(黎洁丽)UnitFourMyroomReadandWrite文本阅读设计 (2)

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教学设计基本信息 作者姓名黎洁丽性别女出生年月1982.01工作单位 广东省东莞市虎门镇沙角小学 邮政编码520930通讯地址广东省东莞市虎门镇沙角小学 联系电话13532687229电子邮箱Kelleylee0113所用教科书书名人教版PEP小学英语所教年级四年级所教册次、单元BOOK3 Unit4设计主题Unit4 My room Read and Write一、整体设计思路、指导依据说明针对PEP小学英语四上第四单元Read and Write板块的教学内容,本课时从学生学习的角度出发,根据教材中的教学内容制定了课时教学目标,并使其具有可行性、可操作性和可检验性。其次,本课时基于对读写课型的教学原则及活动类型的分析,主要围绕 Pre-reading,While-reading,After-reading(Writing)三个教学步骤设计了教学流程,具体如下:Pre-reading结合学生已用的知识,用guessing的形式激活相关图式,复习本单元的单词和主要的句型,为后面的阅读、朗读和书写做铺垫。While-reading小步子教学给学生搭建合理的学习支架并且渗透找寻关键信息的阅读策略,让学生轻松完成阅读任务。再引导学生通过寻找key words的方法阅读文段,迅速获取信息,运用信息进行判断;从教师的教过渡到学生自主阅读。After-reading设计情景引导学生完成写的任务,并重新创设类似的情景让学生在情景中书写目标语言,突显语言的运用功能。二、教学背景分析学生分析四年级的学生已经完成了字母的学习,能够较好地掌握字母的书写,并开始学习单词书写,逐步过渡到目标句型的书写中。教材分析教材修订后在每个单元增加了Read and Write的板块。读写板块通过配有图片的组句或者是文段提供了一个有意义的语篇综合性训练活动。包括阅读理解活动和在语境中选词抄写完成句子的活动,帮助学生进一步巩固本单元学习的核心句型和词汇。三、教学目标与策略分析教学目标1. 学生能够读懂描述起居室的小文段,并尝试运用通过关键信息进行完成图片和文字的连线以及描述钥匙位置的任务。2. 学生能够按照意群和正确的语音、语调朗读小文段。3. 学生能够在有意义的语境中抄写本单元话题的词汇并将句子补充完整并且能够综合运用本单元的核心词句描绘家里的摆设。四、重难点分析l 学生能够读懂描述起居室的小文段,并尝试运用通过关键信息进行完成图片和文字的连线任务。l 学生能够在有意义的语境中抄写本单元话题的词汇并将句子补充完整并且能够综合运用本单元的核心词句描绘家里的摆设。 五、教学过程设计(附流程图)Warm up【流程图】Pre-reading: Ice-breaking and revision拉近师生距离,破冰热身,复习巩固单词和句型。While-readingFinish the first reading task用找关键词的策略完成文章的阅读任务。After-readingDecorate a new houseFinish the second reading task通过文本重构,完成第二次的阅读任务,并通过布置新房子的任务,学生书写本单元中的目标句型。Homework(一)Pre-reading : warm-up and revision1.利用新教师的角色信息引入本节课的内容T: Good morning, young ladies and gentlemen. Nice to see you! I am so happy to be your new teacher today. Here are some information about me. Who can say something about me? (PPT) Kelly Humen pears pink 5 (用图片表示)设计意图:用自身新老师的信息自然引入课堂前期的复习阶段,为后面教学活动做铺垫。2. 引出核心词汇的复习T: Yes, I have five rooms in my home. What room are they?T: OK. I have a chant for you. Listen. T: I go to the first room. Watch TV. I go to the first room Watch TV. I go to the second room. Have a nap. I go to the second room. Have a nap. I go to the third room. Read a book. I go to the third room. Read a book. I go the fourth room, have a snack. I go the fourth room. Have a snack. I go the fifth room. I take a shower. I go to the fifth room. Take a shower. T: Whats the first room?S: (和学生对完答案) T: I know you can chant, too. Lets chant together. Go to the 。T: Good. I watch TV in my living room. Where do I sit? S:T: The sofa is in the living room. (此时课件上在room1里出现句子)T: What else in my living room? (听铃声) S: The phone is in the living room, too. T: I have a nap in my bedroom. Where do I have a nap?S:. T: The bed in the bedroom.T: I read books in the study. The books are in the study. What else? S: . T: I have a snack in the kitchen. Whats in your kitchen?S: .T: The fridge is in the kitchen. The table and the chairs are on the kitchen, too.T: The bathtub is in my bathroom. Do you have a bathtub in your bathroom? Whats a bathtub?S1:3.当所有的房间都被猜出来后,PPT上保留类似的描述句子The sofa is in my living room. The phone is in my living room, too. The bed is in my bedroom. The table and chairs are in my kitchen. The fridge is in my kitchen, too. The books are in my study. The bathtub is in my bathroom. 在句子的下面提供两幅很相似的图片供学生选择。)