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Unit 1 May I have ?“感谢”的升降调在西方国家, Thank you !或Thanks . 在日常生活中无处不用,甚至在父母为子女或子女为父母做事后,也都说Thank you !或Thanks . Thank you !有两种语调.第一种语调前高后低(降调),表示真心实意的感谢.第二种语调前低后高(升调),表示礼节上的客套.比如说在检票口,检票员看完你的证件后会用第二种声调说Thank you !其实这只是出于礼貌而已.当你真心邀请朋友到家作客时,他用升调说Thank you !你肯定会感到不愉快.因而,我们在用英语交际时, 不仅要注意多用Thank you !还要注意其语调.常见的表示学习用品的单词粉笔 a piece of chalk课本 a textbook练习本 an exercise book词典 a dictionary水彩笔 a water-color brush自动铅笔 a propelling pencil毛笔 a writing brush三角板 a set square一年中的主要节日春节 the Spring Festival元宵节 the Lantern Festival妇女节 Womens Day清明节 Qing Ming Festival劳动节 Labor Day儿童节 Childrens Day中秋节 the Mid Autumn Festival教师节 Teachers Day国庆节 National Day圣诞节 Christmas Day 元旦 New Years Day第 53 页Blue is the sea ,Green is the grass ,White are the clouds ,As they slowly pass .Black are the crows , Brown are the trees ,Red are the sails ,Of a ship in the breeze.蓝蓝的海,青青的草,雪白的云儿,慢慢地飘。黑黑的乌鸦,棕色的树,红色的帆儿, 摇啊摇。Happy Teachers DayHello ! Happy Teachers Day ! 你好,教师节快乐!Hello ! Happy Teachers Day ! 你好,教师节快乐!Hello !Hello! Miss Wu! 你好,你好,吴老师!Hello ! Happy Teachers Day ! 你好,教师节快乐!同学们,读读下面的这首歌谣,希望你们不断向更高的目标努力!Good , better, best Good , better, best , Never let it rest . Till good is better ,And better best .同学们,你们的生日经常是怎么过的?今天是Nancy的生日,读了以下对话你就知道她的生日情况了。Here is a gift for you这是给你的礼物Tom: Nancy , happy birthday ! Here is a gift for you .Nancy : How nice ! What a cute doll! Thank you , Tom .Mrs. Brown : Lets have the birthday cake .Tom : Good .Mrs. Brown : Would you like a cup of coffee?Tom : Thank you . 生词岛gift 礼物 cute 漂亮的doll 娃娃 birthday 生日a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡同学们,读完对话你会回答下面的问题吗?1、Who is the cute doll for ? 2、Is there a birthday cake ?Well begun is half done . 良好的开端是成功的一半.Unit 2 In a toy shop英语的许多成语中都用到了动物。同学们,请你们试着用所给的动物名称填一填下面的成语。bee bat peacock mule fly fish cat dog horse 1、As stubborn as a ( )2、As proud as a ( )3、As busy as a ( ) 4、As blind as a ( )5、It rains ( ) and ( ) 6、He eats like a ( ) 7、A ( ) in the ointment (奶油 ) 8、A pretty kettle (有盖的锅 ) of ( ) Bear熊Where is the bear ? 熊在哪儿?Is he in the chair ? 他在椅子上吗?No, no ,hes not in there . 不,不,他不在那儿。Wheres the bear ? 熊在哪儿? Look ,hes over there . 看,他在那儿。Look , hes eating a pear . 看,他正在吃梨。May cat我的小猫My cat is quite , 我的小猫真安静,She moves out of sight . 一眨眼不见其踪影。My cat is nice , 我的小猫真聪明,She always catches mice. 耗子捉得真干净。下面这首关于动物的顺口溜你能记住吗?百兽之王是tiger ,狮子 lion 的力量大。elephant 鼻子卷又长,wolf 有副坏心肠。rabbit 爱吃萝卜和青菜,竹子是 panda 的最爱。monkey , monkey 太顽皮,还是bear 最可爱。My dogI have a little dog . Its black and white . It has two big black eyes . When night comes , its eyes look green . My dog is very strong , and likes playing . It often plays games with chickens . When it is hungry , it says , “ Wang-Wang! ” So I feed it some food . Its very friendly to people . One day , my friend Xiao Li came to see me . My dog looked at her for a few minutes , then ran to her , she was very frightened (害怕) . So she cried , “Help me ! ” I said with a big smile , “Dont be afraid . It wants to make friends with you .” She said , “Oh ! I see . It is polite !” It is really a lovely dog . 