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规则动词规则动词watch -watched 看看 play played 玩玩 listen listened 听听 look looked 看看 jump jumped 跳跳 stay stayed 待在待在 clean cleaned 清理清理 visit visited 拜访拜访 规则动词过去式的构成规则动词过去式的构成1、一般动词后直接加、一般动词后直接加ed2、辅音加、辅音加e结尾的单词只要加结尾的单词只要加d3、辅音加、辅音加y结尾的动词改结尾的动词改y为为i再加再加edask- asked thank thanked watch watched decide decided shake shaked carry - carried hurry hurried see sawsendsentdodidbuyboughtmakemadegivegave gowentcomecame eat atehave had run ran fall fell take took write wroteLets read am - was is was are were do - did go went eat ate make made fly flew take took sit - sat give gave drink drank ring - rang win won come came meet - met buy bought bring brought read - read put put get - got draw - drew fall fell have , has - had Unit 1 Module 6 It was Damings birthday yesterday . What did you do last Monday ?We went to Paoshengyuan .We had a picnic there .What did you buy take ?I bought took Look at the CD and answer What did he buy ?He bought a lot of things .Did he buy a T-shirt ?Yes , he did . Yesterday was Damings birthday .What present did he get ?Guess ?Listen and choose ( ) 1.What did Simons mum buy ?A . A spaceship B .a book C. A space travel ( ) 2. Daming is very interested in_ .A. travel B . space travel C . pictures ( ) 3.They gave the _ to Simons mum .A . a book B . birthday present C . spaceshipListen and choose ( B ) 1.What did Simons mum buy ?A . A spaceship B .a book C. A space travel ( B )2. Daming is very interested in_ .A. travel B . space travel C . pictures ( C ) They gave the _ to Simons mum .A . a book B . birthday present C . spaceshipa ei make take gave space太空 paper 纸 spaceship 飞船a and family travel 旅游u us up run Russia 俄国is are interested in 对.感兴趣Learn new words We can make a .paper Chinese spaceshipOn Linglings birthday , Daming bought her a present . It was a green kite .On Daming s birthday , Amy bought him a present . It was a blue car .On Amy s birthday , Sam bought her a present . It was a yellow cap .Look and write P34 Unit 2 Module 6The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V .played basketballplayed footballplayed table tennisplayed volleyballranrode bikesswamrowed a boatdid the high jumpWhat did you do last weekend?What did you do yesterday ?I rode a bike .Listen and answer the questions 1. What did Daming and Simon make ?2. Did Shenzhou V take a man into the space ?3. Did it take any seeds to the space ? A model of a Chinese spaceship .Yes, It did .Yes , it did .Learn the new words Shenzhou V 神州五号神州五号model 模模 型型taionaut 宇航员宇航员national flag 国国 旗旗seed 种种 子子1. I bought you a present. 我我买了买了一个礼物给你一个礼物给你。2. Did you buy me a pen? Yes , I bought you a pen .你买给我一支钢笔了吗?你买给我一支钢笔了吗?是的,我买了一支钢笔给你。是的,我买了一支钢笔给你。bagbookCDcomputer gamepenfootballdollcapflowersradioteddy bearkitepencilpencil-boxtoy carvideorulerA: I bought you a_ /_B: Thank you. bagbookCDcomputer gamepenfootballdollhatflowersradioteddy bearkitepencilpencil-boxtoy carvideorulerdrewmadeI pictures (flowers )for you.I a card for you.Card gameS1/2: On,I bought/ made/ drew a for you.S2/3: Thank you. S3/4: Who gave it to you?S2/3: X X gave it to me.Choose a card, read and talk.Read and answer the queations:Last weekend I went to the beach with my mum. It was a beautiful day. I sent a postcard to my grandma and grandpa. I bought a book about the sea for my dad. And I bought sweets for my friends. I took lots of photos. I had a good time.When did the girl go to the beach? _What did she send for her grandma and grandpa? _Did she take photos? _根据文章内容,仿写句子:例句: She bought a book for her dad. _ _Read and match. (AB P23) On New Years Day, Lingling gave a pencil to Amy. Amy bought a pen for MS Smart. MS Smart bought a hat for Lingling. Daming gave a car to Simon. Simon bought a magazine(杂志 ) for his mum. Simons mum gave a book to Daming. They had a great time. Finish the Task: 用今天所学的句子完成下列表格用今天所学的句子完成下列表格:Presents Who gave it to you?1、介绍两件你收到过的礼物,说说谁送给你的?2、说说你曾经送过朋友和家人什么礼物?Presents I bought it for. Homework:全班完成: 1.Students Book Page23 Activity4. 2.Activity Book Page23 Activity3.选择完成: 用今天所学的句子对自己收到过的礼物作简单介绍.


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