GBT_13861-2009生产过程危险和有害因素分类与代码 word版本

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romoting the construction of rule of law, but also the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-abiding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote the field of multi-level governance according to law, promote the continuous improvement of the social environment. To promote universal compliance. Actively foster the rule of law culture, carry out law publicity and education on honesty and trustworthiness, guide the masses and consciously abide by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changing the world, he is not looking for but someone unspoken rules, formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. To strengthen the comprehensive management of public security. Deepening peace xingan construction, strongly against violence crime, mafia and serious criminal offences, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, carry out criminal policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating social vitality, and earnestly safeguard social harmony and stability. To resolve social conflicts by law. To further smooth channels of reporting social conditions and public opinion, improving regulation, arbitration, as wellrelationship between Government and business. The two sessions, General Secretary of Pro, clear the word succinctly summarized the new relationship between Government and business, as pure politics, reshaping the political relationship specified in the direction. District leaders in handling political and business relations, engage in trading power for money, and finally stumbled, we a lesson, always keep in mind that Pro, clean practicing Pro, clear. Pro is to open a sincere engagement with private enterprise to help solve practical difficulties; Clear is to clarify the Division of power, exercised in accordance with, private entrepreneurs with innocent purity, not abusing power for personal gain, not to engage in trading power for money. Third, in order to maintain fairness and justice. Fairness and justice is the lifeline of the rule of law, is the best development environment. Currently, lax law enforcement and the judicial sector in our region also exist to varying degrees, law enforcement departments and individual window units power for personal gains and bribes, thick friends, relations, human cases, money cases in which seriously infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises and people. Especially some law enforcement and inspection for profit purposes, deliberately looking for corporate loopholes, found directly under the ticket does not give business improvement opportunities. We recruit a company doesnt easily, cultivating a business more difficult, never for personal gain, systematic harassment, card, last checked to check to get the enterprise collapsed. To guarantee the legitimate rights and interests. Always proceed from the overall situation of reform and development of services, fully consider the characteristics of production and management in non-public enterprises and social benefits, an accurate grasp of legal limits, protect the enthusiasm of entrepreneurs and practitioners in innovation and entrepreneurship, enhancing expectations and confidence. To promote strict enforcement. Strengthening law enforcement procedures, improve law enforcement performance evaluation, strengthening the supervision of law enforcement, exploration and practice of risk control mechanism of law enforcement to further standardize the social security, urban management, road traffic administrative law enforcement, effectively free, extensive law-enforcement and lax enforcement of law enforcement and other issues. To uphold justice. Justice is the last line of Defense to safeguard fairness and justice, to unequivocally support the courts and procuratorates independently exercise level . Judicial activities were rampant, must not be allowed to run, favors, money, must not be allowed to knowingly violate the miscarriage, violations of the legitimate rights and interests of the masses must not be allowed to abuse of power, to make forest mass can be felt in every judicial cases in equity and justice. Four to deepen grass-roots governance according to lawchain do long, and put scale big. To serve the development of enterprises. Duocuo simultaneously improving service efficiency, build better public services platform, enhance work efficiency, initiative to help businesses solve the project procedures, financing loans, issues such as land-use