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Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister. 第一课时教学设计 1. 教学目标1) 知识目标a.学习谈论人的个性特征和如何比较人的个性特征。b.学习把形容词变比较级的规则, 帮助他们用形容词的比较级比较两个人。2) 能力目标培养学生听说读写和交际能力。3) 德育目标让学生理解不同的人有不同的个性,他们要改变不良习惯,保有健康习惯。鼓励学生要勇敢,诚实,友善。2. 学习完成任务所需要的语言:1) 复习表示个性特征形容词:tall, short, long hair, short hair, thin, fat, funny, serious, outgoing2) 其他词汇:different, hair, quiet, quieter, heavy, heavier, same, serious, shorter, taller, thinner, twin, wild, wilder, calmer, smart, smarter, more than, more athletic , more popular, twin, both, be good at 3) 句子:学习用比较级比较人Tina is taller than Tara. Pedro is funnier than Paul.Tom is more athletic than Sam.Were both short.Is that Sam? No, thats Tom. He has shorter than Tina.Is that Tara?No, it isnt. Taras shorter than Tina.3. 完成课本第31页1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c和Grammar Focus的教学任务。二、教学环节1. Lead in and revisionT: Im very glad to see you again. Do you remember what adjective words can describe people? funny / humorous, easygoing / outgoing, serious, quiet, generous / mean, friendly / unfriendly, moody, smart, kind, shy, tall / short, thin / heavy, long hair /short hair)(老师叫4-5个学生上台,描述学生的特征) T: What does Tom look like?S1: He is very fat.T: What about Sally?S2: She is thin and has long hair.T: Would you say something about Bill?S3: I think he is funny.T: Make a simple drawing of a boy and a girl on the board. Make the boy tall and make the girl a little taller than the boy. Write the name Judy under the girl and the name Bobby under the boy. Then compare Judy and Bobby and ask students to repeat the sentences: Bobby is tall. Judy is tall, too. Judy is taller than Bobby.(拿两把尺子,比较长度) Then bring out two rulers of different length. T: This is a ruler. Its Bobbys. (longer) This is Judys ruler. (long) Bobbys ruler is longer than Judys.2. New words(Call two students who are good at basketball to stand up and ask the students) T: Do you think theyre good basketball players?Ss: Yes, we do.T: Who are athletic?Ss: Both.T: Who are more athletic?Ss: Victor is.(把“athletic”写在黑板上。Write “athletic” on the Bb. 引导学生将该词变比较级。) T: How to change it into comparative degree? S1: More athletic.T: See the picture on the screen. (athletic more athletic 读该词和该比较级的读音。) OK. Read after me. athletic, more athletic. Ss: Athletic, more athletic.more adv. (构成含有三个或三个以上音节的大多数形容词及副词的比较级)更;更多的,更大的 than adj. (后接表示比较级的第二部分)比calm adj. (心情)镇静的;无忧虑的wild adj. 卤莽的;轻率的Read the new words to students and ask them to repeat. T: More. S1: More.T: Than. S2: Than.T: Calm.S3: Calm.T: Wild.S4: Wild.3. 1aT: Now please open your books at page 31. First, look at the picture. How many people are there in the picture? Ss: Nine.T: Please tell me their names?S: Yeah. Pedro and Paul, Tom and Sam, Tara and Tina.T: Very good! Maybe theyre having a concert. There are three teachers under the stage. Do you see the twins?Great! Who is taller, Pedro or Paul? Ask the students to repeat the following sentences:Tina is wilder than Tara.Tara is calmer than Tina.Sam is wilder than Tom.Sam has longer hair than Tom.Tom is calmer than Sam.Tom has shorter hair than Sam.Pedro is heavier than Paul.Paul is thinner than Sam.Tell students to draw lines between the words of the opposite meanings. For example, tall and short. Ask students to do this activity individually. Then check the answers. Answers: tall-short , longhair - short hair, thin-heavy, calm wild (This activity introduces the key vocabulary.)4. 1b Listening听力练习T: Twins are children born at the same time to the same parents. Sometimes they look exactly alike, but not always. The twins in this picture do not look exactly alike. Now well hear three conversation about people in the picture. They are all twins. Listen to the conversation carefully and number the pairs of twins (1-3) in the picture. (Play the recording for the students and ask them to do this activity.) Answers: Sam / Tom 1, Tara Tina 2, Pedro / Paul 3. OK. Have you got the correct answers? Lets listen to the tape again. Please repeat.。Girls ask and boys answer. Begin!Conversation 1 A: Is that Sam?B: No, thats Tom. Sam has longer hair than Tom.C: Yes, and Toms calmer than Sam.Conversation 2A: Thats Tara, isnt it? B: No, it isnt. Its Tina. Tina is taller than Tara. And shes also wilder.Conversation 3 A: Is that Paul?B: No, thats Pedro. Pedros heavier than Paul. And Pauls shorter than Pedro.5. 