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英语人教版七年级上 Unit 1My names Gina.单元检测(时间:60分钟满分:100分).单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1Whats this?Its _ orange.AaBanCthe D/2Five and three is _.Asix BsevenCeight Dnine3What color is _ ruler?Red.Ayour BICyou Dit4_ her name?AWhat BHowCHow is DWhats5Whats this in English?Its a(n)_Amap BCDCID card Dquilt6Nice to meet you,Alan!_来源:AIm fine,thanks. BNice to meet you,too!CHello! DGood morning!7Whats his name?_.AIts a pen BMy name is JackCHis name is Jim DHe is fine8Im Cindy Jones.Jones is my _.Afirst name Blast nameCname Dfull name9This is a boy.His name is _.AZhao Haitao BZhao Hai TaoCZhaohaitao Dzhaohaitao10Whats your telephone number?_ 6257886.AIts BImCShes DHes11Nice to _you.Nice to meet you,too.Asee BmeetClook at Dlook12向别人介绍自己时应说:_AHow are you? BMy name is.CWhats your name? DGood morning!13Her name is Kate Green.Her_ name is Green.Alast BfirstCEnglish Dfull14_her phone number?Its 654526454.AWhat BWhatsCWhats DWhat are15Her name is Gao Huili.Her last name is _.AGao BHuili来源:来源:CGao Hui DGao li.完形填空(每小题2分,共20分)Im a boy.My_1_is Tom Green._2_ is my family name.Whats_3_ in English?Its a pen.It is_4_ pen.It is blue.I like it very much.This is my jacket.It is very big.It is size _5_.This is my sister._6_ name is Linda.She_7_ seven years old.I have a_8_.Its number is 6543795.There are(有)_9_ people in my family.It is a happy_10_.My parents love us.We love them,too.1.A.family BEnglishCname Dlast2A.Green BTom GreenCTom DGreens3A.it BthisCyou Dthey4A.your BhisCher Dmy5A.S BMCL DP6A.Her BSheCIts DHis7A.am Bis来源:Care Dbe8A.pen BrulerCkey Dphone9A.one BtwoCthree Dfour10A.family BschoolCmap Dbook.阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)AThis is a Chinese boy.His name is Ling Feng.Hes thirteen.He is in No.5 Middle School.He is in Class One,Grade Two.Ling Feng is in Row Four.He is Number 20.Miss Zhang is his English teacher.They love her very much.1Ling Feng is a(n) _ boy.AEnglish BAmericanCChinese DChina2He is in _.Arow Four Brow 4CFour Row DRow Four3_ is his English teacher.AMiss Zhang BMr. ZhangCMrs. Zhang DTeacher Wang4He is in _.AClass 1,Grade 2 Bclass 1,grade 2CClass 2,Grade 1 DClass 2,Grade 25He is _ years old.A30 B12C13 D11BMy name is Tom.Im nine.This is my mother(母亲)Her names Linda Johnson.Her telephone number is 13052864515.And this is my father(父亲)His name is Mike Johnson.His phone number is 13120884699.And this is my sister(姐妹)Whats her name?Her name is Mary.Look!The boy is my brother(兄弟)Nick.Mary is eight and Nick is six.6Mother is _.AMary Johnson BMike JohnsonCLinda Johnson DNick Johnson7Fathers telephone number is _.A13120884699 B13120884966C13052864515 D131208894668Mary is_.Asix BnineCeight Dseven9My brother is _.ATom BMikeCNick DJohnson10My family name is _.AJohnson BNickCMike DTomC看下面的卡片,然后根据卡片中的信息以及相关提示写出句子或回答问题。