同学们,平时你经常去购物吧?你知道怎样购物吗?以下是Su Hai 和妈妈的购物经过,你能模仿吗?Su Hai : Excuse me , whats this ?Assistant : Its a toy violin . Su Hai : Can I have a look ?Assistant : Sure . Here you are .Su Hai : How lovely it is !Mum : How much is it ?Assistant : Its six Yuan . Su Hai : Mum , Id like a toy violin . Mum : OK .Su Hai : Wheres the radio ?Assistant : Its over there.Su Hai : Mum , may I have a radio for Granny ? She likes music very much .Mum : Sure .Thats so kind of you . How much is the radio ?Assistant : Twenty-four Yuan.Mum : Ill take a toy violin and a radio . How much are they ?Su Hai : Six plus twenty-four is thirty. They are thirty Yuan .Mum : Here you are .Assistant : Thank you .Su Hai : Mum , I like them very much .Mum : I like them , too .All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy . 只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。Unit 3 A purseLook , see, watch 的区别这三个动词都有 “看”的意思, 但其含义有一定的区别. look 是指 “看”的过程.如果加上介词at , 则指用心地、有目的地去“看”。see 强调的是“看”的结果。 see 还有“知道;理解”的意思。如 I see . 我明白了。watch 多指带着目的地观察事物的变化、发展或行动过程,如 watch TV (看电视) ,watch a football match (看足球比赛)等。Can 的用法1) 表示能力。如 He can swim.2) 表示可能性。如 She cant be serious .3) 用来表示允许(和may 意思相近)。如 Can ( May) I come in ?英语谚语Out of sight , out of mind . 眼不见,心不烦。 Let the sleeping dog lie . 不要惹事生非。East and west , home is the best . 东西南北,家乡最美。One , two , three, four One , two , three, four ,Work hard and read more , Five , six , seven , eight , Always be early and never late .身 体 部 位 歌Head , head 是脑袋,head 上面长hair ,两只ears 认真听,两只 eyes 仔细瞧,鼻子nose 闻气味,嘴巴mouth 吃东西,感到害羞 face 红,一直红到 neck上。Shoulder , shoulder 是肩膀,shoulder 两边连 arm ,Arm 的中间是elbow , arm 的一端是hand , 十个fingers拿物品,十个 toes 鞋里藏,foot , foot 踢足球,leg , leg 跑长跑,虽不留神伤了 knee ,为班争光心不悔。1Mary : Do you know Darwin ?Li Lei : Yes . I have learnt it for two years .Darwin is more difficult than Chinese and German . 玛丽:你知道达尔文吗?李雷:知道 。我学过两年,达尔文比中文和德文难学多了。2Teacher :( Class is over ) Wheres my cap ?Jack : Its on your head .Teacher : Thank you very much . Otherwise , Ill go home without a cap .同学们,请把老师和杰克的对话翻译成汉语,看谁译得好!3Father :Why did you make so many mistakes in yesterdays maths exam , Tom ?Tom :Because there was something wrong with my calculator . 父亲:汤姆,昨天的数学考试为什么错了那么多?汤姆:因为我的计算器出毛病了。如何书写英语句子(一)同学们,你们现在已经学习了许多英语句子了,怎样才能把英语句子书写正确、美观、大方,成为大家关心的问题。下面,我给大家讲讲书写英语句子需要注意的几点:一、 注意大写1、 凡是句子开头的第一个单词的首字母都要大写。如:Good morning! This is a book .2、 单词I (我)在句中任何位置都必须大写。如:Liu Tao and I are good friends . 3、 表示人名、地名等一些专有名词放在句中任何位置,其首字母都必须大写。如:Mr. Wu , China .二、 注意距离英语单词的排列应整齐美观,单词及单词间以空一个字母a 的距离为宜,句子及句子之间空两个字母的距离为宜。(未完待续)Knowledge is treasure , but practice is the key to it .知识是一座宝库,而实践是打开这座宝库的钥匙。Unit 4 I like Me , too.的用法Me , too.表示自己及别人有同样的感受或意愿。如:wish you luck ! ( Me , too.) A good journey ! ( Me , too.)它的否定形式应根据上文而定。在本单元出现的Me , too.相当于I like , too . 如不同意说话者的意见,应说 I dont like it / them .或 Not me .