译林版九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Teenage Problems Task(2)-牛津教学

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Unit 3 teenage problemsFamily with kidsMany students of your age have the same problems.家有儿女家有儿女 be of ones age 与与.同龄的同龄的Do you feel stressed? How to relax?What are the causes of your stress?What are the solutions to your stress?How are you feeling in Grade 9?bad, busy, tired, worried, stressedStress is a serious problem among teenagers.What is his problem?Can you give him some suggestions?How to deal with them do more exercises listen to the teacher carefully talk about problems with teachers plan my time carefullyHow to get on well with(进展情况好)(进展情况好)study one cause of stress: studynot good at studyhave problems in my studynot finish my homework on timeworry a lot about examsProblemsanother cause of stress: parents too noisy at home have no time for me care only about marks talk with my parents let my parents see my progress try to understand themHow to deal with themHow to get on well with (相处融洽)(相处融洽) parentsProblemseanother cause of stress: friends laugh at me have no close friends quarrel with my best friend pay no attention to these students forgive them for their mistakes be friendly to othersHow to deal with themHow to get on well with classmatesProblemsMany of us have the problem of stress. How to deal with stress?share your problems with friends or family memberskeep your worries to yourselvesblame(责怪责怪) others listen to music read books or watch films to relax When you feel stressed, what should you do? Task 1: Finish the quiz and circle the best answers.1. If someone laughs at you, you should _. a shout at him/her b hit him/her c pay no attention to him/her2. If you do not have enough time to do your homework, you should _. a choose to do only part of it b forget about your homework c plan your time more carefully3. When it is too noisy at home and you cannot do your work, you should _. a tell your family b get angry c leave the house4. If you worry about exams, you should _. a give up b watch TV to relax c talk to your teacher(s) 5. If you are feeling stressed, you should _. a shout at people b keep quiet c share your problem with somebody6. The problem of stress gets worse when you _. a keep it to yourself b relax and take a holiday c ask for friends help Before writing, its necessary to organize our ideas first. When writing a reply about dealing with problems, we need to tell others two points: problems suggestionsTask 2: How to write a reply about how to deal with problems?1. How many parts are there in the writing plan?2. What are they?3 parts Main body Conclusion the structure of the replyPart 1:Part 2:Part 3: Introduction (Thanks)(Problems & suggestions)(Your hope)3 parts (Thanks)(Problems & suggestions)(Your hope)Task 3: Useful expressionsThank you for telling me about your problems.You are unhappy with .Many students of our age have this problem.What/How about ?You also worry about .You always feel sad/angry/stressed about .Why dont you/not ?I hope you think my advice/suggestions is/are worth taking.Task 1: Help Millie complete her email to Raymond.Dear RaymondThank you very much for telling me about your problems.You are unhappy with your weight, but you do not know how to change it. Many students of our age have this problem. (1)_.You also worry about exams. Your parents care too much about your marks after each exam, so you always feel stressed. (2)_?I hope you think my advice is worth taking.Best wishes,Millie Perhaps you should spend more time taking exercise every day Why not talk to them and let them see your progress after each examIntroductionMain bodyConclusion学校的生活虽然多姿多彩,也会有让人烦恼的事情。以学校的生活虽然多姿多彩,也会有让人烦恼的事情。以E-mail的形式向电台主持人的形式向电台主持人Jessica倾诉你的烦恼,并希望得到帮助。倾诉你的烦恼,并希望得到帮助。要点如下:要点如下:1. 在学校朋友很少,我考试分数低时,有些人嘲笑我。在学校朋友很少,我考试分数低时,有些人嘲笑我。2. 学习感到有压力,父母想让我成为班上的尖子生,总是送学习感到有压力,父母想让我成为班上的尖子生,总是送我去参加各种补习班。我去参加各种补习班。3. 作业太多,没有时间进行业余爱好,不能平衡学业和爱好。作业太多,没有时间进行业余爱好,不能平衡学业和爱好。4. 不知如何是好,希望能给我一些建议。不知如何是好,希望能给我一些建议。Dear Jessica, Im a middle school student. Im writing to tell you about some of my problems. Im looking forward to your reply.Yours.Li MingDear Jessica, Im a middle school student. Im writing to tell you about some of my problems. I have few good friends at school. When I get low marks in exams, someone laughs at me. I feel stressed about my study from time to time. My parents want me to be the top student in my class, so they always send me to take all kinds of courses. There is too much homework. I hardly have any time for my hobbies. And I dont know how to achieve a balance my schoolwork and hobbies. I dont know how to deal with theses problems. I hope you can offer me some suggestions. Im looking forward to your reply.ProblemsWays to solve themDear Li Ming, Thank you very much for telling me about your problem. You say you have few friends. What about trying to making friends with others? Pay no attention to those students who laugh at you and study hard. You worry about your study. Your parents care too much about your marks after each exam, so you always feel stressed. Why not talk to your parents about it? You say you have too much homework to do and hardly have any spare time for hobbies. Work out how much time you need to finish your homework and you will know how much spare time you have. Why dont you choose your hobby according to the time you have? I hope you think my suggestions are worth taking.1. 1.如果有人嘲笑你,对他不予理睬。如果有人嘲笑你,对他不予理睬。2. 2.不要把压力放在心里,否则问题会变得更糟。不要把压力放在心里,否则问题会变得更糟。 3. 3.当感到难过时,为何不和别人分担你的烦恼呢?当感到难过时,为何不和别人分担你的烦恼呢?4. 4.不要担心考试,你可以通过的。不要担心考试,你可以通过的。5. 5.与我们同龄的很多学生都有这个问题。与我们同龄的很多学生都有这个问题。6. 6.每次考试后我父母太关心我的成绩。每次考试后我父母太关心我的成绩。7. 7.我希望我的建议值得采纳。我希望我的建议值得采纳。8.Tom8.Tom没有意识到他的错误,直到我提醒他。没有意识到他的错误,直到我提醒他。9. 9.我想知道你是否能正确发音这个单词。我想知道你是否能正确发音这个单词。10.10.你能告诉我昨天她发生了什么?你能告诉我昨天她发生了什么?1. Share your report with your group members and improve it if necessary.2. Finish off the relevant exercises.


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