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初三英语主讲教师:杨莉 Wherewouldyouliketovisit? 教学目标教学目标LanguageGoalTalk about places you would like to visit.词语学习词语学习WordStudy1.tiring adj. 引起疲劳的; 累人的 Staying up too late is very tiring. 熬夜太晚令人疲劳。2.educational adj. 教育的; 有教育意义的 an educational programm 教育节目 science and educational film 科教片3.fascinating adj. 迷人的;有较大吸引力的 a fascinating place 一个迷人的地方 a fascinating love story 一个迷人的爱情故事4.thrilling adj. 令人激动的; 令人震颤的 The novel is very thrilling. It is worth reading. 这部小说很刺激, 值得一看。5.peaceful adj. 宁静的; 和平的 I want to live in a peaceful place. 我想住在一个宁静的地方。6.exotic adj. 外来的; 外国产的 I like exotic music. 我喜欢异国情调的音乐。7.trek v. 长途跋涉; 艰难旅行 trek- treks- trekking- trekked- trekked Our medical workers trekked through high mountains to collect valuable medicinal hurbs. 我们的医务工作者踏遍高山峻岭采集名贵药材。8.explore v. 探险; 考察 Lets explore the historic sites of China. 咱们去中国有历史古迹的地方考察吧。 explorer 探险者; 考察者; 勘探者9.touristy adj. 游客很多的; 适合游览的 New York is a touristy and fascinating city. 纽约是一个游客众多, 非常吸引人的城市。10. pack v. 把打包; 把装箱 Have you packed all your things? 你所有的东西都打好包了吗? 重要词组重要词组ImportantPhrases1.would like to do sth.想要做某事 2.on vacation度假3.hope to do 希望做 4. somewhere relaxing放松的某个地方 5.some day 某天 6.would love to do 喜欢做 7. plan on 计划8. get around观光 9. decide to do sth. 决定做某事10.all year round 一年 11.be supposed to 被期望,应该12.what else 另外的 13.spend on花费14.take a trip去旅行 15.need to do需要做16.let sb.do 让某人做17.be away离开18.take it easy放松,不紧张19.work on从事20.over and over again 一次次的重要句型重要句型(SectionAB&self-check)1. Where would you like to go on vacation, Sam? 萨姆, 你想到哪儿去度假?(1)句中的would like表示“想要”,是一种较委婉礼貌的说 法,常用于以下几种句式:would like + 名词(或代词),意为“想要”。例如: Id like a notebook computer. 我想要一个笔记本电脑。(其中Id是I would的缩写) Hed like some hamburgers and juice. 他想要汉堡包和果汁。(其中Hed是He would的缩写)would like + to do, 意为“想做”。例如: Shed like to do other job. 她想做其它的工作。 Wed like to wear our own clothes. 我们想穿自己的衣服。would like + 名词(或代词)+ to do, 表示 “想或希望某 人做什么”。例如: Id like you to clean up your own room. 我希望你打扫一下自己的房间。 Id like them to speak English as much as possible . 我希望他们尽可能多得说英语。(2)辩析:would like 与want 二者都有“想要”的含义,但would like较want更加委婉。二者后面都可接“名词或不定式”,也可接“名词+不定式”的结构,would like在口语中常说成“d like”可适用于所有人称;而want则要根据人称和数的变化而变化。在语言表达中,二者大多可以互换使用,但在语气的委婉程度上是有差别,这一点在具体的语言环境中要注意。例如: She wants a cup of coffee.=Shed like a cup of coffee. 她想要一杯咖啡。I would like to buy an English-English dictionary.=I want to buy an English-English dictionary. 我想买一本英英词典。 We want to play soccer after school.=We would like to play soccer after school. 我们想在放学后踢足球。(3)on vacation意为“在度假,在休假中”,这主要是美式 用法,英国人常用 on holiday。其中的介词on是表示状 态、方法等,意思是“进行中,在中, 处于状 态”。例如:The Greens are on a visit to China. 格林一家正在中国参观。My uncle has gone to France on vacation (holiday). 我叔叔去法国度假了。There are a lot of new autumn suits on sale in the shop.