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The modern period 现代时期 the second American Renaissance, the expatriate移居海外 movement, the Lost Generation, 迷茫的一代 a transformation from order to disorder Seize the day, enjoy the present, 及时行乐 spiritual wasteland, collective unconscious,psychoanalysis Imagist movement, Jazz Age 应用 名词解释:迷惘的一代,意象派诗歌,象征主义,表现主义,意识流 荒原意识在美国20世纪文学中的反映 地铁站一瞥盟约河商的妻子:主题、意象、语言 弗洛斯特的自然诗 摘苹果后未选择的路雪夜停马在林边:主题、 象征与比喻、语言 毛猿第八场:主题结构、表现主义和象征主义手 了不起的盖茨比第三章:主题结构、人物刻画、语言风格 age: second half of the 19th century to early decades of the 20th century background: (1)the U.S. has become the most powerful country (2)technological revolution (3)a decline in moral standard, a spiritual wasteland, feelings of fear, loss, disorientation and disillusionment influencing ideas: (1)the same as English Modern period: Karl Marx, Darwin, Freud (2)stream of consciousness: modernisms features: literature: convey a vision of social breakdown and moral decay writer: develop techniques that could represent a break with the past. modernistic works are discontinuity and fragmentation The differences between Modernism America and England (1)American writers emphasize the concrete sensory images or details as the direct conveyor of experience (2)modern fiction employ the first narration or confine the reader to the central consciousness or one characters point of view common ground: directness, compression, vividness, sparing of words The idea of “seize the day” or “enjoy the present ” was pervasive, as opposed to placing all hope in the future.“ 及时行乐”的思想十分横行,他们不把希望寄托在将来。 The most recognizable literary movement that gave rise to the twentieth century American literature, or we may say, the second American Renaissance, is the expatriate movement. 美国20世纪的文学运动,也可说是美国第二次文艺复兴,就是移居国外的运动。 These writers were later named by an American writer, Gertrude Stein, also an expatriate, “The Lost Generation”. (why)-Disillusioned and disgusted by the frivolous greedy, and heedless way of life in America, they began to write and they wrote from their own experiences in the war. 这些作家后来被美国作家斯坦恩称为“迷惘的一代”(原因)-由于他们已厌倦美国那种轻浮,贪婪的生活,于是开始动手写下他们的战争经历。 Ezra Pounds role as a leading spokesman of famous Imagist Movement in the history of American literature. 庞德在美国文学史上意象派运动中是个重要的人物。 F.Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, and William Faulkner are considered to be the masters in the field of American fiction. 费兹杰拉德,海明威和福克纳被认为是美国小说大师。 ONeill is remembered for his tragic view of life and most of his plays are about the root, the truth of human desires and human frustrations. 奥尼尔以对生活的悲剧性观点而著称。他的大多数剧本都是有关人类欲望和挫折根本原因的。 J.D.Salingers The Catcher in the Rye is regarded as a students classic .塞林杰的麦田里的守望者被认为是学生的经典作品。 In general terms, much serious literature written from 1912 onwards attempted to convey a vision of social breakdown and moral decay and the writers task was to develop techniques that could represent a break with the past. Thus, the defining formal characteristics of the modernistic works are discontinuity and fragmentation. 总之,1912年以后许多严肃文学都力图表达社会崩溃,道德沦丧的观点,作家也使用新技巧,告别老传统。 A typical modern work will seem to begin arbitrarily, to advance without explanation, and to end without resolution. 现代文学的典型特征是开端任意,发展不做解释以及没有结果的收场。 There are shifts in perspective, voice, and tone, but the biggest shift is from the external to internal, from the public to the private, from the chronological to the psychic, from the objective description to the subjective projection.作品在现实,语气上较前有变化,其中最大的变化是从描写外部世界转到内部世界,从公众生活转到私生活描写,从时间线索转到以心理感觉为线索,从客观描述转到主观渲染。 Traditional fiction featured an authoritative narrator in telling a story, while modern fiction tended to employ the first person narration or limit the reader to the “central consciousness” or one characters point of view.传统小说强调叙述的人物的权威性和可信性,而现代小说叙述的总是用第一人称,或者把读者限制到“中心的意识”上或以一个人物的视线进行叙述。 