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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上苏教版初二英语知识要点 检举 | 2008-10-16 16:45 提问者: | 浏览次数:1613次id=question-content我是江苏初二的学生,不知道如何学习英语,成绩总是不太理想,所以想请问有没有初二上学期的英语知识要点其他回答 共1条 检举 | 2008-10-19 13:01 | 三级 id=content- class=reply-text mb10我初三了,现在电脑里只有4、5、6单元复习,不知道你要不要 8A Unit 4词组、句型及语法复习提纲 一、词组或短语 1 看起来味道很美 look delicious 2 看起来像只白老鼠 look like a white mouse 3 叫它希望 call her xiwang 4 称重100克 weigh 100 grams 5 第一次走出她的家门 go outside her home for the first time 6 8个月前(常用于过去时) eight months ago 8个月后(常用于过去时) eight months later 7 不再 notany more=no more / notany longer =no longer 8 长成 grow into 9 一天长达14个小时 for up to 14 hours a day 10 吃竹笋和竹叶 eat bamboo shoots and leaves 11 在野外生存 survive in the wild 12 没有住的地方 have nowhere to live 13 砍到,砍伐 cut down (cut sth down=cut down sth ) 砍树 cut down trees 注意:cut it/them down 14 其中一些问题 some of the problems 15 将来 in the future 16 独自 on ones own = alone/by oneself 17 处于危险之中 (be) in danger 18 把.拿走 takeaway (take sth away=take away sth )注意:take it/them away 19 采取措施 take actions 采取下列措施 take the following actions 20 采取措施做某事 take actions to do sth 21 保护大熊猫 protect giant pandas 22 了解很多有关 learn a lot about 23 踩到一条蛇 step on a snake 24 使大熊猫的保护区变得更大 make giant pandas reserves bigger 25 建立更多的保护区 build more reserves 26 鼓励农民们离开大熊猫保护区 encourage farmers to leave the giant panda reserves 27 生活在野外 live in the wild 28 将某人单独留下 leave sb. alone = leave sb. (all) by oneself= leave sb. on ones own 29 一直做某事 keep doing sth 让/保持某人一直做某事 keep sb. doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 keep/stop sb. from doing sth. 30 使某人或某物安全,不受威胁 keep someone/something safe from danger 31 生存下去 stay alive = survive 32 种植更多的竹子 grow more bamboo 33 转身而跑 run the other way 34 步行穿过雨林 walk through a rainforest 35 喂养动物(的过程) the feeding of animals 36 寻找,搜寻 hunt for = look around for 37 在中午 at noon 38 为我班的报告获取足够的信息 get enough information for my class report 39 攻击人们 attack people 40 一次去北京动物园的参观 a visit to Beijing Zoo 41 从水中捉鱼 catch fish from the water 42 一份关于野生生物的报告 a report on wild animals 43 好的视力、听力和嗅觉 good eyesight, hearing and smell 44 取乐 for fun 45 以家庭形式生活 live as a family 以团队形式一起劳动 work as a team (以家族以式)过群居生活 live in family groups 46 性情温驯的动物 peaceful animals 47 生活区的丧失 (the) loss of living areas 48 用它们的骨头制成药 make medicine from their bones(看不出原材料) 用纸做成一个箱子 make a box of paper (看出原材料) 49 对某人友好 be friendly to/towards sb. 50 继续做(相同的)事 continue to do sth. = go on doing sth. = go on with sth. 51 占用土地 take the land 52 开发新的农田 make new farmland(s) 53 挣很多钱 make a lot of money 54 一次海豚表演 a dolphin show 55 如些.以致于.(常引导结果状从) .so/such .that. 以便;为了(常引导目的状从) . so that. 56 (数量)变得越来越少 get smaller and smaller 57 做一个关于.的测试 give a test on. 58 在四个月的时候 at four months 59 对.感兴趣(延续性) be interested in 对产生兴趣(短暂性) become interested in 60 又生了一个婴儿 have another baby 61 独自生活 live alone=live (all) by oneself =live on ones own 62 由动物皮毛制成的衣服 clothes made of animal fur 63 失去某人的生命(死) lose ones life = die 64 其它人 someone else 65 象牙 elephants tusks 66 黑白相间的 black and white 67 第一次 for the first time 68 直立行走 walk upright 69 回到家 return home =come back home 归还 return = giveback 70 四处运动 move around 71 在白天 in the daytime 72 感到害怕 feel frightened = feel afraid 二、重点句子及句型: 1. If I dont have food, I die. If I die, no one will look after you. 2. Write a report on an animal in danger for the club newsletter. 