湖南省高考英语总复习 M6 Unit 4 Helping people around the world(2)课件 牛津版译林版

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湖南省高考英语总复习 M6 Unit 4 Helping people around the world(2)课件 牛津版译林版_第1页
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湖南省高考英语总复习 M6 Unit 4 Helping people around the world(2)课件 牛津版译林版_第2页
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湖南省高考英语总复习 M6 Unit 4 Helping people around the world(2)课件 牛津版译林版_第3页
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Unit 4Unit 4Helping people Helping people around the worldaround the worldModule6重重 点点 短短 语语3、look up 查找,抬头He looked up, but didnt see anything.他抬头,却什么也没有看到。Can you look up the time of the next train?你查一查下一班火车的时间好吗?重重 点点 短短 语语与look有关的词组:look after 照管,照料look at 看望,注视look back 回顾,回头看look down on 看不起,轻视look for 寻找,寻求look forward to 盼望,期待look in 顺便看望重重 点点 短短 语语look into 调查,观察,过问,窥视look on 旁观,观看;看待;视作look out (for) 留神,注意,提防,警惕look over 检查,查看,调查look through 浏览,温习look up 查阅;寻找(某人)look up to 尊敬,敬仰重重 点点 短短 语语 Is it good to _ every word when I come across it in reading? No, you dont have to because you are likely to guess the meaning from the context.A. look into B. look outC. look up D. look over C 查找,查阅。重重 点点 短短 语语4、force sb. to do 强迫某人做Nobody can force me to do anything. 没有人能强迫我做任何事。He forced the little boy to open the door. 他迫使这个小男孩打开门。重重 点点 短短 语语(1) 表示“使某人做”的表达方式还有:force sb. into doing; make sb. do; have sb. do; doby force等。同时,force sb. into / out of / onto等,其后可直接跟名词。重重 点点 短短 语语I managed to force the truth out of him. 我设法迫使他说出了真相。Two young men forced_me_into_their_car. 两个年轻人迫使我上了他们的车。(2) political / economic forces 政治 / 经济力量 the forces of nature 大自然的力量 the force of gravity 地球引力重重 点点 短短 语语5、辨析 if only, only if(1)if only 如果多好,要是就好了。常用虚拟语气。If only one had an unlimited supply of money.要是能财源不断就好了。(2)only if 只有当,只有在的时候。引导的是客观条件状语从句,若这个从句位于句首,主句需要用部分倒装语序。重重 点点 短短 语语Only if I get a job in the summer will_I_have enough money to go on my education next term. 我只有在暑假打到一份工,下学期才会有足够的学费(上学)。The company will succeed only_if it can have sufficient backing. 只有当这家公司获得足够的资助,它才会成功。重重 点点 短短 语语 _ a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to enter the classroom.A. If only B. Only ifC. As if D. Even if B 根据后面的主句is a student allowed to运用了倒装句可知,且全句的意思也是“只有当学生得到了老师的准许后才可以进入教室”。重重 点点 短短 语语6、break down 出毛病,不运转;(身体)垮掉;瓦解,破除;中止,分解The workers are having a rest, as the machine is broken_down. 由于机器出了故障,工人们暂时在休息。You will one day break down if you are always working so hard. 如果你总是如此辛勤地劳动,总有一天会病倒的。重重 点点 短短 语语break away 突然离开break away from sb. 脱离,离开,背弃break forth 迸发,爆发,发泄break in 闯进,打断break in/with/on 打断某人的谈话break into 闯入,侵占breakinto pieces 打碎break off 折断,突然中断;脱落;断绝;解除重重 点点 短短 语语breakopen 撬开break out (战争、火灾等)突然发生,爆发;叫嚷;使做准备,取出,倒空break through 突破break up 开垦,破碎,解散,分解break with sb. 与某人断交break sb.s heart 使某人心碎重重 点点 短短 语语 Plastics and other similar rubbish that doesnt _ may be thrown into the sea anywhere.A. break down B. break awayC. break off D. break through A 根据短语的意思以及句中的意思“那些不易分解 / 打碎的垃圾”可知break down 为最佳答案。 重重 点点 短短 语语7、refer to 提到;涉及;描述;参考;归功于 to是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。refer过去式、过去分词和现在分词形式是referred, referred; referring。When I said someone was not so clever, I didnt refer to_you. 我说某人不够聪明,我不是指你。重重 点点 短短 语语I would like to comment on the aspect referred_to in your article. 我想就你文章中提到的那个方面作一评论。Some people refer all the troubles to bad luck instead of lack of ability. 一些人把所有的问题归因于运气不好而不是能力不足。He never refers_himself_to_us when he has difficulties. 他有困难时从不求助于我们。重重 点点 短短 语语Once a decision has been made, all of us should _ it.A. direct to B. stick toC. lead to D. refer to B “决定一旦做出,我们所有人都应该坚持。”direct to“把(注意力、精力)贯注在上”;stick to“坚持、忠于”;lead to“通向、导致”;refer to“指;涉及;查阅;针对;提交作处理/决定;(把)归因/归功于;向求助”。根据句意,选B。重重 点点 短短 语语The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without _ his notes.A. bringing up B. referring toC. looking for D. trying on B 句意:总统没有看稿在商业会上演讲近一个小时。句中的refer to是“参考”的意思。