11_(boy)12Whats Tonys last name?_来源:13.What class(班)is Tony in?_14Tony is at home(在家)Whats his telephone number?_15Tony is at school.Whats his telephone number?_.用所给单词的正确形式填空(每小题1分,共10分)1Nice _(meet)you.2_(I)answer is right.3_(be)you Number Three?4Mary is _(he)sister.5She is my friend._(she)name is Lily.6_(his)is a Chinese boy.7The jackets _(be)green.8Whats _(you)family name?9How are you?Fine,_(thank)10I _(be)a girl.情景交际(每小题2分,共10分)从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话(其中有两项多余)A:Hello! Im Jenny._1_ B:My name is Tina.A:_2_ B:Green.A:Whats your telephone number?B:_3_ A:Tina,is she Mary?B:_4_ She is Cindy.A:_5_B:He is Mike,Mike Brown.AWhats your last name?BIts 2365689.CWhats your first name?DWhats his name?EYes,she is.FNo,she isnt.GWhats your name?1_2._3._ 4_5._.书面表达(共15分)根据下面的卡片内容,以第一人称的形式介绍一下你自己。词数:30词左右。开头已给出。Im Linda Green. _参考答案. 1. 答案:B点拨:考查不定冠词。orange的第一个音素为元音音素,不定冠词a用于以辅音音素开头的单数名词前,而an用于以元音音素开头的单数名词前。故选B项。 2. 答案:C点拨:考查数词。句意:5加3等于8。故选C项。 3. 答案:A点拨:考查形容词性物主代词。B、C、D三项均为人称代词,只有A项your是形容词性物主代词。故选A项。 4. 答案:D点拨:考查疑问词。句意:她的名字是什么?对“名字”提问应用whats。故选D项。 5. 答案:C点拨:考查词汇。A项意为“地图”,B项意为“光盘”,D项意为“被子”,而右图为身份证。故选C项。 6. 答案:B点拨:考查交际用语。“Nice to meet you.”的回答应是“Nice to meet you,too!”。故选B项。 7. 答案:C点拨:考查句型。问句句意:他的名字叫什么?A项意为“它是一支钢笔”,B项意为“我的名字是杰克”,D项意为“他很好”,唯有C项“他的名字是吉姆”符合题意,故选C项。 8. 答案:B点拨:考查英美名字的表达。英美名字中名在前,姓在后。A项意为“名”,B项意为“姓”,C项意为“名字”,D项意为“全名”,句意:我是辛迪琼斯,琼斯是我的姓。故选B项。 9. 答案:A点拨:考查中文名字的表达方式。中文名字姓与名分开写,姓在前,名在后。姓与名的首字母均大写,名是两个字的应连写,且只大写第一个字的首字母。四个选项中符合题意的只有A项。故选A项。 10. 答案:A点拨:考查句型。问句句意:你的电话号码是多少?对于提问电话号码的回答应是“Its.”。故选A项。 11. 答案:B点拨:考查常用句型“Nice to meet you.”。故选B项。 12. 答案:B点拨:向别人介绍自己时应说:“My name is.”。故选B项。 来源:13. 答案:A点拨:考查姓氏。last name 是“姓”,first name是“名”,English name是“英语名”,full name是“全名”。故选A项。 14. 答案:B点拨:考查句型。句意:你的电话号码是多少?654526454。提问电话号码应用“whats”。故选B项。来源:数理化网 15. 答案:A点拨:考查姓氏。中文名字中姓氏在前面。故选A项。 . 答案:1.C点拨:Tom Green是一个名字。A项意为“家,家人”,B项意为“英语”,C项意为“名字”,D项意为“最后”,所以排除A、B和D项。故选C项。2A点拨:考查姓氏。在英文名中,“姓”在后,“名”在前。3B点拨:根据is可判断主语用第三人称单数,排除C、D两项;it是人称代词,指代上文出现的单数名词形式。this 在此处指代a pen,因为是第一次出现,故排除A项。来源:4D点拨:考查形容词性物主代词。根据下文中“我很喜欢它”说明是“我的”。5C点拨:前一句用了“very big”,所以应是大号,故用L。6A点拨:考查形容词性物主代词。“我”妹妹是一个女孩,代替“她”的形容词性物主代词是her。7B点拨:考查系动词be。she是第三人称单数,be动词应用is。故选B项。8D点拨:根据后面的电话号码可知我有一部电话。9D点拨:通读全文“Im a boy.(我是一个男孩。)”“This is my sister.