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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 人教版八年级英语上册第四单元知识详解一)习惯用语:get to=arrive in/at=reach 到达take the bus/subway/train/ taxi/boat (to)=(go to )by bus /subway /train /taxi/ boat/bike坐汽车/地铁/火车/出租车/船(去)on a bus/train/subway/plane/bike坐汽车/火车/地铁/飞机/自行车ride a bike(bicycle) 骑自行车on foot 步行fromto从到in a car/taxi/boat 坐小车/的士/船leave for 动身去the early bus 早班车how far多远think of 考虑/想到around the world=all over the world全世界the school bus校车depend on决定于in the other parts of the world在世界的其它地方a small number of少数in the hospital 在医院里in Chinese用汉语Dont worry. 别担心. so much 这么多at around half past six大约在六点半half an hour=thirty minutes 半小时bus station/ bus stop 汽车站It takes sb. some time to do sth.=Sb. spend some time (in) doing sth.某人花费多少时间做某事.need to do sth.需要做某事.the subway station地铁站the most popular最流行的North America北美be different from与不同二)重点句型:1How does Emilio get to school?爱米丽欧怎么去学校?2 .How far is it from your home to school ?从你家到学校有多远?3How long does it take you to get from home to school?从家到学校你花费多长时间?4_I ride my bike to the subway station我骑车去地铁车站。5In North America,not all students take the bus to sch001在北美,并非所有学生坐公共汽车去学校。6.In China,bikes and buses are the most popular means of transportation.在中国,自行车和公共汽车是最流行的交通方式。7What do you think of the transportation in your town?你认为你们镇上的交通情况如何?8Other parts of the world are different from the United States世界上其他地方与美国不同。9. It depends on where you are. 它取决于你在哪里。三)交际用语:How do you get to school?I take the bus.How long does it take?It takes 20 minutes.How far is it?Its 10 miles.四)主题写作:谈论如何去某地。例如:给你一张图或信息,让你写怎样到达某个地方.或写信邀请朋友到你家,并告诉其路线。 词语点击: 1.take: teik 及物动词vt.带(去), 携带She went out of the room, taking the flowers with her.她带着花走出了房间。拿, 取, 抓 Who has taken my pen?谁把我的钢笔拿走了?需要; 花费:常见句型为“It takes sb. some time to do sth.”意为“某人花多少时间做某事”例如: It takes me twenty minutes to walk to school every day.我每天步行去上学要花二十分钟。取得, 接受, 容纳 :John takes second place in the race.约翰获得赛跑亚军。买下; 租用 Were taking a house for a month.我们打算租间房子住一个月。吃, 喝, 服 Will you take a cup of tea?你要喝一杯茶吗?乘车, 上船 Because it was wet, he took a taxi.因为天下雨, 所以他搭乘了出租车。测定, 量; 拍 The nurse took the patients temperature.护士为病人量了体温。不及物动词vi.产生预期效果 The dye took immediately.马上着色了。vt. & vi.上钩 The fish is taking.鱼要上钩了。【常见短语】take exercise运动,锻炼 take off脱掉,(飞机)起飞 take a look at看一看 take photos拍照 take a seat坐下 take a walk散步 take a rest休息 take down取下,写下,记下 take away拿走 take out拿出 take sb (sth) for to be把某人(某物)当作。(例如:took her smile for agreement. 他把她的微笑视为同意。) 2.hundred: h?ndr?d 数词 num.一百There are more than five hundred people on the playground.运动场上有五百多人。