Assistedin locatingguest speakers. EDUCATIONBETHAN YCOLLEGE,Li ndsborg,KSBachelor ofScie nce;Sociology,1983 PREFERENCES Furnished upo n request. Candidatescustomerrelati onsandadmi nistrativeskills,esse ntialin the hotel/hospitalityfield,areemphasized throughout the resume. Education is de-emphasized becausecan didates work history is strong.


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