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Unit 5: The Day Mother Cried1沐风教资Warm-up QuestionsWarm-up Questionsv1. When a task defeats you. How do you react?2沐风教资vFrustrations could be called our invisible teachers. I think I should have optimistic views and have faith in myself. I may inevitably meet with frustration in the future but with more experience that I got from failure, I believe I could deal with it better next time.3沐风教资v2. How do you comfort someone threatened with losing his or her job?4沐风教资vNot everyone is so lucky to get his or her favorite job at the beginning, but from the previous job we get experience which could give us great help in our future lives and jobs. Whats more, we could change our attitudes towards our lives and attain more proper way to live our expecting lives.5沐风教资Part Division of the TextPart Division of the TextPartsParas.Main IdeasI16II717III1821IV2224I was shocked at finding my mother crying because she would probably lose her new job.I previously assumed my mother was a capable woman. She tried all she could to save up money to send us to university.I realized my mothers pressure and vulnerability as a human being.I understood my mothers perseverance and its influence on me.6沐风教资v1. Do you think the mother really meant it when she said it?No.v2. Why did she say so?She said so to relieve the son, to control her emotion and to try to persuade herself not to mind it too much.7沐风教资vWhat can we learn from the boys words?It shows that the boy was too surprised to say anything useful.8沐风教资v1. Whats the meaning of “out of place” here?“Out of place” means “not suitable for a particular situation or occasion.”v2. Translate the sentence into Chinese.我感到既无能为力,又十分尴尬。我感到既无能为力,又十分尴尬。9沐风教资vWhat can we infer from the sentence?His mother was really very smart and clever. She could learn things quickly.10沐风教资vParaphrase the sentence.Time for the children to enter college was drawing nearer and nearer so Mother was wildly anxious for ways to earn more money.11沐风教资vWhat can we learn from “slow” and “until midnight”?“Slow” implies “its difficult to learn to type”. From “until midnight”, we can see Mothers determination and perseverance.12沐风教资vWhy were their responses so different?The boy took it for granted that his mother was capable of doing anything. For Mother, however, it was a great surprise because it was, as a matter of fact, a real challenge and she got the job with great difficulty.13沐风教资vWhat can we infer from the sentence?1. The children and Father did little housework before.2. Father was very considerate towards Mother.14沐风教资vParaphrase the sentence.He felt deeply moved and couldnt help sympathizing with his mother.15沐风教资vWhat does the phrase “something more” refer to?It means that besides learning to type, Mother was also showing her determination to overcome whatever difficulties she might meet with, her strong will of not accepting defeat easily and her courage to go ahead.16沐风教资vWhat does the typewriter recall for the boy and the mother respectively?It recalls for Mother an experience of defeat which she would never admit, while it recalls for the boy her mothers determination, courage and responsibility in the face of defeat. 17沐风教资issue: n.va particular edition of a magazine or newspaperDo you have todays issue of China Daily?最新一期的最新一期的翻译翻译上有你的文章。上有你的文章。The latest issue of Translation contains an article written by you. vCollocation: at issue 在争论中,在争论中, 不和不和18沐风教资CF: issue & editionv 这两个名词均有这两个名词均有“期刊、出版物期刊、出版物”的意思。的意思。vissue指的是报纸、期刊等发行或刊物。常用的搭配有指的是报纸、期刊等发行或刊物。常用的搭配有the latest issue(最新一期期刊)(最新一期期刊), the back issue(过期期刊)(过期期刊)等。例如:等。例如:The current issue of Beijing Review came out on October 7. 最近一期的最近一期的北京周报北京周报于于10月月7日出版。日出版。vedition指的是出版或发行的版本。常用的搭配有指的是出版或发行的版本。