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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上英语基础模块预备级UNIT 10导学案Unit 10 Have you got a big house?一、教学目标1、语言知识目标(1)学生能够掌握房屋及家具类词汇,如tent, apartment, flat, dormitory, downtown, garage, washroom, study, yard, kitchen, cupboard, furniture, mirror, dining room, living room(2)学生能够掌握询问及描述居住环境和住所信息的表达方式,如:Have you got a flat? Ive got a flat. Im renting a flat. Have you got a bedroom/living room/kitchen/dining room/washroom in your flat?Ive got a big/small/beautiful.bedroom/. in my flat.What do you think of the flat?(3)学生能够掌握房屋租售常用词汇,如let, suburb, fresh air, downtown, subway, fee, female, roommate等2、语言技能目标听学生能听懂并掌握常见的有关住所信息的对话。说学生能用英语询问并描述日常的住所信息。读能够读懂有关房屋信息的描述,能够用正确的语调及重音跟读句子。写能够写出有关住所的简单描述。3、文化意识学生能够了解英美国家对于不同住所的要求和偏好。4、情感态度学生通过阅读房屋信息、选择房源等活动体验社会活动。二、教学重点、难点(1)教学重点房屋内部组成部分的词汇:Washroom, stairs, dining room, yard, wall, lawn, garage, front door, window, bedroom, kitchen, living room, roof, floor.询问和描述各种住所的语言。Have you got a . in your house/flat?Yes, I have./No, I havent.(2)教学难点阅读各种类型的房屋租售广告。三、教学知识点1、英语中几种房子的区别apartment为美国英语,对应的英国英语是flat,都是指单元房或公寓,也就是中国的普通住宅楼。house指的是单门独户的房子,一层或多层都可能。国外house都有花园,有车道,车库,有的还有游泳池。villa别墅 dormitory 宿舍 hotel旅馆 motel汽车旅馆2、常用的房间类型英语表达singleroom单人间doubleroom双人间standardroom标准间suitroom套间3、和房屋各个结构有关的英语单词ground floor 第一层 (美作:first floor) lift 电梯 (美作:elevator) central heating 暖气 air conditioning 空调 window 窗 basement 地下室 kitchen 厨房 dining room 饭厅 living room 起居室,客厅 bathroom 浴室 toilet 卫生间 bedroom 卧室washing room 洗手间 study书房4、Have you got a flat? 你有公寓吗?Have/hasgot的用法(1)定义Have/Hasgot句型:它表示某物归某人所有,是一种所属关系,主语为人,只有“拥有”的意思。转换:havegot=havehasgot=has(2)Have/Hasgot句型的转换否定句:在Have或Has后加not,缩写为Havent或Hasnt.如:Ihavegotthreesisters.Ihaventgotthreesisters.Hehasgotabike.Hehasntgotabike.一般疑问句与回答:把Have或Has提前到句首Ihavegotthreesisters.Haveyougotthreesisters?Yes,Ihave./No,Ihavent.Hehasgotabike.Hashegotabike?Yes,hehas./No,hehasnt.5、neither可用作形容词、代词、副词和连词等,它的用法如下:(1)用作形容词。起定语作用,常放在单数名词前。neither表示“既非这个、也非那个,两者皆非的”。如:Neitheranswerisright两个答案都不对。(2)用作代词。范围多限定于两者之间,常用作主语。作主语时谓语动词用单数。neither表示“两者都不”,其反义词是both。如:Neitherofthemwasingoodhealth,butbothworkedveryhard他们两人身体都不好,但都努力地工作。(3)用作副词。neither通常用在句子的开头,表示“也不”,其后要用倒装语序(即:将主语放在助动词、情态动词、连系动词be之后)。如:-Idontlikehim-NeitherdoI我也不喜欢他。(4)用作连词。neithernor既不也不常用来连接两个并列成分,如并列主语、并列谓语等。Neithermyparentsnormygrandparentsarecoming我的父母不来,我的爷爷奶奶也不来。6、What do you think of the flat? 你认为这套公寓怎么样?Whatdoyouthinkof.?你认为怎么样?相同意思的表达是”Howdoyoulike?”7、let的用法 (1)用作使役动词,表示“让”,其后接不定式的复合结构时,不定式不带 to。如: Let me have a try. 我来试一试。 Let me pay for myself. 让我自己来付我的那份钱。 If you want help, let me know, will you? 如果你需要帮助,告诉我,好吗? (2)出租8、fee 费用四、练习题1、翻译题,将下列词汇翻译成汉语。tent apartment flat dormitory washroom study dining room yard living room kitchen downtown subway lawn furniture cupboard clean fresh air female male rent2、对话题,用下列句型谈论住所。Have you got a new house? What do you think of the flat? It is not very big, but its in the downtown area.I like the house better, but its too expensive.3、单选题(请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内)(1)Tom _ got a new flat.( )A. have B. has C. had D. having(2)_ you got a mobile phone?( )A. have B. has C. had D. having(3)-Have you got a computer or a TV? -_ ( )A. Yes. B. No. C.Neither. D.Not.4、连线题,匹配下列句子A B (1)Have you got a house or a flat? A. Yes. Ive got a new flat in the downtown area.(2)Have you got a new flat? B. I have two bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and one bedroom.(3)How many rooms do you have? C. Yes. We often have parties in it.(4)Ive got nice furniture in my bedroom. D. Ive got a big house with a yard.(5)Have you got a yard in your house? E. That sounds great!专心-专注-专业


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