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目目 录录1工程概况工程概况.22编制依据编制依据.23主要实物量主要实物量 .24试验项目及方法试验项目及方法.34.1110KV 电力变压器试验.34.2GIS 试验.54.3隔离开关试验 .74.4套管试验 .84.5避雷器试验 .94.6SF6 断路器试验.104.7互感器试验 .124.810KV 变压器试验 .134.910KV 真空断路器试验.154.10综合保护回路调试方法.164.11中压电机试验 .164.12电力电缆试验 .175安全措施安全措施.186质量保证措施质量保证措施.187调试人员及设备配备调试人员及设备配备 .181工程概况工程概况 Project General宁夏哈纳斯LNG项目的变电所是两路110KV进线电源,110kV系统采用单母线分段运行,110kV配电装置采用户内型SF6组合电器,两台主变容量为63000KVA,三绕组有载调压变压器;变压器输出测电压为10kV,10KV配电系统均采用单母线分段运行方式;此变电所担负着全厂所有动力设备的供电负荷,所以对站内所有电气设备的调试质量要求高,特编此方案,以便更好的指导调试工作。NinXia Hanas LNG Project power substation is two ways 110kv coil in power supply, 110kv system use singel busbar subection circule, 110kv device use indoor SF6 assembly electrical, two tables 63000KVA, three items shat transformer,transformers output measure voltage is 10Kv, Consumers 10KV power distribution system adopts single busbar subsection operation mode; The substation bearing factory all the power equipment of the power supply load, so the site all electrical equipment, high quality requirements, debugging Ed this scheme, in order to better guide debugging.2编制依据编制依据 1、Technip 公司设计的电气图纸 1, Technip company design electrical drawings2、 电气装置安装工程电气设备交接试验标准 GB 501502006 2, electrical equipments installation project electrical equipment handover testing standards GB 50150-20063、 气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备现场耐压及绝缘试验导则 DL/T555-2004 3, the gas insulated metal-enclosed switchgear site compression and insulation test of T555 DL/guide 4、 气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备现场交接试验规程 DLT618-1997 4, the gas insulated metal-enclosed switchgear site handover testing rules DL/T618-1997 5、 变压器油中溶解气体分析和判断导则 GB/T7252-2001 5, the dissolved gas analysis in transformer oil and judgments guideline GB/T7252 - of 20013主要实物量主要实物量序号名 称规 格数 量1油浸式主变压器Oil-immersed main transformer110kV/10kV63000KVA2 台/sets 2干式配电变压器Dry type distribution transformer10kV/0.4kV 1600KVA2 台/sets 3干式配电变压器10kV/0.4kV 1250KVA6 台/setsDry type distribution transformer4自耦变压器 auto-transformer10000V/8000V/6000V2 台/ sets 5GIS110kV7 间隔 /intervals 6高压开关柜high-tension switch cabinet10kV30 块/pieces7套管 drivepipe110kV4 套/sets9悬式绝缘子suspension insulator双碟108 片 /pieces10立柱绝缘子 Pillar insulator60kV2 台/sets11避雷器 arrester78kV2 台/sets12接地隔离开关Grounding isolating switch60kV 400A2 台/sets 13电容式电压互感器Capacitive voltage transformer110kV2 台/sets4试验项目及方法试验项目及方法Test project and method4.1 110KV 电力变压器试验电力变压器试验 110KV electricity transformer test4.1.1110KV 电力变压器试验项目电力变压器试验项目 110KV electricity transformer test project4.1.1.1测量绕组连同套管的直流电阻;Measuring the dc resistance with casing windings4.1.1.2检查所有分接头的变压比;Check all points than the variable pressure fittings4.1.1.3 检查变压器的三相结线组别;Check the three-phase line transformers group; 测量绕组连同套管的1.