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一、增补潜在词1. The new American Secretary of State has proposed a world conference on food supplies.美国新任国务卿建议召开世界食品资源问题会议。省略了深层结构中的潜在词to call(召开)2. It is surprising then that Japans Premier Tanaka should have sent a letter to Leonid Brezhev Proposing that negotiations be reopened on a peace treaty. 令人惊奇的是,日本首相田中竟然致函勃列日涅夫建议重新开始关于缔结和平条约的谈判。名词treaty 前增加了潜在词to conclude(缔结)3. I should like to major in archeology.4. Suppose the preparatory work should not be completed.可能的话,我愿主修考古学。准备工作完成不了,那可怎么办?二、增补原文中有其义无其形的词(省略的词)1. What an idea!What a sight!What a day!这主意真妙! 什么鬼主意!多美的景象啊! 多难看的景象啊!多好的天气啊! 多糟糕的天气啊!2. “Ill make a man of him,” said Jack. (the father) “College is the place.”3. “How shall I do?” “Just as you wish.”“我要把他培养成一个堂堂的男子汉。”杰克说,“大学就是一个最理想的场所(地方)。“我该怎么办呢?”“你想怎么办就怎么办。”4. “Are you tried?” “Not very”5. “Her English is not very good.” I said, “Im afraid my French is awful.”“你累吗?”“不太累。”“她听不太懂英语,”我说,“我担心我的法语说得也一塌糊涂。”6. Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; writing an exact man.7. Such is war; to the victor, the spoils; to the defeated, the costs.读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,写作使人准确。战争就是如此:胜利者获得战利品,战败者遭受损失。三、有些不及物动词译成汉语补加宾语1. He never drinks before driving.2. Im going to cook all the day tomorrow.他开车前从不喝酒。明天我得做一天饭。3. Before liberation, his mother lived on washing.4. Day after day he came to his worksweeping, scrubbing, cleaning.解放前,他妈妈靠洗衣为生。他每天来干活扫地,擦地板,收拾房间。四、增补表示复数的词1. A gas exerts the same pressure in a mixture of gases as it would exert if it were in the container alone.在混合的几种气体中,每一种气体所具有的压力都与它单独在容器中的压力一样。2. Victor Henry read these frustrating figures while American flags streamed past him and the marine band blared out “The Stars and Stripes Forever”.正当一面面美国国旗从他面前飘过,海军铜乐队大声奏着星条旗永远飘扬的时候,维克多. 亨利读到这些令人胆战心惊的数字。3. They won victories in the past two years.4. However, in spite of all this similarity between a voltmeter and an ammeter there are also important differences.在过去的两年里,他们取得了一次又一次的胜利。可是尽管伏特表与安培表之间有这些类似之处,但还有若干重要的差别。5. The very earth trembled as with the tramps of horses and murmur of angry men.6. I have left the marks of my nails in his impudent face.连大地都震动了,仿佛万马奔腾,千夫怒吼。我在他那张厚脸皮上留下了五条血道子。其他还有:the studentsmodern weaponsworkers of all industriesthe mountainsthe flowers学生们各种现代武器各工业部门的工人群山朵朵鲜花五、增补某些固定词组中,语义成分“在形式上不表现出来”的词1“名词+名词”组成的词pay claimoil countrieslabor spyelectricity cut提高工资的要求(不是工资要求)石油生产国(不是石油国)监视工人的密探(不是工人密探)减少电能供应(不是电能的削减)2“形容语+名词”组成的词,尤其是带有术语性质的词组solid enginelogical computerthe Un-American Committee不是固体发动机,而是固体燃料发动机逻辑程序计算机不是反美委员会,而是反美活动调查委员会六、增补修饰性和解释性词语1. 2. For expert man can execute, and perhaps judge of particulars, one by one.译为碧血黄沙比血与沙好练达之士能够“分别”处理细事或“一一”判别枝节。3. The farmer snapped a trip and put it into the fire.4. Now, I had to become a miser with words and stretch every sentence like a poor man spending his last dollar.农民“啪”的一声折断了一根树枝,把它放进火里。我决定对词汇要像守财奴那样不轻易放过;也要像穷人过日子,把每个句子当作身边最后一块钱,尽量拖延,慢慢花掉。七、增补范畴词1. When the was completed, the two astronauts on the moon would blast off the rocket in the landing craft to join the moonship once more.等到勘察工作完成,月球上一两位宇航员便引发登月船上的火箭,重新回到宇宙飞船上。2. This is the best to your problem.3. He was a , and writer.4. The you propose are neat and easy but impossible.这是你那问题最好的解决方案。他是一个具有爱国热情、探索精神和浪漫风格的作家。你提的补救措施倒是干脆利落、轻而易举,但是行不通。5. He took ideas from both men, combined them with his own, then carried them back as if they were the inspiration of his guests, such subtle got him almost everything.他把两个人的意见拿了过来,掺入自己的意见,然后又交回他们,好像这就是他的两位客人的意见似的,这种巧妙的奉承手段几乎使他得到了他所要得到的每一件东西。6. We have winked at these too long; from now on they will have to stop.我们对这些不法活动宽容太久了;从现在起再也不允许这样下去了。其他例子还有:loftinessreadabilityallergyfavoritismjealousy崇高气质可读性过敏反应徇私作风嫉妒心理derangementdejectioncomplexitytransformationgayety紊乱现象沮丧情绪复杂局面(性)转化过程欢乐气氛indifferencesegregationfoolhardinessunemploymentirregularities冷漠态度隔离政策(措施)蛮干作风失业现象越轨行为observationsmuddinessrelativitymodernization观察结果混沌状态相对论现代化 八、增补某些概括性的词语1. The paper discussed language teaching and language research.2. Note that the words “file”, “mean” and “generous” require explanation.论文讨论了语言教学和语言研究两方面的内容。请注意:“狡猾的”、“吝啬的”和“慷慨的”这三个词需要解释一下。3. The thesis summed up the new achievements made in electronic computer, artificial satellites and rockets.4. the Soviet Union, the United States, China, England, France and Japan 论文总结了电子计算机、人造卫星和火箭三个领域中的新成就。苏、美、中、英、法、日等六国5. A finish education consisted simply of a permanent headache and the ability to read without stopping to spell the words or take breath.受完了教育的成绩只有两点:一是永远的头痛;二是念书的本领念起来流利得很,既不要停下来拼字,也不用换气。6. How can you say that the Israelis are obstinate, as you do, and then go on giving them means to remain obstinate?照你们的说法,以色列人是顽固的,你们怎么一面这样说,一面又继续为他们可以顽固下去而创造条件呢?


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