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2015湘少版英语六年级下册Unitl练习题Unitl A family outing.Part A词汇积累选择正确的选项,将单词补充完整。)1. tother (在一起)A. inB. onC. at)2.ting (郊游)4. grdparent(祖父/母)"广"Ir一1A. ea B. an C. ar 4-iL _ )5. fily(家庭)-_/1 b/1f.A. am B. an C. maLX L产<L _(给下列短语选择正确的翻译。)1.go shopping A.骑 自行车)2.have a good time B. 玩的开心)3.ride a bicycleC.看花)4.family outingD.看电影)5.have a walkE.去购物)6. look at the flowers F.散步)7. watch a movie G.家庭郊游三.单项选择()1.My family often goes to thebeachSundays.名师导学课时目标重点词汇积累:together 在一起ride骑(自行车、马等)grandparent (外)祖父 /母family outing 家庭郊游do things together 一起做事watch a movie 看电影go shopping 去购物take/have a walk 散步look at the flowers 看花go on an outing 去郊游实用句型集锦:1. Where are we going today?我们今天要去哪?2. Shall we go to the park?我们去公园好吗?3. Well visit your grandpa and grandm我们要去看望你的爷爷奶奶。x k b i . c o m4. What are we going to do at the park? 门要在公园做什么?5. We can ride bicycles and look at the flowers可以骑自行车看花。6. We ll have a good time together 门会玩的彳艮开心。7. We enjoy ourselve哦们玩的很开心。8. What do your family usually9. At weekends, many familiesdo at weekends?的家庭在周末通常做什么?go on an outingi周末,很多家庭去郊游。x kb 1. co m10. Mr Liu likes to take his()2.She to go shopping with his parents tomorrow.A. is go B. going C. is going()3.-are we going this weekend?-We 're going to the zoo.A. Where B. What C. How()4.My family often a movie together.A. look B. watch C. watches()5. We can look the flowers at the park.四.选词填空.A. at B. inC. onfamily to the beach for a swim 他enjoy知识拓展be going m 用法口诀: be going to跟"动原",计划、 准备或打算;表可能,有必然, 通过现象来判断,快的形式 要注意,它要随着人称变,否 定句,很简单,not加在改后 边;疑问句,需牢记,be应 蜘主语前.2. We heioi.nt iu,! ourselves atitheizoo.他Ji的很3H标朝触了. a bicycle.於有sing tohis grandpareflis./r z1. What aiv we going to do at the parkWl 1 崇花公国做什么?5tAre峭蜘going蛛“弼酎j算walk制纤 同编而辗援生的事,或打算、计划、决定要做的事,皆以"be则啜词噂*o, you 肯比结构隹语珀e going t叶动W原+.1.1 today,但即going店国柚*否定结构:主语+be not going to +动词原形3、family,' goes, my, 1 to, ' library, ihe(.)2. Well have a good time together 指脍玩曲彳QF心”have a good time意为"玩的开心过得愉快”,同意短语还有士3. 粕e能聊峪1峻卜,take,a, grandparents, your(.)Part B4. we, go, shall, shopping (?) 听力乐一二.听音,选出你所听到的句子。()1 . A. Where are we going today?B. What are we going to do today?()2, A. We'll go to the parkB .We are going to thepark.()3. A* My family watches a movie togetherB . My family goes to the library together.()4. A .Shall we ride bicycles?B .Let's ride bicycles.( )5. A,Many families go shopping at weekends.B * Many families go on an outing at weekend词汇积累三.根据首字母及汉语提示填写单词1. Amy is going to the b (海滩).2. My family has a p(野餐)at the park.3. Mrs Liu b(带)food and drinks.4. Many f(家庭)like to go on an out going at weekends.5. They are happy to have time t(一起)语句应用四,单项选择()LDaming going to his grandparents.A. is ; lookB. is ;visitC. are; watching()2.Mn Wang like his family the beach for a swim.A. take; toB. bring ;toC. to take; to()3.The children like to play the beach.A. toBe inC> on()4. My families at weekends.A. go to outing B. go on an outing C. go an outing()5 Li Ping wants to go to the restaurant lunch hisparents.A. for ; withB. to ; forC. for; to五.根据A栏中的问句从B栏中找答句。A()l.What does your family usually do at weekends?( )2. Where are vve going tomorrow?()3. What are you going to do this Sunday?( )4. Are we going to play games?()5. Shall we go to the park?BA. We are going to the Zhongshan Park.B. OK.C. I'm going to watch a movie.D. My family usually goes to goes to the beach at weekends.E. Yes, we are.综合提升六.根据汉语意思补全句子。1 .我喜欢在海里游泳。I like the sea.2 . Tim和我要去骑自行车。Tim and I to bicycles.3 .刘先生一家经常在公园野餐。Mr. Liu s family often at the park.4 .我们喜欢一起在公园里做游戏。We like to in the park.5 .他们更加爱对方了。They love more.


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