绝缘电阻、吸收比;Measuring the测量绕组连同套管的介质损耗角正切值 tg;The measuring winding along with casing dielectric loss Angle tg tangent delta4.1.1.6测量绕组连同套管的直流泄漏电流;Measurement of the casing pipe windings along with dc leakage current测量与铁芯绝缘的各紧固件及铁芯接地线引出套管对外壳的绝缘电阻;测量与铁芯绝缘的各紧固件及铁芯接地线引出套管对外壳的绝缘电阻; The measurement and core insulation each fasteners and core of shell casing grounding wires lead the insulation resistance; 绝缘油试验;insulating oil trial绕组连同套管的交流耐压试验绕组连同套管的交流耐压试验;Winding withstand test of communication with the casing4. 有载调压切换装置的检查;on-load changer switching device inspectio额定电压下的冲击合闸试验额定电压下的冲击合闸试验;The rated voltage impact under close brake test4. 相位检查;Phase check 4.1.2110KV 电力变压器试验方法电力变压器试验方法Test method of 110 kv power transformer4.1.2.1测量绕组连同套管的直流电阻测量绕组连同套管的直流电阻Measuring the dc resistance with casing windings直流电阻的测量应在各分接头的所有位置上进行测量,各相测得值的相互差值应小于平均值的2%,线间测得值的相互差值应小于平均值的1%;在测量直流电阻开始之前,首先搬动变压器的有载调压开关转动一周重复3到4次,然后按照试验接线图接线,夹线钳夹到设备线夹上,要紧固以便减小误差,接线完毕后确认无误后再开展试验,要及时记录;试验完毕后把有载调压开关放在额定档位。 Dc resistance measurements in each joint shall be measured all the position, each phase of the measured value should be less than average mutual value for the difference between the 2%, line the mutual difference measurement value should be less than 1 percent of the average value; When measuring dc resistance before we begin, move transformer on-load changer switch rotation of three to four times a week repeated, then according to test hookup wiring, thread clamp wire clip clamps to equipment, to tighten so that diminish error, wiring confirmed after the start test, after should be timely records; Test after completion on-load changer switch on the rated gear.检查所有分接头的变压比和接线组别检查所有分接头的变压比和接线组别 Check all points joints than and wiring category variable pressure 检查所有分接头的电压比,与制造厂铭牌数据相比应无明显差别,电压比允许偏差在0.5%以内,连接组别应与制造厂铭牌数据一致;检查变比和接线组别时采用变比测试仪进行,按照所用仪器的接线测量方式接线,接线完毕后确认无误后再开始试验,要及时记录;试验完毕后把分接开关放在额定档位。 Check all points joints with factory nameplate than, voltage should be no obvious difference compared data than the allowable deviation, voltage or minus 0.5% within, the connection with factory nameplate data group should be consistent; Check when variable ratio and wiring group, with the variable used than tester in accordance with the wiring measurement instrument, wiring way after the wiring confirms, began to experiment with again after should be timely records; After the completion of the trial the tap-changer in rated gear. 测量绕组连同套管的绝缘电阻、吸收比测量绕组连同套管的绝缘电阻、吸收比 measure 绝缘测试时,要确认非试验相要可靠接地,试验顺序要按照先低后高的原则,绝缘电阻值不低于产品出厂试验值的70%,测量时采用2500V的兆欧表进行;吸收比的测量值与产品出厂值相比应无明显差别,在常温下不应小于1.3,当R60s大于3000M时,吸收比可不作考核要求。 