【AS澳大利亚标准】AS 14491994 Wrought alloy steelsStainless and heatresisting steel plate,sheet and strip

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【AS澳大利亚标准】AS 14491994 Wrought alloy steelsStainless and heatresisting steel plate,sheet and strip_第1页
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【AS澳大利亚标准】AS 14491994 Wrought alloy steelsStainless and heatresisting steel plate,sheet and strip_第2页
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【AS澳大利亚标准】AS 14491994 Wrought alloy steelsStainless and heatresisting steel plate,sheet and strip_第3页
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AS 14491994Accessed by DOWNER EDI LIMITED on 10 Apr 2002Australian StandardWrought alloy steelsStainless and heat-resisting steel plate,sheet and stripDefence Title allocated by Codification and Standardisation Authority: METAL PLATE, SHEET, STRIP (STAINLESS AND HEAT RESISTING STEEL IN COILS AND CUT LENGTHSNATO Supply classification 9515Accessed by DOWNER EDI LIMITED on 10 Apr 2002This Australian St andard was prepared by Commit tee MT/1, Iron and St eel. It was approved on behalf of the Council of S tandards Australia on 27 October 1993 and publi shed on 17 January 1994.The foll owing interests are represented on Commit tee MT/ 1: Australi an Chamber of Commerce and IndustryAustrali an Chamber of ManufacturesAustrali an F oundry Instit uteAustrali an Institute of S teel Construction Bureau of S teel Manufacturers of Australi a Department of DefenceInsti tute of Metals and Materials Australasia Metal Trades Industry Associati on of Australia Railways of Australia Commit teeSociety of Automotive Engineers, AustralasiaReview of Australian St andards. To keep abreast of progress i n i ndustry, Australian Standards are subject to periodic review and are kept up to date by the i ssue of amendments or new edit ions as necessary. It i s im portant t herefore t hat Standards users ensure t hat t hey are i n possession of t he latest editi on, and any amendments thereto.Full details of all Australi an Standards and related publi cati ons wil l be f ound i n t he Standards Australia Catalogue of Publications; t his information i s supplemented each month by t he magazine The Australian Standard, which subscribing members receive, and which gives detail s of new publi cati ons, new edit ions and amendments, and of wi thdrawn Standards.Suggesti ons for i mprovements t o Australi an Standards, addressed t o the head off ice of Standards Australia, are welcomed. Notif ication of any inaccuracy or ambiguit y found in an Australi an Standard should be made wi thout delay in order that the matter may be investigated and appropriate action taken.This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 92181.AS 14491994Australian StandardWrought alloy steelsStainless and heat-resisting steel plate,sheet and stripFi rst publi shed as AS G311971.Revised and r edesiganted AS 14491978. Second editi on 1980.Thir d editi on 1994.In corp or ating: Amdt 11994Accessed by DOWNER EDI LIMITED on 10 Apr 2002PUBLI SHED BY STANDARDS AUSTRALIA (STANDARDS ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRAL IA)1 THE CRESCENT, HOMEBUSH, NSW 2140IS BN 0 7262 8723 7Accessed by DOWNER EDI LIMITED on 10 Apr 2002PREFACEThis Standard w as prepared under the direction of the Multitechnics Standards Policy BoardbytheStandardsAustraliaCommitteeonIr onandSteeltosupersede AS 14491980. In this edition several alloys have been added to meet the requirements of industry.The alloy compositionsand mechanicalpropertiesspecified in this Standard are equivalenttotheircounterpartsinAS TM A 240:90,Standardspecificationfor heat-resisting chromium and chromium-nickel stainless steel plate, sheet, and strip for pressure vessels. The unified numbering system (UN S) alloy designations have been included for information purposes and to bring the Standard into alignment w ith the requirements of A S 12101989, SAA Unfired Pressure Vessels Code.The term inform ative has been used in this Standard to define the application of the appendix to which it applies. A n informative appendix is only for inform ation and guidance. Copyri ghtSTANDARDS AUSTRALI AUser s of Standar ds ar e r eminded that copyri ght subsists i n all Standar ds Austr alia publi cati ons and sof tw ar e. Except wher e the Copyri ght Act all ows and except where pro vided fo r below no publi cati ons or soft ware pr oduced by Standar ds Austr alia may be re pr oduced, stor ed i n a re tr ieval system in any f or m or t ra nsmi tt ed by any means wi thout pr ior perm ission