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精品教案设计资料 You can buy everything on the Internet 学案新版外研版銆奩 ou can buy everything on the InternetModule 5 Unit 2 You can buy everything on the Internetnit2 Youcan buy everything on the Internet.璇惧瀷锛歊eading and writing锛 ?3?鏁欏笀娲诲姩瀛敓娲诲姩Step One Warming-up (3鈥 ? Lead in Share a song with the students.Listen and enjoy the song.惧爞姘旀皼 , Step Two Pre- reading (5鈥 ? 1.Free talk: T: I like listening to music when I use my computer, what about you? What do you usually do with your computer?2. T: Sometimes, I also buy something on the Internet. Do you? Do you like online shopping? Why or why not?3.Words lecturing: Show the new words and phrases for the students. anyone, pay for, post, safe, shopping, way, one of , almost, open, later, out, go out, over, one day, one, receive, advantage鈥 ?T: You鈥檝 e known a lot of online shopping, is it good or bad?Now, let 鈥檚 get to know more about it. 1. Have some volunteers talk about what they usually do with their computer.2. The students show their opinion of online shopping.3. Learn the new words and get ready for the reading comprehension. 鍩瑰吇瀛敓澶 tep Three While- reading (24鈥?精品教案设计资料1. Scanning (1)Ask students to scan the passage. 2. Skimming Ask students to skim the passage and check the true sentences on Page 29.3.Careful reading. (1)Paragraph 1:鈶燫 ead the first paragraph and answer: What can we buy on the Internet?sk a volunteer to read Paragraph 1 in class and find out difficulties.olve difficulties: a. There are many new ways of shopping. b. one of + n.(pl.) + v.(s.) c. sb. + pay +鈥?for sth. = sb. spend 鈥 ?on sth. / doing sth. d. Important phrases:receive sth. from sb. a few days later by postT: Since the new way of shopping online is so easy, does it have more advantages? Now, let 鈥檚 look at Paragraph2. (2)Paragraph 2:鈶燩 resent some sentences to the students and ask them to write 鈥淭鈥 ?or 鈥淔鈥 ?about the advantages of online shopping, also correct the wrong sentences after reading Paragraph2 .sk a student to be 鈥渁 little teacher 鈥?to check the answers.read this paragraph together and point out important points.he whole classolve difficulties. a. You can shop at any time. b. sth. takes鈥?(time) to do sth. =sb. spend 鈥?time) on sth./ doing sth.T: How are you going to spend your summer holiday? Let鈥檚 take a look at Lucy鈥檚 wonderful plans.(3)Paragraphs 3& 4: 鈶燣 et the students discuss these two questions after reading Paragraps3 & 4.ave students discuss these two questions.sk a group of six students toread paragraphs 3& 4. T: Now, boys and girls, we have finished all the passage, do you think it 鈥檚 good or bad to shop on the Internet? Let鈥檚 read the passagetogether and think about it, then we 鈥檙 e going to have debate between boys and girls. 1.Scan the passage and finish the question: Why will no one go to the shops any more one day?精品教案设计资料2.Skim the passage and check the true sentences. (Finish exercises on Page 29.) Careful reading.鈶燫 ead Paragraph 1 and answer the question. What can we buy on the Internet鈶isten and read Paragraph 1 and find out difficulties in four.olve thedifficulties together. (2)Read Paragraph2 and correct the wrong sentences:鈶爓 rite鈥淭鈥 ?or 鈥淔鈥 ? after reading Paragraph 2 1.You can only shop in the day. ( ) 2. Ifyou shop online, you need a lot of things to help you. ( ) 3. You can鈥檛 compare the prices of the same product and you can鈥檛 save money. ( )student to be a little teacher to check the answers. Others try their best to answer the questions .tudents read Paragraph 2 and point out difficulties points.o say the difficulties and solve together.(3)Read Paragraphs 3 & 4.鈶燫 ead and discuss in groups: 1. What鈥檚 thedisadvantages of online shopping? 2. Will online shopping take place of鍙(栦唬 )shopping in the future?鈶 ?Show their opinions after discussing the questions.group of six students to read paragraphs 3&4. Then choose: Who reads thebest? (4)The students read the letter together and make sure to understand thepassage, and think the problem over.?瘑鐐瑰拰璇炬枃鐞嗚 ?濈淮鐨勫彂灞曘?精品教案设计资料


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