常见的儿童玩具类单词弹弓 a catapult呼拉圈 a hoop 木球 a bowl 秋千 a swing 玩具枪 a popgun国际象棋 chess雪橇 a sledge 七巧板 a tan gram小青蛙找玩具A little frog wakes up in the morning .He cant find his toy , he is crying . A fish hears and comes . He asks , “Why are you crying ?” The frog answers , “I lost my toy .” “ What is your toy ?” “I dont know its name , but its round and yellow .” The fish says ,“ I know , I know .”Quickly , he comes back with a yellow leaf . “No , no ,thats not my toy .” The frog still cries . A dog is coming . “ A round and yellow thing is on the playground . That must be your toy .” The frog sees , that is not his toy , too .Its a yellow ball. A squirrel is running with a pine nut . But thats not the frogs toy . Its dark . The frog is very sad . He doesnt find his toy . He cries again . The moon is rising in the sky . The shadow of the moon is on the pond . “ Oh ! My toy ! I find my toy !” The frog jumps happily .译文:一天早晨,小青蛙醒来后找不到他的玩具了,它急得大哭起来。一条鱼儿听见了,游过来问道:“你为什么哭呀?”小青蛙回答道:“我的玩具不见了。”鱼儿问:“那你的玩具是什么呢?”小青蛙想了想说:“我也不知道它的名字。它是一个圆圆的、黄色的东西。”小鱼儿说:“我知道了!”很快地小鱼儿带着一片黄色的树叶回来了。“不,不,那不是我的玩具。”小青蛙直摇头。一只小狗过来了,说:“圆圆的、黄色的东西在操场上,那一定是你的玩具。”小青蛙一看,唉,那也不是它的玩具,那是一个黄色的球。小松鼠带着一枚坚果跑了过来,还不是小青蛙的玩具。天黑了, 小青蛙非常难过,它找不到自己的玩具,伤心地又哭了起来。这时月亮升起来了, 月亮的影子倒映在池塘里,小青蛙开心地跳了起来:“哦!我终于找到我的玩具啦!”My kiteMy kite is white ,My kite is light ,My kite is in the sky !Now left , now right ,Now low ,now high .You see the kite .You see it , you and I .书包 bag 东西多,书是book尺 ruler ,Pencil-box 是文具盒。Pen 口渴喝 ink ,pencil 爱找 sharpener ,错字 rubber消灭它。如何书写英语句子(二)一句话结束时要用句号“.”;疑问句用“?”;感叹句用“!”;连接并列万成分时不用顿号“、”,而用逗号“,”;省略号是三个或四个小圆点“”或“.”;书名用斜体或大写来表示,不用书名号 。同学们,你们刚刚开始学习英语书写,切记要养成良好的书写习惯,千万不可以马虎大意,甚至对标点符号也要认真对待。只要你们掌握好英语书写的基本要求并认真练习,相信你们一定能写出一手漂亮的英语字。A friend in need is a friend indeed . 患难中的朋友才是真朋友。Unit 5 Whose gloves ?数词的含义 Hes such a zero . 他这人一无所长。 Youre one in a million ! 你可是万里挑一的呀! That girl is beautiful . shes a real ten . 那很漂亮, 简直可以打满分!有关Time 的一些知识询问时间除用Whats the time?以外,还有另一种表达法What time is it ?表达时间也有两种方法。1) 直接读写数词,如常10:30 ten thirty (本单元所学)2) 借助past和to来表达:分钟小于30的用past,分钟大于30的用to, 一刻、三刻用a quarter,半小时用half past 如:4:28 twenty-eight minutes past four 9:30 half past nine 8:15 a quarter past eight 6:45 a quarter to seven 2:58 two minutes to three A Number Song 数字歌Zero, one two three four five six seven , 零, 一二三四五六七,Eight nine ten . begin again . 八九十.再来一遍.Zero, one two three four five six seven , 零, 一二三四五六七,Eight nine ten . Thats the end ! 八九十.结束.Do my bestI try to do my best each day ,In my work and in my play .And if I always do my best .I neednt worry about a test .Tick ,TockTick ,Tock ,Goes the clock .Telling the time , All by itself ,Round and round ,The two hands go , The big one quickly ,The little one slowly .Whose mobile is this ?Whose mobile is this ?Its my fathers .Its green , it looks beautiful . Whose scarf is that ?Its my mothers .Its yellow , it looks nice . Whose glasses are these ?They are my grandmothers . They are on the table . 生词岛mobile 手机 beautiful 漂亮的glasses 眼镜同学们,记住这些物品的名称吧!I am my fatherOne day little Lisa didnt want to go to school and telephoned the teacher pretending to be her father and said , “ Hello . Is that the teacher speaking ? My little Lisa caught cold today and she cant go to school . She speak me to telephone you for a days leave .”The teacher at the other end of the telephone asked , “Who is that speaking ?”