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2016高一期中考试英语考卷第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 AChristmas is a festival for family members to get together for a reunion. People who live far away try to get back home. The roads and railways are full of people traveling long distances in order to spend Christmas at home. And above all, it's the children's festival.The children count the weeks, then the days to Christmas. They're wondering what presents they are going to have; they keep trying to find something out from their mother, but the only thing the mother will tell them is stories about Father Christmas, who brings presents to good children., Christmas Eve comes at last. When the children go to bed they hang up their stockings and on Christmas morning they wake to find them full of presents. Of course it's really their parents who fill the stockings, but even the older children often pretend not to know this., Everybody likes to be happy at Christmas time. The theater puts on special shows for children. The circus is another thing that parents may take their children to see. Here, the audience sits in a circle and the performances take place in the center. The main attraction is the performing animals. Eleplants, lions and tigers are trained to do astonishing tricks. Every circus has clowns who make people laugh.1. Where do people want to spend Christmas?A. In friends' house.B. At home.C. In the open air.2. What do the children want to get mostly?A. Presents from Father Christmas.B. Presents from their friends.C. Stories from their mother.3. What do children like to see at Christmas time?A. Circus. B. Play. C. Opera.4. What is the main attraction at Christmas time according to the speaker?A. The Christmas trees.B. The performing animals.C. The coloured eggs.BI was once in a strange city I didn't know at all, and what's more, I could not speak a word of the language. On my second day I got on the first bus that passed, rode on it for several stops, then got off and walked on. The first two hours passed pleasantly enough, and then I decided to turn back to my hotel for lunch. After walking about for some time, I decided I had better ask the way. The trouble was that the only word I knew of the language was the name of the street on which I lived, and even that I pronounced badly. I stopped to ask a newspaper seller. He handed me a paper. I shook my head and repeated the name of the street and he put the paper into my hands. I had to give him some money and went on my way. The next person I asked was a policeman. He listened to me carefully, nodded and gently took me by the arm. There was a strange look in his eyes as he pointed left and right and left again. I nodded politely and began walking in the direction he pointed.About an hour passed and I noticed that the houses were getting fewer and fewer and green fields were appearing on either side of me. I had come all the way into the countryside. The only thing left for me to do was to find the nearest railway station.5. When did the writer get on the first bus that passed?A. On his first day in the city.B. On his second day in the city.C. As soon as he arrived in the city.6. What was the only word the writer knew of the language?A. The name of the hotel in which he lived.B. The name of the street on which he lived.C. The name of the city in which he was.7. Who was the first person the writer asked?A. A newspaper seller. B. A policeman.C. A postman.8. What did the writer decide to do after the first two hours?A. To find the nearest railway station.B. To ask the way from a policeman C. To turn back to his hotel for lunch .CFather's Day is celebrated on a variety of ways worldwide and typically involves gift­giving, special dinners to fathers, and family­oriented activities. The first Father's Day is believed to have been on June 19,1910 through Sonora Dodd's efforts of Spokane.Dodd wanted a special day to honor her father, William Smart. Sonora's father was born in June. So she chose to hold the first Father's Day celebration in Spokane, Washington on June 19,1910. Dodd travelled through the city in a closed carriage, carrying gifts to honor all fathers.In early times, wearing flowers was a traditional way to celebrate Father's Day. People wore red roses to honor fathers who were still living. White flowers were worn to honor fathers who had died.Today, Americans celebrate Father's Day in many different ways. Some families take their fathers out to a restaurant for a meal. Others give their fathers gifts or cards with special messages of thanks. Children living far away call their fathers on the telephone to wish them a happy Father's Day.9. When was the first Father's Day held?A. On July 9,1910. B. On June 19,1910.C. On June 19,1909.10. Where was the first Father's Day celebrated?A. In Asia. B. In America.C. In Europe.11. How did the people celebrate Father's Day in early times?A. Held a party. B. Had a dinner.C. Wore flowers.DGood evening and welcome to the news. Here are the headlines., In a joint news conference, the Presidents of the United States and Russia welcomed improving relations between the two countries., Leaders from the 27 EU member states are gathering later today in Brussels for a summit to focus on a change, energy security and concerns about the global economy.,An accident in the central shopping district brought traffic to a stop for more than an hour just before the afternoon rush hour. A police spokesperson said that there were no injuries.After the chance of an early morning shower, tomorrow will be fine and hot with an overnight low of 22 and a top of 34. Thursday will be cloudy with a chance of rain.12. What is the news conference between America and Russia about?A. Improving relations.B. Protecting energy security.C. Promoting global economy.13. Where is the summit held?A. In Brussels. B. In Moscow.C. In New York.14. What do we know about the accident?A. It caused two injuries.B. It happened in the afternoon rush hour.C. It stopped the traffic for more than an hour.15. What will the weather be like tomorrow?A. Rainy. B. Cloudy.C. Fine and hot.