(这是我的妹妹。)”“My parents love us.(我的父母爱我们。)”可以看出“我家有四口人”。故选D项。10A点拨:根据后两句“父母爱我们。我们也爱他们”可知,“这是个幸福的家庭(family)”。来源:. A答案:1.C点拨:细节理解题。由文中第一句“This is a Chinese boy.(这是一个中国男孩。)”可知。2D点拨:细节理解题。由文中第六句“Ling Feng is in Row Four.(凌风在第四排。)”可知。3A点拨:细节理解题。由文中倒数第二句“Miss Zhang is his English teacher.(张女士是他的英语老师。)”可知。4A点拨:细节理解题。由文中第五句“He is in Class One,Grade Two.(他在二年级一班。)”可知。5C点拨:细节理解题。由文中第三句“Hes thirteen.(他十三岁了。)”可知。B答案:6C点拨:细节理解题。由文中第三、四句“This is my mother(母亲)Her names Linda Johnson.(这是我的母亲,她的名字是琳达约翰逊。)”可知。7A点拨:细节理解题。由文中第八句“His phone number is 13120884699.(他的电话号码是13120884699。)”可知。8C点拨:细节理解题。由文中倒数第一句“Mary is eight and Nick is six.(玛丽八岁,尼克六岁)”可知。9C点拨:细节理解题。由文中倒数第二句“The boy is my brother(兄弟)Nick.”可知。10A点拨:细节理解题。family name 是“姓”,而且英美人的姓通常放在后面,故由“And this is my father(父亲)His name is Mike Johnson.”可知“我”应该姓约翰逊。C答案:11His name is Tony./He is Tony.12Tonys last name is White./White.来源:13Tony is in Class 3./Class 3.14His telephone number is 2870837./2870837.15His telephone number is 3986160./3986160. 答案:1.to meet2.My3.Are4.his5.Her6He7.are8.your9.thanks10.am.答案:1.G2.A3.B4.F5.D.答案:Im Linda Green.Linda is my first name,and Green is my last name.Im 14.Im a middle school student now.My telephone number is 3429728.英语人教版七年级上 Unit 2This is my sister单元检测 (时间:60分钟满分:100分).单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1_ these her hats?No,they_.AIs;isntBAm;areCAre;isnt DAre;arent2Is this your ruler?_.AYes,it is BNo,they arentCSorry DYes,they are3Is that your aunt?Whats _ name?AhisBherCsheDhers4Is that her notebook?No,_ isnt.Ait Bthat Cits Dits5_?The girl under the tree?I dont know.AWhats that BWhat the girlCWhos that girl DWhose is she6.Is it his notebook?_AIt is his notebook. BIt isnt his notebook.CYes,it isnt. DNo,it isnt.7Whats this in English?_.AIts my ring BYes,its a ringCIts a ring DThat is a ring8Thank you _your pen,Helen.Ato Bfor Cfrom Dof9Dad,this is my pen friend,Alan._.AThank you BOKCNice to meet you DGood10My mothers sister is my _.Agrandmother BsistersCcousin Daunt11This is my mother,and Im her _.Ateacher BdaughterCparents Dmother12This is Mr. Black and _ is my English teacher.来源:数理化网Athis Bshe Che Dit13_?来源:No,he isnt.AIs she your daughterBWhats thisCWhos thisDIs the man in white your uncle14Mum,_ my friends,Dale and Helen.Athis is Bthey isChe and she Dthese are15This is my good _.Afriends BfriendCsisters Dbrothers.