“Its my father , sir,” Answered Lisa .我是我爸爸一天,小萨丽不想去上学,就装成爸爸的声调打电话给老师。她说:“喂,你好,您是老师吗?我的小萨丽感冒了,不能去上学,她叫我向您请一天假。”老师问道:“您是谁?”萨丽回答道:“是我爸爸,先生。”Never do things by halves . 做事不可半途而废.Unit 6 Its lateOK的含义OK来自美国口语,下面将它的常见用法归纳如下:1)OK=well或fine ,作形容词用时,作“身体好的,健康的”解。如:How are you ?Fine , thank you . And you ? Im OK.2)Ok =all right , 作副词用时,意为“别客气,不用谢”。如:Is this your pencil ?Yes ,it is . Thanks .Thats OK.3) OK=well, 有“好”或“行”之意。例如:What color is it ?I think its green . OK. Color it green . 4) OK?=Is that right ?表示“对吗?行吗?好吗?”如:Let me help you . OK?Thank you very much .5)OK意为“没关系”。如:Im not Lucy. Im Lily. Shes Lucy! Sorry !You look the same .Thats OK. 6)OK=certainly , 表示“行,好”。如:Its a picture of my family .Oh , can I have a look ?OK.7)OK=good ,相对“不好的,坏的”而言。如: Look at the kite .Is it broken ?No , its OK.MyselfHello ! My Chinese name is Zhang Yu . My English name is Betty . Im from Ru Gao . Im ten . I study in Xin Yao primary school . Im in class 2, grade 1 . Im not fat , but Im tall . I havent any brothers and sisters , but I have a lovely dog .I like English very much . I like Chinese , too . My favorite sport is football , and I am good at football too. Ronaldo is my favorite football player . I am one of the members of the school football team . My wish is to go to roman to study . I want to be a journalist in the future . I have a happy family .My father is an official in government and my mother is a doctor . They both work very hard . I love them very much . And they love me , too .Im a happy girl !TeaLittle bee , little bee ,Please come and join me .Green tea and black tea .You can taste and you can see . The doll of clayThe doll of clay , the doll of clay , shes a doll of clay . She has got eyebrows . She has got blue eyes . Which cannot wink .The doll of clay , the doll of clay , shes a doll of clay . She has got a nose . She has got a mouths . Which cannot speak .Shes but a doll of clay .shes not a living doll . she has got no loving Papa , no loving Mama. The doll of clay , the doll of clay , shes a doll of clay . Ill be her Papa , Ill be her Mama for every loving day .同学们,在考试中你是不是经常碰到“连词成句”的题型?你想让“连词成句”成“小菜一碟”吗?怎么样,让我教你一招吧!1、火眼金睛辨“主干”。当你看到这些“乱七八糟”的单词时,第一眼,擦亮眼睛,在乱词中找到两个部分:a.“谁” b.“干什么”或是“怎么样”。2、开动脑筋记语序。英语的句子顺序和汉语的句子顺序不同,只能靠记忆。尤其注意英语的语序中时间和地点的位置,地点放后边,时间既可放最前面,也可放最后。3、词组放一块儿。如:on Sunday , at home , of course , have a look , a cup of tea 4、标点要看清。是“.”还是“?”如果是疑问句,你首先要区分出是一般疑问句还是特殊疑问句。如果是一般疑问句,不要忘了将be动词、情态动词或助动词放到句子最前面。如果是特殊疑问句得找准特殊疑问词,如:how many , where , what , who , whose , which 同学们,以后再碰到“连词成句”这样的题目,只要将上面的方法用上,对你来说,这样的题目简直就是“小菜一碟”啦!Art is long , but life is short . 人生有限,学问无涯。Unit 7 In class浅谈祁使句祈使句用于表示命令、请求、嘱咐、号召等,主语为you , 在句中大多省略。谓语动词用原形,有时也可省略。常见的祈使句有以下几种形式:肯定式Do型 : Come here , please . 请过来。Be型 :Be quite ! 静一静。Let型 : Lets have a look . 我们看一看吧。Lets him sing . 让他唱。名词型:Silence ! 肃静!副词型:Out with it ! 说出来呀!否定式以Dont 开头:Dont open the door . 