in wr it ing f ro m St andard s Austra li a. Perm ission may be condit ional on an appro pr iate r oyalty payment. Requests fo r per mi ssion and i nf or mati on on comm er cial sof tw ar e ro yalt ies should be dire cted t o the head of fi ce of St andard s Austr alia.St andard s Austra li a wil l perm it up to 10 perc ent of t he t echnical content pages of a St andard t o be copied fo r use exclusively i n- house by purc hasers of the St andard wi thout payment of a r oyalty or advice t o St andard s Austr alia.St andard s Austr alia wil l also perm it t he i nclusion of it s copyr ight mater ial i n computer soft ware pr ogra ms f or no r oyalty payment pr ovided such pr ogra ms ar e used exclusively in-h ouse by the cre ator s of t he pro gr ams.Care should be taken t o ensure t hat materi al used is fr om t he curr ent editi on of the St andard and that i t is updated whenever theSt andard i s amended or r evised. The number and date of t he St andard should t here fo re be clear ly i dentif ied.The use of materi al i n pr int f or m or i n computer sof tw ar e pr ogra ms t o be used comm er cially, wi th or wi thout payment, or in comm er cial contra cts is subject to the payment of a r oyalty. This policy may be vari ed by St andard s Austr alia at any ti me.9AS 1449 1994CONTENTSPageAccessed by DOWNER EDI LIMITED on 10 Apr 20021SCO PE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42REFERENCED D O CUMEN TS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43DE FIN ITION S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54DE SIG NA TIO N O F G RAD E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55CON DI TIO N OF STEEL O N DE LIV ERY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66CHEMICAL COMPO SI TIO N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77FREED O M FROM DE FECTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78MECHA N ICAL PROPERTIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79MECHA N ICAL TESTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .710IN TERG RANU LAR CORROS IO N TEST FO R A US TEN ITICSTA IN LESS STEELS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .811MAN UF A CTURING TO LERAN CES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .812ROU ND ING O F TEST RESU LT V A LU ES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .913MARKI N G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9AP PENDICESA PU RCHA SI NG GU IDE LIN ES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21B MEA NS FO R D EMON STRA TING COMPLIAN CE WI TH TH ISSTA ND A RD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22C SU RFA CE FI N IS H ES A VA ILA BLE FOR ROLLED STA IN LESSAN D H EAT -RESI STING STEELS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24D TY PICA L MECHA NI CAL PROPERTIES O F STEEL IN THESO FTEN ED CO ND ITION FOR G RAD ES LIS TED IN TA BLE 7 . . . . . . . . . . 26Accessed by DOWNER EDI LIMITED on 10 Apr 2002STANDARDS AUSTRALIAAustralian StandardWrought alloy steelsStainless andheat-resisting steel plate, sheet and strip1SC OPEThis Standard specifies requirements for stainless and heat-r esisting steels for general engineering purposes which, w ith the exception of grade 301, are supplied in the softened condition as plates or as cold-rolled and annealed sheet and strip, in coils or cut lengths.NOTES :1Advice and recommendations on informati on to be suppli ed by the purchaser at the ti me of inquiry and order are contained in the purchasing guideli nes set out in Appendix A.2Alternative means for determining compliance wit h this S tandard are given in Appendix B.2REFERENC ED D OCU MEN TSThe following documents are referr ed to in thisStandard:AS1050Methods for the analysis of iron and steel1199Sampling procedures and tables for inspection by attributes1213Ir on and steelMethods of sampling1391Methods for tensile testing of metals1399Guide to AS 1199Sampling procedures and tables for inspection by attributes1627Metal finishing Preparation and pretreatment of surfaces1627.5Part 5: Pickling steel surf aces1815Metallic materialsRockw ell hardness test1816Metallic materialsBrinell hardness test1817Metallic materialsVickers hardness test2038Methodsfor detectingthe susceptibilityof austeniticstainlesssteels to intergranular corrosion2338Pr eferred dimensions of w rought metal products2505Methods for bend and related testing of metals2505.1Part 1: Sheet, strip and plate2706Numerical valuesRounding and interpretation of limiting values3900Quality management and quality assurance standards3900.1Part 