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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 文光中学九年级 英语 导学案备课日期: 2014年 10月 8日 设计者:何爱珍 审核: 总第16课时课题Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark课型预习展示学习目标接触新句型used to do sth / used to be及其疑问句,否定句等形式学习重点used to do sth / used to be的各种扩展形式。学习难点used to do sth / used to be句型的理解,及初步应用学习程序:1、 自主学习根据单词表音标,自主大声朗读下列单词。 used to do sth - patient试读-接触新句型用 used to do sth 谈谈你的过去,并说说现在的变化Ex : I used to be short . but now I am very tall.(过去我是矮,但现在我很高) 1 I used to _, but now I _ 2 I used to _, but now I _ 3 I used to _, but now I _ 4 I used to _, but now I _ 5 I used to _, but now I _ 6 I used to _, but now I _ 7 I used to _, but now I _ 8 I used to _, but now I _听力训练 (1a ,2a & 2b) 1 Listen and check the words you hear (2a) 2 Listen again, Fill in the blanks with the words you hear (2b)二 合作交流在组长的带领下,通过对学或组学共同商讨下列重点知识:练习册p6课前预习 语法提示 关于 used to 三 展示提升语法在线根据自学群学后,请自由展示有关used to do sth / used to be句型的语法知识(从意义,结构,举例方面展示)竞读展示,原音呈现通过带读和原音呈现的方式展示本组听力理解部分的答案。四、达标测评一:写出下列短语1 过去常做_ 2 蓄长发_-3 对某人友善_ 4 弹钢琴_5 对-感兴趣_ 6 踢足球_7 在游泳队_ 8 害怕 _9 独处 _ 10 在一群人面前_11 睡觉_ 12 亮着灯 _三:句型转换1 You study by working with a group .( 变反义疑问句)2 I used to be afraid of the dark . (变一般疑问句)3 She used to be very shy ,didnt she ? (肯定回答)4 My uncle used to play the piano. ( 对划线部分提问)5 Alice shows great interest in playing violin. ( 变同义句)6 Mary _ _ have curly hair (曾经留着卷发)7 I dont like _ _ (独处)8 我弟弟害怕站在高处My brother is _ _ _ at high place. 文光中学九年级 英语 导学案备课日期:2014年 10月 10日 设计者: 何爱珍 审核: 总第17课时课题Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark课型听力+对话展示学习目标通过听力对话练习,进一步巩固used to 句型学习重点学会使用新句型对话学习难点used to do sth / used to be的各种扩展形式的理解巩固学习程序:一 自主学习根据单词表音标,大声朗读单词 in the end-waste自主完成3a 写写你和搭档过去和现在害怕的事物。说说你过去喜欢做的事情Ex: I used to like watching TV. I used to go fishing after school. 1 _ 2 _ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_listen 2a &2b2、 合作交流 对学:和搭档一起大声练读3b以及2c 组内群学:组长组织检查3a以及听力2a,2b.3、 展示提升1、全班解决群学中存在的疑问。2、各小组通过下列活动探究问题,并以各种形式展示。活动一 争展对话 和你的搭档快速流利的展示3b,2c对话。争创全班竞读的氛围。活动二 组长通过带读和原音呈现的方式展示本组听力理解部分的答案。四、达标测评用所给词的适当形式填空Miss be afraid of used to have to worry about 1 I _ the sea, I dont know how to swim.2 Dont _ things so much . It will make you stressed out.3 Sorry, I cant join you .I _ study for a test.4 I really _ my friend Tina. She moved to another town.5 I _ have short hair but now I grow it long.(二)据句意及首字母提示,将所空单词补充完整。1. 1. It is _ (必要) that you attend the meeting today.2. His careless driving _ (引起) the car accident.3. My biggest _ (问题) is that I cant sleep at night.4. Just now I saw the teacher _(聊天) with my mother. 5. Hes too difficult, so helping with him is a _ (浪费)of time6. Im sorry to _ _ (打扰)you, but can I talk to you for a moment?7 You must _ (嚼)your food well before you swallow it.8 A fly is a kind of _ (昆虫)9You must pay _ (注意)to your health. 10. I was shocked at the news of his _(死亡)(三)补全对话:A: Have you finished your homework?B: _1_ Exercise Three is very difficult. A: Dont worry. Ill help you.B: _2_ But I think I can do it myself. Could you lend me your English- Chinese dictionary?A: _3_. Here you are.B: Thanks a lot. Is Miss Gao in the office?A: Oh, no. Shes out at the moment.B: Where is she? Do you know? _4_.A: I think shes at the library. She told me she wanted to borrow some books.B: _5_. 