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必修二 Units 4-51. 根据所给单词的首字母或括号内的提示完成下列对话或短文(每空一词)。ASimon: Are you and Lisa busy tonight?Victor: No, why?Simon: The city has concerts in the park every Thursday evening. Let s go tonight.Victor: Good idea. Music always gives me a sense of 1. (satisfy).Simon: Bring Maya. Kids are always 2. eto go to outdoor concerts.Victor: Are the concerts expensive?Simon: No. The city pays for them. They are free for all of us.Victor: Where are the concerts held?Simon: At Logan Park on Central Street. A different 3. (乐队)plays there everynightfrom 7 to 9 p. m. The kids have fun with their friends. A little store in the park sells 4.(小吃).Maya likes ice cream, doesn t she?Victor: Yes. We need chairs, right?Simon: Yes, but I have some chairs we can use outside. Don t worry about it. Be at ourhouse at6:30.Victor: Thanks, Simon. See you tonight!BIn the Renaissance (文艺复兴)period, people became interested in higher education.Theywanted to learn ancient languages such as Greek and Latin and study mathematics, science,and 1.(哲学).University education was a privilege (特权)of the rich. Girls were not allowed toattend andpoor people could not afford to go. Those 2.(属于)a wealthy familycouldattend university at the age of ten. They might study at 3. (各方中各样的)universitiesand since the teaching was all done in Latin, it didn t matter in which country theystudied. Ayoung boy studying for one year in Italy and another in France without speaking eitherFrench orItalian was a common 4.(现象)5.(业匕夕卜),it was possible to complete university withoutlearning howto read or write. Since books were handwritten, there was not enough to give one to eachstudent.6. Tonly the teacher had a book. He would read to the students who wouldmemorizewhat he said. In fact, many students finished school without ever writing a word!For those who were not so wealthy, grammar schools were 7.(创立)intowns. They learned basic grammar and mathematics. At home, girls learned cooking,dancing8.(和)the basics of taking care of a family. Poor childrenneverhad an 9. oto attend school.II. 选用方框内合适的单词并用其正确形式填空(每个单词限用一次)。relief, disease, talent, perform, treatThirteen-year-old Oliver has been performing at the playathon since the first grade.I think it s important, ” he said. The kids are suffering from serious 1. Theyreally need this. ”Oliver is one of hundreds of local students who took part in an eight-hour-longpianoplayathon on Saturday.The annual (一年一次的)event, hosted by Madison Area Friends of Piano, raised moneyforthe music therapy (疗法)program at American Family Children s Hospital.Music therapy, organizers said, provides 2. for children at the hospital.“Music therapy can help take these children s minds away from their 3., ” ReneeFarley, owner of Farley s House of Pianos, said. It s really beneficial for thechildren and theirfamilies. ”This is the playathon s 28th year. As one of Madison? s largest public piano 4., itbrings in thousands of dollars for the children s hospital.“It s really a wonderful way for the public to see children learning to playthe pianobeautifully, and they, re sharing their 5.and helping other children at thesame time,Farley said.III. 用括号内单词的正确形式完成下面短文。1. (ask) by the king of France to lead a voyage (航海)on a similar route tothattaken by John Cabot in 1497, Jacques Cartier left France in 1534 with 2 ships and 60 men. Inlessthan three weeks, he had crossed the Atlantic and reached Newfoundland. He exploredthesurrounding area 2. (know) today as New Brunswick. Cartier convinced (说 月艮)anIndian chief 3.(name) Donnaconna to allow him to take his two sons back to Franceinorder to impress the king.When he returned to France, Cartier was considered a hero. The king was so 4.(please) with his efforts that he allowed a second voyage. In 1535, Cartier set sailagain with 3ships and 110 men and reached the St. Lawrence River. 5. (impress) by the size oftheriver, Cartier thought that it might be a passage to the East.6.(continue) west down the St. Lawrence River, Cartier reached what isMontrealtoday. This was as far as Cartier could go because he found himself 7.(stop) byrapids(急 流)that were impassable. 8.(force) to spend the winter there, Cartiersufferedextreme cold and a shortage of food and supplies.In 1541, Cartier set sail again with 5 ships and 1, 000 men. He established asettlement (定居,点)at present-day Quebec City. From there, he tried to find the kingdom of the Saguenay.He wassure to fail because no kingdom existed.The impact of Cartier? s explorations on Canadian history is important. In 1608,Champlainestablished a settlement in Quebec City that became the beginning of the development ofCanadaas a nation.IV. 阅读下列短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。AIn ancient times, 1. money was non-existent, people traded goods andservices forother goods and services that they needed. Items such as shells, metal, gold, jewelryand toolswere always welcome in a trade. Tn addition to simply 2.(trade) goods andservices, asimple form of currency 3. (establish).In Africa and Asia, shells were used as currency while in North America, the Indiansusednecklaces and headdresses 4. place of money. In Central Africa, copper rods (与同棒),5.(call) congas, were used as currency. Metal miniatures (缩小物)were used tobuy theactual things they stood for. For example, a miniature of a tool would be used to buythat exacttool. 6.(probable) the most popular form of currency was the use of animals.Cattle andpigs are still used today to buy products in some 7.(area) in Asia.With the development of cities, standard forms of currency became necessary. Thebarter (物物交换)method worked nicely between individuals or in a village setting, but therewas nostandard by which a person could measure the value of 8. they were buying. Itwasdifficult 9. (be) sure that the deal was fair. So it was necessary toestablish a(n) 10.(effect) system. This marked the beginning of money as we know it today.BFranz Joseph Haydn was born in the Austrian village of Rohrau. His childhood wasa(n)1. (extreme) musical one, often singing together with family and neighbors.WhenHaydn was very young, his parents recognized 2. (they) son s musicaltalent andaccepted an offer to allow schoolmaster and choirmaster Johann Matthias Franck 3.(train) young Haydn as a musician.In his teens Franz began working as a freelance (自 由职业的)musician and composingwhenhe had time. His big break came when he 4. (offer) the position of courtconductor forPrince Esterhazy. Haydn worked for the prince for 30 years 5.(write) manysymphoniesand other works.When the prince died Haydn 6. (decide) to travel to London. When he arrived,hediscovered 7. he was a famous composer there with many of his compositionsbeingperformed and sold as sheet music for many years.8.May 31, 1809, Haydn died a happy man and a beloved composer. Considered tobe one of the 9. (great) composers of the classical era, he is referred to 10.the “Father of the String Quartet (弦乐四重奏)” and the “Father of the Symphony” .答案I.A1. satisfaction3. bandB2. eager4. snacks1. philosophy3. various5. In addition2. belonging to4. phenomenon6. Thus7. set up9. opportunityII.8. as well as1. diseases2. relief3. treatment5. talents4. performancesIII.1. Asked3. named5. Impressed7. stoppedIV.2. known4. pleased6. Continuing8. ForcedA1. when3. was established5. called2. trading4. in6. Probably7. areas8. what9. to beB1. extremely3. to train10. effective2. their4. was offered5. writing7. that6. decided8. On9. greatest10. as


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