完形填空(每小题2分,共20分)Hello!Im Mary Brown.Im_1_English girl.Look!Here_2_ a photo_3_my family.This is_4_sister._5_name is Mona._6_is in Class One,Grade Eight._7_ is my uncle.His_8_ name is Bill.His_9_ is Tony Brown.He is a student,too.Oh,Tony is my _10_.1A.a Ban Cthe D/2A.is Bam Care Dbe3A.for Bin Cat Dof4A.me Byou Cmy Dshe5A.Your BHer CHis DIts6A.She BI CHe DHer7A.Those BThis CIt DThese8A.last Bfirst Cfamily Dgive9A.daughter Bsister Cmother Dson10A.cousin Baunt Cbrother Duncle来源:.阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)A根据所给的家谱图,完成选项。1John Brown and Anna Smith are Sallys _.Aparents BgrandparentsCbrother and sister Duncle and aunt2Mary is Sallys _.Aaunt BmotherCsister Dgrandmother3Ann is John Browns _.来源:Ason Bgranddaughter来源:数理化网Cdaughter Dsister4Tom and Kate are Anns _.Acousins Buncle and auntCbrother and sister Dfather and mother5From the family tree,Sally has(有)_ cousins.Atwo Bthree Cfour DfiveBHello,Im Kate.This is a photo of my aunts family.The woman in the photo is my aunt,Jane.She is a teacher and she is very kind(善良)These are my cousins,Jeff and Jack.They are seven and they are twins(双胞胎)Look!That lovely(可爱的)baby is my aunts little daughter,Rose.I love them very much.来源:6.There are(有)_ people in the photo.Athree Bfour Cfive Dsix7My aunt has _.Atwo daughtersBtwo sons and a daughterCtwo daughters and a sonDonly one son8Rose is my aunts _.Ason BsisterCmother Ddaughter9Jeff and Jack are_.Aeleven Bbrother and sisterCmother and son Dtwins10Rose is Kates _.Asister Bmother Ccousin DteacherCCome and look at the picture.It is a picture of an American family.The man in the hat(戴着帽子)is Mr. John White.He is a teacher.He teaches(教)English in a middle school in China.You can see Mrs. White,too.She is Dora White.Shes from Canada(加拿大)Shes a doctor.Mr. and Mrs. White have two children,Tom and Mary.Tom is ten and Mary is six.They love them very much.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( )11.Toms father in the picture is in the hat.( )12.Marys father is Canadian and her mother is American.( )13.Mrs. White is a teacher,too.( )14.Tom,Mary and their father and mother are in China.( )15.Tom is eight and Mary is eight,too.用所给词的正确形式填空(每小题1分,共10分)1These are our_(friend)2Who_(be)these girls?3Ask that woman.I think its_(she)bike.4_(you)books are in the backpack.5_(that)two boys are David and Bill.6Are _(this)girls his cousins?Yes,they are.7These are my _(grandparent)8Anna and I _(be not)friends.9I have two _(picture)of Sichuan.10I _(be)your new friend.句型转换(每小题2分,共10分)根据括号内的要求完成句子,每空一词(含缩写)1This is my daughter.(改为一般疑问句)_ this _ daughter?2Is Li Qiang your brother?(作否定回答)_,he _.3That is Emmas uncle.(改为复数句)_ _ Emmas uncles.4This is_his_pencil.(对画线部分提问)_ _?5These are her sisters.(改为单数句)_ is her _.