江苏省兴化市昭阳湖初级中学七年级英语上册 Unit 4 My day Grammar课件 (新版)牛津版

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江苏省兴化市昭阳湖初级中学七年级英语上册 Unit 4 My day Grammar课件 (新版)牛津版_第1页
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江苏省兴化市昭阳湖初级中学七年级英语上册 Unit 4 My day Grammar课件 (新版)牛津版_第2页
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江苏省兴化市昭阳湖初级中学七年级英语上册 Unit 4 My day Grammar课件 (新版)牛津版_第3页
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Teaching aims:To learn to use prepositions of time “in”, “on” and “at”To learn to use adverbs of frequencyTo learn and master the important words and phrases. Important and difficult points: Learn to use prepositions of time “in”, “on” and “at” correctly. Check the Preview(检查预习检查预习)英汉互译:英汉互译:1.想,愿意想,愿意2.生活,生命生活,生命3.在三月在三月4.the 22nd World Cup5.在在2002年年6.在冬天在冬天/夏天夏天/春天春天/秋天秋天7.溜旱冰溜旱冰8.在七月一日在七月一日9.在儿童节在儿童节10.在六岁在六岁11.在星期天早上在星期天早上12.在星期六在星期六lifewould likein March第第22个世界杯个世界杯in 2002in winter/summer/spring/autumnroller skatingon 1st Julyon Childrens Dayat 6 years oldon Sunday morningon SundayCooperative inquiry (合作探究合作探究)1介词介词in用在哪些时间的前面?用在哪些时间的前面?2介词介词on用在哪些时间的前面?用在哪些时间的前面?3介词介词at用在哪些时间的前面?用在哪些时间的前面?4never,seldom,sometimes,often,usually, always按动作发生的频率按动作发生的频率,由低到由低到高正确的排列顺序应该是什么?高正确的排列顺序应该是什么?小组合作探究小组合作探究:How do we use prepositions “in”, “on” and “at” to talk about time?小组合作探究小组合作探究(一一):FREE TALKWhat time do you go to school?On what days do you usually have your PE lessons? When do you usually have your English lessons?in: we use in before: _, _, _, _.一天中的早,中,晚一天中的早,中,晚月份月份季节季节年年Prepositions of timeMy parents watch TV in the evening.We plant trees in March every year.In Hainan, it never snows in winter.The 22nd World Cup is in 2022.on: we use on before: _,_, _ _ .天天 日期日期特殊天的部分特殊天的部分特殊的节日特殊的节日Prepositions of timeWe do not go to school on Saturday.Our summer holiday starts on 1 July.Amy goes swimming on Sunday morning.They have lots of fun on Childrens Day.在在10月月23号的早上号的早上on the morning of October 23at: we use at before: _, _, _, _.点钟点钟三餐三餐 某些节日某些节日年龄年龄Prepositions of timeMillie has breakfast at seven oclock.At lunchtime he always chat with his friends.They will go to England for a holiday at Christmas.Children in China start school at 6 years old.at noon 在中午在中午 at night 在晚上在晚上Adverbs of frequency(频率副词)频率副词)0%never20%seldom40%sometimes60%often80%usually100%always小组合作探究(二):小组合作探究(二):频度副词频度副词 (频率由高到低频率由高到低): always (总是总是) usually(通常通常) often (经常经常) sometimes(有时有时) seldom(很少很少) never(从不从不)1. 频率副词用在频率副词用在be动词后。动词后。 It is usually hot in summer. 夏天天气通常是热的。夏天天气通常是热的。2. 频率副词用在主要动词前。频率副词用在主要动词前。 My father usually walks home. 我的父亲经常步行回家。我的父亲经常步行回家。 频率副词在句中的位置:频率副词在句中的位置:How often是对表示频度副词是对表示频度副词的时间状语的提问,可翻译为的时间状语的提问,可翻译为“多久(一次)多久(一次)”。Personalized display (个性展示个性展示) Read Part A on P47 and finish Part A1Dear Millie,Thanks for your email. I would like to tell you about my life here. Our lessons begin _ nine oclock. Usually we have three lessons _ the morning and two _ the afternoon. We do not have lessons _ Saturday or Sunday.I love sports. I am good at playing football. I often play it with my friends _ Saturday afternoon. We have a football match _ autumn every year. This year, it is _ 15 November. My friends and I always have great fun then.All the best,TommyatininononinonIntegration of the Promotion (整合提升整合提升) in on at 的用法:的用法:(1)介词)介词 in1.用在一天中某一部分时间的前面用在一天中某一部分时间的前面2.用在某一年的前面。用在某一年的前面。3.用在季节的前面。用在季节的前面。4.用在月份的前面用在月份的前面 (2) 介词介词 on1.用在节日的前面。用在节日的前面。2.某月某日的前面。某月某日的前面。3.用在具体某天中某一部分时间的前面。用在具体某天中某一部分时间的前面。4.用在星期几的前面。用在星期几的前面。 (3) 介词介词 at1.用在年龄的前面。用在年龄的前面。2.用在几点钟的前面。用在几点钟的前面。频率副词的用法:频率副词的用法:(1)位置)位置 (2)提问)提问Detection Feedback(检测反馈检测反馈) 1. We dont go to school _ Sunday.2. My birthday is _ April 1st.3. Were going to see the doctor _ four oclock.4. He often takes Eddie for a walk _ the evening.5. They have a long holiday _ November.onatininA. Fill in the blanks with in, on or at.on6. He was born _ 1992.7. He likes reading newspapers _ breakfast.8. She starts learning English _ 6 oclock.9. Its cold _ winter in China. 10. They play the game _ the evening of 31st October.inatinatonB单项选择。单项选择。( )1.I play computer games_ Sunday evening. A. in Bat Con Dto( )2, He goes shopping _the morning. A. on Bin Cto Dat( )3.I go to bed _ten every evening. A. at Bin Con DFor( )4. Lucy goes to her _lessons every day. A. dances B. dancing C. danced D. to dance( )5. There are _desks and chairs in the classroom. A. many B. much C. a lot D. a lots of6. Tom _ to work by bicycle. A. usually go B. go usually C. usually goes D. goes usually 7. We often eat dinner at home on weekends, but _ we eat out. A. sometimes B. seldom C. never D. always 8. Jerry _ for school. A. is usually late B. usually is late C. is late usually D. goes usually late C. Change the following sentences correctly1.She often goes to the Reading Club on Wednesdays and Fridays.(同义句同义句) She goes to the Reading Club_ _week.2.He seldom takes a taxi to go to school.(提问提问)_ _ _he _ a taxi to go to school? 3.We play badminton for half an hour every day.(对划线部分提问对划线部分提问) _ _ _ _ play badminton every day?4. Eddie walks to his bowl many times a day. (对划对划线部分提问线部分提问) _ _ _ Eddie _ to his bowl?twiceaHow often doestakeHow long do youHow often doeswalk1. Make a dialogue to talk about your weekend2. Write an article about your diet and lifestyle


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