Insulation testing, to make sure the test phase to reliable grounding, test sequence according to the principle of first low, high insulation resistance test value not less than 70% of products manufactured by the 2500V, measurement; ZhaoOuBiao The measured value and absorb than products manufactured value should be no obvious difference, compared at room temperature should be not less than 1.3, when R60s 3000M , absorbing greater than can be assessment requirements. 测量绕组连同套管的介质损耗角正切值测量绕组连同套管的介质损耗角正切值 tg 当变压器电压等级为35kv及以上,且容量在8000kvA及以上时,应测量介质损耗角正切值tg;被测绕组的tg值不应大于产品出厂试验值的130;测量仪器采用全自动介损测试仪,试验接线按照仪器要求连接;经核实接线正确后开始试验,试验结束做好记录。 When transformer voltage classl for more than 35kv and capacity 8000kvA or above in, should measure dielectric loss Angle tg tangent delta; The tested winding should not be greater than tg delta value 130% of the tested value of manufactured products; Measuring instruments using automatic test connection dielectric loss in accordance with the instrument tester requirements connection; After verification wiring is correct to test, test end make record. 绝缘油试验 Insulating Oil Test4.1.2.5准备注入变压器的新绝缘油应做简化分析试验,送检时应选有专业资质的单位进行,试验项目包括: To add to the transformers new insulation oil should be simplified analysis of test, when elected have professional qualification inspection unit, the test items include:(1) 、水溶性酸(pH 值) (1), water-soluble acids (pH) (2) 、酸值,mgKOH/g (2), acid value, mgKOH/g (3) 、闪点(闭口)() (3), flash point (silent) () (4) 、水分(mg/L) (4) ,moisture(mg/L) (5) 、界面张力(25), mN/m (5) ,Interfacial tension (25 ), mN/m (6) 、介质损耗因数 tan(%) (6), medium loss factor tan (%)电气强度试验现场进行,进行五次,取平均值作为试验值,试验结果不应小于40kV,电气强度试验和油的简化试验应在注油前和注油后静置24小时后各进行一次; Electrical strength test site, taking place five times, as experimental values, the average test results should be not less than 40kV, electrical strength test and oil should simplify test before and in note oil note oil after 24 hours after the rest . 油中溶解气体的色谱分析应在投运前以及额定电压下运行24小时后各进行一次;在开展绝缘油试验时,要选在气候干燥风速小的时候开展(采用全自动试油机), a、用洁净的汽油洗涤试油杯,调整平板电极间距为2.5mm。b、油样送到试验地点要静止一段时间后再开展试验。 The gases dissolved in transformer oil chromatographic analysis should be rated voltage substation running before and after 24 hours under each a; In developing the insulating oil trial in dry climate, should choose when wind small in (try using automatic machine), a, oil washing in a clean gasoline oil cup, try to adjust plate electrode gap 2.5 mm. b, sample oil to test site after a period of time to still start trials. 测量绕组连同套管的直流泄漏电流测量绕组连同套管的直流泄漏电流 measure 当变压器电压等级为 35kv 及以上,且容量在 8000kvA 及以上时,应做此试验,当施加试验电压达 1min 是,在高压端读取泄漏电流,泄流电流与厂家产品技术说明书要求不能有较大差别,当环境温度在 30时,泄漏电流不应大于74 When transformer voltage level for more than 35kv and capacity 8000kvA or above in this experiment, should do, when test voltage is applied 1min high voltage of the leakage current, discharge current read with manufacturer product technical specifications cant have bigger difference, when in 30 temperature environment, leakage current should not greater than 744.1.2.7 绕组连同套管的交流耐压试验绕组连同套管的交流耐压试验交流耐压试验采用外施工频电压试验的方法,试验电压的频率应为4565HZ,全电压下耐受时间为60s,升压时应分阶段均匀升压,每阶段停留一分钟,到达试验电压,在试验过程中应仔细观察变压器是否有异常现象发生;110kV及以上的变压器其中性点应进行交流耐压试验,试验电压值为出厂试验试验电压值的80%,110kV的变压器中性点耐压值为76kV。