【注意】hundred,thousand(千),million(百万)这样的词前面有具体数词时不能用复数,当表示不具体数字时是可以加s的,后面有介词of,表示“数百的,数千的,数百万的”如:hundreds of books. tens of thousands of(数以万计的)习语中“hundred”并非表示精确数字,往往强调数量之多,如:by the hundred(by hundreds) (数以百计,大批大批地);hundred percent(百分之百,完全地);hundreds of thousands of people(成千上万的人);a hundred to one一百比一,指概率极高(high probability),非常可能。ninetynine out of a hundred意义与前者类似:百分之九十九,几乎全部,hundreds and thousands 指的是糕点上作点缀用的小蜜饯(或小糖果)。谚语中,hundred更是虚指,强调 多,而且 通常与 一 形成对照。收集整理如下:A hundred pounds of sorrow pays not one ounce of debt百镑愁难还一分债(或:烦恼不能还债)。Buyers want a hundsed eyes; sellers,none.买东西的要有百只眼,卖东西的可以不长眼. (卖者装马虎,买者要小心).If you kill one flea in March you kill a hundred. 三月杀跳蚤,杀一少百。One cannot do a foolish thing once in ones life,but one must hear of it a hundred times. 蠢事一生不可做一件,但一定会听到成百上千。One enemy is too much for a man in a great post,and a hundred friends too few. 身居要职,朋友百人太少,敌人一个太多。One good head is better than a hundred strong hands.强手百双,莫如智者一人。 3.minute:minit名词 n. C1. 分(钟)(时间单位)2. 一会儿,片刻S1Ill be back in a minute. 我马上就回来。【拓展】形容词 a微小的;琐细的The office is minute, with barely room for a desk and two chairs.那间办公室极小,只有刚够摆一张写字台、两把椅子的空间。 4.by:bai1)介词 prep.(1) 被,由The homework was assigned by the teacher. 这些家庭作业是老师布置的。(2) 靠,用,通过They crossed the river by ferry. 他们乘渡船过了河。(3)经由;沿Ellen flew to Chicago by way of Minneapolis.艾伦经由明尼阿波利斯飞往芝加哥。(4) 在.旁边,靠近;在.手边I havent got any money by me. 我身边没有带钱。(5)不迟于;在.之前We had to get there by evening. 我们必须在夜晚前抵达那里。(6)根据,按照How do you know he didnt act by the rules?你怎么知道他没有按规定行事?(7)(表程度)相差He missed the bus by three minutes. 他晚了三分钟没赶上那班公车。(8)凭,对.(发誓)I swear by God! 我对上帝发誓!(9)(乘除法上)以.,用.(乘或除)Nine divided by three makes three. 九除以三得三。(10)以.计,按Youll be paid by the hour. 你的工资将按时计酬。(11)在.的时候He had to sleep by day and work by night. 他只好白天睡觉,晚上工作。(12)就.来说,关于Philip is a doctor by profession.菲利浦的职业是医生。(13)(表连续或反复)逐个;逐批The teacher explained the text sentence by sentence.教师逐句讲解了这篇课文。(14)由于She took my umbrella by mistake. 她误拿了我的伞。2)副词 adv. (1)经过;过去:A truck went by. 一辆卡车开过。(2)在旁边When I filled out the form she was standing by all the time.我填写表格时,她一直站在我身旁。(3)(放)在一边They put money by for later use. 他们储存钱以备将来使用。(4)【美】【口】到(或进入)某人的家Please come by and have dinner with us. 请到我家来一起吃晚饭。5.far:f:adj. adfv.远的(地);遥远的(地);久远的(地)Manchester is farther from London than Oxford is.曼彻斯特比牛津离伦敦远。How far is it from your office to the bank?你的办公室离银行多远?It happened far back in the past. 这事发生在久远的过去。He didnt go far.他没有走远。【积累】far的反义词是near,far常与from 连用,near与to连用。例如:He lives near to a chemical factory.他住在一个化工厂附近。6.stop:st?p名词 n. C停止;中止;终止;停车The train came to a stop.火车停了下来。 停车站Ill get off at the next stop.我下一站下车。【拓展】stop doing 停止做某事,指停下正在做的事情 stop to do 停下去做某事,指将要去做的事情。Stop reading.不要读了。(正在读书)Stop to read.停下,去读书。(没有读书,要去读了)7.north:n?:名词 n. 北,北方the SI live in a small room facing the north. 我住在朝北的小房间里。形容词 北的,北方的,北部的Mexico is in the south of North America.墨西哥在北美洲南部。副词adv. 向北方;在北方;自北方He walked north. 