有关的习题: Analyze the background of the Modern Period. (1) The U.S. participated in The First World War marked a crucial stage in the nations evolution/development to a world power. (2) The technology has brought about great changes in the life of the American people. (P544) The ideology analyses about the people and especially the authors. (The ideology analysis of The Lost Generation) (1) People became less certain about what might arise in this changing world and more cynical about accepted standards of honesty and morality. The idea of seize the day or enjoy the present was pervasive. (2) There was a decline in moral standard and the first few decades of the twentieth century was described as a spiritual wasteland. The censor/standard of a great civilization being destroyed or destroying itself, social breakdown, and individual powerlessness and hopelessness became part of the American experience as a result of the First World War, with resulting feelings of fear, loss, disorientation and disillusionment. (3) Disillusioned and disgusted by the frivolous, greedy, and heedless way of life in America, they began to write and they wrote from their own experience in the war. (4) The sense of loss and despair prevails among the post-war generation who are physically and psychologically scarred; Faulkner creates his own mythical kingdom that mirrors not only the decline of the Southern society but also the spiritual wasteland of the whole American society. (5) The world is even more disintegrating and fragmentary and people are even more estranged and despondent. (6) These writers shared almost the same belief that human beings are trapped in a meaningless world and that neither God nor man can make sense of the human condition. (7) In general terms, much serious literature written from 1912 onwards attempted to convey a vision of social breakdown and moral decay and the writers task was to develop techniques that could represent a break with the past. (P545-552) List some characteristic writers you know in the Modernism. (1) The spirit of frivolity and carelessness is brought vividly to life in The Great Gatsby (1925). (2) Faulkners footsteps in portraying the decadence and evil in the Southern society in a Gothic manner. (3) Salinger is considered to be a spokesman for the alienated youth in the post-war era and his The Catcher in the Rye is regarded as a students classic. (4) ONeill is remembered for his tragic view of life and most of his plays are about the root, the truth of human desires and human frustration. (P548-549) What are the styles of the modernists in writing? (1) The defining formal characteristics of the modernistic works discontinuity and fragmentation. (2) The biggest shift is from the external to the internal, from the public to the private, from the chronological to the psychic, from the objective description to the subjective projection. (3) Modern American writers in general emphasize the concrete sensory images or details as the direct conveyer of experience. (4) Their language is direct, compressive, vivid and sparing of words. (5) Modern fiction tended to employ the first person narration or limit the reader to the central consciousness or one characters point of view. This limitation accorded with the modernistic vision that truth does not exist objectively but is the product of a personal interaction with reality. (P552-553) Some theories and ideologies influenced the Modernists, what are they? (1) Darwinism; (2) Karl Marxs scientific socialism; (3) Freuds unconsciousness and psychoanalysis; (4) William James stream of consciousness; (5) Carl Junes collective unconscious, archetypal symble. (P546)Ezra Pound埃兹拉.庞德 Before graduating from university, he had mastered nine language. 大学毕业前已掌握了九门语言。 Pounds poetic works include twelve volumes of verse which were later collected and published in Collected Early Poems of Ezra Pound, and Personae.