期末复习卷 2021-2022学年牛津译林版八年级英语上册(word版 含答案)

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期末复习卷 2021-2022学年牛津译林版八年级英语上册(word版 含答案)_第1页
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期末复习卷 2021-2022学年牛津译林版八年级英语上册(word版 含答案)_第2页
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期末复习卷 2021-2022学年牛津译林版八年级英语上册(word版 含答案)_第3页
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初二英语期末复习卷2021.12.24一、单项填空1. Whatawful day it is today! Yes,weather is terrible, isnt it?A. an; theB. a, theC. an; aD. a, /2. Zhong Nanshan knows COVID-19 is moreto old people, but he cares little for himself.A. politeB. dangerousC. friendlyD. important3. Did the book give you all the infbnnation you wanted?Yes, buti(, I had to read lhe whole book.A. FindB. foundC. findingD. to find4. There are somein the public li brary. For example, you cant eat or drink inside.A. jobsB. reportsC. rulesD. paintings5. The worldnot be ready for me, but ready or not, I am here now.A. mayB. needC. shouldD. must6. 一What were you and your cousin doing at that time yesterday?He was reading magazinesI was doing the history project with my friends .A. asB. whileC. whenD. if7. Jack was trapped in a big fire last night., the firemen helped him out right away.A. FinallyB. ExactlyC. LuckilyD. Politely8. What do you think of the newspaper TEENS? Good indeed. Itmany news stories around lhe world.A. talksB. coversC. writesD. says9. Did you have a good time yesterday, Jim?Yes, but the temperature wasand we didnt wear warm clothes, so vve went home early.A. hotB. coldC. highD. low10. Mike, how about your trip to South Hill? Not very good. Because our caron the way.A. came downB. turned downC. broke downD. put down11. Check what you have writtenyou hand in your application form.A. untilB. afterC. whileD. before12. What do you want me to do? Cant you just tell me right now?Calm down, my friend. I just want you to stay with me for a while.A. clearlyB. carefullyC. exactlyD. really13. You look tired. Whats wrong with you?I stayed up late last night. Imy speech from eight oclock to midnight.A. practisedB. am practising C. was practising D. practise14. How was your trip to Japan? Oh, it couldnt be. I dont even want to talk about it.A. goodB. betterC. badD. worse15. Do you want to try some wild duck? . We should protect wild animals.A. No ideaB. No problem C. No wayD. No use二、完形填空Years ago, a farmer owned large land along the Atlantic seaside. He often wanted to hire (雇佣)hands but never made itbecause16people were afraid of the terrible storms there.10At last, a17, thin man went to the farmer. Are you a good farmhand?, the farmer asked.Well, I can18when the wind blows/ answered the little man.Although the farmer didnt understand the strange answer, he still hired him. The little man worked well around thefarm, busy all day, and the fanner was19the mans work.Then one night the wind blew20. Jumping out of the bed, the farmer carried a lantern and rushed next door tothe hired mans21place. The fanner shook the man and shouted, Get up! A storm is coming! Tie things down22the wind blows them away!But the man said, No, sir. I told you I can sleep when the wind blows. The fanner had no time to show his anger. Hehad to23to prepare for the storm. To his surprise, he found everything ready. The cows were in the barn. Thechickens were in coops (笼子).The doors were locked. The wind could blow nothing away. The fanner then understood24his hired man meant.When you are prepared, you have25to be afraid of. Can you sleep when (he wind blows through your life?16. A. littleB. fewC. muchD. most17. A. fatB. tallC. shortD. big18. A. leaveB. runC.shoutD. sleep19. A. angry withB. happy withC. unhappy withD. sad about20. A. slightlyB. quietlyC. warmlyD. hard21. A. asleepB. sleepyC. sleepingD. slept22. A. beforeB. afterC. untilD. while23. A. rush intoB. run upstairsC. walk downstairsD. huny outside24. A. whyB. whereC. whatD. if25. A. everythingB. nothingC. somethingD. anything三、阅读理解AIf you are tired and do not win.Never stop, for crying;All thats great and good is doneJust by patient trying.Though young birds, in flying, fall,Still their wings grow stronger;And the next time they can keepUp a little longer.Though the strong oak (橡树)knowsMany a blast (疾风)that lowed her,She rises again, and growsLoftier and prouder.If by easy work you beat.Who the more will prize you?Gletting success from failureThats the test that tries you!1. How many examples does the writer give us?A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four2. A bird needsif it wants to be stronger.A. treesB. laughterC. fallsD. flowers3. Whats the best title of this poem?A. A bird is growingB. Birds and trees C. Learn to prize yourself D. Dont give upBA 7-magnitudc (震级)earthquake hit Yaan, Sichuan at 8:02 on April 