他往北走去。【拓展】“四面八方”:east(东),southeast(东南),south(南),southwest(西南),west(西),northwest(西北),north(北),northeast(东北)on+方向“相邻但不包含”in+方向“在内部的某位置”to+方向“(在的方向,不包含,并且中间有海峡隔开等)Shanghai is in the east of China.上海在中国的东方。Hubei Province is on the north of Hunan Province.湖北省在湖南省的北方。Japan is to the east of China.日本在中国的东方。8.means:mi:nz名词 n.手段,方法;工具,单复数同形(永远有词尾-s)It is all a means to an end.这只是达到目的的一种手段。The quickest means of traveling is by plane.最快的交通工具是飞机。【积累】by means of用方法,依靠They succeeded by means of perseverance.他们依靠坚忍不拔而获得成功。By all means的意思是“一定”、“无论如何”、“用一切手段”。例:You must bring him here by all means你必须想方设法把他带到这里来。By no means的意思是“决不”,相当于not at all.例如:She is by no means bright她一点儿也不聪明。9.worry:w?ri1)动词vt. vi.担心,担忧,焦虑Nothing worries me. 我没有什么可担心的。Dont worry about the matter, take it easy.别担心那件事,轻松一点。2)名词 n.1. 烦恼;焦虑;担心U2. 令人发愁的事(或人)CMothers illness was always a great worry to me.母亲的病一直是我非常担心的事。【提醒】worry的形容词有两个:worried经常修饰人,意为“担心的,忧虑的”,worrying意为“令人担忧的”,常用来形式事物。例如:He was worried about the woorying future.他对令人担心的未来充满忧虑。10.much:m?t?1)形容词 adj.许多;大量的;很大程度的(修饰不可数名词)How much rent do you pay? 你付多少租金?The English do not drink much wine.英国人喝酒不多。2)代词 pron.许多,大量 Much of the time was wasted. 许多时间都浪费掉了。3)副词 adv. 非常;很I dont much care for television.我不太喜欢看电视。(加强比较级或最高级)远为,.得多Our room is much bigger than theirs. 我们的房间比他们的大多了。【注意】much不能直接修饰动词,它需要构成very much(很,非常)=a lot,并放在句尾。I like hamburgers vey much.我非常喜欢汉堡包。火眼金睛:1.“花销”细盘点: spend,take,cost和pay的用法: 初中阶段关于“花钱”,“花费时间”的词常见的有以下五个:buy,cost,pay(for),spend和take。很多学生对这几个词的词义和用法似懂非懂,用起来往往出错。其实这些词都与钱物有关,与时间有关的只有take和spend。下面具体谈一谈其用法:spend指花钱,花费时间。主语是人。其常见结构分别为to spend money on sth,spend time(in)doing sth。I spent six yuan on a new dictionaryHow do you spend your spare time?I spend my spare time writing bookstake指花钱(cost)It takes/costs me a lot of money to buy a big house= To buy a big house takes/costs me a lot of money.take用来说明做某事需要多少时间,有三种不同的结构:1)主语是人She took the whole day to read the novel(她花了一整天那本小说。)2)主语是某种活动The journey took me half an hourReading the novel took her the whole day3)用形式主语itIt took me half an hour to get home yesterdayIt takes much time to do the shoppingpay(for),pay表示付给人家钱、帐单等;pay for表示买东西付款,也表示替别人付钱。主语是人。其常见结构是to pay sbsome money,pay money for sthYou must pay me 100yuan a week for your mealsHow much did you pay for that book? cost指花钱,表示价值或代价(此代价可以是时间)。主语是事或物或动词不定式短语。其常见结构是to cost sbsome money。The dictionary cost me 6yuan【小试牛刀】翻译:(1)我六十元钱买了一本词典 (五种译法) (2)读这本书花了我一整天的时间 (四种译法)(Keys:(1)aI bought the dictionary for 60 yuanbThe dictionary cost me 60 yuancI paid 60 yuan for the dictionarydI spent 60yuan on the dictionaryeIt took me60 yuan to buy the dictionary(2)aI spent the whole day reading the bookbI took the whole day to read the bookcReading the book took me the whole daydIt took me the whole day to read the book) 2.