书面表达(共15分)写一段文字,介绍你家的主要成员。_参考答案. 1. 答案:D点拨:考查一般疑问句及答语。题目为一般疑问句,her hats是复数形式,所以谓语动词应用are。否定回答需用arent。故选D项。 2. 答案:A点拨:考查一般疑问句答语。题目为一般疑问句,而且是单数形式,故应用“Yes,it is.”或“No,it isnt.”回答。故选A项。 3. 答案:B点拨:考查形容词性物主代词。aunt是女性,先排除A项。name前应用形容词性物主代词;C项是人称代词;D项是名词性物主代词,在本句中相当于her name。故选B项。 4. 答案:A点拨:考查代词。回答“Is this/that.?”一般疑问句时,需用it代替this或that。故选A项。来源: 5. 答案:C点拨:考查特殊疑问句。由答语“The girl under the tree?I dont know.(树下的那个女孩?我不知道。)”可知,题目是问“那个女孩是谁?”。浏览各选项,只有C项符合题意。故选C项。 6. 答案:D点拨:考查一般疑问句答语。题目为一般疑问句,应用Yes或No回答,先排除A、B两项。C项本身前后矛盾,排除。故选D项。7. 答案:C点拨:考查特殊疑问句的答语。对于“Whats this in English?”的回答,应用Its a.句型。故选C项。 8. 答案:B点拨:考查介词。“感谢”应用“Thank you for.”,故选B项。 9. 答案:C点拨:考查交际用语。题目内容是在向爸爸介绍自己的笔友艾伦,答语应是爸爸向艾伦打招呼。A、B、D三项均不是招呼语,排除。故选C项。 10. 答案:D点拨:考查词汇。句意:我妈妈的姐姐(或妹妹)是我的姨妈。A项意为“祖母”;B项意为“姐妹”;C项意为“表(堂)兄弟(姐妹)”;D项意为“姑妈;姨妈;婶婶”。故选D项。 11. 答案:B点拨:考查词汇。A项为“老师”;B项意为“女儿”;C项意为“父母”;D项意为“妈妈”。句意:这是我妈妈,我是她的女儿。故选B项。 12. 答案:C点拨:考查人称代词。Mr. Black是男士,故人称代词应用he,选C项。 13. 答案:D点拨:考查一般疑问句。由答语可知题目应为一般疑问句,排除B、C两项;再由答语中的he可知选D项。来源: 14. 答案:D点拨:考查指示代词。my friends是复数形式,系动词应用are,排除A、B两项;C项没有系动词,排除;近距离向别人介绍朋友或其他人时,应用“This is.”句型,复数形式应为“These are.”。故选D项。15. 答案:B点拨:考查词汇。由题目中的“This is.”可知空格处的单词应为单数形式。浏览各选项,只有B项是单数形式。故选B项。. 答案:1.B点拨:考查冠词。English是以元音音素开头的单词,前用an修饰。故选B项。2A点拨:考查系动词。a photo 是单数,谓语动词应用单数形式。故选A项。3D点拨:考查介词。a photo of my family 意为“我的一张全家福”。4C点拨:考查形容词性物主代词。因为前文说过“Here _2_ a photo _3_ my family.(这是我的一张全家福。)”,所以此处指“我的”姐姐。故选C项。5B点拨:考查形容词性物主代词。表示“女性的”需用物主代词her。故选B项。6A点拨:考查人称代词。依然是介绍“我姐姐”的情况,在句首作主语应用人称代词she。故选A项。7B点拨:考查指示代词。my uncle是第三人称单数,不能用these,those代替;指人时,除了特殊情况外,不能用it代替;在介绍近处的人或照片时,可以用this代指。故选B项。8B点拨:考查词汇。比尔(Bill)是名,不是姓,故用first。9D点拨:考查词汇。根据下句“He is a student,too.(他也是一名学生。)”可知是“叔叔的儿子”。故选D项。10A点拨:考查词汇。托尼(Tony)是我叔叔的儿子,我们就是堂姐弟或堂兄妹。故选A项。. A答案:1.B点拨:细节理解题。由家谱可知,Sally 的妈妈是Kate,Kate是John Brown和Anna Smith的女儿,故John Brown和Anna Smith是Sally的外祖父母。故选B项。2A点拨:细节理解题。由家谱可知,Kate(Sally的妈妈)与Tom 是兄妹或姐弟关系,自然Tom 是Sally的舅舅,而Tom 和Mary 是夫妻关系,故Mary 是Sally 的舅母。故选A项。3C点拨:细节理解题。由家谱可知,Ann是John Brown和Anna Smith的女儿。故选C项。4C点拨:细节理解题。由家谱可知,Ann,Kate和Tom 都是John Brown和Anna Smith的子女,故他们是兄妹或姐弟关系,所以Tom和Kate是Ann的brother and sister。选C项。5B点拨:细节理解题。由家谱可知,Sally的舅舅家有三个孩子,故她有三个表兄妹。选B项。来源:B答案:6B点拨:细节理解题。由短文内容可知,照片中有my aunt(Jane),Jeff,Jack and Rose四个人。7B点拨:细节理解题。由句子“These are my cousins,Jeff and Jack.(这些是我的表兄弟杰夫和杰克。)”和“ Look!That lovely(可爱的)baby is my aunts little daughter,Rose.(看,那个可爱的婴儿是我姑姑的小女儿,罗丝。)”可知,我姑姑有三个孩子,两个儿子和一个女儿。故选B项。8D点拨:细节理解题。由句子“ Look!That lovely(可爱的)baby is my aunts little daughter,Rose.”可知。9D点拨:细节理解题。由句子“They are seven and they are twins(双胞胎)”可知。10C点拨:推理判断题。因为Rose是Kates aunts daughter(凯特的姑姑的女儿),所以Rose应是Kate的cousin(表妹)。