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Module 3能力提升小题训练系列 Unit 1 练习一 (Welcome to the Unit & Reading)一、词义配对 1. confuse a. make sth become less or smaller2. forecast b. foretell about sth that will happen in the future3. relief c. be careful of4. watch out for d. thankful5. recognize e. a feeling of being freed from worry 6. pavement f. help, assist7. sight g. the ability to see8. grateful h. to disturb in mind9. aid i. to know again10. reduce j. a road for people to walk on二、用所给词组的适当形式填空。catch sight of ;be linked to; make sense; cant help wondering; with fear; hold sb still it is likely that as well as be covered in step out into glance at out of sight beat watch out for 1. If you hold nose while eating, your sense of taste will not work _ usual. 2. When she _ of a flower shop, she stopped walking and thought she should buy some flowers for her mother for Mothers Day was coming nearer. 3. It _ that you have a swim in the swimming-pool after a day of hard work. 4. When you look at the pyramids along the Nile, you _ how they were built in those days. 5. _ scientists will develop new plants which can produce more crops. 6. The public have been wanted by the weatherman over radio _ the coming storm. 7. Lots of accidents occurred because the highway _ thick fog. 8. Do you know the saying: “_, out of mind”? 9.Over her shoulder she _ the man following behind and she thought a way out to throw him off.10. The mother was so eager to see her daughter in hospital that she _ the heavy rain without her husbands permission. 11. She wanted to jumped into the water to have a swim, but the sign of danger _. 12. Nathan Hale felt his beat faster, but not _ . He only regretted that he had but one life to lose for his country.三、单项选择(选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。)1. Although she didnt say “no” to our suggestion at the meeting, I _that she would not carry out the experiment according to it.A. stared B. feared C. sensed D. watched2. In general, parents always ask their children to_ for the strangers. A. pay attention B. watch out C. look up D. take notice3. Dont you think it is a waste of time _ with him about such a thing?A. arguing B. to argue C. argued D. argue 4. What the doctor said put _ into our hearts, making us worry whether he would live through the night.A. fear B. wish C. sight D. thinking5. Hearing the sad news, the little girl ran out of the classroom _ tears.A. with B. to do C. in D. for6. The young mother is sad because her baby is _ to be seen.A. where B. anywhere C. somewhere D. nowhere7. Well be informed tomorrow _ we should take the exam or not.A. whether B. where C. if D. that8. Were told to _the children in case they get too tired.A. care. B. notice C. watch D. glance 9. _ that I could use a special piece of cloth to attract peoples attention, I decided to have a try.A. Having been realized B. Realizing C. Being realized D. Realized10. -John, have you gone over your lessons learnt this morning? -Not yet. -You should know _. A. many hands make light work B. Rome wasnt built in a day C. strike while the iron is hot D. great minds think alike11. -Where is Nick?-He is standing in front of the window _ the rain pouring down.A. staring into B. staring at C. watching out D. watching for 12. “Stop thief! Stop thief!” But the thief _by the crowd and we lost sight of it.A. was swallowed B. was drown C. was caughtD. was stopped四、根据汉语完成相关英语句子。1. 今天早上起晚的原因是他昨天晚上熬夜太晚。 The reason _ he got up late this morning was _ he _ _ _ _last night.2. 我的建议是我们应该把这块耕地改成稻田。My _is that we _ _ the land into rice field.3. 请告诉我明天是否有雨。Please tell me _ _ _it is _ tomorrow.4. 那个小偷身强力壮,三个警察才把他按住。The thief was _ strong that it took three policemen to _hold him _down.5. 他醒过来时,发现自己在一群仙女中间。 When he came to himself, he found _ _ a group of fairies.6. 你能感觉到在接下来的几年里他会发生什么吗? Could you _ what is _ to happen to him in the years _ _?7. 一看到警察,小偷就溜走了。 _ the _ of the policeman, the thief ran away. 8. 我们下周想拜访你。不知道那时你有空没有。 We want to _ you a _ next week. We wonder whether you are _ at that time. 9. 