这个商店里有许多新上市的秋装在出售。She met an old friend on her way to school. 在上学的途中,她遇到了一位老朋友。(4)go + on(或for)+名词,常表示“去”。例如:Lets go on a journey on winter vacation. 寒假我们去旅行吧。Theyd like to go on /for a picnic this weekend. 这个周本他们想去野餐。Lets go for a walk after supper. 晚饭后我们去散步吧。2. Id like to trek through the jungle, because I like exciting vacations. 我想去热带丛林中旅行,因为我喜欢充满刺激 的假期。(1)辨析:through与across二者都可译为“穿过”,但through是指从一边穿行到另一边,常指从事物内部穿过。across是指从一条线或某一事物的表面的一边到另一边,常可译为“横过”, “横穿”。例如:The train is running through the tunnel. 火车正从隧道中穿过。The river goes through the city from west to east. 这条河从西向东流过这个城市。Its dangerous to go across the road when traffic lights are red.红灯亮时过马路很危险。 (2) because是连词,连接一个原因状语从句,可置于句首,也可放在主句后面表原因。because所表原因比较直接。要注意,so虽表结果,但它所连结的句子是并列句。在英语中不能把because和so一起用于一个句子中表原因和结果,这一点与汉语不同。例如:Peter didnt take the test today because he got to class late.=Peter got to class late, so he didnt take the test today. 彼得上课迟到了,所以他今天没有参加考试 I went to bed early because I was tired.=I was tired so I went to bed early. 我因为疲倦所以提早睡。 3. I like places where the weather is always warm. 我喜欢天气总是温和的地方。本句是含有关系副词where的定语从句。关系副词where指地点,只能跟在表示地点的名词后面,如:place, village, town, city, home等。在从句中作地点状语。例如:That is the place where I was born. 那里就是我出生的地方。Id like to go a place where we can swim. 我想去一个我们可以游泳的地方。 4. I hope to visit Hawaii some day. 我希望有一天 能去游览夏威夷。(1)本句中的hope作动词,它也可以作名词,表示“希望”, “愿望”。作为动词,hope后面可接动词不定式或宾语从句。例 如: My mother just got her drivers license. She hopes to buy a new car next month. 我妈妈刚拿到驾驶执照。她希望下个月买一辆新车。hope还可以与so, not用于简略回答中。 “Can he come to my party?” “I hope so.” “他能来参加我的聚会吗?” “我希望他能来。”“Will it rain tomorrow?” “I hope not.”“明天会下雨吗?” “我希望不会。”hope作名词时,既可作可数名词也可作不可数名词。例如:My hope is that you will concentrate more on your studies.我希望你们把精力多用在学习上。 (2)辩析:hope与wish 这两个词作动词,都有“希望,期望”之意。hope与wish后都可接动词不定式,但wish后还可接“sb. + to do sth.”的结构,而hope则不可以。例如:Betty wishes to find her lost watch somewhere.贝蒂希望在什么地方能找到她丢失的手表。The little girl wishes her mother to come home from work earlier every day.这个小女孩希望妈妈每天早点下班回家。hope表示说话者想要做的事,通过努力可以实现;而wish常表示一种美好的愿望,但实现的可能性不太大。另外,hope表示“未来可能的希望”,而wish表示“与事实相反的愿望”。例如:We hope to visit this place again. 我们希望能再度探访此地。We hoped to save more money. 我们希望能存更多的钱。He wishes to go to the moon now. 他希望现在就能到月球上去。I wish I could make no mistakes in the exams without any difficulty.但愿我能毫不费力地在考试中不出差错。(3)some day意为“(将来)有一天,有朝一日”,这是英式用法,美式用法写作someday,二者无区别。如果表示过去的“有一天”时,使用one day, the other day等。例如:My dream will come true some day (someday). 我的梦想将来有一天会实现。The teacher will know about it some day (someday).总有一天老师会知道这件事的。One day he came to see me with a little boy.有一天,他带着一个小男孩来看我。(或用the other day代替one day)。注:one day也可表示将来的某一天。例如:I wish I could meet you again one day. 我希望有一天能再见到你。5. Id like to go somewhere relaxing. 我想去一个能让人心情舒畅的地方。