1c Pair workPractice the conversations in pairs. Students say one or more of their conversations to the class.6. 2c1) First, ask two students to read the sample conversation to the class.A: Is that Tara?B: No, it isnt. Its Tina. Taras shorter than Tina.2) Then have students work with a partner. Make conversations about the other twins.3) Next ask some pairs of students to say one or more of their conversations to the class.A: Is that Paul?B: No, it isnt. Its Pedro. Pedro is heavier than Paul.A: Is that Sam? B: No, it isnt. Its Tom. Sam has longer hair than Tom.4) Look at the screen and tell the different and same between the twins.T: Lucy and Lily are twins. They are both 6 years old. They both have long hair and black eyes. What other same things can you find? Class, look at them carefully and tell the difference by using the given words? Work in groups.Group 1, student 1: Lucy is taller than Lily. Group 2, student 2: Lucy is wilder, and more outgoing. Group 3, Student 3: Yes, she is also more athletic.7. Discussion Words given:shortcalmquieteasygoingtallwildoutgoingathleticNow, the leader of each group stands up and say your ideas.8. Pronunciation noteWrite one of the example sentences from the picture on the board and circle the word than. Say, when we say the word than, we say it quickly. You dont hear very much of the sound. It sounds almost like this. Give several examples, pronouncing the word than lightly and quickly. Play the tape again to demonstrate this pronunciation point.9. ListeningFirst read the words in the box to the students: funny, serious, outgoing, quiet. Tell students smart and athletic are new words. Explain the new words and tell students what they mean. Athletic adj. 体格强健的.Then ask students to look at the picture. T: In this picture, Tina and Tara are talking to a reporter. Ill play the recording to you. Please listen carefully.T: Now, look at the chart in your book. Some of the sentences use the words they say end in er or ier. Some of the sentences use the word more.T: Now, listen to the recording again and write the er and ier words in the first column and the words that use more in the second column.Answers: Column 1 funny, quiet. Column 2 : outgoing, serious, smart, athletic. Ask students to look at the boxes with the heading. Tina is . Tara is .Listen to the recording again. This time write how Tina and Tara are different. Please write words in the boxes. These are the words from the list in Activity 2a. The words tell about each girl. Play the recording for students. Students write words in the two boxes. Pause when necessary so that students can finish their sentences. Then check the answers.Answers: Tina is funnier, more outgoing, more athletic. Tara is more serious, quieter, smarter10 Pair work对话练习First let students look at the chart in Activity 2c. Ask two students to read it. Tell students * means Sam is taller than Tom.Have students know they will talk about Sam and Tom in this activity.Now tell students how to do this activity. T: Work in pairs, please. Student A in each pair looks at the chart on Page 36. Student B looks at the chart on Page 97. But you cant look at the page each other. Do you understand?Ss: Yeah.T: Now begin.Student A: Is Tom more intellectual than Sam?Student B: (Look at the answer on the chart on Page 97.) No, Sam is smarter than Tom?Another example:Student B: Is Sam taller than Tom?Student A: Yes, Sam is taller than Tom.11. Grammar FocusLook at the screen. Read the following chart carefully and say the rules of changing adjectives into comparative forms.不规则的形容词的比较级-er-iermorecalmer wildersmaller taller shorter longeryounger older faster slowerfatter thinnerbiggernicer largerlaterfunniereasierbusierhappierunhappiermoodierlovelierheavierathleticdifficultoutgoingbeautifulgood-lookinghelpfulfriendlyunfriendlyhandsomeimportantgenerouseasygoing13. Summary.小结及作业布置T: Today weve learnt some key words and learnt how to compare people. After class, compare your school things, then read the key words and learn them by heart. I hope you can study harder than ever so that you can make more progress. Ss: Conversation1- more careful, more careless, Conversation 2 - shorter, Conversation 3- thinner, Conversation 4- more enjoyable, Conversation 5 - more expensive, Conversation 6- more difficult.三、板书设计Unit 6 Im more outgoing than my sister.Judy is taller than Bobby.Bobby is shorter than Judy.more athletic thanmore serious than


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