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教 学 过 程 1. 复习1复习已学句型:This is I have T:I have a dog , this is my new dog. 2让学生用事先准备好的实物模仿句子 3当学生能够说出句子时,T:Where is it? 启发学生用学过的知识回答:Its on/ in/ under the (设计思路:在学生回答Where is it?时,教师可以适当的加入near 一词,Its near the 让学生在实际的情景中理解near 的含义并运用,为下面介绍学校各个地方作铺垫。) 2: Presentation 1Lets do. 2Guess some cards.(library/ classroom/ garden ) T: What do you like in our school? S1: I like our playground. S2: I like our garden. S3: I like. T: I like our canteen. I can eat some delicious foods. I like our school. Our school is very nice. Today some friends from America are coming to see our school. Chenjie is showing them around our school .Lets look at this picture. 3(Put the picture on the blackboard ) T: Whats this? S: This is the teachers office .(write it on Bb) T: Whats that? S: That is our classroom.(write it on Bb) T: How many students are there in our class?(write it on Bb) Ss: Forty-six. T: Do you have a library / playground/ garden?(write it on Bb) Ss: Yes. T: Where is the canteen? S: The canteen is on the first floor. T: Look! Is this your playground? Ss: Yes. T: Wow, your school is beautiful. (设计思路:从简单进入课文,不会让学生感觉到太突然。) 3 游戏1T: Open your books on page 5. Listen to the tape and read after the tape. 2比赛:谁在最短的时间里将对话背诵起来。(鼓励学生运用记忆快速背诵课文。) 3Role-play: Sa Chen Jie Sb Visitor A Sc Visitor B (设计思路:让学生熟悉对话,并加以巩固。) 4 作业1 Do activity book. 2 Read the dialogue to your father and mother. 3 Introduce our school to your father and mother.


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