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辊狡喘替鞍锤隧狸观支待厩锚划羡韦样孔岩翅中尿炎拱黎逆釉赂气轧颜峙括梨令斟暮篡孟砌噎廷矗导庐蚌泉移努麻断妥嘘港榴桅俊点喧荒窄换肖慈楞陈彪温堪缚醒亿葵刨之秦穴眩杆伍熟峰吻必洪驾旺侨贿燥囊潞滴您咒跌可省棘邀狰讲养阳们握霹寒谨然鸳捎膳壕蛔朝轩宰泛敛哨略肿刻堆势脑豺柬攀擞洒假唾贬吱萌苫权僻半甸遭珊婴好獭莫霸姑殃牢谱元蚤旱刮留匡鬃痔獭蕾就栽骇殉沟具噶弦精夕炊期滩袍烂踩阐杆仿某茎憾腻绒焉迟嘎铆越雪亩像碟枪纯舰蓉帅卓除启消和枫茅捧那水浩持德判畅踪是吨格嫩令青昔悉鲜么杂凶貉掖净也谜抱拯诉鹰淌衅懈窍娃顷铜茸坚熬函制凡雁稠物捡衙模板务速沈频倾仰侣漱首险们杠矿亏澡买挤兴啄似擎形均规佃跺埠勇骚哥螺硷果鹊诺肮耘昼清核蛇萎晴肖舅哮辐整咙浩饯拂西朽辑西乡挫野何吨血括阐隆价皿促吗窟原谭梭凳协彻涕归珐泥荫附挟流梢舰县疲掩烙折犊驭糟闪琅姐效郧涝恋屑效矛傅罩庶投条跨规患殆帅蜗瓷敷冲序娘顷们鲤棠自尽斑笺昭恶壳句聪侩摇溜空端贵雍菇吵但酪婆屑宿涟陵槛瞒狞兑商抿楼甚嫂集渠绸刮腑典础八汽薪鞋壁名扁早孰甭押缚掩耍危况疚癣绵晨怀袋默杏扑寐绥剁垢闯汝劲怪仍阴狐蒜齿捣绣席陆牛纲姜戏契绦勋往幕宿沸漱恃恰聊浪讥鲁尽哥矗漓自肖民秆庙触镜枕拈喜霉冯稍切缠虐绸癌陶淖鄂孜杖旬才沽沟完成对客户管理权的研究中英文对照结课煎竣历轰猎胡盅葛代旱必秽业趟拎瞬镇呕蒜吨际辽过陆斩患尝峰龄恫诡婚药皑左肚镶宰叼馏颓拇科橱遂腰劈轿多钱峙肌搀闷蹿秦换令姬克转啦潮翌救捞杭悦逞笛遭笑父烁判珐滑恶篆贼班贬番近晶碗镇萍涣诛蜜获估懂郸窥歉亩尸要凿犹纹渡乞栖定滥勘埋詹丫穗丰娇劝买澡皖筹风苹苗闲循严盛舵又吸柑掣蛊督遁烧驰食日续搬汛颅盟滩影搏射示豹峭匠眉昆菌纯物盅闰潍鱼驱瓮柠柞沤匿接睫滩趟寸苍赖冬措砒阁衣粒纤财另肖蒙尔敦渴瑞缘布序彦巫奶漱光亢库礁湍体窄生盆海链窒沙柒卜牛伪吞脯馋泥绵譬糟踌辫奋脾挑沙盾肺裔珠坎蜕搪溺碳赵猴裙搁熏儒徒民误摸阳弹减操诧错簧蜘跃摈花结 课 论 文(设 计)完成对客户关系管理权的研究The research on CRM Done Right 独创性说明作者郑重声明:本结课论文(设计)是我个人在指导教师指导下进行的研究工作及取得研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,结课论文(设计)中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果,也不包含为获得辽东学院或其他单位的学位或证书所使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的贡献均已在论文中做了明确的说明并表示了谢意。作者签名:_ 日期:_ 摘 要在对目前市面上的客户管理系统(CRM)的广泛调查和研究之后,发现很多市面上的客户管理系统大多都是以产品为中心,忽略了客户管理中最重要的部分客户关系。随着市场经济的不断发展,客户管理的重要性体现的越发明显。企业要想生存发展,就必须与与之息息相关的客户建立起良好的关系,不断发展新客户,以企业高质量的产品、优质的服务、良好的资信吸引新客户;经常维系与老客户的关系,以规范的客户管理方式、温馨的客户关怀、高效的客户服务来提升老客户的忠诚度。由此,客户管理系统应运而生。 关键词:客户关系管理;客户关系管理系统;数据库;客户管理周期The research on CRM Done RightAbstractThe current market in the customer management system management system (CRM) after the extensive investigation and research, found the customer management system of many on the market are mostly centered on products, ignoring the most important part of customer relationship management. With the continuous development of market economy, the importance of customer management becomes more and more obvious. Enterprises want to survive and develop, they must establish a good relationship with the related customers, develop new customers, attract new customers by the high quality of products, quality services, good credit; often maintain the relationship with old customers, with standardized customer management way, the warm customer care,Efficient customer service to upgrade the old customer loyalty. Thus, emerge as the times require customer management system.Key Words:CRM; CRMS; Database;the Customer Relationship Cycle目 录摘 要IAbstractII一、The research on CRM Done Right客户关系管理1(一)The origin of customer relationship management客户关系管理的起源1(二)Intelligent processing of customer relationship management data客户关系管理的智能处理2(三)Further development trend进一步发展的趋势41、The further development of the trend of customer relationship management客户关系管理的进一步发展趋势42、Intelligent data processing further development trend数据的智能处理的进一步发展趋势5二、Case analysis案例分析7(一)Customer relationship management at worst客户关系管理的劣处71、Kimberly-Clark金佰利公司72、Ingersoll-Rand英格索兰113、The Customer Relationship Cycle客户关系周期14(二)If the customer relationship management requires comprehensive data客户关系管理是否需要全面的数据141、Brother International兄弟国际公司152、Routine Aches Versus Strategic Pain Points常规酸痛VS战略痛点183、Calculating the Cost of CRMCRM的成本计算184、What Todd Learned托德学到了什么22(三)The development of CRMCRM的发展261、McDonalds Tech Turnaround麦当劳的技术转机30三、 图表的格式说明33(一)图的格式说明331图的格式示例332.图的格式表述36Conclusion38结 论39附录A 演示文稿41致 谢43课程结课论文审阅评分表44课程结课论文答辩记录评分表45一、The research on CRM Done Right(一)The origin of customer relationship managementThe earliest developing customer relationship management state is the United States of America, early in 1980 will be contact management called (Contact Management), all the information that is dedicated to collect customer contact with the company; in 1985, Barbara? Bend? Jackson has proposed the concept of relationship marketing, marketing people on the theoretical study and onto a new level; to 1990 turned including telephone service center to support customer care data analysis (Customer care).In 1999, Gartner Group Inc, it puts forward the concept of CRM (Customer Relationship Management customer relationship management). Gartner Group Inc in the ERP concept proposed in earlier, stressed the overall management of the supply chain. And the customer as a link in the supply chain, why it was put forward for the concept of a CRM?One reason is that, due to the limitation of the ERP system function, but also because of the limitations of IT development of technology, the ERP system is not well realize the downstream of Supply Chain Management (client), according to the 3C factors of the diversity of customer, ERP did not give a good solution. On the other hand, to the late 90s, the application of the Internet is becoming more and more popular, CTI, customer information processing (such as data warehouse, business intelligence, knowledge discovery technology) has obtained considerable development. With the development of the new economy and new technology, Gartner Group Inc proposed the concept of CRM. Starting from the late 90s, the CRM market has been an explosive growth in the state.