20, 2013, and it killed at least 196 people and injuredmore than 11,00().Together with other students, Yang Xuelan ran out to (he playground. She was safe. But all her textbooks and exercisebooks were buried (埋)in the teaching building.What can we do when an earthquake happens? In fact, theres little we can do to stop natural disasters such as earthquakeshappening. But, some methods can reduce the harm they cause.oV掩畿 Drop down onto your hands and knees. This way can protect you from falling. Cover your head under a strong table or desk. You can also stay along a wall, and cover your head with your arms andhands. Hold on to(守住,抓牢)your shelter(遮蔽物)until the shaking stops. Be prepared to move with your shelter if theshaking continues.Schools can normally take the earthquake drills (演练)to help student stay alive.4. How many people lost their lives in the earthquake in Yaan?A. At least 196. B. More than 11,000. C. Less than 196. D. About 11,196.5. Where was Yang Xuelan when the earthquake happened in Yaan?A. She was on her way to school.B. She was playing on the playground.C. She was at school with other students.D. She was doing homework at home.6. Which of the following can help you stay alive in an earthquake?A. Dropping down onto your hands and knees.B. Covering your head under a strong table or desk.C. Holding on to your shelter until the shaking stops.D. All the above.COne day, 100 people were listening to a speech. The speaker was making a speech abouthappiness. However, after a few hours, people began to lose their attention. The speaker thoughtof an idea. He slopped his speech and asked all of the people to take part in a group activity.He gave each person a balloon in the room. Each person was asked to write his or her name on theballoon with a black marker (记 号笔).Then, all of the balloons were collected and moved to another room.The 100 people were then let into the room and told to find the balloon with their own names. Everyone rushed around, crazilysearching for their own balloon. People were bumping into and tripping (绊倒)over each other.But after about five minutes of searching, no one could find their own balloon.After seeing this, the speaker asked each person to collect a balloon and cry to find the person whose name was written on it.Everyone started talking to each other and asking each other for their name. In just a few minutes, everyone had his or herown balloon.Can you see what happened?, the speaker said. The balloons are like the happiness we look for in our own lives.Everyone is busy looking for their own happiness, not caring what happens to others. But sometimes the best way to findhappiness is to help others. Help them find happiness and you can find your own.,7. Why did the speaker ask all the people to take part in a group activity?A. lb play a trick on them.B. To let them have a good time.C. To punish those who werent listening.D. To catch their attention and teach them a lesson.8. How many listeners found their balloons after the first five minutes of searching?A. None.B. All of them.C. Half of them. D. Only a few.9. What do the balloons stand for in the story?A. Friends who are around us every day. B. The help that others give us in our life.C. The happiness people are searching for. D. The problems that are hard to work out.10. What can you learn from the story?A. Its not easy fbr people to find happiness.B. Happiness can be found through hard work.C. People should share happiness with their friends.D. People can find their happiness by helping others.DEmily and Alex were happy when their family moved to a house with a very big garden. They could climb up trees, growflowers and even play badminton. They liked to watch the birds flying among the trees in the garden. They even started toput food out to attract。吸弓I) more birds.Everything was fine for a few days until one afternoon there was a strange bumping noise on a window. Emily went outsideand found a small bird dead on the grass. Its neck seemed to be broken.It must have flown into the window, Alex said when his sister Emily called him to have a look. uAh, yes, look here. Youcan see the mark where it hit the window. There are a couple of small feathers stuck on the window.Poor thing!” Emily said.During the next month, five more birds died in the same way. Why would they fly to the windows? they wondered.Finally they found out the truth. When the birds were flying, they couldnt see into the rooms. All they saw was thereflection(反射)of the garden. They thought that they were flying into trees because they saw trees reflected by the window.We have to do something to save the birds. the parents decided.At first, the family tried keeping curtains (窗帘)across the windows, but this made the room dark. Then they bought