(七选五)阅读填空(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)(2015·河北石家庄第一次模拟)We all face quantities of stress in a day­to­day living, whether at work, at home, or anywhere in between. _16_ Here's how stress can help us on an everyday basis.Sharpening your memory. Did you ever notice that sometimes when you are stressed, your memory seems to improve? Remember that test you passed where the answers seemed to come out of nowhere? _17_ It's because of stress hormones (荷尔蒙) that increase your alertness when it's most needed. _18_Successful employees turn stress into motivation. Have you ever noticed that you get the least amount of work done when you have the fewest deadlines? Too little stress can affect how much you actually get done. When you take risks and choose to get over the difficulty, it improves your mental toughness and self­confidence. Helping you resist the attack of illness. _19_ Believe it or not, the right kind of stress can help your body's defenses against illness. When you get sick,stress causes you to make hormones that battle threats to your health.That burst of stress is helpful to your immune system when your body faces a threat. Making your life more interesting.Think about some stressful situations that we consciously put ourselves in to make life more interesting and enjoyable,like asking someone out on a first date, conquering a known fear, or learning something new. These may not immediately come to mind when you think of stress because of the positive outcomes._20_A. Helping you get an advantage at work.BHelping you get through difficult time.CThis will happen whenever you are stressed.DThat's one way your brain responds to stress.EYou need a healthy immune system to help fight off diseases.FBut they're the types that can help you achieve fulfillment and happiness.GBut handled properly, stress can have many benefits for the body and mind.第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。2015·昆明市高三质检Indu Ma'am didn't look like a school principal at all. She looked more like someone's fat _21_ in fake jewellery and too bright clothes. But as a principal, she was strict with us and we were all afraid of her _22_ lectures. To avoid being scolded, we behaved _23_ before her.On reaching 11th grade, Ms Indu Pillai became my _24_ teacher. The first time she walked into class, we _25_ourselves for 45 minutes of boredom. _26_ we were all wrong. “How many of you have read today's _27_?” A few students raised their hands.“You can learn a lot from your textbooks, but you'll learn more if you start _28_ the papers and to TV news,” she said. She went on to talk about politicians. “In one political debate I _29_, politicians sat like this.” And with that, our strict principal _30_ her feet on her table. The class _31_ in giggles (咯咯地笑). To our _32_, Indu Ma'am laughed with us.Over the next two years, Indu Ma'am opened our _33_ to the world. She asked us to read Anna Karenina and other European classics. We debated on the federal system (联邦制). Political debates also _34_ to personal ones. A lot of our beliefs became the _35_ of lively lunchtime debate._36_, she said, “How convenient wearing shorts to the beach is, and.” I did not hear the end of that line, because some of us were laughing so hard, we were _37_over. “What?” She demanded, “You people think I was never _38_?” We laughed even louder.After Indu Ma'am walked into class, she became a great teacher, _39_ her chief administrator role at the door. Her personality as principal was strict, hard, and preachy. In class, she _40_ into a storyteller who was funny, wise, inspiring, much like Socrates, the original teacher, who exercised minds and opened up intellects. The Indu Principle has taught me a lotnot to judge people by their appearance.本文主要比较了因杜校长作为校长和一名政治老师时的不同之处。作为校长时是严格的,而作为一名老师时是博学多才幽默的。21. A. actorB. writerC. professorD. aunt22. A. boringB. satisfyingC. surprisingD. disappointing23. A. bitterlyB. mentallyC. luckilyD. perfectly24. A. politicalB. physicalC. chemicalD. Chinese25. A. offeredB. servedC. preparedD. mistook。26. A. And B. ButC. OrD. So27. A. advertisementsB. newspapersC. instructionsD. reports28. A. paying attention toB. looking forward toC. getting on withD. coming up with29. A. inspectedB. attemptedC. witnessedD. challenged30. A. madeB. heldC. putD. found31. A. brokeB. coveredC. eruptedD. beat32. A. sorrowB. fearC. amazementD. amusement33. A. memoriesB. mindsC. armsD. questions34. A. stickedB. devotedC. ledD. objected35. A. scholarshipsB. gradesC. degreesD. subjects36. A. OnceB. AgainC. StillD. Even37. A. doubledB. recoveredC. packedD. faded38. A. coolB. strongC. hotD. thin39. A. replacingB. leavingC. receivingD. proving40. A. lookedB. transformedC. movedD. threw第卷(非选择题,共50分)第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Jack:Hey, Lucas, how was your trip to Paris?Lucas:It was wonderful, but I was so_1_(tire)Jack:Did you go to the top of the Eiffel Tower?Lucas:Yes, that was the first thing we did. We went all the way to the top. There were visitors from all over the world_2_(take)photos there.Jack:What else did you see?Lucas:Art galleries, cathedrals, statues, fountains, palacesthere's really too much to say.Jack:You_3_have had a great time.Lucas:Yes, at the beginning we were all excited and had lots of fun._4_, on the third day of traveling in the city, I felt sick. I think I had something bad to eat, but it_5_(pass)by the evening.Jack:Yes, you need to be careful with what you eat_6_you're abroad. Sometimes new food might disagree with you.Lucas:On the fourth day, we went to taste_7_French cuisine. That was really fantastic! And_8_stomach problems.Jack:That is great. Everyone says French food is_9_(wonder)Lucas:You'll have to try for _10_some day.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Three friends and I was driving on the highway. While we were going at least 50 miles per hour, we passed over a car. It had broken down, stopped on the side of the road. My friend slowed down, and pulled behind the other car. He got out of the car immediate and before I knew it he was helping the other person push the car down the road to a spot where wasn't so close to the passing cars. From the way they were pushing the cars, it looked like my friend was pushing them all by himself. I thought my friend help a complete stranger like this was a great thing, but I won't forget his good nature or character.第二节书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华,你今年上了一所高中,请你给你的小学同学写一封信。问询情况对方,并介绍自己情况。(100字左右)


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