Withstand test of power frequency alternating current Using the method of construction frequency voltage test, Test voltage frequency should be 45HZ60HZ the voltage tolerance time when 60s, boost for each stage of duty uniform boost for a minute, reached the stage of test voltage in test process, whether there should be carefully observed transformer abnormal phenomenon occurred; More than 110 kv and the transformer neutral to communicate the should withstand test, test voltage value factory test for 80% of test voltage value of 110 kv transformer neutral point, the compression value is 76kV.4.2 GIS 试验试验 GISTest4.2.1GIS试验项目试验项目GIS Test Project4.2.1.1测量主导电回路的直流电阻; Measuring the dc resistance leading electric circuit; 内各电气元件的试验;GIS in the electrical components test4.2.1.4密封性试验;leakage test测量六氟化硫气体含水量测量六氟化硫气体含水量;Measuring sulfur hexafluoride gases moisture content4.气体密度继电器、压力表和压力动作阀的检查;绝缘电阻及交流耐压试验;Gas density relay, pressure gauges and check valves. Pressure action组合电气的操动试验组合电气的操动试验;Combination electrics operation test4. 试验方法试验方法 GIS Test Method4.2.2.1测量主导电回路的直流电阻测量主导电回路的直流电阻Measuring the dc resistance leading electric circuit测量时采用回路电阻测试仪测量,施加到主回路的电流不应小于100A,测量结果与厂家技术要求不应有明显差别。 Measurement adopts loop resistance tests measure the main circuit, applied to the current 100A should not be less than, the measured results and manufacturer and technical requirements should not have obvious difference. GIS 内电气元件的试验内电气元件的试验 GIS The Test Within Electrical DeviceSF6 断路器试验SF6 circuit breaker testGIS内的SF6断路器试验包括断路器的分、合闸时间,主触头合闸的同期性,分、合闸线圈的绝缘电阻和直流电阻,操作机构的检查;试验是采用高压开关特性测试仪进行测量,测的结果应符合厂家产品技术说明书的要求。 GIS of SF6 circuit breaker test within the points, including circuit breaker, main contactor time off the off TongQiXing, points, close brake coil of insulation resistance and dc resistance, operator to check; Trials are adopts high voltage switch characteristics measured, the measurement instrument manufacturers products should comply with the requirements of technical specification.PT 试验 PT TestGIS内的PT应进行一、二次绕组的直流电阻值的测量,电压比的测量,极性组别的测量,励磁特性的测试;直流电阻的测量采用感性负载电阻测试仪进行测量,测量结果与换算到同一温度下的出厂值比较相差不应大于10%,二次绕组不应大于15%。 The PT should be within the GIS and secondary windings of dc resistance measurement, the measurement, the voltage polarity group than the measurement, excitation characteristic test; Dc resistance is measured by perceptual load resistance tester, the measured results and measured the same temperature conversion to factory value difference should not be more than 10% compared secondary winding should not be more than 15%.CT 试验 CT TestGIS内的CT应进行绕组直流电阻的测量,电流比的测量,励磁特性的测试,绕组极性检查,二次绕组间的绝缘电阻的测量;所用仪器为互感器测试仪,绝缘兆欧表,感性负载测试仪;直流电阻测量结果同批次的电流互感器的直流电阻不应大于平均值的10%,极性必须符合设计要求,并与设备铭牌和标志相符,二次绕组间及其对外壳的绝缘电阻值不宜低于1000M,当继电保护对CT的励磁特性有要求时应进行励磁特性曲线试验,试验结果应符合产品技术要求。 