冀教版英语三上Lesson 23 Happy Birthdayppt课件3

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Lesson 23Li Mings Happy Birthday1. My mother got the presents from _ . A. school B. the post office C. the police office2. I love the _ you gave me, Jenny. A. cap B. shoe C. jacket 3. _is my favourite colour. A. Red B. Yellow C. Green4. Does the jacket fit me well?_ A. Yes B. No C. We dont know5. Every time I wear the cap, I will think of_. A. Jenny B. Danny C. Li MingListening:BABCALead in6.They invited_ A. my friends and my cousin B. my uncles and aunts C. my grandparents D. A, B, and C7. My mother bought a delicious birthday cake ,with _ candles. A.12 B.13 C.14 DB(T)(F)(T)(F)(T)Read the text and judge:1.Jenny and Danny gave the presents to Li Ming for his birthday.2.The jacket is red and a little small for Li Ming.3.Every time Li Ming wears the cap, he will think of Danny. Because it looks like Dannys cap.4.On Li Mings birthday party, they only ate noodles.5.Li Ming himself blew out the candles.Presentation many thanks for 看起来像看起来像 get from 时尚的时尚的 in fashion 非常适合我非常适合我 fit me well 吹灭吹灭 look like 从从拿取拿取 think of 关掉关掉 turn off 非常感谢非常感谢 blow out 想起认为想起认为 1. Many thanks for the presents!非常感谢你们寄来的礼物非常感谢你们寄来的礼物!thank for (doing) sth. 为某事感谢某人为某事感谢某人thank可作动词,也可作名词,用作名词时,常用复数形式可作动词,也可作名词,用作名词时,常用复数形式 many thanks = thanks a lot.give thanks to sb. 对某人表示感谢对某人表示感谢 Language and Grammar Points【知识拓展【知识拓展】1.thankful=grateful 感激的感激的/感谢的感谢的2. thanks to:多亏:多亏 Thanks to the invention of TV, we can see what is happening in the world. 多亏电视的发明,我们可以看到世界上正在发生什么。多亏电视的发明,我们可以看到世界上正在发生什么。2. I love the jacket you gave me,Jenny. 詹妮,我喜欢你詹妮,我喜欢你 给我的夹克。给我的夹克。you give me 是定语从句,修饰是定语从句,修饰jacket.This is the sweater my mother bought me.这就是我妈妈给我买的毛衣。这就是我妈妈给我买的毛衣。3. The style is in fashion here in China 这个款式在中国非常流行。这个款式在中国非常流行。(1) be in fashion时尚,流行。时尚,流行。如:如: His hairstyle is in fashion. 他的发型很时尚。他的发型很时尚。 Note: be out of fashion不流行不流行(2) here在句中只是起加强语气的作用。可紧接名词之后,在句中只是起加强语气的作用。可紧接名词之后,在口语中常置于名词在口语中常置于名词 之前。之前。如:如: My friend here saw it happen 我的朋友就看见了它是怎样发生的。我的朋友就看见了它是怎样发生的。 The girl here will tell you 这个女孩会告诉你的。这个女孩会告诉你的。4. How did you know what size to buy? 你怎么知道买多大尺寸的呢你怎么知道买多大尺寸的呢?what size to buy的意思是的意思是“买什么号码、尺寸买什么号码、尺寸”.它是由疑问词它是由疑问词what加上动词不定式的主动形式构成的,加上动词不定式的主动形式构成的,在句中作动词在句中作动词know的宾语。除的宾语。除why以外,所有的以外,所有的 疑问词疑问词都可以放在带都可以放在带to的不定式之前作动词的宾语。如:的不定式之前作动词的宾语。如:what to do 做什么;做什么;where to go 去哪里;去哪里;how to do it 怎样做这件事。怎样做这件事。 5. Every time I wear it,I will think of you 每次我戴上它,我就会想起你。每次我戴上它,我就会想起你。(1) every time在句中的意思是在句中的意思是“每次每次的时候的时候”,相,相当于一个连词词组,引导出一个时间状语从句。当于一个连词词组,引导出一个时间状语从句。请注意:主句的时态是将来时态请注意:主句的时态是将来时态, 从句中的时态为一般从句中的时态为一般现在时态。现在时态。如:如:Every time he comes to see me,he will bring me some gifts每次他来看我,他都会给我带来一些礼物。每次他来看我,他都会给我带来一些礼物。1. Thanks for _ us the wonderful cards. A. send B. sending C. mail D. to mail2. This pair of shoes _ me very well. A. fits B. fit C. match D. suit 3. Is this watch _ fashion? No,its _ fashion,its a new style.A. in; out B. in; out of C. out of ; in D. in; in4. Every time I wear this coat, I _ of my good friend. A. think B. will think C. thinking D. miss Practice单项选择单项选择5. Remember to _ the TV when you leave the room. A. turn on B. turn up C. turn off D. turn down6. Could you tell me what size _? A. buy B. bought C. to buy D. will buy7. We ate _ and _ at the party. A. noodle; vegetable B. noodles; vegetables C. noodle; vegetables D. noodles; vegetable 8. Its time _ you _ off the computer. A . for; to turn B. for; turn C. to; to turn D. to; turn9. My mother bought me a birthday cake and I blew _ the candles. A. up B. of C. off D. out 10. Hi,Jack,I havent seen you for a long time! You look_. A. clever B. well C. best D. oldHomeworkWrite a thank-you note / card / letter /to thank your parents and friends.A hero is nothing but a product of his time.时势造英雄。


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