2015(人教pep)四年级英语下册recycle 2质量评估题

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四年级下册Recycle 2质量评估题班级_ 姓名_ 得分_听力部分50分一、听音,标号。8分 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、听音,判断。10分1. 2. ( ) ( )3.( )4. 5. ( ) ( ) 三、听音,选择正确的一项。10分1. Whats the weather like in Harbin? Its _ and _.2. Whats the weather like in Beijing? Its _ and _.3. Whats the weather like in Hangzhou? Its _ and _.4. Whats the weather like in Lhasa? Its _ and _.5. Whats the weather like in Haikou? Its _ and _.A. hot B. warm C. cool D. cold E. rainy F. snowy G. windy H. sunny I. cloudy 四、听音,连线。12分1. Can I wear my T-shirt? Not much.2. Whats the weather like today? Thirty-five yuan.3. What are you doing? Yes, please. I want a pair of sneakers.4.How much is the dress? Yes, you can.5. Are they donkeys? Its cloudy today.6. Can I help you? No, they arent.五、听音,补全单词。10分A: Can I help you?B: Yes. I want two _ppl_s.A: Anything else?B: Yes. I also want ten b_ n_n_s, eight _r_ng_s, four p_s, and two w_term_l_ns.A: How much?B: Twenty yuan.笔试部分50分一、读一读,判断画线部分发音是否相同。10分1. cake cat ( ) 2. we hen ( )3. nice kite ( ) 3. box orange ( )5. music bus ( )二、读一读,选出不属于同一类的一项。10分( ) 1. A. cheap B. expensive C. sheep( ) 2. A. short B. sandals C. sneakers( ) 3. A. hen B. duck C. pretty( ) 4.A. onion B. pig C. potato( ) 5. A. elephant B. eleven C. thirteen三、看图,读一读,写单词。10分1.Look! Here is a . (aritbb) 2.I have a lovely . (god)3.Look at the dress. It is . (cein) 4.How many tomatoes? .( eleven)5.This is my shirt. It is too (malls) 四、读一读,连词成句。10分1. is it cold today .2. at look that jacket .3. is skirt this pretty .4. a pair of I want sneakers .5. many cows how have do you ?五、读短文,判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示。10分Zoom: Its warm today.Zip: Lets go to the farm.Zoom: Great!Zip: Wow! This farm is so big.Zoom: What are these?Zip: They are cucumbers.Zoom: I like cucumbers. They are fresh.Zip: Are these horses?Zoom: No, they arent. They are donkeys. Zip: I dont like donkeys. I like horses.Zoom: Look! Those are horses.Zip: Lets play with them.Zoom: OK. ( ) 1. Its hot today. ( ) 2. Zip likes cucumbers. ( ) 3. Zip likes donkeys. ( ) 4. The farm is very big. ( ) 5. Zoom likes to go to the farm.附:听力材料及参考答案(一)听力材料1. (1) horse (2) cow (3) goat (4) tomato (5) carrot (6) cucumber (7) boots (8) slippers2. (1) Feed the hens. (2) Hold a lamb. (3) Its rainy. Open up your umbrella. (4) Put on your slippers. Dance in your room. (5) Its sunny. Put on your sunglasses.3. Good morning. This is the weather report. Its cold and snowy in Harbin. Its warm and sunny in Beijing. Its warm and windy in Hangzhou. Its cool and cloudy in Lhasa. Its hot and rainy in Haikou. 4. (1) Can I wear my T-shirt? Yes, you can. (2) Whats the weather like today? Its cloudy today. (3) What are you doing? Not much. (4) How much is the dress? Thirty-five yuan. (5) Are they donkeys? No, they arent. (6) Can I help you? Yes, please. a pair of sneakers. 5. A: Can I help you?B: Yes. I want two apples.A: Anything else?B: Yes. I also want ten bananas, eight oranges, four pears and two watermelons.A: How much?B: Twenty yuan.(二)参考答案听力部分1. 7-8-5-6 3-2-1-42. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 3. (1) D F (2) B H (3) B G (4) C I (5) A E4. (1) Can I wear my T-shirt? Not much.(2) Whats the weather like today? Thirty-five yuan.(3) What are you doing? Yes, please. I want five apples.(4) How much is the dress? Yes, you can.(5) Are they donkeys? Its cloudy today.(6) Can I help you? No, they arent.5. apple, banana, orange, pear, watermelon 笔试部分1. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 2. (1) C (2) A (3) C (4) B (5) A3. (1) rabbit (2) dog (3) nice (4) twelve (5) small 4. (1) It is cold today. (2) Look at that jacket. (3) This skirt is pretty. (4) I want a pair of sneakers. (5) How many cows do you have?5. (1) F (2) F (3) F (4) T (5) T


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