approval, reduce operating costs, business travel light and enhance the confidence to overcome all kinds of difficulties and the Foundation, real entrepreneurial passion play entrepreneurship, enhance the internal vitality and creativity. SI XING an construction, promoting the rule of law, tries to make the transformation of forest development XI General Secretary stressed, to reinvigorate Northeast China, optimized development environment is very important. Environment of rule of law most gather Moss, the most conducive to development. Improving the leading cadres using the method of thought and the rule of law Administration work, problem-solving, the ability to promote the development, is the key to promoting the rule of law. The law may affect the efficiency of out of the path of development will be more smooth, won development gains will be sustained, and end with greater efficiency. Leading cadres at all levels should take the lead in respect of law law, abide by, and actively foster Socialist culture, actively promoting the field of multi-level governance according to law, guide the masses and consciously abide by the law, failing to find law, solve the problem by law, in accordance with the law prevail. XXX administration by law of leading cadres do not exist on the rule of law, law enforcement, casual, and vow not to investors, the new scores and other turmoil. These important expositions on my district create good development environment with highly targeted and guidance, especially the General Secretary pointed out that the chaos in my area also exists to varying degrees, some even quite serious. Leading cadres at all levels must improve the development environment of rule of law as a fundamental task, adhere to the problem oriented, solid and solve the problems in the construction of rule of law, to rule the new effect for development environment improvements. To hold key minority. Leaders of this group, although few in number, but the effect is critical. If a local leaders take the lead right according to law, in accordance with the law, the local CPPCC fresh, pragmatic and efficient development environment. Conversely, if a local leaders of ignoring the law, impunity, not only the political environment will be destroyed, will have serious implications for the development environment. Now, some leading cadres lack of awareness on the importance of learning, that learn or not does not matter. Think efficiency is too low too much, act according to the procedure, than an executive order getting along with. In dealing with complex issues, often speak of settling and done; on the issue of handling letters and visits, like to spend money and buy stop and stable, but disregard the law administration, in accordance with the law, the rulechain do long, and put scale big. To serve the development of enterprises. Duocuo simultaneously improving service efficiency, build better public services platform, enhance work efficiency, initiative to help businesses solve the project procedures, financing loans, issues such as land-use approval, reduce operating costs, business travel light and enhance the confidence to overcome all kinds of difficulties and the Foundation, real entrepreneurial passion play entrepreneurship, enhance the internal vitality and creativity. SI XING an construction, promoting the rule of law, tries to make the transformation of forest development XI General Secretary stressed, to reinvigorate Northeast China, optimized development environment is very important. Environment of rule of law most gather Moss, the most conducive to development. Improving the leading cadres using the method of thought and the rule of law Administration work, problem-solving, the ability to promote the development, is the key to promoting the rule of law. The law may affect the efficiency of out of the path of development will be more smooth, won development gains will be sustained, and end with greater efficiency. Leading cadres at all levels should take the lead in respect of law law, abide by, and actively foster Socialist culture, actively promoting the field of multi-level governance according to law, guide the masses and consciously abide by the law, failing to find law, solve the problem by law, in accordance with the law prevail. XXX administration by law of leading cadres do not exist on the rule of law, law enforcement, casual, and vow not to investors, the new scores and other turmoil. These important expositions on my district create good development environment with highly targeted and guidance, especially