庞德的诗作包括十二卷诗集,后以埃兹拉.庞德早期诗集,人物的书名出版。 “The point of Imagism” , Pound wrote in 1914, “is that it does not use images as ornaments. The image itself is the speech. The image is the word beyond formulated language”.庞德曾于1914年写道:“意象主义的实质是意象不是装饰,意象本身就是语言。意象是超语言形式的词汇”。 The poet, he argued, cannot relate a delightful psychic experience by speaking out directly in the first person: he must “screen himself” and speak indirectly through an impersonal and objective story, which is usually a myth or a piece of the earlier literature, or a “mask”, that is, a persona.他认为,诗人不能直接用第一人称叙述心理感受,必须“把自己笼罩起来”,通过客观的非人格化的故事间接说话,那就是神话或文学典故。 Ezra Pounds contribution to American literature: Pound was one of the most important poets and critics of his time and he was regarded as the father of modern American poetry. He is a leading spokesman of the Imagist Movement, which though short-lived, had a tremendous influence on modern poetry. Pound endorsed the groups three main principles: 庞德提出诗歌改革的三个原则: 1.direct treatment of poetic subjects, 直接处理诗歌主题; 2.elimination of merely ornamental or superfluous words, 舍去装饰浮华的词藻; 3.and rhythmical composition in the sequence of the musical phrase rather than in the sequence of a metronome.诗歌应有有机节奏,不要单词重复。 Ezra Pounds poetic subjects or themes: Pounds earlier poetry is saturated with the familiar poetic subjects that characterize the 19th century Romanticism: songs in praise of a lady, songs concerning the poets craft, love and friendship, death, the transience of beauty and the permanence of art. 庞德的早期诗歌充满表现19世纪浪漫主义特色的为人熟知的诗题:歌颂女性,有关诗人自己的诗,爱情与友谊,死亡,美丽的易逝和艺术的常青。 Later he is more concerned about the problems of the modern culture: the contemporary cultural decay and the possible sources of cultural renewal as well. Take his epic poem, The Cantos, for example. Pound traces the rise and fall of eastern and western empires, the moral and social chaos of the modern world, especially the corruption of America after the heroic time of Jefferson. 后来,他更关注现代文化问题:当代文化的堕落以及文化更新的可能途径。以诗章为例,庞德追溯东西方帝国的兴亡,现代世界道德和社会的混乱,尤其是美国自杰斐逊后的腐败。 选读作品: In a Station of The Metro在地铁站 One-image poem; a modern adoption of the Japanese haiku This poem is an observation of the poet of the human faces seen in a Paris subway station.Pound attempts to produce the emotion he felt when he walked down into a Paris subway station and suddenly saw a number of faces in the dim light. To capture the emotions, Pound uses the image of petals on wet, black boughs. The River-Merchants Wife: A Letter船商的妻子:一封信 an adaption from the Chinese of Li Po named Rihaku in Japaness This is a verse letter in which the speaker communicates indirectly, by means of vivid images and shifting tones, the history of her feelings for her absent husband to whom she writes. A pact(free verse)合同 Some agreement between Whitmanesque free verse In this poem,Pound started to find some agreement between Whitemanesque free verse, which he had attacked for its carelessness in composition, and the verse libre of the Imagists who showed more concern for formal values. the Imagist Movement意向主义运动 Led by the American poet Ezra Pound, Imagist Movement is a poetic movement that flourished in the U.S. and England between 1909-1917. 以美国诗人庞德领导,意向主义运动在1909-1917年间在美国和英国展开。It advances modernism in arts which concentrated on reforming the medium of poetry as opposed to Romanticism, especially Tennysons wordiness and high-flown language in poetry.这一运动推动了现代派艺术的发展。在诗歌中,反对浪漫主义尤其是丁尼生的精工细琢夸夸其谈的语言,主张改革诗歌的媒体。Pound endorsed three main principles as guidelines for Imagism, including direct treatment of poetic subjects, elimination of merely ornamental or superfluous words, and rhythmical composition in the sequence of the musical phrase rather than in the sequence of a metronome. 庞德提出诗歌改革的三个原则,直接处理诗歌主题,舍去装饰浮华的词藻,诗歌应有有机节奏,不要单词重复。