别开门。以 Never 开头:Never say that . 千万别那么说。以No 开头: No smoking . 禁止吸烟。其他:Lets not wait here .我们别在这里等了。Take care not to be late . 当心别迟到了。强调Do be careful . 务必当心!Please do come tomorrow . 明天请务必来。带主语式(用于加强语气等)You just listen to me .你听我说呀。You sit down. 你坐下。带附加问句式Lets play a game , shall we ? 我们做游戏好不好?Help me , will you ? 请您帮我一下好吗?Early to bed , early to rise Early to bed ,Early to rise. Makes a man healthy , wealthy and wise .飞机 plane 天上飞,轮船 ship 水中行,轿车是 car 路上跑,train 在轨上轰烈烈。Taxi 招手它就停,motorcycle 是摩托,龟兔赛跑( The Race between the Tortoise and the Hare )Narrator : Its a fine day . A hare is running home to see his mother . On the way he meets a tortoise. Tortoise :Hello , Mr. hare ! Glad to meet you .Hare : Oh , its you , Mr. Tortoise !Glad to meet you , too . What are you doing here ? Tortoise : Dont you see ? Im practicing running . Hare : Running ? Ha-ha ! Can you run ? I dont think so . Your legs are too short . You can only craw !Tortoise : Who says so ? Of course I can run.Hare : Look at my legs . They are much longer than yours . I am sure I can run faster than you .Tortoise : Dont be so sure . Now lets have a race and see who is fast and who is slow .Hare : Well then . Lets run to the tall tree over there and see who gets the first . OK ?Tortoise : All right .Lets begin. Hare : Ready go !Narrator : The hare and the tortoise begin to run . The tortoise is slow indeed , but he doesnt stop . He goes on and on .The hare runs very fast . Now he comes to a small tree and stops here . Hare : Oh , how fast I am !Where is Mr. tortoise ? Aha ! There he is ! Hes far behind me . How slow he is ! Oh , what a hot day ! Let me have a rest . Mr. tortoise wont catch up with me . Narrator : The hare lies down under the small tree. Very soon he falls asleep .The tortoise comes up . Tortoise : Oh , he is sleeping here ! I mustnt stop . I must run .Narrator : The hare is having a sound sleep .The tortoise is running on and on . Now the tortoise is near the tall tree .Hare : Ah , what a good sleep !How happy I am ! Well . Where is Mr. tortoise now ? Where is he ? Isnt he far behind me ? Oh , there he is ! Hes near the tall tree !Narrator : Now you see the hare is running faster than ever , but hes too late . The tortoise gets to the tall tree first . Tortoise : Why , hello ,Mr. hare ! How are you ? You arent fast , are you ?Hare : Yes . Im fast , but Tortoise : Now who is faster , you or me ?Hare : Oh , Mr. tortoise Live and learn . 活到老, 学到老。Unit 8 Whats the matter ?“I”为什么要大写? 在英语中,表示I(我)的人称代词无论在句首、句中或句末,都要大写。这是为什么呢?原来在中世纪,英语“我”并不是I,而是ich , 而且不需要大写。后来ich逐渐演变成i. 但是小写的i 老是跟校对者和印刷者作对,不是失踪了,就是跑到前面一个词或后面一个词上去了,结果往往造成句子不通或意思不同。有一个印刷者因不胜其烦,干脆将小写i改成大写I , 以防混淆和失踪。这一改法很快得到了大家的承认,于是一直沿用至今。evening 和night的区别evening 和night 都是指晚上,但两者并不完全相同。evening 是“傍晚、晚间”,尤其是指下午6点到晚上10点,人们在用这个词时一般指晚上就寝之前这段时间,它的反义词是morning .night 是指“夜晚、黑夜”,尤其是指深夜,也就是晚上10点至午夜这段时间。它的反义词是day .afternoon 是吃过午饭的时间。下午下了班或过了正常工作时间是evening .到了睡觉的时候便从evening转为night .注意:Good evening .有Hello 的意思Good night .有Goodbye 的意思,不能用作打招呼。