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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 2016年中考模拟考试英语试卷参考答案 本试卷主观题有一定的开放性,除提供的参考答案外,如果有能满足题意要求的其他答案,可依据试题内容的要求,酌情给分。(客观性试题:55分). 1-5 BACBC 6-10 ACDDB 11-15 CACAB 16-20 BCACD. 21-25 ADCBA 26-30 BDADC 31-35 CADCB. 36-40 CCABD 41-45 CBADB 46-50 DBCAD 51-55 BDCDA(主观性试题:95分). 5660 DFGBC 61. Im going to a book club 62. How often do you go to the club 63. What do you usually do in the club 64. Would you like to go to the club with me 65. When and where shall we meet . 66. was doing 67. population; larger 68. by taxi 69. set up70. Have you been to the Science Museum in Beijing71. This is the book that Im looking for72. Ill call you as soon as I get / arrive home 73. 首先,我们做些游戏来破冰 / 打破僵局 74. 好像/ 似乎当我看不到东西时,我就感到恐惧75. 虽然我们来自不同国家,但我们变得像一家人一样亲密. 76. surprised 77. still 78. for 79. took 80. bird 81. smiled 82. kept 83. touched 84. red 85. many. 86 They are usually 17 or 18 years old87 Jean Wilton Anderson has studied in her school for 3 years88 Jean Wilton Anderson has to get to school before 7:30 in the morning89 Boy students wear jeans of larger size because they grow fast. 90. No, she doesnt. 91. importance 92. simple 93. subject 94. thinks 95. course 96-100 CDAEBV. 答案略 13 / 13


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