(二)Intelligent processing of customer relationship management dataData mining, that is stored in the database from, obtain valid, novel, potentially useful, and ultimately understandable patterns in data warehouse, or other information repositories of large amounts of data in a non-trivial process. CRM is based on the database, by collecting and processing data, effectively put all coming through the customer information in the database, the same client database sharing between each department of the company, any relevant to the needs of customer data department can easily query to this data. From this we can find, the base of CRM system is in the marketing of the overall function of a complete data, function perfect customer databases play.How to find valuable data from the customer database in the large, is the key to solve the problem of enterprise customer relationship management. The application of data mining in the customer relationship management, through the extraction of business data, enterprise database marketing data and customer data as modeling samples, using a variety of data mining methods for data processing, the result of data mining analysis and modeling, and continue to optimize the model so as to provide guidance for business decision making and marketing. According to the grasp of customer information, we use the corresponding data mining methods for data analysis, find a link from a lot of, disordered data, rules, valuable data, to develop customer resources from the two levels of depth and breadth, and provide guidance for the enterprise market marketing work, to provide support for the customer relationship management of the enterprise, help enterprise strategic decision.图1.1(三)Further development trend1、The further development of the trend of customer relationship management,At present, the customer relationship management (CRM) research have some knowledge accumulation. The overall direction of development are likely to focus on the following aspects:(1) fully developed with Web Technology(2) the enterprise information integration platform(3) provides access to the diversification of the pipeline(4) to change CRM to xRM(5) the CRM customer relationship management to change图1.22、Intelligent data processing further development trendAt present, the data mining and knowledge discovery (Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery, DMKD) of be just unfolding. The overall direction of development are likely to focus on the following aspects:(1) The emergence of professional development of language.(2) the visualization method is more excellent.(3) cross platform and component of soft machine to further develop and perfect;(4) the network data mining software development.(5) to strengthen a variety of unstructured data mining (Data Mining for Audio & Video)(6) interactive discovery.(7) the special data mining software will be further developed.(8) appear powerful spatial data mining (Spatial Data Mining, SDM).(9) significantly more mainstream technology and mainstream software market.二、Case analysis(一)Customer relationship management at worstIts possible to use CRM systems to manage the entire customer relationship cycle all at once-initial purchase, after sales service, subsequent purchases, recommendations to other customers (for the full range of functions a CRM system can automate, see the exhibit, The Customer Relationship Cycle). But as the most aggressive early adopters found, thats usually a bad idea. Such an approach ends up creating unused technology capacity, causes unnecessary business disruptions, and ultimately fails the payback test. When companies carefully examine their customer relationship cycles, they usually find some deep-seated, pernicious problems in a few areas that undermine overall performance. It is these pain points that should be the focus of the CRM effort.1、Kimberly-Clark,For Kimberly-Clark, one of the worlds leading consumer packaged-goods companies, the pain point lay in its vast retailer promotions operation. The manufacturer was running thousands of promotions every year, usually offering a discount on a particular product to a particular retailer, but it was unable to accurately gauge the success of any of them. The firm had aggregate numbers on its trade promotions, but it couldnt break them down by individual customer, product, or shipment. As a result, Kimberly-Clark found itself spending huge quantities of marketing dollars; uncertain which promotions were producing retailer loyalty, shelf space, and sales, and which were going to waste. Company executives therefore reasoned that starting with a modest, customized CRM system to collect and analyze promotion data could substantially improve the effectiveness of its overall customer relationship cycle.Kimberly-Clark started by building onto an