The primary Imagist objective is to avoid rhetoric and moralizing, to stick closely to the object or experience being described, and to move from explicit generalization. The leading poets are Ezra Pound, Wallace Stevens, D.H.Lawrence, etc. Pounds famous one-image poem In a Station of the Metro would serve as a typical example of the Imagist ideas.Robert Lee Frost 罗伯特.李.弗罗斯特 Frost is an important poet in the 20th century .He won the Pulitzer Prize four times and read poetry at the inauguration就职典礼of President John F. Kennedy in 1961. His pomes contains “Mending the Wall”, “The Road Not Taken”, “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”(speakers choice between safety and the unknown),and “After Apple-Picking”.他的诗包括补墙,未选择的路,雪夜林边停(作者在安全和未知之中留下了朦胧的诗味)和摘苹果后。 特色: The Pulitzer Prize winner on four occasions; a serious poet idea: a momentary瞬间的 stay against confusion, like Wordsworth profound ideas are delivered under the disguise伪装 of the plain language and the simple form; combined traditional verse forms with a clear American local speech rhythm; semi-free or semi-conventional 选读作品: After Apple-Picking摘了苹果之后 a mans best efforts ever satisfy God This poem is so vivid a memory of experience on the farm in which the end of labor leaves the speaker with a sense of completion and fulfillment yet finds him blocked from success by winters approach and physical weariness. The Road Not Taken没有走的路 uncertainty of the speakers choice between safety and unknown(meditative) took the one less travelled by and that has made all the differenceIn this meditative poem, the speaker tells us how the course of his life was determined when he came upon two roads that diverged in a wood. Forced to choose, he took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening雪夜林边逗留 This is a deceptively simple poem in which the speaker literally stops his horse in the winter twilight to observe the beauty of the forest scene, and then is moved to continue his journey. pastoral life and scene Though he is generally considered a regional poet whose subject matters mainly focus on the landscape and people in New England, he wrote many poems that investigate the basic themes of mans life in his long poetic career: the individuals relationships to himself, to his fellow-man, to his world, and to his God.虽然他总的来说是一位地方诗人,他的诗主要写的是新英格兰的风光和人物,但他在长期的做诗生涯中对人类生活的基本主题有所探索,探讨了个人对自己,对别人,对世界以及对上帝的关系。Eugene ONeill尤金.奥尼尔 ONeills first full-length play, HBeyond the orizon made a great hit and won him the first Pulitzer Prize. 奥尼尔第一部全剧天外边上演,这部作品轰动一时并为他赢得了普利莱奖。 Between 1920 and 1924 came his prominent achievements in symbolic expressionism: eg .The Hairy Ape. These plays are daring forays into race relations, class conflicts, sexual bondage, social critiques, and American tragedies on the Greek model.1920至1924年期间他的象征表现主义获得了空前的成就:如毛猿,这些作品中大胆涉猎了种族关系,阶级冲突,性的束缚,社会批评及希腊模式的美国悲剧。 Such as The Great God Brown, which fuses symbolism, poetry, and the affirmation of a pagan idealism to show how materialistic civilization denies the life-giving impulses and destroys the genuine artist.如伟大的布朗,它将象征主义,诗歌和异教徒理想主义的证实融合到一起来表现物质文明是如何否认给予生命的冲动和摧毁天才艺术家的。 The Iceman Cometh proves to be a masterpiece in the way it is a complex, ironic, deeply moving exploration of human existence, written out of a profound insight into human nature and constructed with tremendous skill and logic.冰人来了以其复杂,讽刺,对人类生存的深刻感人的探讨,以及用深邃的洞察力对人性的探讨,并应用了大量的技巧和逻辑证实了这部作品是部杰作。 特色和影响: Is unquestionably Americans greatest playwright; won the Pulitzer Prize four times; the only dramatist ever to win a Nobel Prize; founder of the American drama美国戏剧之父 Characters seek meaning and purpose in their lives through love or religion or revenge. The result is disappointment or despair. Use expressionism表现主义; dialect方言, spell words indicate a particular accent or manner of speech 他作品的主题: Of all the plays ONeill wrote most of them are tragedies, dealing with the basic issues of human existence and predicament: life and death, illusion and disillusion, alienation and communication, dream and reality, self and society.