常用的搭配有 first edition(第一版第一版), revised edition(修订版修订版)等。例如:等。例如:The last edition of the newspaper appears at midnight.当天报纸的最后版于午夜出版。当天报纸的最后版于午夜出版。19沐风教资have sth. to oneself:vhave sth. for ones own private use你吃饭时想一个人单独坐一张桌子吗?你吃饭时想一个人单独坐一张桌子吗?Would you like to have a table to yourself when you dine?孩子们都出去了,我就一个人独自占有整个房孩子们都出去了,我就一个人独自占有整个房子了。子了。I had the entire house to myself when the children were out.20沐风教资burst into: v 1)move somewhere suddenly or quickly, especially into or out of a place他冲进教室,抓起书,又冲了出去。他冲进教室,抓起书,又冲了出去。He burst into the classroom, grabbed his books and bursted out again. v 2) suddenly begin to make a sound, especially to start singing, crying, or laughing; suddenly start to burn very stronglyThe plane burst into flames.听到这个消息,玛丽失声痛哭。听到这个消息,玛丽失声痛哭。Mary burst into tears at the news.v Pattern: burst into + n. burst into laughter / anger / songv burst into + v-ingburst into crying / laughing21沐风教资approach:v 1. v. move towards or nearer to sb. or sth.; if an event or a particular time approaches, or you approach it, it is coming nearer and will happen soon 圣诞节到了,家家户户都布置了许多装饰品。圣诞节到了,家家户户都布置了许多装饰品。When Christmas approaches, families decorate their houses with many Christmas things.We are getting nervous as the exam is approaching.v 2. n. 1) the method of doing sth. or dealing with a problemThey seem to have a new approach to teaching English.v 2) the approach of a particular time or event is the fact that it is getting closer The leaves were turning brown with the approach of autumn.22沐风教资Collocationsapproachvat the approach of在在快到的时候快到的时候vbe difficult / easy of approach(地方)难以(地方)难以/容易到容易到达的;(人)达的;(人) 难以难以/容易接近的容易接近的vmake an approach to对对进行探讨进行探讨vmake approaches to sb.设法接近某人;想博得某人设法接近某人;想博得某人的好感的好感vtake a new approach to a problem采用一种新的方法采用一种新的方法来处理一个问题来处理一个问题23沐风教资catch on:v 1) begin to understand or realize sth. The first time the teacher explained, only a few students caught on. 这个人很快就学会了电脑操作。这个人很快就学会了电脑操作。This man caught on to operating computer quickly.v 2) become popular or fashionable哪几首歌现在最流行?哪几首歌现在最流行?Which songs catch on well these days?v Collocations: catch at试图抓住;渴望获得试图抓住;渴望获得 catch out发现发现catch up赶上,追上;跟上并理解赶上,追上;跟上并理解catch up with赶上赶上24沐风教资set ones mind to sth. / doing sth. :v give all ones attention to doing sth.世上无难事,只怕有心人。世上无难事,只怕有心人。Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.Nothing could hold Chichester back once he set his mind to traveling around the world single-handed.v Collocations: set about开始,着手开始,着手set apart使分离,使分开使分离,使分开set aside留出,拨出(时间、金钱等)留出,拨出(时间、金钱等)set back推迟;耽误;阻碍推迟;耽误;阻碍set off出发,启程出发,启程set out出发;陈列;展现出发;陈列;展现25沐风教资assume: v.vto think that sth. (stand in her way) is true, although you do not have definite proof我假定他说的是真的。我假定他说的是真的。I assumed his story to be true. The report was assumed to be valid.26沐风教资stand in ones way:vprevent sb. from doing sth.I wont stand in your way if you can find a better job elsewhere.如果你决意离开,没有人会阻拦你。如果你决意离开,没有人会阻拦你。No one will stand in your way if you set your mind to leaving.27沐风教资send away for:vrequest (sth.) or order (goods) to be sent by post如果在你镇上买不到这本书,你可以邮购。如果在你镇上买不到这本书,你可以邮购。You can send away for this book if it is not available in your town.I have sent away for some things I saw in the catalog.v Collocations: send for派人去拿;召唤派人去拿;召唤send off邮寄;发送邮寄;发送send out发出(函件、货物等)发出(函件、货物等)28沐风教资qualify: v.v if sth. qualifies you to do sth., you have the necessary skills, knowledge, ability, etc. to do it 这项训练将使你获得电脑操作员资格。这项训练将使你获得电脑操作员资格。This training will qualify you as a computer operator.His skills qualify him for the job.He is qualified for the post.v Pattern: qualify sb. for sth. He is qualified for the post.v qualify sb. to do sth. Are you qualified to teach French?v qualify sb. as sth. His training qualifies him as a lawyer.29沐风教资run out:v 1) use all of sth. and not have any more left 他总是没等到发薪日就把钱用完了。