somewhere常用作副词,意为“到某处,在某处”。与之类似构成的单词还有:anywhere(在任何地方,到任何地方),nowhere(无处,到处都没有),everywhere(到处,处处)。(1)somewhere用于肯定句,而在否定句、疑问句、if(whether)从句中,则用anywhere。例如:The church must be somewhere around here. 那座教堂一定就在附近。I want to live somewhere else. 我想住到别的地方。 I remember seeing him somewhere. 我记得在哪儿见过他。 Have you seen my watch anywhere? 你在什么地方见过我的手表吗?I dont want to go anywhere else.我哪儿也不想去了。 (2)somewhere有时与修饰语或短语连用,或成为宾语而当名词用。这时候,其修饰语或短语要置于somewhere之后。例如:They need somewhere to stay. 他们需要找个地方呆一会。Lets find somewhere quiet to have a rest. 我们找某个安静的地方休息一会吧。(3)在表示请求或提建议的句型里, 用somewhere。例如:Shall we go somewhere else? 我们去别的地方好吗?6. For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Singapore? 为什么不考虑一下到新加坡去度你的下一个假 期?(1)why not?=why dont you?意思是“你为什么不?,你怎么样?”也表示提建议,“why not?”结构中,not后接动词原形。例如:Why dont you introduce yourself?=Why not introduce yourself? 你为什么不作一下自我介绍呢?Why not come to school earlier tomorrow?=Why dont you come to school earlier tomorrow? 明天早点到校怎么样? (2)consider是动词,意为“仔细考虑,深思熟虑,再三考虑”,后面可接名词,从句,副词,接动词时要用v-ing形式。例如:We considered his suggestion. 我们仔细考虑了他的建议。He is considering going to the USA for further study.他正在考虑出国留学。We considered how we should help them. 我们仔细考虑应该如何帮助他们。 (3)句中的visit是动词,visit还可作名词。visit作名词时,意为“访问,参观,观光”。后接介词to短语时,表示“在某处的访问(观光)”。例如:This is my first visit to Sweden. 这是我第一次到瑞典游览。 7. Dont plan on driving a car in Singapore. 不要打算在新加坡开车。(2)句中的plan作动词,也可以用作名词。plan作动词时,意为“计划,预订,策划”等。主要有以下几种用法:a. plan +名词。例如:They are planning a trip to Shanghai. 他们计划去上海旅行。b. plan + on doing/to do,表示“打算做某事”。例如:We are planning on having an English speech contest next week.=We are planning to have an English speech contest next week.我们正打算下个星期举办英语演讲比赛。plan作名词时是可数名词,常表示“计划,方案”等。例如:We made plans for the vacations. 我们拟订了假期的计划。Do you have any plans for this evening? 今晚你有什么计划吗? 8. The traffic is heavy in some parts of the city, and most private cars are not allowed in downtown Singapore. 这个城市一些地区的交通流量很大,在新加坡 的商业区大部分的私家车是禁止通行的。(1)句中的形容词heavy在这里表示“大量的,大的”。例如:You must drive carefully, the traffic is heavy here.你要小心驾驶,这里交通很拥挤。There was a heavy rain last night. 昨天晚上下了一场大雨。(2)句中的part是名词,意为“地区, 区域”。此外也当 “一部分”讲。 例如:That part of the country is colder than the rest. 国家的那一地区比其他部分都冷。part与of连用时,通常用不加冠词的part of。of之后的名词若是单数,part则视为单数;若为复数则视为复数。例如:Part of the house was burnt in the fire. 这房子的一部分被火烧毁了。Part of the books have arrived. 一部分书已经到达了。 9. It is easiest to get around the city by subway. 乘地铁在这个城市里观光是最简便的。(1)在英语中,常用“Its +形容词+ (for sb. ) to do sth.”,这一句型表示“(对于某人来说)做某事是的”。其中的it只是一个形式主语,其真正的主语是不定式短语to do sth.。 英语中用动词不定式(短语)作主语时,常用it作形式主语,而不用this, that或其他人称代词来充当形式主语。for sb. 也常根据需要省略。例如:Its important to keep our classroom clean. 保持教室卫生是很重要的。Its not right to be late for school. 上学迟到是不对的。It is useful for us to learn English well.对我们来讲学好英语很有用的。