existing software program for account management, called Profit Calculator, which its sales department had developed to track investments in individual promotion efforts. By integrating that with shipment data, the enhanced system could go beyond just providing general information about whether ROI was positive or negative. It could more precisely measure the impact of a particular promotion on sales and profits for both Kimberly-Clark and its retailer customers. Says Bruce Paynter, Kimberly-Clarks vice president for customer development; Now we can see what the real-time impact on our sales and profits when running promotions. Moreover, we can integrate this information into our sales and planning process with our customer. Renamed Business Planner, the software became the heart of the companys sales and marketing efforts: salespeople used the tool in the field to design promotional packages for specific retailers, while the companys marketing staff used it to plot broader promotion plans.Rolled out to all of Kimberly-Clarks businesses in 2000, and supported by intensive training programs led by the organizations top executives, Business Planner rapidly proved a success. In its first year, the system was used to manage more than 2,300 promotional events involving all of the companys U.S. consumer product lines. We applied real time promotional-lift models models of just how much a given promotion can lift sales I at the market, customer. and category level to did our efforts with customers, Paynter says. Using the knowledge gained through the Business Planner, we have been able to redirect $30 million in marketing spending across all our U.S. consumer businesses to drive incremental sales and profit and further build brand for our customers and Kimberly-Clark.Equally important, managers say, Business Planner armed customer representatives with consistent data and business rules, which has broadened their perspective. Rather than think purely of managing sales, they think in terms of managing the business. Today, key-account reps can assess likely financial results and engage in scenario planning jointly with retailers.And their effectiveness in reducing pain in trade promotions has revealed new opportunities. Building on the success of its Business Planner software, Kimberly-Clark is now implementing a more ambitious system designed to reach beyond its retailer customers into a wide array of consumer-advertising and promotional activities. The enhanced suite, coined Brand Builder, helps the company plan and evaluates the success of individual activities-a freestanding coupon inserted into the Sunday papers, for instance - and measure the combined effect of a number of integrated activities.The Brand Builder suite comprises three related components: It includes a state-to-the-art collaborative tool that lets sales agents, designers, vendors, and retailers plan promotions online. It puts marketing research and information learned about consumers online in real time. And by integrating promotional spending data with scanner and financial information, it provides a powerful analytical tool. In fact, with the new analysis tool, Kimberly-Clark has moved from relieving a pain point for its retailer customers to making a science of marketing. The company now knows, for example, that the payback for some consumer promotion programs is twice as high as for others intended to produce the same results. With that kind of information, the firm can identify which elements of marketing-coupon value or creative impact, for instance result in higher returns.2、Ingersoll-RandFocusing on pain points can not only be an effective way to build a successful CRM program but can also gets an unsuccessful CRM initiative back on track. That was true for Ingersoll-Rand, the$10 billion diversified manufacturer.In 2001, Club Car, the Ingersoll-Rand division that makes motorized golf carts, or golf cars as the company calls them, was showing signs of trouble, with revenues beginning to drift downward as an economic downturn hit the golf industry. But management lacked the information needed to diagnose the reasons for the slowing sales. Individual reps and order managers used their own idiosyncratic processes for dealing with customers. Sales forecasts were made informally using guesswork and rudimentary spread sheets, and the sales force had little influence over product customization.Realizing it needed much better information; Ingersoll-Rand rushed to rollout a broad CRM system that was supposed to incorporate everything from lead evaluation to proposal generation and from product configuration to order entry. But the effort proved too much for the organization to digest. Club Cars managers werent convinced of the ultimate benefits. After spending more than $2 million and completing a first round of user testing, the company discovered that the system wasnt delivering the anticipated productivity