3. I first saw the baby panda when she was only 10 days old. = I saw the baby for the first time at the age of 10 days. 4. When Xi Wang was born, she weighed just 100 garms.当“希望”出生时,她只有100克。 5Eight mother later,she was not a small baby any more. 6.At the very beginning, Xi Wang drank her mothers milk for up to 14 hours a day. 7.When Xi Wang was 20 months old, she had to look after herself because her mother had another baby. 8.Sadly, it is very difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild. 9.Here are some of the problems( that Xi Wang may have in the future.) 10.If farmers cut down trees and forests, giant pandas will have nowhere to live.11.Mothers often leave baby pandas for two whole days on their own. 12.We can take the following actions to protest giant pandas . 13.Encourage farmers to leave the giant panda reserves.鼓励农民离开大熊猫保护区。 14. I will see some beautiful birds if I walk through a rainforest. 15. We call her Xi Wang. It means “hope”. 16. She started to go outside her home for the first time. 17. If hunters catch a giant panda, they will kill it for its fur. 18. If tigers live in the wild, they hunt for their own food. 19.Tigers live as a family if they have babies. Wolves live in family groups if they are in the wild.狼在旷野中以家庭的形式群居。 20.They are in danger because people like their fur and make medicine from their bones. 21.I think you should not buy clothes (made of animal fur). 22.If farmers continue to make new farmland, wild animals wont get enough food. 如果农民继续开辟新的农田,那么野生动物将得不到足够的食物。 23.Mother giant pandas have only one or two babies at a time. 24.Their number is getting smaller and smaller because their living areas are becoming farmland.他们的数量越来越少,因为他们的居住地正变成农田。 25.They seldom hurt people.它们很少伤害人。 26. If we do nothing, soon there will be no giant pandas in the world. 27. We are writing to you about protecting wild animals. 28. They do not kill for fun. 29. They are friendly towards each other and never attack people. 30. They look lovely on me. 31.Baby giant pandas spend a lot of time drinking their mums milk -up to 14hours a day. 32. What action(s) can the club take ? 三、语法: 条件状语从句 在表示假设情况的条件状语从句中中,主句用一般将来时,从句中用一般现在时表示将来,当 从句放在主句之前时,用逗号将从句与主句隔开,但当主句在前从句在后时,则不需要逗号。 If it doesnt rain tomorrow, we will go fishing. 牛津初中英语8Aunit5词组增补 1 long-pointed wings 尖长的翅膀 2 long-winged birds 长翅膀的鸟 3 web-footed animals 有蹼足的动物 4 forked tails 剪刀似的尾巴 5 a long thin neck 细长的脖子 6 brownish feathers 略带棕色的羽毛 7 one of the worlds important wetlands 世界上最重要的湿地之一 8 provide food and shelter for wildlife 为野生动植物提供食物和栖息地 9 an important living area 重要的生活区 10 change the wetlands to make more space for 改造湿地为提供更多的空间 11 members of 的成员/a member of 的一位成员 12 do something for the birds 为鸟类做些事 13 in a dangerous state 处于危险状态 14 show good/bad manners to others 对别人有/(没)礼貌 15 a nature reserve 一个自然保护区 16 the bus stop outside our school 我们校们外的公共汽车站 17 return to school 返校 18 take the bus back to school 乘公共汽车回到学校 19 have noodles for breakfast 早饭吃面条 20 speak softly 轻柔地说 21 greet us with a smile 微笑着向我们问候 22 make sure 务必,一定,确保 23 frighten the birds 吓着鸟 24 learn to do sth 学会做某事 25 other smaller birds 别的更小的鸟类 26 World Wetlands Day 世界湿地日 27 the home of plants , animals and birds 动植物和鸟类的家园 28 on that day 在那天 29 call sb on +(电话号码)按电话号码给某人打电话 30 call 110 for help 打110求助 31 e-mail sb at + 电子信箱 给某人发电子邮件到信箱 32 organize the music 筹办音乐 33 come to club activities 来参加俱乐部的活动 34 prevent sb from sth / doing sth 阻止某人某事/ 阻止某人做某事 专心-专注-专业


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