somestrong black paper and cut out the shape of a hawk. They made six hawks - one for each window. They stuck the hawks tothe windows. They looked pretty and did not keep out much light. When the birds saw the hawks, they would fly away.After (hat, there were no more dead birds. The family were much happier.11. Why did they put food out to attract birds?A. Because they had a special garden fbr birds.B. Because they had too much bird food to feed the birds.C. Because lhey wanted to catch some birds in the garden.D. Because they wanted to see more birds flying in the garden.12. How many poor birds died in the garden?A. 4B.5C.6D.713. What is the right order of (he following sentences?a. They were much happier.b. The birds flew away after seeing the hawks.c. The family moved to a house.d. Emily found a small bird dead.e. Curtains were kept across the windows.A. c-a-d-e-bB. c-d-e-b-a C. a-d-e-b-c14. The underlined word hawk means .D. a-c-d-e-bA.D.15. The stoiy is mainly about B. the family were good at paper-cuttingD. how the family saved the birds in the gardenA. why the birds died in the gardenC. the family had a very big new house四、词汇运用1. Its amazing that we can see people(到处)in the newly-built Wuyue Square.2. The high-speed railway was closed in both(方向)because of the heavy snow.3. The teacher told us the sun(上升)in (he east and sets in (he west.4. The telephone was(响起铃声)when I was about to leave the office.5. Because of the Norovirus(诺如病毒),many students got(紧张不安的)a few days ago.B.根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。6.It was Bettys birthday and she(blow) out the candles after making a wish.7. The boy shook(he) through the dark when he heard some noise above him.8. We need to keep our hope(live) though we are in difficult times.9.1 could hear peoples(shout) after the Chinese Volleyball Team won the gold.lO.Though I walked on the icy ground carefully, I still(near) had a fall.六、动词填空1 Do you believe its easier to lose friends than(make) friends.2.1 had a job application days ago and I(wait) for the result these days.3. Whenthe meeting(end)?I dont know, maybe in an hour.4. Im sorry, but I dont quite follow you. Did you say you wanted a cup of tea?Sorry, I(not make) myself clear. Id like a cup of coffee.5. Cant you see him(give) a talk on away from danger over there? Listen careftilly!6. Tigers will not attack people if they(not be) hungry.五、阅读填空Feeding birdsFeeding birds has lots of fun. There arc many types of fccdcrs(鸟食罐)and each will attract(吸引)diffcrcnt birds. The birdseeds(种子)and food you put in the feeders will also decide which birds will come to your feeders.Wild birds cat more than bird seeds! A lot more! Most wild birds dont cat seeds. The reason why these birds will not cometo your feeders is (hat they like eating live insects or fish or something else. To attract hummingbirds(蜂鸟),add one cup ofsugar to (he food. Do not add red colouring to lhe waler. The hummingbird feeder can be red -hummers are attracted toanything red!We should give them clean fresh water at all times. During winter, water is often frozen. During summer, drinking andbathing water is important for birds.It is best to provide food all year round, especially from Febniary and August when natural grass and fruit-bearing trees aregrowing and birds are nesting. During the winter months, it is often difficult for birds and wildlife to find suitable food.Main ideaFeeding birds is _1_ of funFactsFoodWild birds eat more than bird seeds and they like live things better.Hummingbirds like _2_food.WaterBirds may not get water during winter because of the weather.During summer, it is3_ fbr wild birds to have a bath.ConclusionYou should _4_ them all year round, especially from February to _5_.六、完成句子1. 找到迷路的登山者后,请尽快给我电话。Please give me a callafter you find the lost climbers.2. 我开始在黑暗中慢慢向前移动身体。I startedthrough the dark.3. 在散步的时候,他们听到有人喊救命。They were taking a walk when theyhelp.4. 当警察找到那名男孩时,他正努力寻找出路。The boya way out when the police found him.5. 碎玻璃和砖块纷纷掉落下来,人们四处逃散。Peoplewhile pieces of glass and bricks were falling down.6. 我告诉自己要保持镇静,而旦我做到了。I toldand I made it.7. 我们学到了很多有关在火灾、洪水、地震和意外事故中如何自保的知识。We have learntfires, floods, earthquakes and accidents.练习答案一、单选1-5 ABDDC 6-10CCBDC 11-15DCCDC二、完型16-20 DCDBD 21-25 CADCB三、阅读1-3 BCD 4-6 ACD 7-10 DACD 11-15 DCBAD四、词汇1 .Everywhere 2. directions 3. rises 4. ringing 5. nenous6. Blew7. himself 8. alive 9. shouts 10. nearly7五、动词1. to make 2.am waiting 3. will end 4. didnt make 5. giving 6. arent六、阅读填空1. full 2. sweet 3. important 4. feed 5 August七、完成句子Las soon as possible2. to move forward slowly3. heard someone calling for4. was trying to find5. ran in all directions6. myself to calm down7. a lot about how to protect ourselves from


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