GIS in dc resistance should be winding CT of measurement, the measurement, current ratio excitation characteristic test, winding polarity checking, secondary windings of the insulation resistance between the measurement; For transformer used instruments ZhaoOuBiao tester insulation, perceptual load tester; Dc resistance measurement results of current transformers with lots of dc resistance should not be more than average of 10%, polarity must comply with the design requirements, and correspond with equipment nameplate and signs of secondary winding insulation between shell and electrical resistance shall not be lower than 1000M , when the relay protection on CT excitation characteristic have required should undertake excitation characteristic curve test, test results should comply with the technical requirements for products. 密封性试验密封性试验 Leakage Test泄漏值的测量应在封闭式组合电器充气 24h 后进行,采用灵敏度不低于 1106 (体积比)的检漏仪对各气室密封部位、管道接头等处进行检测时,检漏仪不应报警,试验结果应符合产品技术要求。 Leakage measurements of the value should be closed combination electric inflatable 24h after using sensitivity, not less than 1 x 10-6 (volume ratio) the air chamber sealing parts, pipe joints testing, the place such as leakagemeter should not alarm, test results should comply with the technical requirements for products.测量六氟化硫气体含水量Measuring sulfur hexafluoride gases moisture content4.2.2.4气体含水量的测量应在封闭式组合电器充气 48h 后进行,有电弧分解的隔室,应小于 150 L/L,无电弧分解的隔室,应小于250L/L,测量时采用微水分析仪进行测量。 Gases moisture content in the measurement of assorted electric air should be closed after 48h, arc decomposition of every room, should be less than 150 L/L, no arc decomposition of every room, should be less than 250 L/L, measurement adopting micro water analyzer measurements. 气体密度继电器、压力表和压力动作阀的检查气体密度继电器、压力表和压力动作阀的检查 Gas density relay, pressure gauges and action valves. Pressure action在气体密度继电器、压力表和压力动作阀安装前,对各元件应进行检查,在充气过程中检查气体密度继电器及压力动作阀的动作值,应符合产品技术条件的规定。对单体到现场的这些设备,应进行校验。 In gas density relay, pressure gauges and pressure action valve before installation, of each component is to be inspected, in inflatable process check gas density relay and the pressure of action value, action valve shall comply with the provisions of the product technical conditions. The site of monomer, should check the equipment. 绝缘电阻及交流耐压试验绝缘电阻及交流耐压试验 Insulation resistance and communication pressure testGIS交流耐压试验前要先进行老练试验,老练试验的基本原则是既要达到设备净化的目的,又要尽量减少净化过程中微粒触发的击穿,还要减少对被试设备的损害,即减少设备承受较高电压作用的时间,所以逐级升压时,在低电压下可保持较长时间;GIS所有间隔组合完毕后,操作相应的接地开关之断开位置,合上主回路的短路器及相应隔离开关,检查测量主回路的绝缘电阻,测量结果不应低于6000 M,绝缘电阻合格后进行交流耐压试验,试验电压值为出厂试验电压的 80%,在升压时应分阶段均匀升压,每阶段停留一分钟,直至试验电压值。 