Its best for you to stop eating junk food.对你来说,最好别再吃那些对健康无益的东西了。(2)get around意为“观光,到处走动”。其中的around可作介词,也可作副词,表示“在各处,朝四处,遍及”等意思。例如:Women like walking around the stores window-shopping.女士们喜欢逛街观赏橱窗。(介词)The dog ran around in the garden. 那只狗在庭园里跑来跑去。(副词)(3)by subway意为“乘地铁”。英语中表示乘交通工具的方式:乘某种交通工具,常用“by + 单数名词”表达。要注意在此结构中的单数名词前不可加冠词或其他限定词。例如:My father goes to work by car every day. 我父亲每天开车去上班。He is going to travel all over the world by plane. 他打算乘飞机环游世界。What about going to the park by bike? 乘自行车去公园怎么样?The Green family will go to Paris for a holiday by train.格林一家要乘火车去巴黎度假。如果名词前有冠词或其他限定词,则介词就不再用by。例如: We came on the school bus. 我们是坐校车来的。 The students like to go to school on a bike. 学生们都喜欢骑自行车上学。 We were traveling to Yunnan on a plane at that time. 那时我们正乘飞机去云南旅行。10. If you decide to visit Singapore, bring a lot of money; living in Singapore is quite expensive. 如果你决定到新加坡旅游,要多带些钱,住在新加坡的花费相当贵。(1)本句含有if引导的条件句。If引导的条件句可置于句首,也可置于句末。另外,如果主句是将来时,则if条件句常用一般现在时表将来。例如:If it rains tomorrow, we will not have the sports meeting. 如果明天下雨的话,我们就不开运动会了。You can play tennis with us, if you finish your homework.如果你完成了作业,你就可以和我们一起打网球。(2)句中的decide作动词,意为“决定,决心”,还常表示“判断,推断”等。decide主要有下面几种用法:decide + to do/that从句,表示“决定做”。例如:They decided to buy a new car.=They decided that they would buy a new car. 他们决定要买一辆新车。She decided not to go. =She decided that she would not go. 她决定不去了。decide + wh-从句(或结构),表示“决定”。例如:I cant decide which to take.=I cant decide which I should take. 我拿不定主意要选哪一个。We cant decide when to start.=We cant decide when we should start. 我们定不下来什么时候起身。 (3)“Living in Singapore is quite expensive.”是一个动词-ing形式的短语作主语,这也是英语中常见的语法现象。注意:动词-ing形式作主语时,句子的谓语形式一般用单数形式。例如:Eating too much is bad for your health. 吃得太多对你的健康有害处。Having a walk after supper is good for your health.晚饭后散散步对你的健康有益。Keeping the classroom clean is our duty. 保持教室清洁是我们的责任。 11. What else can you tell me? 你还能告诉我一些别的吗?本句中的形容词else修饰what作后置定语。辨析:else与otherelse与other都可作形容词,表示“别的”,“其他的”,但用法却大不相同。else只用于修饰不定代词,疑问代词和疑问副词,并且必须要位于这些修饰词之后,作后置定语;而other用来修饰名词,其位置与else正好相反,它位于被修饰的名词之前。请注意体会比较下面各句:“Do you have anything else to say?” “Nothing else.”“你还有别的什么要说的吗?” “没什么别的了。”What else can you see in the picture? 在图画中,你还能看到别的什么吗?Where else did you go in the summer vacation? 暑假里你还去了别的什么地方吗?The other students are running on the playground. 其他的学生都在操场跑步。We study Chinese, math, English and some other subjects. 我们学习语文, 数学, 英语和一些其它的学科。12. I hope you can provide me with some information about the kinds of vacations that your firm can offer. 我希望你能向我提供一些信息,就是有关你们公司所提供的一些度假种类。(1)本句句子较长,要能正确地理解句意,就要正确地区分里面的从句。I hope后是一个很长的宾语从句,这个宾语从句中又包括了“that your firm can offer”这个定语从句。能搞清整个句子的结构,对于句子意思的理解有很大帮助。(2)句中的provide是动词,意为“供给,供应,提供”等,其常见用法如下:provide后面接宾语,宾语可由名词或代词充当。例如:The school will provide buses, but we must bring our own food.学校会提供巴士,但我们必须自己带食物。