导学策略:文光中学九年级 英语 导学案备课日期:2014年 10月 12日 设计者: 何爱珍 审核: 总第18课时课题Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.课型阅读展示+反馈学习目标自主学习相关小短文学习重点阅读及本单元知识小反馈学习难点熟练应用所学知识描述过去的事情学习程序:一 自主学习默读-梳理文章,把握文章大意1 默读P14 3a短文,边读边译,圈出新单词并完成重点短语的梳理。1 be busy _ 2 be free _3 be busy with sth _ 4 be busy doing sth _5 these days _ 6 get up _7 all day _ 8 spend doing sth _9 notany more _ 10 chat with _11 take to _ 12 do ones homework _13 go to bed _ 14 in the last few years_2 认真品读你认为的重点句子,难点句子。并完成表格内容(将自学过程中的疑难标记出来,留待互动合作解决。) 3 用本单元所学的内容描述自己从小学到现在的变化,完成3b4 自主完成 self check5 用一句话描述自己的过去和未来Ex : I used to like math, but now I like English P15 的图片,每幅图用一句话描述人物的过去和现在 1 _2_3_4_二 合作交流对学: 1相互检查新文章笔记及短语的掌握情况。 2对子间相互检查对方的朗读情况。组内群学:2 组长带领组员针对新单词朗读,3a文章的翻译,语法,重点难点句型,以及重点短语进行交流讨论。并核对表格以及self check答案。三 展示提升1、全班解决群学中存在的疑问。2、各小组通过下列活动探究问题,并以各种形式展示。 活动一 文章我来析 3a的朗读,翻译,重点短语。 活动二 3b部分,每组选出一篇优秀的的小文章进行学习,朗读理解。 活动三 美文共享 找出描述Yu Mei变化的优秀写作,准备与全班同学共享。最后根据老师或课代表抽给的展示任务,组长主持,确定本组展示方案。并完成预展。达标测评1、 基础题一: 用所给词的适当形式填空1 He is afraid of _ (be) at school alone 2 Im _ ( terrify) of dog . 3 you like music .What about _ (he)?4 He used to _(watch) action movies.5 Walk _( quiet), please. The baby is sleeping.6 My mother enjoys _ (paint) pictures.7 Look! There are so many _ (spider)8 Dont eat a lot of _ (candy).Its bad for your teeth9 He often spends a lot of time _ (play) games with his friends.10 Would you mind not _(smoke).二:选择填空1 He often worries _ his test.A at B with C in D about 2 they often play soccer after _ ( finish) homework.A finish B to finish C finished D finishing3 During the Spring Festival Chinese usually _much time _ their Friends.A spend, visiting B take, to visiting C cost, to visiting4 Would you mind _ me how _ English words?A teach. To memorize B teaching, memorize C teaching to memorize5 He often comes here, but we _ know him.A hardly B exactly C nearly6 -Im terrified of the dark. -You _ go to sleep with your bedroom light _A can ,on B cant ,on C can, out 三:完成句子1 _ _ _ _(过去有)a cinema here, where is it now ?2 _ _(嚼口香糖)is bad for your health.3他支付了50 万买了那栋房子 He _ 5000,000 yuan _the house.4 在过去的几年里,我的生活变化很大My life _ _ a lot in the last few years.5 她不再喜欢英语She _ like English _ _.6 我爸爸曾经带我去听音乐会 导学策略: 社港中学九年级 英语 导学案备课日期:2014年 10月 20日 设计者: 何爱珍 审核: 总第19课时课题 I used to be afraid of the dark.课型预习+阅读+展示学习目标对本单元所学知识进行复习巩固进一步加强阅读训练,掌握新单词及短语学习重点知识的回顾落实,文章的阅读理解学习难点课文的阅读理解 Summary of Phrases过去常常 used to do 习惯于做某事 be used to do害怕 be terrified of 入睡 go to sleep/fall asleep令某人惊奇的是 to ones surprise 不再 no longer 对感到自豪 take pride in /be proud of对注意 pay attention to 放弃 give up (doing)对感兴趣 be interested in 在游泳队 on the swim team坐飞机飞 fly in an airplane 独处 being alone亮着灯 with the light on 一直 all the time 这几天 these days 与聊天 chat with难得,几乎不 hardly ever 过去的日子 the old days改变很多 change a lot 直接回家 go right home 惹麻烦 cause trouble困难得多 much more difficult 感觉很自信feel good about oneself改变主意 change ones mind最近几年的时间里 in the last few years 9 / 9


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