1: Guidelines for selection and use3904Quality management and quality system elements3904.1Part 1: GuidelinesK1Methods for the sampling and analysis of iron and steelCOPYRI GHTAccessed by DOWNER EDI LIMITED on 10 Apr 2002SA AHB18Guidelines for third-party certification and accreditationHB18.44 Guide 44 General rules for ISO or IEC international third-party certification schemes for productsAS TMA380Pr actice for cleaning and descaling stainless steel parts, equipment and systems3DEFIN ITION SFor the purpose of this Standard, the definitions below apply.3.1C amberthe deviation of an edge from a straight line form ing a chord to it (seeFigure 1).FI GURE 1ILL USTRATION OF CAMBERwhereC=camber, in percentb=width of sheetbcL=li near measurement of camber length of sheet3.2 Parcel any quantity of finished plate, sheet or strip presented for examination and test at any one time.3.3 Platea flat-rolled product 5 mm and over in thickness and 600 mm min. in width.3.4 Sh eeta flat-rolled product less than 5 mm thick and greater than 600 mm w ide, supplied as coils or cut lengths.3.5 St ripa cold-r olled product less than 5 mm thick and up to and including 600 mm wide, produced by slitting sheet supplied as coils or cut lengths.3.6 Test batchfinished steel of the same thickness produced at the same time fr om the same ladle and treated in the same manner.3.7 Test piecea prepared piece for testing, made from a test specimen.3.8 Test samplea portion of material or product, or a group of items selected from a test batch or group, by a sampling procedure.3.9 Test specimena portion or a single item taken from the test sample for the purpose of applying a particular test.4 D ESIGN ATION OF GR AD E4.1 General The steel designationshall comprise the number of this Australian Standard, i.e. A S 1449, follow ed by a slash and additional characters in accordance w ith the following:Accessed by DOWNER EDI LIMITED on 10 Apr 2002(a)A three-digit number to indicate the grade, in accordance with Clause 4.2.NOTE: In this edit ion of the S tandard the grades are also designated in accordance with the six-digit unified numbering system (UNS) . W hen there is no three-digit designation for a grade, the UNS designation should be used, e.g. AS 1449/S30815.(b)Where necessary, a suffix letter or symbol to indicate modifications to grades in accordance w ith Clause 4.3.(c)Where necessary, one or more characters to indicate surface finish in accordance with Clause Series designation The following series designations are used to identify each group:(a)2XX : Chromium-nickel-manganese steels.NOTE: These grades are austeniti c, non-magneti c, and are non-hardenable by heat treatment.(b)3XX : Chromium-nickel steels.NOTE: These grades are austeniti c, non-magneti c, and are non-hardenable by heat treatment.(c)4XX : Chromium steels.NOTE: S ome of these grades are ferritic and magneti c, and are non-hardenable by heat treatment; other grades are martensit ic (hardenable by heat treatment) and magnetic.4.3 Modification symbols Modification to grades is indicated by a suffix letter, or letters, as follow s:(a)L and S:restricted carbon contents.(b)Ti:stabilized w ith titanium.4.4 Example of grade designation A S 1449/316Ti denotes a chromium- nickel austenitic stainless steel w hich is stabilized with titanium.4.5 Su rfacefinishdesignation Thesurfacefinishdesignationcomprisessuff ix characters as follow s:(a)Hot-r olled, softened but not descaled:O(b)Hot-r olled, softened and descaled:S & D (N o. 1) (c)Cold-rolled and annealed dull finish:2D(d)Cold-rolled and annealed w ith a finish brighter than 2D :2B (e)Cold-rolled and bright annealed:BA (f )Polished:3 (g)General purpose polished:45 C ON D ITION OF STEEL ON DELIV ERY5.1 General Except for grade A S 1449/301,steel grades shall be supplied in the softened condition. They are normally lightly skin passed after annealing to improve the shape and surface appearance.Steel grade A S 1449/301shall be supplied in the softened condition,or in the quarter- hard (1/4H) , half-hard (1/2H ), three-quarter- hard (3/4H ), or full-hard (FH) conditions which are obtained by temper rolling.5.2 Su rface finish The surface finish of each side of the material shall be specified in terms of the designations listed in Clause 4.5.Accessed by DOWNER EDI LIMITED on 10 Apr 2002NOTES :1Some of these standard finishes may not be available on certain rolled products. W ithin li mit ati ons, material may be produced wit h a different standard surface finish on each side (see Appendix C).2It is desirable that