她感觉到她的心因为害怕跳得更快了。 She could feel her heart _ faster _ _. 10. 这是我第一次听她唱歌。 This is _ _ _ that I _ _ her sing. 练习二 (Grammar and usage) 一、用正确的连词填空。 1. The truth is _ he doesnt make good use of time in class. 2. The reason why he was late was _ he had taken a wrong bus. 3. Einsteins most famous theory is _ we call the Theory of Relativity. 4. Engines are to machines _ hearts are to human beings. 5. We have plenty of books here. You may take _ you like most 6. It depends on _ we have enough time. 7. You have no idea _ anxious I have been for her safety. 8. -Are you still thinking about yesterdays game? -Oh, thats _ makes me feel excited. 9. Please remind me _ he said he was going. I may be in time to see him off. 10. See the flags on top of the building? That was _ we did this morning. 11. -Could you do me a favor? -It depends on _ it is. 12. There is much chance _ Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race. 13. Nobody believed his reason for being late for class _ he had to meet his uncle at the airport. 14. Its well known _ the earth moves around the sun. 15. He was lucky enough to sell his car for exactly _ he had paid for it. 16. _ he doesnt like them is very clear.二、单项选择(选择可以填入空白处的正确答案)1. I don t believe he will come, _? A. will he B. wont he C. does he D. doesnt he2. The fact _ he has not been seen recently disturbs everyone in his office. A. what B. how C. that D. it3. They are investigating the question _ the man is trustworthy. A. whether B. if C. that D. what4. It occurred to me _ I had seen him somewhere in London. A. what B. where C. that D. there5. It is quite clear _ the whole project is doomed to failure. A. that B. what C. as D. it6. I dont care_ you like the plan or not. A. if B. whether C. that D. how7. Finally, the thief handed everything _ he had stolen to the police. A. that B. what C. which D. why8. He was about halfway through his meal _ a familiar voice came to his ears. A. what B. where C. when D. that9. I just wonder _ that makes him so excited. A. what it does B. what he does C. what it is D. what he did10. _ is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger, more prosperous economy. A. Which B. What C. It D. As11. -I rang you at about three, but there was no reply. -Oh, that was probably _ I was seeing the doctors. A. why B. what C. when D. that12. Its not yet clear _ of those will be chosen to do the job. A. that B. whom C. which D. whose13. _ in the newspaper that the teachers will get a rise in 2008. A. It says B. it is said C. It has said D. They are said14. The problem, according to the experts, is _ we should do with the salty land.A. what B. whether C. how D. that15. You cant imagine when they heard the news the Chinese team won.A. how they were excited; that B. how excited they were; thatC. how excited were they; which D. they were how excited; which16. _ the teacher couldnt understand was fewer and fewer students showed interest in his class.A. What; that B. All that; because C. Why; that D. What; why17. A bright idea suddenly struck me _ I could use the money I saved to help a poor student in the countryside.A. whether B. which C. that D. what18. Another new factory has been built near _ used to be a village. A. what B. that C. which D. where19. -Kate is eating less these days. -Well, thats _ makes me feel worried.A. because B. what C. why D. how20. That day everyone wondered _ the baby of four worked out the problem in her mothers office.A. how was it that B. how it was that C. how was it D. how was that三、根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子。1. 你能告诉我中华中学在哪里吗? Would you tell me_?2. 重要的是我们如何消灭掉这个房间的老鼠。 The important thing is _.3. 谁会赢得比赛并不重要。 _ is not important.4. 听说你要到美国深造,我很高兴。 I am glad to hear the news _.5. 我发现我很难在一年里掌握英语语法。 I find it difficult that _.6. 这就是我每天早晨起那么早的原因。 That is _.7. 我相信法律是为人制定的,政府是人们的公仆而非人民的主人。 I believe (that)_, _.8. 除了说航班延误外,航空公司的官员没告诉我们别的。 Airline officials had nothing to tell us except _.四、改错 1. What he says and what he does is different. 