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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 七年级英语下学期期末复习 7B Unit7I重点单词1ability能力 2believe相信3seat座位4send发送;邮寄5notebook笔记本 6even甚至7pay付费8raise募集9brave勇敢的 10save救,救助11smoke烟,烟雾12badly严重地,厉害地13hurt受伤的14protect保护 15rush冲,奔16wet湿的;未干的;有雨的17burn烧伤;烧 18nod点头19careful仔细的;认真的;小心的20news新闻,消息 21newspaper报纸22match火柴23rubbish垃圾,废弃物24till到时,直到为止25camera照相机 26term学期27article 文章 28careless粗心的29piano钢琴 30violin小提琴31recommend推荐32award奖;奖品;奖金33lose迷失;丢失重点词组1believe it or not信不信由你2100k out留神,当心3clean up清除,打扫干净4plant trees植树5give a seat to someone给某人让座6pay for为付款7raise money for为筹钱8savefrom从中救出9next door在隔壁10put out扑灭11protect oneself自我保护12help sbout帮助某人脱离困境13at that moment在那个时刻l4be careful with当心,小心15in hospital住院16call for help呼救17by the way顺便问一下,顺便说说18on fire着火了19keep sthaway from让远离20anything hot任何热的东西21make a call打电话22see through看透,看穿23as fast as light与光速一样快24work hard on努力学习25dotry oneS best尽某人最大努力26do well in做得好27at the age of在岁时28recommend sbfor推荐某人荣获29take part in参加30lose ones way迷路31hear from收到的来信32a fiveyearold boy一个五岁大的男孩重点句型及点拨1Believe it or not!信不信由你! believe it or not!是口语中的常用句型。其完整形式是Whether you believe it or not意为 “无论不管你相不相信或“信不信由你。2Look out,Eddie!埃迪,当心! look out相当于take carebe careful,用于提醒或引起别人的注意。如: If you dont look out,you may fall on the ice如果不小心的话,你会在冰上摔倒的。3We can send some to them我们可以送一些(衣服和鞋子)给他们。 send是及物动词,意为“发送,寄;派遣,打发,可接双宾语。如: She sent me a Christmas card=She sent a Christmas card to me她给我寄来一张圣诞贺 卡。 He sent his son to return the books to the library他打发他儿子把书还给图书馆。4home families are not even able to pay for pens and notebooks一些孩子甚至不能支付书本费。 (1)be able to意为“能,与can意思相同,当它们表示能力的时候,是同义的。但也有区别:can只有两种时态,即can和could,而be able to有多种时态。 表示过去通过努力终于做成了某事要用be able to,而不能用can。如: All the people were able to escape from, the fire in time所有的人都能及时地从大火中逃生。 can可以表示猜测,be able to不可以。can 的这种用法主要用于疑问句和否定句。 (2)pay for意为“支付,payfor意为 “花(钱)买。如: I cant pay for the house我支付不了这房子钱。 We paid much money for the food我们花了许多钱买了这些食物。5We can raise some money for them to buy these things我们可以为他们募集一些钱去买这些东西。 raise意为“募集;饲养;举起。如: He raised his eyes from his work他停下工作举目观望。 Its difficult to raise a family on a small income依靠微薄的收入是很难养家的。6He was brave enough to save his neighbour from a fire他非常英勇地把他的邻居救出。 (1)enough修饰形容词或副词时要后置。 (2)save意为“救,救助;节约;储蓄,save sb from意为“把某人从救出。如: The doctor saved his mothers life那位医生救了他妈妈的命。 The tall man saved her from the fire two days ago 那位高个子男子两天前把她从大火里救了出来。7Her left leg was badly hurt and she could not get out她的左腿伤得很重,她出不来了。 hurt意为“疼,是不及物动词,作“伤害讲时是及物动词。如: H e hurt himself on the way、to the theatre他在去戏院的途中伤了自己。 My right ear hurt last week上星期我的右耳受伤了。8He poured water over his clothes to protect himself他把水倾倒在衣服上来保护自己。 (1)动词不定式to protect himself作目的状语。 (2)pour是及物动词,意为“倒,倾倒。如:Dont pour the rubbish into the river不要把 垃圾倒进河里。9Later some fireman came and put out the fire后来一些消防员赶来扑灭了火。put out意为“扑灭,熄灭;关掉。如:She put out the fire with a blanket她用毯子扑灭了火。 10Fire is very dangerousWe should be careful with it大火是危险的。我们应该小心对待它。 careful是形容词,意为“小心的,仔细的,它的反义词是careless(粗心的)。be careful意为 “小心,当心,相当于take carelook out。be careful with意为“对小心谨慎。如: Be careful with fire当心火。11First,he found out that his neighbours bathroom was on fire首先,他发现他邻居的浴室着火了。 on fire意为“着火了,表示状态,相当于be burning。如: I found Jims house on fire when I got there当我到那儿时发现吉姆的房子着火了。1 2I make a call on your mobile我用你的手机打个电话。 mak6 a call意为“打电话,同义词组有:ring sbup,give sba callring,call sb。make a call to sb意为“给某人打电话。13She does well in她在方面做得好。 do well in-be good at-dovery well意为 “在方面做得好。如: They did well in the sports meeting他们在运动会中表现很好。14I started to play the violin at the age of six我在六岁时开始弹奏小提琴。 at the age of six意为“在六岁,相当于when引导的时间状语从句。151 would like to recommend Daniel for this years Young Star Award我想要推荐丹尼尔 荣获今年的“新星奖。 recommend sbfor意为“推荐某人荣获recommend sbasto be 意为“推荐 某人做(某个职位)。如: We all recommend him to beas our monitor我们都推荐他做我们的班长。16He is a member of our Project Hope group and often takes part in activities他是我们希 望工程小组的一员并经常参加(小组的)活动。 (1)be a member ofbe in意为“成为的一员,参加了。 (2)take part in意为“参加,它的宾语多为某 种活动,可以与join in互换使用;join后多接某个组织或团体。如: You can join intake part in planting trees你可以参加植树。 When did you join the League? 你何时人 团的? 17Last week,a five-year-old boy lost his way and was crying in the street上个星期,一个 五岁大的男孩迷了路,在大街上一直哭。 (1)five-yearold意为“5岁大的,是复合形容词。复合形容词只能作前置定语,不能单独做表语。如:a 20-metre-high building一幢20米高的楼房 (2)lose ones wayget lost意为“迷路。如: He lost his way in Shanghai last year去年他在上海迷了路。 语法点拨 (一)情态动词can,could及may的用法 1用can与could来谈论能力。 can用于谈论现在或将来的能力,could谈论过去的能力。如: I can finish the work tomorrow我明天能完成这项工作。 She could swim at the age of five她五岁就能游泳了。 2用can,could,may请求允许。can主要用于好朋友之间;could语气上比can委婉、礼貌,用于上司领导、师生之间以及长辈、陌生人等,可用may替换,但没有may正式。如: 一May I ask you a question,sir?我可以问你一个问题吗? 一Yes,you may是的,你可以。 (二)感叹句 1由感叹词what引导的感叹句: What+a(n)+形容词+单数名词+主语+谓语!What+形容词+复数名词+主语+谓语!What+形容词+不可数名词+主语+谓语!如: What a clever girl she is!她是一个多么聪明的姑娘呀! 2由感叹词how引导的感叹句: how用来修饰形容词、副词或动词。其结构是:How+形容词(副词)+主语+谓语!如: How cold it is today! 今天多么冷呀! 5 / 5


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