故选C项。C答案:11T点拨:细节理解题。由句子“The man in the hat(戴着帽子)is Mr. John White.(戴着帽子的那个人是约翰 怀特先生。)”和“Mr. and Mrs. White have two children,Tom and Mary.(怀特先生和夫人有两个孩子,汤姆和玛丽。)”可知。12F点拨:细节理解题。由句子“Shes from Canada(加拿大)”可知,玛丽的妈妈是加拿大人,而不是美国人。13F点拨:细节理解题。由句子“She is a doctor.(她是一个医生。)”可知。14F点拨:细节理解题。通读全文我们只知道“Mr. White teaches(教)English in a middle school in China.”,但并不知道其他人是否在中国。故题目错误。15F点拨:细节理解题。由短文倒数第二句“Tom is ten and Mary is six.(汤姆十岁,而玛丽六岁。)”可知。. 答案:1.friends2.are3.her4.Your5.Those6.these7.grandparents8.arent9.pictures10.am . 答案:1.Is;your2.No;isnt3.Those are4.Whats this5.This;sister来源:.答案:I have a happy family.There are five people in it.They are my grandfather,grandmother,father,mother and me.My grandfather and grandmother are old.This is my father.This is my mother.Is the boy my brother?No,he isnt.The boy is me.Im a student.英语人教版七年级上 Unit 3Is this your pencil?单元检测(时间:60分钟满分:100分).单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1Is this _ ID card?No.Its _ book.Aan;aBthe;aCan;the Dthe;the2This is my pen,_ that is your pencil.Ain BofCand Dbut3Two blue notebooks _ in the lost and found box.AbeBis CareDam4_Jane Miller.Miller is _ last name.AI;my BMy;ICMy;my DIm;my5_.Are you Mary?No,Im Gina.来源:ASorry BExcuse meCThank you DGoodbye6Look at that computer._ computer is good.AABAn CTheD/7What color _?Ait is Bits Cits is Dis it8How _ our teacher?Ais Bbe Care Dam9It is _.Aeraser Ban my eraserCmy eraser Dmy an eraser10Is this _ English book?Aa BICyour Dyou11Is that your pencil _ the lost and found box?Ain BatCon Dof12.Please call Mike _ 2350285.Afor BatCto Din13A set of _ on the table.Akey is Bkeys isCkeys are Dkey are14There is _“r”in“red”Aa BanCthe D/15Is this her baseball?_.AYes,it isnt BNo,it isCYes,it is DNo,she isnt.完形填空(每小题2分,共20分)Hello!Im Zhang Heping.Zhang is my_1_name.Heping is my_2_name.Im a_3_ boy.Im_4_.My English _5_ is Paul.Im _6_Class One,Grade Seven.Oh,I find _7_eraser in my classroom.Its_8_.Now its in the lost_9_found box.You can_10_6586535.1A.first BfamilyCone Dmiddle2A.last BtwoCfirst Dtoo3A.Chinese BEnglishCAmerica DChina4A.3 B25C60 D115A.name BcolorCphone Dbook6A.on BatCfor Din7A.the BanCa D/8A.white BfineCyour Dmy9A.but BwithCand Dof10A.meet BcallCspell Dlook.阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)ALost & FoundCindy,Your red notebook is in the lost and found box.Mike1Marys school ID card number is _.A2360731 B6956385C2007712 D69586352The schoolbag is _.Agreen BwhiteCred Dblack and white3Marys phone numbe


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