provide +名+ for名(人)=provide +名(人) + with名,意思是“供给(某人)”。例如:They provided food and clothes for the sufferers.=They provided the sufferers with food and clothes.他们向灾民提供食物和衣服。Please provide us with some information about shopping online.请向我们提供一些有关网上购物的信息。(3)句中的offer也是动词,意思是“提供,建议”等。其主要用法如下:offer +名词。例如:They offered some new advice. 他们提出了一些新的建议。offer sb. sth.=offer +sth.+ to sb. 表示“对(某人)提供”。例如:He offered his help to me. 他表示愿助我一臂之力。She offered him a cup of tea. 她给他端上一杯茶。offer + to do. 试图; 表示要。例如:He offered to help us. 他表示愿意帮助我们。He offered to play soccer with us on Sunday.他表示星期天愿意和我们一起踢足球。 13. We would like to travel to an exciting place, and we dont mind how far we have to go. 我们想去一个有趣的地方去旅行,我们不在乎要去多远的地方。句中的mind是动词,表示“(对)介意,反对”,作此意讲时,mind常用于疑问句或否定句中,后面接名词,副词或动词“-ing形式”。例如:She wouldnt mind taking care of the children. 她不会介意照顾这些孩子的。Do you mind my smoking here? 你介意我在这里抽烟吗?I came a little bit later, I hope you dont mind. 我来得晚了点,希望你不介意。(3)句中的have to表示“必须,不得不”。have to后面接动词原形,当主语为第三人称单数时,用has to。例如:My home is far from my school, so I have to get up early every morning.我家离学校很远,所以我不得不早晨早起。Tom has to stay at home to look after his sister.汤姆不得不呆在家里照顾他的妹妹。have to用于否定句或疑问句时,要根据时态加助动词。例如:He doesnt have to do his homework at school. 他不必在学校里做作业。We wont have to go to school tomorrow. 他们明天不必去上学了。Does she have to finish all the work today? 她今天一定要把全部工作做完吗?辨析:have to与must在表示“必须”这个含义时,have to和must很接近,只是must较强调主观看法,have to较强调客观需要。如果是用于指现在,两者很多时候是可以替换的。不过,have to应用地更为广泛,尤其是在口语中。另外,have to可用于多种时态,而must只能用于一般现在时。例如:I have to go home early this afternoon. 我今天下午得早回家。(强调客观原因)We must clean our classroom every day. 我们必须每天打扫教室。(强调主观看法)He will have to finish the work before 10:00 today.他今天10点前必须做完这项工作。My brother had to work last night. 我弟弟昨天晚上不得不去上班。 14. We also need to stay in an inexpensive hotel. 我们还需要住在一个较便宜的旅馆里。 (2)辨析:need to do, need doing与need to在need to do这个结构中,need为实义动词,不定式短语作宾语,其否定式和疑问式都要加助动词构成,有人称和数的变化。意思是“需要,有必要”。I think he needs to see the doctor. 我认为他需要看医生。Do I need to go at once? 我需要马上去吗?You dont need to come if you feel sick. 如果你不舒服就不必来。need doing sth. 中,need也是实义动词。need doing含有被动的意味,表示“(东西)必须被”。例如:The TV needs mending again.=The TV needs to be mended again. 这部电视机需要再修理一下。Do you think your watch needs mending? 你认为你的表需要修理了吗?“need to”中,need是情态动词的用法,后接动词原形,共同构成句子的谓语,多用于否定句和疑问句中,没有人称和数的变化。例如:You neednt worry about him. 你不必为他担心。He need not (neednt) go if he doesnt want to. 如果他不想去,他就不必去。Need I stay any longer? 我需要再呆在这里吗?Need she come this afternoon? 今天下午她必须来吗? 15. Wed like to be away for about three weeks. 我们想要离开大约三个周的时间。(1)辨析:be away, be out与leave be out表示短时间不在家(外出),而be away不在家(外出)的时间比be out稍微久一点。二者都可以表示一个“不在,外出”的时间段。例如:My mother is away today but shell be back tomorrow. 妈妈今天不在家,但明天就会回来。My family will be away for a week. 我们全家将要外出一周。