the General Secretary pointed out that the chaos in my area also exists to varying degrees, some even quite serious. Leading cadres at all levels must improve the development environment of rule of law as a fundamental task, adhere to the problem oriented, solid and solve the problems in the construction of rule of law, to rule the new effect for development environment improvements. To hold key minority. Leaders of this group, although few in number, but the effect is critical. If a local leaders take the lead right according to law, in accordance with the law, the local CPPCC fresh, pragmatic and efficient development environment. Conversely, if a local leaders of ignoring the law, impunity, not only the political environment will be destroyed, will have serious implications for the development environment. Now, some leading cadres lack of awareness on the importance of learning, that learn or not does not matter. Think efficiency is too low too much, act according to the procedure, than an executive order getting along with. In dealing with complex issues, often speak of settling and done; on the issue of handling letters and visits, like to spend money and buy stop and stable, but disregard the law administration, in accordance with the law, the rule生产过程危险和有害因素分类与代码(GBT13861-2009)替代(GBT13861-1992)前言代码名称说明1人的因素11心理生理性危险有害因素1101负荷超限110101体力负荷超限指引起疲劳、劳损、伤害的负荷超限110102听力负荷超限110103视力负荷超限110199其他负荷超限1102健康状况异常1103从事禁忌作业1104心理异常110401情绪异常110402冒险心理110403过度紧张110499其他心理异常1105辨识功能缺陷110501感知延迟110512辨识错误110599其他辨识功能缺陷12行为性危险有害因素1201 指挥错误120101 指挥失误包括生产过程中各级管理人员的指挥120102 违章指挥120199 其他指挥错误1202 操作错误120201 误操作120202 违章操作120299 其他操作错误1203 监护失误1299 其他行为性危险和有害因素2物的因素21物理性危险和有害因素2101设备、设施、工具、附件缺陷210101 强度不够210102 刚度不够210103 稳定性差抗倾覆、抗位移能力不够。包括重心过高、底座不稳定、支承不正确等。210104 密封不良指密封件、密封介质、设备附件、加工精度、装配工艺等缺陷以及磨损。变形、气蚀等造成的密封不良210105 耐腐蚀性差210106 应力集中210107 外形缺陷指设备、设施表面的尖角利棱和不应有的凹凸部分210108 外露运动件指人员易触及的运动件210109 操纵器缺陷指结构、尺寸、形状、位置、操纵力不合理及操纵器失灵、损坏等210110 制动器缺陷210111 控制器缺陷210199 其他设备、设施、工具附件缺陷2102防护缺陷210201 无防护210202 防护装置、设施缺陷指防护装置、设施本身安全性、可靠性差,包括防护装置、设施、防护用品损坏、失效、失灵等210203 防护不当指防护装置、设施和防护用品不符合要求,使用不当。不包括防护距离不够210204 支撑不当包括矿井、建筑施工支护不符合要求210205 防护距离不够指设备布置、机械、电气、防火、防爆等安全距离不够和卫生防护距离不够等210299 其他防护缺陷2103电伤害210301 带电部位裸露210302 漏电210303 静电和杂散电流210304 电火花210399 其他电伤害2104噪声210401 机械性噪声210402 电磁性噪声210403 流体动力性噪声210499 其他噪声2105振动危害210501 机械性振动210502 电磁性振动 210503 流体动力性振动210599 其他振动2106电离辐射包括X射线、射线、粒子、粒子、中子、质子、高能电子束等2106非电离辐射210701 紫外辐射210702 激光辐射210703 微波辐射210704 超高频辐射210705 高频电磁场210706 工频电场2108运动物伤害210801 抛射物210802 飞溅物210803 坠落物210804 反弹物210805 土、岩滑动210806 料堆(垛)滑动210807 气流卷动210899 其他运动物伤害2109明火2110高温物质211001 高温气体211002 高温液体211003 高温固体211099 其他高温物质2111低温物质211101 低温气体211102 低温液体211103 低温固体211199 其他低温物质2112信号缺陷211201 无信号设施指应设信号设施处无信号,如无紧急撤离信号等211202 信号选用不当211203 信号位置不当211204 信号不清指信号量不足,如响度、亮度、对比度、信号维持时间不够等211205 信号显示不准包括信号显示错误、显示滞后或超前等211299 其他信号缺陷2113标志缺陷211301 无标志211302 标志不清晰211303 标志不规范211304 标志选用不当211305 标志位置缺陷211399 其他标志缺陷2114有害光照包括直射光、反射光、眩光、频闪效应等2199其他物理性危险和有害因素22化学性危险和有害因素依据GB13690中的规定2201爆炸品2202压缩气体和液化气体2203易燃液体2204易燃固体、自燃物品和遇湿易燃物品2205氧化剂和有机过氧化物2206有毒物品2207放射性物品2208腐蚀品2209粉尘与气溶胶2299其他化学性危险和有害因素23生物性危险和有害因素2301致病微生物230101 细菌230102 病毒230103 真菌230199 其他致病微生物2302传染病媒介物2303致害动物2304致害植物2399其他生物性危险和有害因素3环境因素包括室内、室外、地上、地下(如隧道、矿井)、水上、水下等作业(施工)环境31室内作业环境不良3101室内地面湿滑指室内地面、通道、楼梯被任何液体、熔融物质润湿,结冰或有其他易滑物3102室内作业场所狭窄3103室内作业场所杂乱3104室内地面不平3105室内楼梯缺陷包括楼梯、阶梯、电动梯和活动梯架,以及这些设施的扶手、扶栏和护栏、护网等3106地面、墙和天花板上的开口缺陷包括电梯井、修车坑、门窗开口、检修孔、孔洞、排水沟等3107 房屋基础下沉3108室内安全通道缺陷包括无安全通道、安全通道狭窄、不畅等3109房屋安全出口缺陷包括无安全出口、设置不合理等3110采光不良指照度不足或过强,烟尘弥漫影响照明等3111作业场所空气不良指自然通风差、无强制通风、风量不足或气流过大、缺氧、有害气体超限等3112室内温度、湿度、气压不适3113室内给、排水不良3114室内涌水3199其他室内作业场所环境不良32室外作业场地环境不良3201恶劣气候与环境包括风、极端的温度、雷电、大雾、冰雹、暴雨雪、洪水、浪涌、泥石流、地震、海啸等3202作业场地和交通设施湿滑包括铺好的地面区域、阶梯、通道、道路、小路等被任何液体、熔融物质润湿,冰雪覆盖或有其他易滑物3203作业场地狭窄 3204作业场地杂乱 3205作业场地不平包括不平坦的地面和路面,有铺设的、未铺设的、草地、小鹅卵石或碎石地面和路面3206巷道狭窄、有暗礁或险滩3207脚手架、阶梯或活动梯架缺陷包括这些设施的扶手、扶栏和护栏、护网等3208地面开口缺陷包括升降梯井、修车坑、水沟、水渠等3209 建筑物和其他结构缺陷包括建筑中或拆毁中的墙壁、桥梁、建筑物;筒仓、固定式粮仓、固定的槽罐和容器;屋顶、塔楼等3210 门和围栏缺陷包括大门、栅栏、畜栏和铁丝网等3211 作业场地基础下沉3212 作业场地安全通道缺陷包括无安全通道、安全通道狭窄、不畅等3213作业场地安全出口缺陷包括无安全出口、设置不合理等3214作业场地光照不良指光照不足或过强、烟尘弥漫影响光照等3215作业场地空气不良指作业场地通风差或气流过大、作业场地缺氧、有害气体超限等3216作业场地温度、湿度、气压不适3217作业场地涌水3299 其他室外作业场地环境不良33地下(含水下)作业环境不良不包含以上室内、室外已列出的有害因素3301隧道/矿井顶面缺陷3302隧道/矿井正面或侧壁缺陷3303隧道/矿井地面缺陷3304地下作业面空气不良包括通风差或气流过大、缺氧。