GIS communication pressure test before compression experiment for sophisticated test, sophisticated as basic principles of the test is to achieve the purpose of purifying equipment, and want to reduce the purifying process particles in the breakdown, but also reduce triggered by the damage to try equipment, which reduced equipment under the higher voltage effect time. So, when pressor auto-merging under low voltage can maintain a long time; GIS all finished, the operation combination between the corresponding earthing switch position, close the Lord disconnect the breaker and corresponding loop, isolating switch main circuit check the measuring insulation resistance, the measured results should not be less than 6,000 M , insulation resistance after passing withstand test, communicate test voltage value for 80% of the factory in test voltage when duty pressor , every stage stay a minutes until the test voltage values. 组合电气的操动试验组合电气的操动试验 Combination electrics operation test 当进行组合电器的操动试验时,联锁与闭锁装置动作应准确可靠,符合设计图纸要求,电动、气动或液压装置的操动试验,应按产品技术条件的规定进行。 When combined electrics operation test, interlocking and locking device movements should be accurate and reliable, accord with the requirement of design plan, electric, pneumatic or hydraulic devices operation test, should according to the provisions of the product technical conditions.4.3 隔离开关试验隔离开关试验 Isolating switch test4.3.1隔离开关试验项目隔离开关试验项目4.3.1.1 测量绝缘电阻; 交流耐压试验; 检查操动机构动作情况;4.3.2隔离开关试验方法隔离开关试验方法4.3.2.1 测量绝缘电阻测量时应采用 2500V 的兆欧表,测量的绝缘电阻值不应低于 6000 M; 交流耐压试验测量时采用高压交流试验器进行,试验电压为 197KV,时间为 1min。 隔离开关操动机构试验应灵活、可靠,无卡、阻现象,连锁接点动作应准确可靠,符合设计要求。4.4 套管试验套管试验4.4.1套管试验项目套管试验项目4.4.1.1 测量绝缘电阻; 测量非纯瓷套管的介质损耗角的 tg 和电容值(油浸式套管); 交流耐压试验; 绝缘油的试验;4.4.2套管试验方法套管试验方法4.4.2.1 测量绝缘电阻试验测量时应采用 2500V 的兆欧表,测量的绝缘电阻值不应低于 1000 M。 介质损耗角的 tg 和电容值试验套管主绝缘介质损耗角正切值 tg 不应大于 0.7,实测电容量值与产品铭牌值或出厂试验值相比,其差值应在5%范围内;测量时采用介损测试仪进行测量,试验接线按照测试仪的接线图进行连接,经核实接线无误后开始试验,做好试验记录。 交流耐压试验套管的交流耐压试验可连同变压器一起进行交流耐压试验。 绝缘油的试验绝缘油应做全分析试验,送检时应选有专业资质的单位进行,在开展绝缘油试验时,要选在气候干燥风速小的时候开展(采用全自动试油机),现场进行击穿电压试验,进行五次,取平均值作为试验值,试验结果不应小于 40kV。4.5 避雷器试验避雷器试验4.5.1避雷器试验项目避雷器试验项目4.5.1.1 测量金属氧化物避雷器及基座绝缘电阻; 测量金属氧化物避雷器直流参考电压和 0 .75 倍直流参考电压下的泄漏电流; 检查放电记数器动作情况;4.5.2避雷器试验方法避雷器试验方法4.5.2.1 绝缘电阻的测量测量时采用 2500V 的高压兆欧表,其测量值不应小于 2500 M。 直流参考电压和 0 .75 倍直流参考电压下的泄漏电流试验测量时采用氧化锌避雷器测试仪进行,其测量结果应符合并符合产品技术条件的规定。实测值与制造厂规定值比较,变化不应大于5%。0.75 倍直流参考电压下的泄漏电流值不应大于 50A,或符合产品技术条件的规定。 检查放电记数器动作情况检查放电记数器的动作应可靠。4.6 SF6 断路器试验断路器试验4.6.1SF6 断路器试验项目断路器试验项目4.6.1.1 测量绝缘电阻; 测量每相导电回路的电阻; 交流耐压试验; 测量断路器的分、合闸时间; 测量断路器主触头分、合闸的同期性; 测量断路器分、合闸线圈绝缘电阻及直流电阻; 断路器操动机构的试验; 测量断路器内 SF6 气体的含水量; 密封性试验; 气体密度继电器、压力表和压力动作阀的检查;4.6.2 SF6 断路器试验方法断路器试验方法4.6.2.1 测量绝缘电阻测量时采用 2500V 的高压兆欧表,其测量值不应小于 2500 M。 测量每相导电回路的电阻测量时采用回路电阻测试仪进行测量,宜采用电流不小于 100A 的直流压降法,测试结果不应超过产品技术条件规定值的 1.2 倍。 交流耐压试验在 SF6 气压为额定值时进行,试验电压按出厂试验电压的 80%,110kV 以下电压等级应进行合闸对地和断口间耐压试验。 测量断路器的分、合闸时间测量断路器的分、合闸时间,应在断路器的额定操作电压下进行,实测数值应符合产品技术条件的规定,测量时采用高压开关特性测试仪进行测量。 