2. If we will have the party or not has not been decided. 3. I think possible that I get up at 6 every morning. 4. When and where we should hold the meeting have not been decided. 5. You may choose no matter which you like. 6. His advice is that Xiao Wang must get up early on weekends. 练习三 (Word power, Task & Skills building) 一、根据图片写出相应的英文名称。1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_ 7_ 8_二、词义配对 1. ignore A. full of hope 2. wave B. speak softly over ones ear 3. whisper C. mist 4. hopeful D. go hungry 5. attach E. over ones head 6. overhead F. neglect 7. fog G. fasten or join sth to sth 8. starve H. the chain of events in a story 9. plot I. huge movements of sea water caused by hurricane or tsunami三、用所给词或词组的适当形式填空。be linked to;set sail for; come very close;be through;sound like;attach ;last;work out 1. The doctor _ a treatment plan for him and succeeded in the operation. 2. The talk _ three hours. Most listeners feel asleep. 3. Womens sense of smell _ recognizing the smell of babies. 4. His great grandfather _ two world wars, moving from place to place without anyone to depend on. 5. The bird flew around and cried out, which _ music in the woods. 6. Mr. Jin lost his left hand in the accident. He had a new hand _ three days ago. 7. As we _ Qingdao, the captain got the news that his wife had their baby in hospital. 8. In hot summer days, the lightnings seem _ and we can hear the thunders overhead.四、单项选择(选择可以填入空白处的正确答案。)1. Try to use travelers cheques if possible and avoid _too much money.A. to bring B. bringing C. to have brought D. having brought2. We didnt plan our art exhibition like that but it _very well.A worked on B worked out C tried out D. carried on3. Mum _ to us,“Be quiet! Your little sisters sleeping” A. whispered B. shouted C. explained D. replied4. She should not have done that sort of thing. Whatever she did was reasonable, _ to what you had done. Besides, its none of your business. Get down to _ your LessonsA. compared; doingB. comparing; doing C. compared; do D. comparing; do5. There is no_ trying to persuade him. He will never change his mind.A.use B.sense C.good D.point6. We had to ask our neighbors to _ our house while we were away on holiday. A. watch B. observe C. notice D. See 7. Nowhere else in such a small town, I think, _ a book as good as this one. A. can you get B. you can get C. you get D. you will get8. I think it _ to let farmers have their own land. In that way, they can farm the land by themselves, and food production will be higher.A. no good B. makes sense C. no harm D. takes sense 9. Tom was absent today, wasnt he? No, he wasnt. He was just late, because he_ his bus. A. failed B. ignored C. caught D. missed10. Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. _our minds are developed by learning.A.Probably B.Likely C.Similarly D.Generally11. I like this house with a beautiful garden in front, but I dont have enough money to buy_. A. one B. it C. this D. that12. I couldnt help but _ that it was a mistake to lend him the money.A. think B. thought C. to think D. thinking13. “Could we put off the meeting?” she asked. “_.” He answered politely. “This is the only day everyone is available.” A. Not likely B. Not exactly C. Not nearly D. Not really14. Nobody believed his reason for being absent from the class _ he had to meet his uncle at the airport. A. why B. that C. where D. because15. You can only be sure of_ you have at present; you cannot be sure of something _ you might get in the future. A. that; what B. what; / C. which; that D. /; that五、根据句意填空。1. _ to the weather _, it is likely to be raining next morning.2. I often wonder whether animals have the _ senses _ humans.3. I saw an old man making his way in the street, _ a walking stick _ his hand.4. _ the time he was 20 years old, he had finished _ two novels.5. When they realized that they got lost, the children _ _ crying.6. She sensed that she was _ watched by someone. _, when she looked back, the person was nowhere to be seen.7. When she _ _, she found herself lying in hospital .8. Once _ bed, the children will fall _ very soon.9. My computer _ _ by an unknown virus last Sunday. So it has been broken for a whole week now.10. Our problem is that so far we havent _ _a right method to work out the difficulty.