Unit 1 第三课时 GF3c

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教学目标教学目标:一、功能:一、功能:Learn to talk about names.二、词汇和常用表达:二、词汇和常用表达:Learn and use “what” to ask others names and introduce themselves.三、学习策略:三、学习策略:Guide the students to master the speaking skills and communicative competence.四、文化知识:四、文化知识:Guide the students to greet others and introduce themselves, and know more about others. T: Whats his name?S1: Is he?/Is his name?T: No, he isnt. S1: Is he?/Is his name? .T:Yes,he is. He is/His names Zhang Liang. T: Whats her name?S2: Is she?/Is her name?T: No, she isnt. S2: Is she?/Is her name? .T:Yes, she is. She is/Her names Deng Ziqi. A: Whats his /her name?B: Is he/she?/Is his /her name?A: No, he/she isnt. B: Is he/she?/Is his/ her name? .A:Yes,he/she is. He/she is/His/ her names . T: (Ask a boy)Are you Chong Shuo?S3: Yes, I am.T: (Ask another boy) Are you Chong Shuo?S4: No, Im not. T: (Point at Chong Shuo and ask other students) Is he Chong Shuo?Ss: Yes, he is.T: Whats his name?Ss: His names Chong Shuo.Hes Chong Shuo. Chong Shuo.T: (Point at another boy) Is he Chong Shuo?Ss: No, he isnt. He is Chang Xi.Then point at a girl using the same method to practice: T:Whats her name? S5:Her names Yu Fan. Shes Yu Fan. Yu Fan.T:Is she ?S5:Yes, she is.No,she isnt.Ask the students to make up the similar conversations in pairs.A:Are you ?B: Yes, I am./No, Im not. Im A: T: Whats his/her name?B: His /her names .Hes/Shes . .A :Is he/she ?B:Yes, he /she is./No,he /she isnt.Whats your name?Alan./Im Alan./My name s Alan.Whats his name?Hes Eric./His names Eric.Whats her name?Shes Mary./Her names Mary.Is he Jack?Yes, he is./No, he isnt.His names Mike.Are you Helen?Yes, I am./No, Im not. Im Gina.(1)My names Gina. my意为意为“ ”。 形容词行物主代形容词行物主代词具有形容词的性质,一般位于词具有形容词的性质,一般位于 前作定语,表明该名前作定语,表明该名词所表示的人或物是词所表示的人或物是 。形容词性物主代词后面必须跟。形容词性物主代词后面必须跟一个一个 。我们学过的物主代词还有。我们学过的物主代词还有 , , .如:如:我叫我叫Eric 。 那是她的橘子那是她的橘子 . This is (我的)(我的)pen.The boy is ten years old. (他的名字)(他的名字)is Jim. 我的名字叫吉娜我的名字叫吉娜我的我的 名词名词 谁的谁的 名词名词 yourhisherMy name is Eric. That is her orange. myHis name (2)Whats your name? 这是询问对方这是询问对方 的句型。答语是的句型。答语是“My names”或是或是 “Im”,也可以直接说出自己的,也可以直接说出自己的名字。如:名字。如:- Whats your name? - name is Tony./ Tony.- Whats the girls name? - name is Jenny./ Jenny./ Jenny. 名字名字MyImHerShes你的名字是什么?你的名字是什么?这些是缩略形式,其规律是这些是缩略形式,其规律是m 或或s,附在附在 和和 后,可以代替后,可以代替 或或 。其中。其中s的发音:在的发音:在whats,its 中发中发 ,在,在hes,shes,names中发中发 。名词名词代词代词amists z (4)动词动词be的现在时态的现在时态 动词动词 be 就是我们所学过的就是我们所学过的 的动词原形。如何使用的动词原形。如何使用这三种形式主要取决于这三种形式主要取决于 。如:。如: I am (Im) Liu Ying. You are (Youre) Lin Tao. It is (Its)a key. be 动词用法口诀动词用法口诀I (我我)用用am,you(你)用(你)用are,is用于用于he,she, it(他,她,它)(他,她,它)。单数名词用单数名词用is,复数复数一律要用一律要用are。 口诀口诀am isare主语主语 调整词序,组成对话并与同调整词序,组成对话并与同伴练习。伴练习。3a1. your name Whats Cindy Im 2. name his Whats Bob Hes 3. Mike you Are am I Yes Whats your name? Im Cindy. Whats his name? Hes Bob. Are you Mike? Yes, I am. Several pairs to make conversations.补全对话,并与同伴练习。补全对话,并与同伴练习。3bA: Hi, _ your name?B: My _ Gina. _ you Tom?A: _, Im not. _ Bob.B: Hi, _. _ to meet you. A: Nice to _ you, too.WhatsnamesAreNoImBob Nicemeet 1.Divide the Ss into groups of four or more. T: we have learnt many names about boys and girls. Each of you has an English name. Do you know how many foreign names? Lets do a Name game.list names as many as possible, see which group gets the most names. Make a model for the Ss. S1: My name is Dale.S2: His names Dale. My names Linda.S3: His names Dale. Her names Linda.My name is Frank .S4: 2. Ss play the game in their groups first. Then have a competition. See which group is the best. 3c Name Game3 balls1 ball2 balls当堂检测:当堂检测:选择任一人,做对选择任一人,做对试题,可得到相应试题,可得到相应气球。气球。HelenDaleCindy3 balls1 ball2 balls当堂检测:当堂检测:选择任一人,做对选择任一人,做对试题,可得到相应试题,可得到相应气球。气球。HelenCindy3 balls1 ball2 balls当堂检测:当堂检测:选择任一人,做对选择任一人,做对试题,可得到相应试题,可得到相应气球。气球。DaleCindy3 balls1 ball2 balls当堂检测:当堂检测:选择任一人,做对选择任一人,做对试题,可得到相应试题,可得到相应气球。气球。HelenDale一、完成句子一、完成句子 1. A: Hello. Im Mary. B: _! Im Jim. A: _ to _ you. 2. A: _ ? B: Frank. Whats your name? A: Im Mary. 3. A: Whats his name ? B: _ Tony. A: And _? B: Her names Gina.Hello,MaryNicemeetWhats your name?His name isHe is Whats her name 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.What (be) your name?2.I (be) Tony.3. How (be) you?isamare 三翻译下列句子。三翻译下列句子。1.你叫什么名字?你叫什么名字?2.他的名字叫他的名字叫Tony。 3.她的名字叫什么?她的名字叫什么?4.我的名字叫我的名字叫Linda。 His name is Tony.Whats her name?Whats your name?My names Linda. 1. Collect or draw a picture about your favorite person. And write down: Her/ His name is 2.Preview the new words (numbers)of Section B.


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