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学校 成绩 考号 姓名 班级 2014学年第一学期 小学五年级英语期中检测卷密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题(70分钟完成)题目听 力 笔 试合 计分数说明:请把选择题的答案编号写在题前的括号内。听力部分:40分(每小题读三次)一、听句子,选出句中含有的信息。(10分) ( )1. A.6:30 B. 6:15 C. 6:45 ( )2. A. January B. September C. December ( )3. A. the high jump B. the long jump C. play badminton ( )4. A. watching cartoons B. flying a kite C. doing some reading( )5. A .at the library B. in the gym C. in the classroom( )6. A. young and thin B. short and shy C. kind and friendly( )7. A. have a picnic B. have breakfast C. draw a picture( )8. A. works B. reads C. sings( )9. A. Sunday morning B. Saturday morning C. Saturday afternoon( )10. A. space B. price C. frog 二、听句子,请选出所听到的单词。(5分) ( )1. The _ is very clean . A. strong B. street C. space ( )2. This _ is very beautiful. I dont know its name. A. plant B. plane C. please ( )3.The boy is_,but hes very clever. A. blind B. blue C.black ( )4.There is a brown building near the _. A. glad B. grass C. grove ( )5. This is a Chinese _. A. flag B. floor C. fly 三、听句子,请写出句中所缺的单词。(5分)1.I like eating _cream . 2.You can_ her at the swimming pool 3.There is a kite in the _.4.Lets go to school _.5. _ Mr White is in the music room.三、听句子,选择正确的答案。(5分)( )1.A.Yes, she is. B. No, she doesnt. C. In the school shop.( )2.A.Im Miss White. B. Yes, I do. C.I can speak English.( )3.A.Its 100 yuan. B. Yes, I can. C. Yes, she does.( )4.A.She is tall and thin. B. No, Im from China. C. No , thanks.( )5.A.I like swimming. B. OK. C. He likes singing.四、根据听到的内容,把图写上英文大写字母编号。(5分)( )( )( )( )( )五、听录音,请在正确的位置各位小朋友喜欢活动。(5分) NamesSports BenJiaminTomJanetSallyPlay basketball Play tennisGo runningSwimming in the pool Skate六、听短文,选择正确的答案。(5分)( )1Its now .A4:00 B7:00 C6:00( )2All the children are at Ahome Bschool Cpark( )3Sally is .Asinging an English song Breading a story book Cplaying chess( )4Amy is .Asinging an English song Breading a story book Cplaying chess( )5Mike is .Amaking cards Breading a story book C Listening to music 笔试部分:60分一、找出一个与其他三个不同类的词。(5分)( )1.A.Chinese B. music C. old D. English ( )2.A.happy B. dance C. jump D. stay( )3.A.time B. often C.seldom D. always( )4.A.far B. fast C. high D.want( )5.A.eat B. who C. what D. how二、根据中文提示完成句子。(6分)1. I am making a _(模型) plane. 2.Its 6:30 , time to _(醒来) up .3.Were very _(忙的) on weekdays .4. I can _ (数数)from one to ten .5.Lets go and _ _ (寻找)my dog.三、选择正确的答案。(12分)( )1.Eat _ apple every day . A.a B. an C. the ( )2.What is _hobby ?. A. he B. his C. you.( )3.Tom is _TV. A. watching B. see C. watch ( )4. My stamps are _ England. A.to B. of C. from( )5.She has _200 books. A. many B. so many C. more than( )6.Sue_ at Rose School in England . A. study B. studies C. studying( )7.Listen! The robot_ English. A. speaks B. is speaking C. speak( )8.He runs very_ . Lets follow him .A. high B. best C. far( )9.Does your brother_ exercise every day?A. take B. takes C. taking( )10.Yaoming is _ at the swimming pool .A .swim B. swims C. swimming( )11.She _her father . A. looks like B. looks for C. looks at ( )12.A:_pupils are there in your class? B:Thirty-one. A. How much B. How many C. How old四、用所给的词完成对话或填入所缺的词。(10分)(about, fast, together, hobby, swimming; right )(一)A :What is your _, Mike ?. B: Guess , I like water .A:Your hobby is _. B:Thats _. What _ you ?A:I like swimming , too .I can swim _.B:Lets go swimming _.A:OK.(二)A: What are you _,Ben ?B: Im _cartoons .A:Can you draw a mouse ?B:_ , I cant .A: I can help you .B: _you so much .五、读句子,找出相应的答句。(9分)( )1.Are there any trees in your school? A. I can draw a bird.( )2.Can you run very fast ?. B. At half past twelve.( )3.What can you do ? C. Im watching TV .( )4.What does Mike usually do on Sunday ? D. Yes , I can.( )5.What time do you have lunch? E. Yes, there are.