“数目”要说清:anumberof“许多”与thenumberof“的数字/数目”这两个词组的用法要分清:anumberof意思是“一些,若干”(=some),后接可数名词复数或代词,谓语动词用复数形式。anumberof词组中还可以加入形容词表示数量大或小等(例如:alarge/smallnumberof许多/少数)。thenumberof意思是“的数字/数目”,介词of同其后名词构成介词短语,修饰thenumber.当它作主语时,谓语动词用单数。例如:Manypeopletookpartin10,000-metrerace,butonlyanumberofthemkeptonrunningtotheend.许多人参加了10000米跑,但只有一些人坚持跑到底。AnumberofmyfriendsthinkIshouldtakeaholiday.我的一些朋友认为我应该休假。Thenumberofstudentsisaboutforty.学生人数大约是40人左右。3.到达路线有几条:arrive in/at,get to;reach意为“抵达,到达”,我们在句子中要正确运用。【辨析】 arrive vi.到达什么地方,后接in或at,大的地方用in,小的地方用at;reach vt.后接地点名词;get to也可表示“到达”,后接地点名词,比以上两词更口语化,也可用get加副词(home,here,there等)。题例:When did you _ home?A. go toB.arrive atC.reach inD.reach【解析】 在英语中“到达”可表达为get to,arrive in/at和reach。get和ararrive是不及物动词,所以后面接宾语时,应借助于介词。而reach是及物动词,它后面可以直接跟宾语。但是本题的home是副词,副词前不可以有介词,所以此题的正确答案是D。【拓展】arrive一词除了表示“到达”外还有“来到”、“出生”的意思:Good weather is arriving好天气就要来了。My baby arrived last night我的宝宝是昨天夜里出生的。Too swift(快的) arrives as tardy(迟缓的) as too slow谚语欲速则不达。4.条条大路通罗马:(All Roads Lead to Rome)英语中表示交通方式的形式很多,但总的来说,不外乎两种方式,即:用介词和动词来表示。(一)用介词表示。(1)by+表示交通工具的名词,泛指“乘/坐某种交通工具”,其中名词前无任何修饰语,且只能用单数。如:Hecamebytrain,buthiswifecamebybus.他坐火车来的,但他妻子坐汽车来的。Travellingbyelephantisgreatfun.骑象旅行很有趣。类似的词组还有:bycar乘车;byplane乘飞机;byship乘船;bytaxi乘计程车;等。(2)in/on+表示交通工具的名词,或泛指或特指“乘/坐某种交通工具”,其中名词前常有冠词、物主代词、指示代词或名词所有格等修饰语,名词可以是单数或复数。bus,train,boat,plane,ship等有厢,有舱的名词前,用介词in或on。如:Wearegoingtherein/onabus.我们将乘公共汽车去那里。(泛指)Dontcomehereon/intheship不要坐船来这里。(特指)bike或motorbike前,只能用介词on。如:Theygotoworkontheirbikes.他们骑自行车上班。(特指)Shewentoutonhernewmotorbike.她骑着她的新摩托车出去了。(特指)car,taxi前,多用介词in。如:WearegoingtoFranceinJohnscar.我们将坐约翰的车去法国。(特指)(3)by/on+表示交通工具的名词,特指“乘/坐某一趟/辆/艘(车,船等)”,其中名词为单数,其前常有定冠词与数词或具体时刻一起作修饰语。如:Theycamehereby/onthefirstbus.他们是坐头班车来的。Youcangetthereby/ontheNumber10bus/busNo.10.你可以乘10路公共汽车到那里。HewentuptoLondonby/onthe10:30(train).他是乘10时30分的火车去伦敦的。(4)by+表示交通工具的名词,泛指“乘/坐某种档次的交通工具旅行”,其中名词为单数,其前常有表示“等级或档次”的形容词作修饰语。如:Shetravelsbythird-classtrain.她乘三等车旅行。IwillgotoBeijingbythefasttrain.我将乘快车去北京。HeflewtoParisbyfirstclass(plane).他坐头等舱飞往巴黎。HewenttoTokyobyalargeship.他乘一艘大船去了东京。(5)by+表示交通线路或交通线路所经范围的名词,表示“经由陆路/水路/空中等线路旅行或运输”,其中名词为单数或不可数,其前无任何修饰语。如:Shallwegobylandorbysea?我们是由陆路去还是由水路去?Itsavesalotoftimetotravelbyair.乘飞机旅行可以节省许多时间。类似的词组还有:bywater由水路;byroad由公路;byrail由铁路;等。(6)on+表示人或动物特定身体部位的名词,表示“步行或骑马/骆驼”,其中名词只能是foot、horseback或camelback,其前无任何修饰语。如:Sheusuallygoestoschoolonfoot.她通常步行上学。Ourfriendsarrivedonhorseback.我们的朋友是骑马到的。(7)on+表示交通工具的动物名词,表示“骑驴/马/象/骆驼”,其中名词为donkey、horse、elephant或camel,其前常有不定冠词a/an。如:Theoldmanusedtogooutonadonkey.那个老汉以前都是骑驴外出的。Hewentthereonahorse.他骑马去了那里。类似的词组还有:onanelephant骑象;onacamel骑骆驼。二、用动词表示。(1)“动词+to+地点名词”或“动词+地点副词”。这种动词主要是walk(步行),ride(骑车),drive(开车),fly(乘飞机),sail(乘船)等。