练习四 (Project) 一、词义配对(match the words with the definitions) 1. taste A. feeling of great fear 2. jaw B. thing of which the cause or origin is unknown 3. panic C. either of the bones containing teeth 4 . set sb. loose D. die in water or other liquid 5. employ E. make sb at ease, set sb. free 6. likely F. take on 7. drown G. get to know sth by flavour or smell 8. mystery H. possible, probable二、用方框中所给词组的适当形式填空.catch sight of be linked to make sense relate to mistake.for. reach intokeep in touch with cant help wondering it is likely that compare to1. When he _ of a flower shop, he stopped walking and thought he should buy some flowers for his wife.2. _ his sister, he speaks much better English. 3. Many doctors think that liver cancer _ smoking.4. I sometimes _ Xiao Hong _her younger sister .5. It _ that you have a swim in the swimming-pool after a day of hard work.6. When you look at the pyramids along the Nile, you _ how they were built in those days.7. We _ the outside world by watching TV and reading newspapers.8. _ scientists will develop new plants which can produce more crops.9. Mr. Lee _ his pocket to get his cell phone to call in the headmaster.三、单项选择。(选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案)1. He is not easy to get along with, but the friendship of his,_, will last forever.A. once gained B. to be gained C. after gained D. while gained 2.If you go for a long ride in a friends car, its the custom to offer to _ some of the expenses. A. pay B. pay off C. pay for D. pay back 3. _, I watched an _ horse race yesterday. Thats why I was absent from work. A. Telling you the truth, excited B. Telling you the truth, exciting C. To tell you the truth, excited D. To tell you the truth, exciting 4. I tried all I could do _ the topic at the meeting, but failed. A. avoid mentioning B. to avoid mentioning C. avoiding to mention D. avoiding mentioning 5.In my opinion, what he told us just now about the matter doesnt make any_.A. meaning B. idea C. sense D. point6.The boss will _ right away. Give him the report the moment you see him. A. very likely to come B. much likely to come C. most likely come D. greatly likely coming 7.She cant help _ the house because shes busy making a cake.A. to clean B. cleaning C. cleaned D. being cleaned 8.The murderer was brought in, with his hands_ behind his back.A. be tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied 9. He dived _into the river to save the girl and I was _ moved by his deed. A. deep, deep B. deep, deeply C. deeply, deep D. deeply, deeply 10.-_ is the distance from there to the beach? - Not far, _. A. How far; in walking distance B. How far, within walking distance C. What, during walking distance D. What, within walking distance 11. Nowhere else in the world_ cheaper tailoring than in Hong Kong. A. a tourist can find B. can a tourist find C. a tourist will find D. a tourist has found 12. Project Hope aims at helping the poor children in remote areas to _ education. A. keep B. accept C. help D. receive 13.A sheep _ on this kind of special grass usually grows much faster than _ on ordinary. A. feeding; one B. feeds; the one C. fed; that D. feeding; it 14. As we have known from the map of the world, this is _. A. twice as large an island as that B. twice as larger as that island C. as twice as that one D. twice as a large island as that 15. Wed like to hold a party to _ his birthday, but he refused. A. observe B. congratulate C. greet D. wish 四、语段翻译:所有的动物都危险吗? 动物喜欢袭击人类吗?答案是否定的。人类被动物伤害的可能性其实是很小的。动物们在遭受到人类的伤害或者是引诱时才会伤害人类。有时,象老虎和狮子这样的动物确实袭击人类,是因为它们年龄大了,不能捕获鹿之类的小动物。此外,动物有时为了保护它们的幼崽也攻击人类。非洲大象是自然界最大的动物,你一见到它就感到恐惧。事实上,它不干扰人类,是一种非常温顺的动物。动物是人类的朋友,我们应该爱护动物。练习五 综合能力检测一、单项选择。1. A he


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