测量断路器主触头分、合闸的同期性测量断路器主触头三相及同相各断口分、合闸的同期性,应符合产品技术条件的规定,测量时采用高压开关特性测试仪进行测量。 测量断路器分、合闸线圈绝缘电阻及直流电阻测量断路器分、合闸线圈的绝缘电阻值,不应低于 10M,直流电阻值与产品出厂试验值相比应无明显差别,测量时采用 500V 低压兆欧表进行测量。 断路器操动机构的试验每次操作断路器均应正确,可靠地动作,其联锁及闭锁装置回路的动作应符合产品及设计要求;当无可调电源时,只在额定电压下进行试验;直流电磁或弹簧机构的操动试验,应按下表的规定进行:操作类别操作线圈端钮电压与额定电源电压的比值(%)操作次数合、分1103合853分6534.6.2.8 密封性试验泄漏值的测量应在断路器充气 24h 后进行,采用灵敏度不低于 1106 (体积比)的检漏仪对各气室密封部位、管道接头等处进行检测时,检漏仪不应报警,试验结果应符合产品技术要求。 测量六氟化硫气体含水量气体含水量的测量应在断路器充气 48h 后进行,有电弧分解的隔室,应小于 150 L/L,无电弧分解的隔室,应小于 250L/L,测量时采用微水分析仪进行测量。 气体密度继电器、压力表和压力动作阀的检查在气体密度继电器、压力表和压力动作阀安装前,对各元件应进行检查,在充气过程中检查气体密度继电器及压力动作阀的动作值,应符合产品技术条件的规定。对单体到现场的这些设备,应进行校验。4.7 互感器试验互感器试验4.7.1互感器试验项目互感器试验项目4.7.1.1 测量绕组的绝缘电阻; 测量绕组的直流电阻; 电流比,电压比的测量; 接线组别和极性的检查; 测量 CT、PT 的励磁特性曲线; 交流耐压试验; 测量互感器的介质损耗角正切值;(35KV 以上互感器)4.7.2互感器试验方法互感器试验方法4.7.2.1 测量绕组的绝缘电阻测量一次绕组对二次绕组及外壳、各二次绕组间及其对外壳的绝缘电阻;绝缘电阻不宜低于 1000M,测量时采用 2500V 的绝缘兆欧表进行测量。 测量绕组的直流电阻互感器绕组的直流电阻的测量采用双臂电桥进行测量;电压互感器:一次绕组直流电阻测量值,与换算到同一温度下的出厂值比较,相差不宜大于 10%。二次绕组直流电阻测量值,与换算到同一温度下的出厂值比较,相差不宜大于 15%。电流互感器:同型号、同规格、同批次电流互感器一、二次绕组的直流电阻和平均值的差异不宜大于 10% 。 电流比,电压比的测量测量时采用互感器特性测试仪进行测量,测量结果应符合产品技术要求。 接线组别和极性的检查测量时采用互感器特性测试仪进行测量,测量结果应符合产品技术要求。 测量 CT、PT 的励磁特性曲线当继电保护对 CT 的励磁特性有要求时应进行励磁特性曲线试验,测量时采用互感器特性测试仪进行测量,试验结果应符合产品技术要求。 交流耐压试验现场的交接耐压试验应按出厂试验电压的 80%进行。 测量互感器的介质损耗角正切值互感器的绕组 tan 测量电压应在 10kV 测量,环氧树脂绝缘结构互感器tan 不应大于 0.5,测量时采用变频抗干扰介损测试仪进行测量。4.8 10kV 变压器试验变压器试验4.8.110kV 变压器试验项目变压器试验项目4.8.1.1 测量绕组连同套管的绝缘电阻、吸收比; 测量绕组连同套管的直流电阻; 检查所有分接头的电压比; 检查变压器的三相接线组别; 绕组连同套管的交流耐压试验; 额定电压下的冲击合闸试验; 测量与铁心绝缘的各紧固件及铁心的绝缘电阻; 检查相位;4.8.210kV 变压器试验方法变压器试验方法4.8.2.1 测量绕组连同套管的绝缘电阻绝缘电阻值不低于产品出厂试验值的 70%,当测量温度与产品出厂试验时的温度不符合时,可换算到同一温度时的数值进行比较;绝缘测试时,要确认非试验相要可靠接地,试验顺序要按照先低后高的原则,测量时采用 2500V 的兆欧表进行。 测量绕组连同套管的直流电阻直流电阻的测量应在各分接头的所有位置上进行测量,各相测得值的相互差值应小于平均值的 2%,线间测得值的相互差值应小于平均值的 1%;在测量时,采用感性直流电阻测试仪进行测量,应在变压器的各个档位上进行,然后按照试验接线图接线,夹线钳夹到设备线夹上,要紧固以便减小误差,接线完毕后确认无误后再开展试验,要及时记录;试验完毕后把档位连片放在额定档位。 检查所有分接头的电压比和组别检查所有分接头的电压比,与制造厂铭牌数据相比应无明显差别,电压比允许偏差在0.5%以内,连接组别应与制造厂铭牌数据一致;检查变比和接线组别时采用变比测试仪进行,按照所用仪器的接线测量方式接线,接线完毕后确认无误后再开始试验,要及时记录;试验完毕后把档位连片放在额定档位。 绕组连同套管的交流耐压试验交流耐压试验采用外施工频电压试验的方法,升压时应分阶段均匀升压,到达试验电压,在试验过程中应仔细观察变压器是否有异常现象发生。 测量与铁心绝缘的各紧固件及铁心的绝缘电阻铁心必须为一点接点,测量时断开接地连片,采用 2500V 兆欧表测量,持续时间为 1min,应无闪络及击穿现象。4.9 10kV 真空断路器试验真空断路器试验4.9.110kV 真空断路器试验项目真空断路器试验项目4.9.1.1 测量绝缘电阻; 测量每相导电回路的电阻; 交流耐压试验; 测量断路器主触头的分、合闸时间,测量分、合闸的同期性,测量合闸时触头的弹跳时间; 测量分、合闸线圈及合闸接触器线圈的绝缘电阻和直流电阻; 断路器操动机构的试验;4.9.210kV 真空断路器试验方法真空断路器试验方法4.9.2.1 测量绝缘电阻测量时采用 2500V 高压兆欧表,其测量值不应小于 1000 M。 测量每相导电回路的电阻测量时采用回路电阻测试仪进行测量,宜采用电流不小于 100A 的直流压降法,测试结果应符合产品技术条件的规定。 交流耐压试验试验电压按出厂试验电压的 80%,110kV 以下电压等级应进行合闸对地和断口间耐压试验。 测量断路器主触头的分、合闸时间、同期性、弹跳时间测量断路器主触头三相及同相各断口分、合闸的同期性,应符合产品技术条件的规定,测量时采用高压开关特性测试仪进行测量。 测量分、合闸线圈及合闸接触器线圈的绝缘电阻和直流电阻测量断路器分、合闸线圈的绝缘电阻值,不应低于 10M,直流电阻值与产品出厂试验值相比应无明显差别,测量时采用高压开关特性测试仪进行测量。 断路器操动机构的试验每次操作断路器均应正确,可靠地动作,其联锁及闭锁装置回路的动作应符合产品及设计要求;当无可调电源时,只在额定电压下进行试验;直流电磁或弹簧机构的操动试


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