如:Iusuallywalktoschool.我通常步行上学。Wesometimesridetoschool.我们有时骑车上学。Theydrovetothestation.他们开车去了车站。JackflewtherelastSunday.杰克上星期乘飞机去那里了。(2)“takea/the+表示交通工具的名词”,表示“乘/坐”。如:Willyoutakeabustogothere?你乘汽车去那儿吗?Itookataxitothehospital.我坐出租车到医院去了。类似的表达还有:takeaship(乘轮船),takeaplane(乘飞机)等。(3)“ridea/an+bike,motorbike或表示交通工具的动物名词,表示“骑”。如:Irideabiketoworkeveryday.我天天骑自行车上班。Hecamehereridingahorse/anelephant.他骑马/象来到了这里。(4)“rideon/in+a/an+表示交通工具的名词”,表示“乘/坐/骑”。如:Theboylikedtorideonamotorbike.那男孩喜欢骑摩托车。类似的表达还有:ridein/onaship/train/plane/boat等。【辨析】rideabike着重动作;ridein/onabike着重状态。(5)“have/takearidein/on+表示交通工具的名词”,表示“乘/坐/骑一下/次”。如:Wouldyouliketohave/takearideinmynewcar?你要不要坐坐我的新车?Heletmehave/takearideonhiscamel.他让我骑了一下他的骆驼。(6)“goforaridein/on+表示交通工具的名词”,表示“乘/坐/骑去兜风”。如:Theywentforarideontheirhorses/bicycles.他们骑马/自行车去兜了一圈。Iwentforarideonmyhorsebeforebreakfast.早餐前我骑马出去遛了遛。巩固练习:I:用by,in,on,take填空。1Howdoyougotoschooleveryday?_bike2Theywillgotothecinema_bus3Hewenttothepark_acaryesterday4Helenwillgothere_the12:00bus5Willyou_thebustoBeijingtomorrow?II:就划线部分提问。1MrGreengoestothepostofficebybike(对划线部分提问)2Annisgoingshoppingonfoot(对划线部分提问)(Keys:I:1By2by3in4onby5TakeII:1.HowdoesMrGreengotothepostoffice?2.HowisAnngoingshopping?)5.否定也“温柔”: “not all”是一个部分否定,可见否定也“温柔”。例如:In North America,not all students take the bus to school. (在北美,并非所有的学生都乘车上学。)英语中的部分否定(即不完全否定)有如下一些表示方法:一 )all 的否定式:not all(或:allnot)表示并非都、不是所有的都 例如: Not all bamboo grows tall. 并非所有的竹子都会长很高。二)both 的否定式:notboth (或:both not) 并非两个都 例如:I dont want both the books. 我不是两本书都要。Both (the) windows are not open. 两扇窗子并不都开着。三) every的否定式: 不是每都 例如:Not everyone likes this book. 并非人人都喜欢这本书。This flower is not seen everywhere. 这花并不是随处可见的。四) always的否定式: 并非总是(并非一直) 例如:He is not always so sad. 他并不是一直都这样悲伤。五) all the time 的否定式: 并非一直、未必老是 例如:A foolish man doesnt make a mistake all the time.笨人未必老是犯错误。六) notand的否定式,被否定的往往是and后面的那一部分。 例如:He did not speak clearly and correctly. 他讲得清楚但不正确。She cannot sing and dance. 她会唱歌但不会跳舞。如果将and 换成or,not 对其后面的两部分就全盘否定了。He did not speak clearly or correctly. 他讲的既不清楚也不正确。 【注意】 如要对上述的all, both, every, always, 以及entirely, altogether, completely, quite 和 all the time 等词作完全否定,那就分别要用与之相对应的全否定词,如no, none, neither, no one, never, not (never) at all 等。例如:All of them can do it.- None of them can do it.Both are good.-Neither is good.Everybody likes it. -Nobody likes it.He is always late. - He is never late.We dont trust them entirely. - We never trust them at all.He was here all the time. - He was never here. 6.风云“聚”义厅:本单元重点句子释义集锦:1. How do you get to school? I walk to school.你是怎样到校的?我步行。翻译:你们如何去上海?我乘飞机去,他坐火车去。2. How about the white shirt? 这件白衬衫怎么样?翻译:去游泳怎么样?3.I usually walk but sometimes I take the bus.我通常步行,但有时坐公共汽车。翻译:他总是骑自行车上学,但这次他乘地铁上学了。