Shall we go out for a walk? 我们出去散散步好吗?Id like to go out for dinner with my friends. 我想和朋友们出去进餐。leave表示“离开,出门”,它表示的是非延续的动作,不能和表时间段的时间状语连用。例如:She left twenty minutes ago.=She has been away for twenty minutes.她二十分钟前离开的。(她离开了二十分钟了。) 16. They help people with everyday work as servants. 作为佣人,他们帮助人们做日常事务。(1)helpwith,意为“在(方面帮助)”,help后常接所帮助的对象(多指人),with后常接所帮助的方面(内容)。例如:Jim often helps me with my English. 吉姆常帮我学英语。Youd better help your mother with housework on Sundays. 星期天你最好帮妈妈做做家务活。(2)辨析:everyday与every day句中的everyday用作形容词,意为“每天的,日常的”,作定语修饰名词;而every day要分开写,相当于副词,在句中常作时间的状语,意为“每天”。例如:Cooking breakfast is my mothers everyday job. 做早饭是妈妈每天要干的活。My everyday(daily) life has changed a lot. 我的日常生活改变了许多。His father rides to work every day. 他爸爸每天骑车去上班。We learn Everyday English every day. 我们每天都学习日常英语。 17. But it may take hundreds of years. 但那也许要花几百年的时间。(1)本句是“It + take + sb. + some time(时间) + to do”句型的省略句,该句型常表示“做某事花费某人多少时间”。其中的it是形式主语,句子真正的主语其实是动词不定式(短语) to do sth. 。例如:It takes about twenty minutes to go on foot from my home to school.从我家步行去学校大约用20分钟。It usually takes me two hours to do my homework every day.我每天通常用两上小时的时间做作业。It took him half an hour to finish the picture. 画这幅画用了他半小时的时间。It doesnt take you much time to go there. 你们不用多少时间就能到那里。(2)hundreds of表示“数以百计的”。它与thousands of, millions of等一样,主要用来强调“多”,不可表示明确的数目,前面切不可加表示具体概念的数词。但是,这类词组前可以加一些表示不确定数目的修饰语。例如:These things were all invented hundreds of years ago.这些东西都是几百年前发明的。Thousands of people went to watch the football match.成千上万的人去观看了那场足球赛。Many hundreds of buildings are being built. 好几百幢大楼正在建设中。Several millions of trees are planted in our country every year.每年我们国家种植几百万棵树。注意:hundred, thousand, million等在表示具体概念的数字时,后面都不可再加“-s”,前面需加表具体数量的词。例如:There are more than three thousand students in our school.我们学校有3000多名学生。What would you do if you had five million dollars ? 如果你有500万美金,你会做什么? 18. People would not like to do such jobs and would get bored. 人们不愿意做这样的工作,他们会感到厌倦。(1)句中的such是形容词,用以修饰名词作定语,意思是 “如此的,这样的”。例如: such a man 这样的人 such an action 这种行为 such delicious cakes 这么好吃的蛋糕 such a useful book 如此有用的一本书 辨析:such和sosuch是形容词,当与其他形容词一起作单数名词的定语时,用法为“such + a(an) + 形容词+单数名词”。而so是副词,修饰形容词或副词,如果后面也有名词的话,应用和“so +形容词+ a(an) +单数名词”。例如:Its such an important match that I cant miss it.=Its so important a match that I cant miss it.这场比赛如此重要,我不能错过。One such dictionary is enough. 这样的词典一本就够了。I have never seen such a tall tree. 我从来没有见过这么高的树。such与其他形容词一起作复数名词或不可数名词的定语时,用法为“such +形容词+复数名词(不可数名词)”,但如果形容词是和表数量有关的few, little, many, much等时,则要用so, 即:so few (many) +复数名词; so little (much) +不可数名词。例如:Can you believe that in such rich countries there should be so many poor people?你能相信在如此富庶的国家有这么多贫穷的人吗?So much of water is wasted in the world every day。每天世界上有那么多的水被浪费掉。


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