T: Look at these two pictures. Which is my home? S:. T: Lets find out the differences of these two pictures . The phone is the living room. S:(示范) The phone is in the bedroom. T:Now this time, circle the differences and talk with your partner. One is home1. The other is home 2. (请一位学生做示范,假设老师是home 1, 学生是home2,老师说The TV is in the living room. 点击课件圈住,学生说: The TV is in the bedroom. 点击圈住P2的电视。学生分成两组,在work sheet 上面一边圈,一边和同伴交流。)设计意图:结合学生已用的知识,用guessing的形式激活相关图式,复习本单元的单词和主要的句型,为后面的阅读、朗读和书写做铺垫。(二)While-reading 1.承接上面的情境,引出阅读任务 T: Picture 1 is my home. Whose home is Picture 2? Wu Yifans ? Johns? or Chen Jies? Lets read the notes and find out the owner of this house?(在PPT上展示三个小朋友的头像,在头像的下面有一个有关他们房子的note,学生快速阅读后,找出房子的主人。例如:Wu Yifan :2 bedrooms(beds) 1 living room(sofa, table and TV)等等) T:Yes, its Wu Yifans home. Look, this is his 。(放大living room的图片,可以直接用课文的配图)Whats in his living room? S: The TV is in his living room.(看图回答)设计意图:用找出房子主人的小挑战来引出本节课的阅读情景,激活学生的关键词阅读策略,自然导入本节课的阅读任务。2. 完成文中阅读任务T: These things are also in Wu Yifans living room.(PPT上展示需要匹配的物品图片。) T: Where are the books? Look, Wu Yifan write a passage about hie home.(PPT上出现文章)S:Theyre on the sofa. T: Yes, the books are on the sofa.T: What about the pens? OK. Now please do in on your work sheet, underline the key words and match. (一边说一边画出books 和on the sofa, 再连线)(老师再做一个示范,学生自己完成,强调画出关键的信息物品和方位。然后和学生一一对答案。)T: Now listen Wu Yifan has a question for you. (听录音: Where are my keys? Can you find them? )S:.S:Theyre under the sofa. T:Read after the recording again. While you are reading, please pay attention to the sense groups within each sentence.(老师做示范,请一个学生上讲台来划) T:Read the passage according to the sense-groups by yourself. (学生自行练习)T: Lets read the passage together. T: What do you think of Wu Yifans living room? Is it tidy or untidy? Wu Yifan is putting his things all around. Is it a good habit or a bad one? 设计意图:小步子给学生搭建合理的学习支架并且渗透找寻关键信息的阅读策略,让学生轻松完成阅读任务。3 .跟读录音,回答文中问题,渗透意群朗读意识。设计意图:听录音跟读培养学生按照意群和正确的语音、语调朗读小文段的习惯,并在阅读中渗透良好习惯养成的教育。(三)After-reading (1)文本重构增加一段平行难度的阅读文段,让学生有更多的阅读训练。承接上面的情景:找一找Wu Yifans bedroom。进一步引导学生运用阅读策略(找关键词)进行阅读。T: We need to keep our rooms tidy and clean. Where should we put these things? S: .T: Wu Yifan put these things in his bedroom. Can you find out which is his bedroom? He wrote something, too. Please read and find out his bedroom. 设计意图:引导学生通过寻找key words的方法阅读文段,迅速获取信息,运用信息进行判断;从教师的教过渡到学生自主阅读。(2)设计情境,完成写的任务展示一一间新的房子,把家具放在合适的地方。T:Look at the screen again. Its a new home Whose new home? (呈现一个家具摆放凌乱的房间)S:.T: I have some furniture here. Where should I put them? Give some suggestions for me. I will write down your suggestions. What about the sofa? S: The sofa is in the living room.(学生说,老师写句子,板书句子,渗透书写规范。)T:What about the chairs?S: The chairs are in the bedroom. (学生说,老师写)(引导学生说出所有正确的摆放,然后完成worksheet 里的书写作业,把课文里的两个书写练习整合在一起,从容易渐难。完成后找一个学生的答案来讲评,从中渗透书写句子的规范。)设计意图:坚持在情境中学习,突显语言的运用功能。教师示范,搭建学习支架。初步了解英语句子的正确书写形式;照顾不同水平的学生,提供选择性的书写任务。(四)课后作业(homework)Write about your home设计一间自己的理想房子,描述自己的家里各房间物品位置。 设计意图:回归学生生活,课内外一体化,让学生在课堂上学习的知识能得到运用。六、板书设计Unit Four My room Read and Write The sofa is in the living room. The chairs are in the bedroom.6


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