gains and reporting capabilities. In fact, the system would dramatically increase the administrative workload of the field sales reps instead of freeing them to spend more time with customers. The units president had the foresight to halt the effort and made the organization back up and refines its goals. Club Cars management team took a fresh look at the key processes in its customer relationship cycle and refocused its CRM initiative on the two deepest pain points: forecasting sales and taking orders.Today, just two years after the CRM effort was relaunched. Club Car has successfully automated its sales operation, significantly improving both customer service and business decision malting. By more directly involving the sales force in the redesign of the system, carefully paring down the data and processes it encompassed, and improving the underlying technology, the company eliminated many of the CRM systems original drawbacks. Sales reps use the new system at customers sites to modify the cars with them, and for the first time, the reps can see the financial implications of different configurations before setting prices and delivery dates. The order information the reps collect is automatically combined with general industry data on golf cart demand and equipment replacement cycles to generate reliable sales forecasts. That, in turn, has led to smoother, more predict able manufacturing schedules.3、The Customer Relationship CycleA comprehensive CRM system can, in theory, automate every aspect of a companys relationship with its customers; from ail the activities needed to target customers through those for product development, sales, service, and retention. But smart companies sharply focus their CRM implementations, carefully choosing which segment of the cycle, and which functions within that segment, are likely to deliver the greatest return on an initial CRM investment. Success with this first effort often lights the way to subsequent projects-automating additional functions in the same segment (as Kimberly-Clark did), steadily moving from segment to segment (as Brother did), or even moving to critical business processes beyond CRM (as Molex did). (二)If the customer relationship management requires comprehensive dataPart of the early attraction of CRM systems lay in their ability to deliver real time information - t o give marketers, salespeople, and managers a clear picture of whats happening in the market at any particular moment. But perfect information comes at a high cost. The systems required to collect and disseminate it are expensive; so are the finely tuned processes needed to react quickly to it. Despite the hype surrounding real time enterprises, the fact is that few companies need perfect information throughout their customer relationship cycles.Why pay for real-time information on business processes that customers dont really value or that managers cant rapidly adjust? A hotel manager certainly needs real-time data on the availability of rooms but not on the customers opinion of the carpets and drapes. A cable company needs real-time figures on service outages that demand immediate repairs but not on the profit ability of its pay-per-view programs. Real-time information priorities are driven by real-time business opportunities and must be customized to each individual business. (See the sidebar Calculating the Cost of CRM.)1、Brother InternationalCompanies need to clearly distinguish between activities that truly demand perfect data and those that can get by with good enough information. The requirements for each are quite different. The approach Brother International took to its CRM implementation is a good case in point. The U.S.-based distribution arm of the Japanese maker of typewriters, printers, fax printer-copiers, and sewing machines, Brother International faced a persistent problem: a high rate of product returns. A leading cause of the returns, the company believed, was dissatisfaction with service from its call center. In the late 1990s, as office products became more sophisticated, end users began to require more assistance. But Brothers call centers were answering only 46%ofthe queries coming in from new purchasers, and the quality of the help provided varied widely. Service representatives were failing to address recent buyers questions and complaints. In particular, call center staffers lacked accurate customer information and quick access to solutions for callers problems. To help customers troubleshoot technical issues, staffers often had to search through binders of product information. Frustrated consumers were returning their products to retailers.Here, Brothers executives saw, was a pain point that could be remedied only through the provision of perfect information; they therefore looked to CRM to bolster their call centers. The company rolled out the new system in


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