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精品文档NCE1L120-130 测试卷一、根据汉语填写单词1._ 经理2._认出3._ 在。期间4._ 非常5._ 意外的事,惊喜6._ 立即地7._女演员8. _ 英里9._ 罚款10._ 标记,牌子二、根据汉语填写词组1.时速 70 英里2.想要某人做某事3.接受某人的意见4 .至少5.以。而著名6.再看一眼7.不得不8.另某人惊讶的是9.提供某人某物10.某人随身携带某物三、写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词forget _ find_ _take _ hear_ _serve_ _make_drive_tell_read_ _meet_四、单项选择1. Is this the shop _sells children s clothes?A. whichB. whoC. in whichD. where2. She is the girl _met me yesterday.A. whoB. whomC. whichD. what3. Would you please_?A. put on itB. put it onC. to put it onD. to put on it4. My father often drives me_ school.A. toB. forC. withD. in5. Is there _ at home?A. somebodyB. anybodyC. somethingD. somewhere6.I am the person _wrote to you.A. whomB. whoC. whenD. who7. This is the ship _ we travelled_.A. that, onB. which, atC. that, atD. who, on8. _fine weather!A. WhatB. HowC. What aD. How a9. Let him _.A. to go homeB. goes homeC. go homeD. went home精品文档精品文档10.He _a beard during his trip last year.A. grewB. growC. growsD. growing11.The women _ Standing outside is my aunt.A. whom isB. thatC. whomD. who is12. I ll have to wait_.A. by meB. by myselfC. in meD. in myself13._ you_ go now?A. Do, have toB. Have, toC. Have, /D. Do, had to14. Hasn t your teacher arrived_?A. alreadyB. stillC. yetD. too15.Do you have to walk to the station? No, we don t .A. need toB. needC. needed toD. needed16. He was a famous writer when I was _.A at the schoolB. at schoolC. in schoolD. for school17. I _think you _ right.A. don t, arentB.don t, are C. X, aren tD. didn t, werent18. You d better_.A. listen my adviceB. take my advicesC. hear my adviceD. take my advice19.A: He must be fifty.B: No. He_ be fifty.A. cantB. mustn tC. couldn tD. neednt20. He was doing his homework_ his mother came in.A. whenB. ifC. afterD. because五、完成下列句子1. 刚才我买了一件很贵的衬衫,但是我忘记拿走了。I bought _ _ shirt just now, but I _ _ takeit_ me.2.这是他到日本去旅行时拍的一张照片。This is a photo _ he_ during his trip_ Japan.3. 你得等他多久?_ _ _ you_ to wait _ him?4. 我认为你不对。I_ think you _right.5. 这次我就不罚你款了。I won tyou _ _.6.半小时前,你接待过这位先生吗?Did you_ the gentleman _ _ _ ago?六、翻译或连词成句1. 他是经常帮助我的那个叔叔。_.精品文档精品文档2. 这是一张多么漂亮的图片啊!_.3. I, invited, man, to, that, house, my, yesterday_.4. 难道你没认出来我吗?_.5. 她没去过北京,是吗?_.6. 她不可能是你的朋友,她一定是你的老师。_.七、按要求完成下列句子1. We have to walk to the station.改(为否定句)2. He has to wait for three days.对(划线部分提问)3. This is the film. I saw it yesterday.(将两个句子用that 合并成一个句子)4. She is the girl which I served(.改错)5. Do you know the teacher whom taught us English last year?(改错)精品文档


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