重重 点点 短短 语语8、under the umbrella of 在的保护下;在的管理下 The action was taken under the umbrella of the government.这个行动是在政府的保护下进行的。重重 点点 短短 语语under 表示“处于状态”under way 在进行中under construction 在建设中under repair 在维修中under control 在控制中重重 点点 短短 语语_ the silence for the pauses, we could hear each others breathing and could almost hear our own heartbeats.A. In B. ForC. Under D. Between A 介词的固定搭配,意为“在短暂的沉默中”。疑疑 难难 句句 型型 1、The UN is an international group made up of countries that want to increase peace, and I am very happy to have been chosen to be a Goodwill Ambassador for them. 联合国是一个国际组织,由所有愿意促进和平的国家组成,我很高兴入选联合国的一名亲善大使。疑疑 难难 句句 型型 此句是一个由and连接起来的两个并列分句构成的复合句。第一个分句的主句是the UN is an international group, made up of countries是动词过去分词作定语,修饰前面的international group; that want to increase peace是定语从句,修饰countries。 疑疑 难难 句句 型型 I am very happy to have been chosen to be a Goodwill Ambassador for them是第二个分句。to have been chosen为不定式的完成式的被动式。当主语与不定式动词有被动关系,且不定式所表示的动作又先于谓语动词动作发生时,动词不定式就要用完成体的被动式。疑疑 难难 句句 型型The book is_said_to_have_been_translated_into many languages. 据说这本书被译成很多种语言。He is very sad to have lost four bikes in less than one year. 他因不到一年就丢了4部自行车而感到很伤心。疑疑 难难 句句 型型 Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) _ birds kept in cages in order to have the pleasure of setting them free. A. is said to be buying B. is said to have boughtC. had said to buy D. has said to have bought B 句意:据说列奥纳多达芬奇将关在笼子里的鸟买下来,将鸟释放从而获得乐趣。不定式的完成式所表示的动作,通常在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生。疑疑 难难 句句 型型 2、Watch any TV report on places where there is a war, and you will see soldiers wearing blue berets. 在发生战争的地方看电视报道,你会看到戴蓝色贝雷帽的士兵。疑疑 难难 句句 型型 这是一个“祈使句and陈述句”的句型;这个结构中,前面的“祈使句”相当于if 引导的条件句,表示“要是,(就会)”,表示该条件一旦实现,必须出现某一结果。Think hard and/ then/ and then youll have a good idea.If you think hard, youll have a good idea.好好想想,你就会有好主意的。疑疑 难难 句句 型型(1)如果表示“该条件实现不了,会出现其他结果”时,则用“祈使句or/ otherwise 陈述句”。Hurry up, or/or else/otherwise youll be late again. Unless you hurry up/If you dont hurry up, you will be late again. 快点!否则你会再次迟到的。(2)“名词and陈述句”的结构,名词等于状语从句,表示条件或时间。A word, and he would lose his temper. 说一句,他就会发脾气的。疑疑 难难 句句 型型 _ the website of the Fire Department in your city, and you will learn a lot about firefighting. A. Having searched B. To searchC. Searching D. Search D 句意:在你们市消防部门的网站上搜索,你就会学到很多消防知识。根据and连接两个并列分句可知,and前面应该为一个祈使句,用动词原形。疑疑 难难 句句 型型 _ and Ill get the work finished.A. Have one more hourB. One more hourC. Given one more hourD. If I have one more hour B 此题是“名词and陈述句”句式,One more hour相当于If you give me one more hour。疑疑 难难 句句 型型 3、It seems that many people here just need to talk, so I am finding that my job is not limited to being a nurse. 看起来这些人好像只需要说话,因此我发现我的工作不只局限为一名护士。 seem的基本意思是“似乎;好像;仿佛;看来”等,可作不及物动词或系动词。seem句型归纳如下:疑疑 难难 句句 型型(1) seem可与形容词、名词、不定式(短语)、分词及介词短语搭配。She seems quite happy today. 今天她似乎很高兴。That seems a good idea. 那似乎是个好主意。He seems_to_be_thinking_about something.他似乎正在考虑某事。He seemed_pleased at what I said.听了我的话,他似乎很高兴。疑疑 难难 句句 型型They seemed in high spirits. 他们似乎情绪高涨。(2) seem常用于it作形式主语的结构,即It seems / seemed that 表示“看来,似乎”。It seems that nobody knew what had happened.似乎没人知道发生了什么事。(3) seem常用于由as if / though引导的从句中。在as if / though引起的从句中,如果说的是非真实的情况,从句谓语用虚拟语气;如果所述的情况实现的可能性较大,则从句的谓语常用陈述语气。疑疑 难难 句句 型型It seems as if somebody is calling you. 好像有人在叫你。(陈述语气) It seems as though he were very stupid.看来他似乎很笨。(虚拟语气)(4) 用于There seems / seemed to be n(主语)中。在这一结构中,seem表示“似乎有;看来有”。疑疑 难难 句句 型型There_seems_to_be a lot of things to do.It seems as if there were a lot of things to do.似乎有很多事情要做。 这一结构的否定形式为“There seems / seemed to be no n”或“There doesnt / didnt seem to be n”。There doesnt seem to have been any difficulty on this question.在这个问题上似乎没出现什么困难。疑疑 难难 句句 型型 _ seems to be a strong competition in China for senior high students to be admitted into colleges or universities.A. There B. ItC. What D. That A 考查句子结构。此句将其简化之后,就显现出there be句型。在it seems to be 句型中,it是形式主语,而此句中没有做真正主语的成分。句意:在中国高中学生录取上大学似乎有很大的竞争。


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