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考研复试英语口语常见问题及答案(仅供参考)1. What do you do duri ng the Spring Festival?Most of the time,l just studied at home and watched TV sometimes I went out with my pare nts to visit my relatives and talked with them about my life and study.2. What social resp on sibilitiesshould a post-graduate take?I thi nk a post-graduate should shoulder more resp on sibilities tha n other citize ns, such as forming a good scholar image for our society and work ing out useful research results.3. Which ki nd of professor do you like best?I think the best professor would be some one who is both good in pers on ality and lear ning and who can guide me not only in how to do research but also in how to be an excelle nt people.4. What does friendship mean to you and what kind of people do you make frie nd with?Friendship means a lot to me, it s not only a part of my life but is an importantpart. Frie nds will always en courage me whe n I feel upset and give me useful tips. I usually make friends with people who have the similar hobbies or characteristics with me.5 What is your major? How do you like your major?My major is chin ese Ian guage and literature. I like my major very much, andthat s why I chose to further my study in the same field. I have great interest init.6. What impressed you most whe n you were at uni versity?The experie nee that most impressed me was the time whe n I was in vited to give a lecture on how to memorize en glish words efficie ntly.as I en tered the classroom, I was so n ervous, but after some time, I became calm and gave my lecture successfully. That was the first time I gave a less on to a large amountof people and I lear ned a lot and felt a sense of accomplishme nt.7. What is the best uni versityin your opinion?I think every uni versity has its own adva ntages. I think the best uni versity is uni versity in which stude nts can improve themselves most and acquire a large amount of kno wledge.8. D0youthi nkthe subjects you arestudy ingtoday arereleva ntto prese nt-daysociety? Why ?Of course, I know that with the rapid developme nt of china, more and more people of other coun tries become in terested in chin ese and more and more Con fucius In stitute are being established around the world. my major caters to the need of present- day society and that s way I choose this major9 What are your spare timein terests?I like read in g,especially literature.i read a lot of no vels. Becides that, I fond of dancing and singing.10 Where have you bee ntraveli ng to? Which place in terestedyou most?I vteavelled to hangzhou. I like the west lake best, the lake is large and beautiful and many lege nds and poetry took place there .the sce nery of west lake is differe nt in differe nt seas ons.11. What kind of differencesin the system of higher educationbetwee nChina and other coun tries?In foreign coutries,especially developed coutries,they stress creativity and curiosity and encourage students to devolep their own ideas.but here in chi na,we put less emphasis on creativity and the practice that college stude nts perform is less.12. Why did you choose our uni versity?Because I think your uni versity has excelle nt teachers and teach ing resources in the major that I applied for ,I believe I can learn a lot in your university during my three years of post-graduate study.13. If there were an opport un ity of study ing abroad, what would you do?I think I m always willing to go to different places to visit or study, so if there were an opportunity of studying abroadthink I ll actively apply for it.14. Should you study more theory or do more practice? Give your reas ons, please。Both.i don t think one is more important than anotherl ll choose study theory as well as do practice. Because I n eed theory to guide my practice and also I n eed to do practice to prove the theory I applied are correct and effective.15. What do you intend to do after you finish study ing?I intend to go on furtheri ng my study, I want to go on study ing for doctorate.16. How serious is un employme ntamong young people and whatwillyou do if you cannot find a job after graduation?According to news reports, the condition of youth unemployment is very serious now, many of my classmates can t find a satisfied job.if I cannot finda job after graduati on, maybe I ll concern about start ing my own bus in ess andto be self-employed.17 How do you afford your tuiti on?Some from my family and some from my own earning .18. Does your family support your decisi onon study ing?Whathelp do they offer?Yes,of course. They support me men tally and offer me tuiti on help.19. what are the current problems of college education? how to resolve them?The main problems are improper curriculum desig ning and the lack of teach ing facilities.i think our government should grant more money to buy advaneed teach ing facilities and uni versities should adjust their curriculum to meet the n eed of society.20study/workwhy do you choose to study at our in stitute?why do you want to go to graduate school in stead of finding a job?what are your favorite subjects?Because I think your in stitute is the in stitute which fits me best. I believe I canimprove a lot by study ing in your in stitute.Because I like study and I like university life and I don think I Vearnedeno ugh,so I chose to go on study.21future pla ns.what do you expect to achieve duri ng your study if you areen rolled into this in stitute?do you thi nk en glish is importa nt for your future pla ns? in what aspects is itimportant?l ll spend most of my time studying and I ll read numerous booksand I intend to write good research essays.besides study,I m also willing to do some practice and improve my ability.Nowadays,the world is becoming a global village,englishis the mostwidely-used Ian guage,if one wants to achieve great success in the future he hasto master en glish.考研原因 (reasons for my choice)Above all, I have been deeply impressed by the academic atmospherewhen I came here last summer .In my opinion, as one of the most famous XXXin our coun try, it provides people with eno ugh room to get further achieveme nt.This is the first reason 。The sec ond one is I am long for doing research in XXX throughout my life.It s a pleasure to be with my favorite XXX for lifetime. I suppose this is themost importa nt factor in my decisi on。Thirdly, I lear nt a lot from my XXX job duri ng the past two years. However, Ithink further study is still urge nt for me to realize self-value. Life is precious. Itis necessary to seize any chanee for self-development,especially in thiscompetitive moder n world 。In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here。研究生期间你的计划 (plans in thepostgraduate study)First, I hope I can form systematic view of XXX. As for XXX, my express wish is to get a complete comprehension of the formation and development as well as XXX. If possible, I will go on with my study fordoctorate degree。介绍你的家乡(about hometown) my hometownlies in a remote area ofchongqin g. it is sparsely populated, and not very rich. but it gets fresh air and beautiful sce nary, its always my ideal place to live.你的家庭(about family) There are four members in my family: my parents, my XXX and me. my pare nts are work ing as immigra nt laborers in gua ngdong. and i have a elder brother work ing as army officer in Lia oning. Though my father is an ordi nary worker ,his resp on sible attitude towards work has a great in flue nee on me.在毕业以后5年内你想做些什么? I hope to do my best I can be at my job. What is your greatest strength ? I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to thi ngs to get them done. What is your greatest weak ness? (你最大的弱点是什么?)i have poor english and programming stills,but i believeclumsy bird starts flyi ng earlyHow do you feel about your progress to date ?“(对于你至今所取得的进步你是怎样看的?)I thi nk I did well in school.i tha nkit is very importa nt to own goals. 把中国制造变成中国创造 strive to tran sform made-in-china into chinese creation. my short-term goal is to enter a corporation with professional strength.i also have a Iong-term ambition to pursue higher educati on and to be a devoted teacher . manu facture in dustry is pillar and fundation of national economic construction .thus it will definitely play the mai n role in 21ce nturys in dustrial developme nt. i wish to do research on machine vision with my favorite professor Su. i think machine vision is the perfect comb in ati on of computer tech niq ues and image process ing skills.it will make great con tributi on to the developme nt of our coun try.


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