all surfaces of austeniti c and ferrit ic-austenit ic grades be free from oxide scale produced by hot working or heat treatment operati ons. Information on descaling methods is given in AS 1627.5 and AST M A380.5.3 Edges The material shall have either sheared or slit edges.6 C HEMIC AL C OM POSITION6.1 General The method of sampling for chemical analysis shall be in accordance w ith AS 1213. Chemical composition shall be determ ined by any procedures w hich are not less accurate than those given in the A S 1050 or the A S K 1 series of Standards.6.2 Cast analysis The reported cast analysis of the steel shall conform to the limits given in Tables 1 to 5 for the appropriate grade.6.3 Residual elements For steels complying w ith this Standard, percentages of elements unspecified in Tables 1 to 4 are acceptable up to the following amounts:(a)Copper:0.35%. (b)Molybdenum:0.35%. (c)Nickel:0.50%.6.4 Productanalysis Forsteelssuppliedinaccordancew iththecastanalysis requirements of Tables 1 to 5, the results of individual determinations carried out on the product shall be w ithin the product analysis tolerance limits specified in Table 6. Where several determinations of a single element are carried out on products from any one cast, the spread of individual results shall not extend both above and below the range specified in Tables 1 to 5.7 FREEDO M FR OM D EFECTS The steel shall be free fr om pipe, harmful segregation, surface flaws and other defects detrimental to its use.If , after acceptance of the steel and provided that it has been properly treated after delivery, subsequent processing reveals that it contains defects found to be detrimental, the steel shall be deemed not to comply w ith this Standard.NOTE: The degree or amount of all owable surface defects present in coils wil l probably be greater than in sheet because of the impracticabilit y of inspection and the problems result ing from rejecting portions of a coil.8 MECHAN IC A L PRO PERTIES The mechanical properties of test pieces selected and prepared in accordance w ith Clause 9.1 and tested in accordance with Clauses 9.2, 9.3 and9.4, shall comply w ith the requirements of Tables 7 and 8.9 MECHAN IC A L TESTS9.1 Selection and preparation of test samples A sample of sufficient size to allow the preparation of the necessary test pieces shall be selected and prepared in accordance with the relevant Standards (s ee AS 1391, A S 1815, A S 1816, AS 1817 and AS 2505.1) to represent each parcel. The test sample shall not, except for the necessary straightening, be mechanically w orked or be heat treated before testing.NOTE: As stainless steels have a relatively high work hardening rate, care is needed during any straightening operati on.Accessed by DOWNER EDI LIMITED on 10 Apr 20029.2 Tensile test The tensile test shall be carried out using a rectangular section test piece in accordance with the requirements of A S 1391. For sheet and strip the gauge length shall be 50 mm. For plate (5 mm or greater in thickness), the gauge length (Lo)shall be determ ined from the expression Lo = 5.65 So, w here S o is the cross-s ectional area of the test piece before testing.A tensile test piece may be cut either parallel or transverse to the direction of rolling.9.3 Single bend test The single bend test shall be carried out at room temperature using an appropriate test procedure in accordance w ith the requirements of AS 2505.1.A transverse bend test piece, cut so that the axis of bend is parallel to the direction of final rolling, shall be used.Af ter bending, the test piece shall be examined for cracks.NOTE: S mall cracks at the edges of the test pieces and cracks which require magnificati on to be visible may be disregarded, unless the product standard indicates otherwise.9.4 Hardness test The hardness test shall be carr ied out in accordance with the requirements of A S 1815, A S 1816 or A S 1817.NOTE: If the test is carried out in accordance with AS 1816, a 10 mm ball should be used, where possible.10 INTERG R AN ULA R C ORR OSIONTESTFORA US TEN ITICSTAINLESS STEELS10.1 General The intergranular corrosion test applies to the austenitic stainless steels listed in Tables 1 and 2 and shall be carried out in accordance w ith A S 2038 on test pieces in one of the conditions described in Clause Condition of test pieces The condition of the test pieces shall be either of the follow ing:(a)The sensitized condition Test pieces of grades 304L, 316Ti, 316L and 321 shall be sensitized before testi


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