有害气体超限3305地下火3306冲击地压指井巷(采场)周围的岩体(如煤体)等在外载作用下产生的变形能,当力学平衡状态受到破坏时,瞬间释放,将岩体、气体、液体急剧、猛烈抛(喷)出造成严重破坏的井下动力现象3307地下水3308水下作业供氧不足3399其他地下(水下)作业环境不良39其他作业环境不良3901强迫体位指生产设备、设施的设计或作业位置不符合人类工效学要求而易引起所业人员疲劳、劳损或事故的一种作业体位3902综合性作业环境不良指两种以上作业致害环境因素不能分清主次的情况3999以上未包括的其他作业环境不良4管理因素41职业安全卫生组织机构不健全包括组织机构的设置和人员配备42职业安全卫生责任制未落实43职业安全卫生管理规章制度不完善4301建设项目“三同时”制度未落实4302操作规程不规范4303事故应急预案及响应缺陷4304培训制度不完善4399其他职业安全卫生管理规章制度不健全44职业安全卫生投入不足45职业健康管理不完善49其他管理因素缺陷romoting the construction of rule of law, but also the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-abiding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote the field of multi-level governance according to law, promote the continuous improvement of the social environment. To promote universal compliance. Actively foster the rule of law culture, carry out law publicity and education on honesty and trustworthiness, guide the masses and consciously abide by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changing the world, he is not looking for but someone unspoken rules, formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. To strengthen the comprehensive management of public security. Deepening peace xingan construction, strongly against violence crime, mafia and serious criminal offences, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, carry out criminal policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating social vitality, and earnestly safeguard social harmony and stability. To resolve social conflicts by law. To further smooth channels of reporting social conditions and public opinion, improving regulation, arbitration, as wellGrass-roots governance according to law is an important foundation for promoting the construction of rule of law, but also the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-abiding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote the field of multi-level governance according to law, promote the continuous improvement of the social environment. To promote universal compliance. Actively foster the rule of law culture, carry out law publicity and education on honesty and trustworthiness, guide the masses and consciously abide by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changing the world, he is not looking for but someone unspoken rules, formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. To strengthen the comprehensive management of public security. Deepening peace xingan construction, strongly against violence crime, mafia and serious criminal offences, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, carry out criminal policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating social vitality, and earnestly safeguard social harmony and stability. To resolve social conflicts by law. To further smooth channels of reporting social conditions and public opinion, improving regulation, arbitration, as well as dispute resolution mechanisms, implement fully the petitioners cases third-party hearings and supervising system of letters and calls, and to resolve the involved law lawsuit into the orbit of rule of law, vexatious, Twining visit visit, disturbing social order and other malicious extortion, resolutely crack down. Five, improving cadres Vitale, provide strong protection for forest development XI General Secretary stressed that the comprehensive revitalization in Northeast China, needs a high quality, solid style, cadres of the dare to play. Cadre cadres is a pledge, should want to do work and able to do good, enthusiasm is paramount. Treat party cadres, it is necessary to Strict management, and warm care, enable the broad masses of cadres work hard work, this is two parallel principles. In strict accordance with the standards of good cadres selection and appointment, the real officers, dare officers, those who want to play, good as excellent cadres at all levels of leadership in the past. At present, some leading cadres work initiative is not high, beyond political, idle, lazy governance governance, not as, slow, messy and a phenomenon still exist to varying degrees, affected and restricted economic and social development. We must mobilize the enthusiasm of cadres as an urgent task, adhere to combination of incentives and constraints, and adhere to the strict management and warm care, practical solution for the officers not to problem, motivate cadres and better lead the masses to an undertaking, the cadres and create the new achievement in a dare to play, good at shows as new. To identify the problem, accurate pulseof law to visit and contribute to make visits to the vexatious visits arrogance. On these issues, we need to have a proper understanding, should take the lead to establish a sense of fear of the law, strengthen the application of the rule of law and the rule of law work of thinking and take up responsibility for the construc


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