在奥尼尔所有的作品中,多数是悲剧,处理的是人类生存和困境这些基本论点:生与死,幻觉和幻灭,疏远和交流,梦想和现实,自我和社会,欲望和挫折。 选读:毛猿The Hairy Ape concerns the problem of modern mans position. 这部剧本涉及到现代人的归属问题 Yanks sense of belonging nowhere is a typical of the mood of isolation and alienation in the early twentieth century in the US and the whole world as well. “The Hairy Ape”-Yank-brutal, stupid, and profane is the recognized leader of the stokers, who are the ultimate products of a society subservient to machines. “毛猿”-扬克,残忍,愚蠢并且猥亵,被认为是采矿工人的头,他是社会屈从于机器后的最终产物。F.Scott Fitzgerald菲茨杰拉德 His masterpiece The Great Gatsby, which made him one of the greatest American novelists.他的巨著了不起的盖茨比是他成为杰出的美国小说家。 he is often acclaimed literary spokesman of the Jazz Age, Dollar Decade, 1920s 他被认为是早期爵士乐时代的文学代言人 a great stylist; using the scenic舞台的 method; accurate detail A double vision of the Jazz Age, both an insider and an outsiderAmerican Dream 了不起的盖茨比The Great Gatsby narrator陈述者: Nick Carraway symbolic of an obscenely污秽的 futile无用的 world “The Great Gatsby”-At the end of the story, Nick broods over Gatsbys dream and decides to go back home to the West. Gatsby is a mythical figure whose intensity of dream partakes of a state of mind that embodies America itself. Gatsbys failure magnifies to a great extent the end of the American Dream. 了不起的盖茨比-小说在结束时,尼克对盖茨比的梦想进行了沉思后决定回到西部老家去。盖茨比是个神话般人物,他的强烈的梦想是整个美国当时心态的反映。盖茨比的失败表明了美国之梦的破灭。 He drank and did crazy things after he got drunk, whereas staying sober enough to see the corruptive nature of the society and the vanity fair that everyone, including himself, was infatuated with.他酗酒,并且酒后做出许多出轨的事,但又能沉静的看出包括他自己在内的那个时代社会的本质和虚荣。 Fitzgeralds fictional world is the best embodiment of the spirit of the Jazz Age, in which he shows a particular interest in the upper-class society.菲兹杰拉德的小说世界是爵士时代精神的最佳体现。 But beneath their masks of relaxation and joviality there was only sterility, meaninglessness and futility, and amid the grandeur and extravagance a spiritual wasteland and a hint of decadence and moral decay.但在轻松享乐后留下的只是颓废和一无所取。在物质的奢华后是一片精神的荒原和道德沦丧。Ernest Hamingway欧内斯特.海明威 A Nobel Prize winner for literature No wonder Hemingway was highly praised by the Nobel Prize Committee for “his powerful style-forming mastery of the art” of creating modern fiction. 诺贝尔文学奖评委会是这样评价他的:他的简短有力的艺术风格开创了现代小说。 (The Sun Also Rises-The Lost Generation)太阳照样升起 (A Farewell to Arms-Frederick Henry)永别了武器 (For Whom the Bell Tolls-Robert Jordan)丧钟为谁而鸣 (The Old Man and the Sea-Santiago)老人与海 The Sun Also Rises is Hemingways first true novel. It casts light on a whole generation after the First World War and the effects of the war by way of a vivid portrait of “The Lost Generation,” a group of young Americans who left their native land and fought in the war and later engaged themselves in writing in a new way about their own experiences.太阳照样升起是海明威成熟的作品,通过“迷惘的一代”人的形象塑造,表现了一战后整个一代人的精神面貌以及一战给人们带来的影响。(迷惘的一代:一群离开祖国,参加战争的美国青年,战后开始动手写下他们的战争经历) Hemingways second big success is A Farewell Arms. Frederick Henry, who is wounded in war and disillusioned with insanity and futility of the universe. In this novel, Hemingway not only emphasizes his belief that man is trapped both physically and mentally, but goes to some lengths to refute the idea of nature as an expression of either Gods design or his beneficence and to suggest that man is doomed to be entrapped.永别了.武器是海明威第二步成名作。Frederick Henry在战争中受了伤,对世界的非理性无法理解。在这部小说里,作者不但强调了人类在肉体和精神上都受难的观点,而且驳斥了自然和上帝的善,表明人类被命运投入了火坑。 For Whom the Bell Tolls and The Old Man and the Sea tell more about the later Hemingway. 丧钟为谁敲响和老人与海是反映海明威后期思想的作品。 1. Hemingway hero海明威式英雄 grace under pressure he is with the honesty, the discipline, and the restraint. man always fights a losing battle of life,but never lose dignit


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