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主格宾格形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词第一人称单数1(我)memy(我的)mine复数we(我们)usour(我们的)ours第二人称单数Uyouyour(你的)yours复数you(你们)youyour(你们的)yours第三人称单数he(他)himhis(他的)hisshe(她)herher(她的)hersit(它)itits(它的)its复数they(他们/她们/ 它们)themtheir(他们的/她们的/它们的)theirs人称单数复数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称第二人称第三人称数人称类别单数复数第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第人 称第三人称形容词性 物主代词名词性物 主代词汉语我的你的他的她 的它的我们的你 们的他(她、 它)们的人称代词主格:作主语,表示谁怎么样了 .干什么了。I am a teacher. You are student. He is a student, too.We/You/They are students.人称代词宾格作宾语,表示动作行为的对象。Give it to me. Lefs go (lets =let us)二、物主代词表示所有关系的代词叫做物主代词,也可叫做代词所有格。物主代词分形容词性物主代词和名词性 物主代词二种,其人称和数的变化见下表。数人称类别单数复数第人称第二人称第三人称第第三第二人人称人称称形容词性 物主代词myyourhiheS rits0U yourtheirr名词性物 主代词minyourshihes rsitsOU your theirs s rs汉语我你的他 她它我你们他的的 的的们的 的(她、它)们的形容词性物主代词(my/your/his/her/its/our/their)+名词而名词性物主代词则相单于形容词性物主代词+名词,故其后不必加名词。如:Is this your book?No, it isnt, ifs hers(her book)This pen is mine.I am a teacher You are student He is a student, too.We/You/They are students.Give it to me.Lets go (lets =let us)Is this your book?No, it isnt, its hers(her book)Jims , Toms, Marias*、选出括号中正确的词,在正确的词上打勾 1. This is (my /1) mother.2. - Nice to meet (your / you) 3. (He / His) name is Mark.4. - Whafs (she / her) name?5. Excuse (me / my /1).6. Are (your / you) Miss Li?7. (1/ My) am Ben.8. (She / Her) is my sister.9. Fine , thank (your / you).10. How old is (he / his)二、用所给代词的正确形式填空。1. These are(he ) brothers.2. That is3. Lllv is4. Torn, this is5. Now(she) sister.(Lucy) sister.(me ) cousiru Mary.(her parein America.6. Those(child ) are(I) fathers students7. Do you know8. Mike and Tom9. Thanks for helping(it) name?(be ) friends._(l)10. (Arm 安)mother is (we) teacher.三、单项选择。()1. My family a big family. My family all here.A. is, isB. are, areC. is, areD. are, is()2. This is.A. a picture of familyB. a picture of my familyC. a familys pictureD. a family of my picture()3. Lefs good friends.A. beB. areC. isD. am()4. Is she your aunt? Yes,.A. shezsB. her isC - she isD. he is()5. Are coats yours?Yes, they are .A. theyB. theseC. thisD. there()6 - Is that uncle? No, it isntA. heB. sheC. herD. hers()7. Mrs. Green is grandmother.A. Jim and KateB. Jim and KatesC Jims and Kate*sD. Jim and Kates7()8. Do you know the name Mr. Greens son?A. inB. ofC. onD. or()9.the great photo of your family.A. thank forB. Thanks forC. Thank forD. thanks for()10. Are those your friends? A. Yesz theyreB No, they areC Yes, they areD - Yes, those are四、填上正确的人称代词和物主代词1. is my friend.他是我的朋友。2. My dog likes.我的狗喜欢她。3. Who is there? Ifs,是谁啊?是我。4. Come with .跟我来。5. classroom is bigger than .你们的教室比我们的要大。6. are Chinese.我们是中国人。7. want to buy some balloons for .我想买些气球送给他。8. These are photos.这些是我们的照片。9. like very much,他们非常喜欢它。10. Let givea book.让我给你一本书。11. .This is father.这是我的爸爸。12. 1s that bike ? Yes, its 那辆自行车是你的吗?是,它是我的。13. like car.我喜欢他们的小汽车。14. Our school is here, and is there.我彳I、的学校在这儿,他们的在那儿。15 .Whose bike is this? Its (= ) .这是谁的自行车?是她的。16 .1s that car? Yes, ifs.那辆车是你的吗?是的,它是我的。物主代词可分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。1-形容词性物主代词起形容词的作用,作前置定语,用在名词前。例:1) This is my book. 这是我的书。2 ) We love our motherland.我们热爱我们的祖国。3 .名词性物主代词起名词的作用。名词性物主代词二形容词性物主代词+名词例:1) Look at the two pencils. The red one is yours and the blue one is mine.= The red one is your pencil and the blue one is my pencil.看那两支铅笔,红的是你的,蓝的是我的。4 ) He likes my pen. He doesn t like hers.二 He doesn, t like her pen.他喜欢我的钢 笔。不喜欢她的。5 .注意:在使用名词性物主代词时,必须有特定的语言环境,也就是要省略的名词大家已经 知道,已经提起过。例:It s hers.是她的。(单独使用大家不知是怎么回事,不可以这样用)There is a book. It, s hers.那有本书。是她的。(先提及,大家才明白)6 .名词性物主代词二形容词性物主代词+名词为避免重复使用名词,有时可用“名词性物主代词”来代替“形容词性物主代词+名词”的形式。例J : My bag is yellow, her bag is red, his bag is blue and your bag is pink.物主代词为避免重复使用bag,可写成My bag is yellow, hers is red, his is blue and yours is pink.名词性的物主代词在用法上相当于省略了中心名词的一飞属格结构。例如:Jack s cap 意为 The cap is Jack, s.His cap意为 The cap is his.练习:1. This is not desk. My desk is over there.2. -Can you spell name, Harry? -Sorry.3. Tom and Jack are brothers. The room is .4. We are in the same class. classroom is very nice.5. Mrs Green is my teacher. V m a student of .6. That s a cat.name is Mimi.7. Tom is in the room. This pencil-box is .8. Sam and Peter, look at hands. They are so dirty.9. -Mike, is this picture ? -Yes, it is.10. -Can we put coats here? -Yes, you can.11. Mum, they are classmates Rose and brother David 用物主代词填空:1. I own that cat; that cat is .2. You own that cat : that cat is 3. He owns that cat; that cat is .4. She owns that cat; that cat is 5. They own that cert; that cat is (二)用形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词填空L I can t find sandwiches. Can I have one of ?2. Tell Tom not to forget book And you mustn, t forget .3. George has lost (丢失)pen Ask Mary if she will lend him 4. We are having dinner; are they having ?5. The teacher wants you to return that book of that she lent you 6. Mr. and Mrs. Green and a friend of are coming to see us.7. We are going to Paris to stay with a French friend of .


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