( )6.What are you doing ,Jim ? F. He usually reads books .六、阅读理解。(一)阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(5分) Mike is an English boy. He likes animals very much. He often reads books about animals when he has time. He has some petsa turtle, three birds and some goldfish. He feeds them every day. Mike likes visiting the zoo. He often goes to the zoo with his friends on Saturday or Sunday. He can tell you where the animals live. He likes watching monkeys, because they look like men. He wants to have a monkey, but his parents dont like monkeys in their home. Now Mike is making two small houses. He is going to keep a dog and two cats. The cats and the dog are going to be the presents from his granddad.( )1. Mike lives in _. A.the UK B.the USA C.Japan( )2. Mike likes _ very much. A.books B.animals C.sports( )3. Mike often reads books about _. A.plants B.animals C.sports( )4. Mike has_. A.a monkey B.a turtle C.a turtle, three birds and some goldfish( )5. Mike is making two small house for_. A. a dog and two cats B.the turtle and the birds C.the monkey and the birds(二)阅读短文,判断正误,正确的在括号内打“”,否则打“X”。(8分) The sun, the moon(月亮)and the star are all in the sky(天空). We can see the sun in the sky and we can see the stars at night. The sun is much bigger and brighter than the moon. It gives us light and heat(热).The moon is really smaller than the stars. It looks brighter because it is much nearer to us. The moon has no light of its own, but the stars have. They look smaller than the sun and the moon. The sun looks brighter than the moon and the stars. But most of the stars are bigger than the sun. They look small because they are very far from us.( )1. The star, the moon and the sun are in the sky.( )2.The moon is much bigger than the sun.( )3.The stars have no light of its own.( )4.The moon looks brighter than the stars because its nearer to us.七、根据提示,写一写你自己的爱好。(至少五句)(5分)My name is. My hobby is. I am good. I like. I often.I can. I can._ 2014学年第一学期五年级英语期中检测卷 听力一、 听句子,选出句中含有的信息。(10分) 1. My father wakes up at 6:30 . 2. I was born in December. 3. Do you like doing the long jump? 4. The children are flying a kite in the playground. 5. Ben usually does some reading at the library. 6. Our teachers are kind and friendly. 7. Lets go to the park and have a picnic. 8.Janet.sings very well.9.What do you usually do on Saturday morning ? 10. Frogs can jump very high. 二、听句子,请选出所听到的单词。(5分) ( B )1. The _ is very clean . A. strong B. street C. space ( A )2. This _ is very beautiful. I dont know its name. A. plant B. plane C. please ( A )3.The boy is_,but hes very clever. A. blind B. blue C.black ( B )4.There is a brown building near the _. A. glad B. grass C. grove ( C )5. This is a Chinese _. A. fly B. floor C. flag三、听句子,请写出句中所缺的单词。(5分)1.I like eating ice cream . 2.You can _find_ her at the swimming pool 3.There is a kite in the _ sky _ 4.Lets go to school _together_.5. _Maybe_ Mr White is in the music room.四、听句子,选择正确的答案。(5分)1. Does your mother go to work on Sunday? 2.What can you do,Xiaoling?3.Can you speak Chinese and English? 4.What does your sister look like?5.What is Bens hobby?五、根据听到的内容,把图写上英文大写字母编号。(5分)1. I want to be a doctor when I grow up. 2 .The girl is playing music.3.Shall we go shopping this Saturday? 4.The man works on the computer.5.The boy usually reads books at home.六、听录音,请在正确的位置各位小朋友喜欢活动。(5分)1.Ben likes swimming in the pool. 2.Jiamin likes playing basketball.3.Tom likes skating. 4.Janet likes going running.5.Sally likes playing tennis.七、听短文,选择正确的答案。(5分) Today is Sunday.Its 4:00.All the children are at home.Look,they are very happy.Sally is reading a strory book.Her sister Amy is singing an English song.What about Mike? He is listening to music.They are enjoy Sunday.7


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