4.How long does it take you to get to school?It takes about 10 minutes to walk and 15 minutes by bus.你需要多长时间到校?步行大约10分钟,乘汽车15分钟。翻译:建造这座桥工人们将花费1年多的时间。5. How far is it from his home to school? About 10 kilometers.从他家到学校有多远?大约10公里。翻译:从地球到月球有多远?大约38万公里远。6.Lin Feis home is about 10 kilometers from school.林飞的家离学校大约10公里翻译:我们学校到东湖公园大约7公里。7.He leaves for school at around six-thirty.他大约在6点30分动身去学校。翻译:我们下星期去北京。8. Then the early bus takes him to school.然后,他乘坐早班车到学校。翻译:请把书带到学校来。9.Thomas wants to know where Nina lives.托马斯想要知道尼娜住在哪里。翻译:我想知道她认为交通怎么样。10. In Japan, most students take trains to school, although others also walk or ride their bikes.在日本,大部分学生乘坐火车上学,尽管其他人也步行或骑自行车。翻译:他虽然有病,仍坚持学习。_11. A small number of students take the subway to school.小部分学生乘坐地铁上学翻译:我有许多信件要写。12.What do you think of the transportation in your town?你对你们镇的交通认为怎么样?翻译:你认为这本书怎么样?13. She is dead but her memory still lives on.她虽然死了,但人们仍然怀念她。翻译:羊靠青草维持生命。(Keys:1.How are you going to Shanghai? I am going by plane,hes going by train.2.How about going swimming?3.He usually ride a bike to school, but this time he takes the subway.4.It took the workers over one year to build the bridge.5.How far is it from the earth to the moon? About 380,000 kilometers.6.Our school is about 7 kilometers from Donghu Park.7.Weare leaving/(leaves )for Beijing next week.8.Please bring the books to school.9.I want to knowwhat she think of/(how she likes)the transportation.10. He kept studying although he was ill.11.I havea number of/(many/a lot of/lots of) letters to write.12.What do you think of this book?13.Sheep live on the grass.)语法聚焦:How引起的特殊疑问句How引起的特殊疑问句可用来询问各种情况。例如:(1) How are your parents?你父母好吗?Very well, thank you. 很好,谢谢(2) How do your spell the word? 这个词怎么拼?(3) How do you like the film? 这电影你觉得怎么样?=What do you think of?(你认为怎么样?)(4) How do you usually go to school? 你通常怎么上学?I usually go by bike.我通常骑自行车上学的。(5)How is the weather today?=What is the weather like today?今天天气如何?How构成的疑问句短语:how many多少(指可数的量)how much多少(不可数名词,也可以问价格)how often(问频率) how soon(问将来时间,多久)howl ong(问时间或物体长度)how far多远how old多大年龄how long 多久how tall多高how heavy多重 How about?=What about?(征询对方意见)典例剖析:1.These two boys _twins.They look the same.A.can beB.may beC.must beD.would be【剖析】本题考查情态动词的用法。由后句“他们长得很像”可知前句是在猜测他们是否双胞胎,故选C,用must表示肯定的猜测。2.It is over_from Shijiazhuang to Beijing.A.three hours driveB. three hours drivesC. three hours drivesD. three hours drive(河北中考)【剖析】本题考查“三个小时的车程”的表达法。drive(车程)是一个不可数名词,故可以排除B、C两项。hour 被three修饰,应先加-s,再加所有格;D答案没有表明所属关系。故答案应该选A.3.Can you explain the phrases _Chinese? Im too poor _English.A.with,atB.in,atC.with,withD.at,in【剖析】本题考查介词所构成的词组。“用语言”用介词in;表示“在某方面做得好/差”用“be good/bad at”.故答案选B.更多内容访问 _更多内容访问 更多内容访问 _更多内容访问 更多内容访问 http:/www.first-_更多内容访问 20 / 20


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