下面是英语中一些常见的表示时间的词组所指的大致时段:表示时间的词组所指的大致时段In the morning 7:00-12:00At noon / midday 12:00In the afternoon 12:00-18:00In the evening 18:00-22:00At night 22:00-24:00At midnight 24:00同学们,当你想出去玩耍的时候,最讨厌什么?对,下雨!读了下面一首儿歌,你就可以把雨赶跑啦!Rain , rain , go away , come again another day .Little children ,little children , little children ,Want to play , rain , rain , go away.小雨,小雨,走开吧,隔一天再来吧。小朋友,小朋友,小朋友,想要去玩啦,小雨,小雨,走开吧。 Clever BanbyDeer Ban by is very clever. Many animals like him. Both Lion and Tiger are strong in the forest. They like to bully other animals. One day, Lion sees deer Ban by and says to him , “Im going to eat you !” Ban by laughs , “ No , you will not . I am as strong as you are !” Lion laughs when he hears this . “Dont laugh. Ill show you how strong I am .Lets try if you dont believe .” Then deer Ban by takes a rope and says to Lion, “You hold this end of this rope . I will hold the other end of the rope . When I say pull, well both pull .” Then deer Ban by takes one end of the rope and goes into the forest .He finds the tiger and says to him , “ Im as strong as you are !” Tiger doesnt believe him .Of course , Ban by says the same words again . Then Ban by runs behind some trees and shouts loudly, “Pull!” Lion falls into the mud and Tiger falls down a hill . Since then Lion and Tiger do not bully other animals anymore .译文: 聪明的斑比小鹿斑比非常聪明,许多小动物都很喜欢它。狮子和老虎森林中都很强大,它们总是欺负其他小动物。一天,狮子看到了斑比,它对斑比说:“我要吃掉你。”斑比笑着说:“你吃不了我,我和你一样强壮!”狮子听了小鹿的话大笑起来。斑比说:“你不要笑,我会让你看到我有多么强壮。你要是不信,我们就来试一试。”说着,它就拿来一根绳子并对狮子说:“你拿着绳子的这一端,我拿着另一端。当我喊拉时,我们就一起拉绳子。”然后斑比拿着绳子的另一端走进了森林。它找到了老虎并对它说:“我和你一样强壮!”老虎当然不信。斑比又把相同的话说了一遍。然后斑比躲到树后大喊一声“拉”。狮子和老虎一个掉进了泥坑,一个滚下了山坡。从此以后狮子和老虎再也不敢欺负别的小动物了。小朋友,刘涛放学回家,肚子饿了。他想找点吃的,可是没找到,不过在妈妈的帮助下找到了。他还有点渴。我们来看看刘涛和妈妈的对话。Liu Tao : Mum , Im hungry . Mum : You can eat some bread .Liu Tao : But where is the bread ?Mum :Let me see , is it on the table ?Liu Tao : No , it isnt . Mum :Is it in the fridge ?Liu Tao : Let me open it and see . Oh , its here .Mum : Are you thirsty , too ?Liu Tao : Yes .Mum : There is some milk in the fridge . Liu Tao : Great , I like milk .Time has wings . 光阴似箭,日月如梭 。Unit 9 A new student “欢迎”吗?“欢迎”在英文里有一个相应的词:welcome。来宾参观学校,可以说:欢迎,欢迎!在欢迎会上,校长会说:欢迎到我们学校来。第一句话可以就用一个单词:Welcome , welcome-欢迎,欢迎!校长说的那句话是:Welcome to our school. Welcome后跟一个to,然后是地名。这时它表示的意思是:欢迎到来。再来看看下面的例子:Welcome to China.-欢迎来中国。Welcome to Beijing.-欢迎来北京。这两句话实际上是不完整的。完整的句子应该是You are welcome to China. You are welcome to . Beijing.汉语中常说:我们欢迎您;北京欢迎您。翻译成英语,你可千万不能照汉语的词序来一一对应呀,而要译成You are welcome to Welcome to China.- -欢迎来中国。Welcome back.-欢迎归来。Welcome home.- 欢迎回家。Welcome back to school.-欢迎回到学校。Fix the windowA young boy kicks a ball in the street. He breaks the window of a house and the falls inside.A young woman comes to the window and shouts at the boy. He runs away, but he still wants to get his ball back. Then he comes back and knocks at the door. He tells the woman he wants to get his ball back. He says his father will come and fix the window. Then a man comes to the door with tools in his hands


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