他总是没等到发薪日就把钱用完了。He is always running out of money before payday.Mary never runs out of good ideas for party decorations.v 2) if an agreement, official document, etc. runs out, the period for which it is legal or has an effect endsThe contract will run out next month.v Collocationsrun down撞倒撞倒run into遇到;达到;撞上遇到;达到;撞上run over辗过辗过30沐风教资frantic: adj.vextremely worried and frightened about a situation, so that you cannot control your feelingsThe mother was frantic with grief when she heard that her son was dead.总经理十分担心工厂的生产。总经理十分担心工厂的生产。The general manager is frantic about the production in the factory.31沐风教资in addition to:vbesides; as well (as) 除了英语,他还选修了法语。除了英语,他还选修了法语。He studied French in addition to English.In addition to apples, I bought you some bananas.32沐风教资respond: v.vto do sth. as a reaction to sth. that has been said or done; say or write sth. as a reply The manager responded negatively to the question.The government responded to pressure and dropped the proposal.33沐风教资CF: respond, answer & replyv这三个动词均有这三个动词均有“回答、答复回答、答复”的意思。的意思。vrespond指对别人提出的要求、问题或某种刺激作指对别人提出的要求、问题或某种刺激作出反应。出反应。 vanswer主要指对于提出的问题、呼吁或请求等作主要指对于提出的问题、呼吁或请求等作出回答、答复或响应。出回答、答复或响应。vreply指较正式的回答。这种回答是经过思考和认指较正式的回答。这种回答是经过思考和认真对待的。该词除后接直接引语或者真对待的。该词除后接直接引语或者that引导的宾引导的宾语从句外,只用作不及物动词。语从句外,只用作不及物动词。34沐风教资Quick Practicerespond, answer & replyv Directions: Fill in the blanks with the three words above. Change the form where necessary.v1) The most serious politicians are those vwho the most readily to change.v2) He that he wouldnt go with us. v3) He likes the children and they to him.v4) I asked him where to go, but he didnt . v5) I his threat with a blow on his nose.respondrepliedrespondreplyanswered35沐风教资ignore: v. vdeliberately pay no attention to sth. that you have been told or that you know aboutHe who ignores history is doomed to repeat it.他对我的挥手视而不见。他对我的挥手视而不见。He ignored my waving to him.vCF: ignore, neglect & overlook,这些动词均有这些动词均有“疏疏忽,忽略忽,忽略”之意。之意。ignore通常指有意不顾,或不理(显而易见的)通常指有意不顾,或不理(显而易见的)事物。事物。neglect侧重指有意的忽略或忽视,也可指粗心侧重指有意的忽略或忽视,也可指粗心与疏忽。与疏忽。overlook指因匆忙而疏忽或视而不见。指因匆忙而疏忽或视而不见。36沐风教资Quick Practiceignore, neglect & overlookv Directions: Fill in the blanks with the three words above. Change the form where necessary.v1. They his warning.v2. My driving license was suspended for a red light. v3. They the risks involved. v4. I the clock.neglectedignoringoverlookedneglected37沐风教资help out:vgive help; (help sb.) at a time of need你能帮我解这道数学题吗?你能帮我解这道数学题吗?Would you please help me out with this math problem?Mary lives on campus, but on weekends, she goes back home to help out in the kitchen.38沐风教资on guard:vready to defend or protect; watchfulBe on guard against thieves.我的话使他警觉起来。我的话使他警觉起来。My words put him on guard.39沐风教资pressure: n.v an attempt to persuade someone by using influence, arguments, or threatsHe only agreed to leave the country under pressure.They brought pressure to the government to lower taxes.v Collocations: bring / expert / place / put pressure on压迫某人,给某人压迫某人,给某人施加压力施加压力build up / increase (the) pressure增加压力增加压力ease / relieve (the) pressure减轻压力减轻压力meet the pressure of 应付应付造成的压力造成的压力resist pressure from抵抗来自抵抗来自的压力的压力40沐风教资tension: n. va nervous worried feeling that makes it impossible for you to relax; the feeling that exists when people or countries do not trust each other and may suddenly attack each other or start arguingHe was getting very angry, and his wife could feel her own tension building.该协定签定后,两国间的紧张局势应趋于缓和。该协定签定后,两国间的紧张局势应趋于缓和。The tension between the two countries should be reduced when the agreement is signed.41沐风教资CF: tension, stress, pressure & strainv这组名词都有这组名词都有“压力压力”的意思。的意思。vtension 指弹性物体伸长而引起的应力,也可指人指弹性物体伸长而引起的应力,也可指人的紧张情绪;还可指人与人的紧张情绪;还可指人与人, 团体,国家之间因关团体,国家之间因关系不好而造成的紧张状态。系不好而造成的紧张状态。v stress指由于困难的情况或精神上、肉体上的痛苦指由于困难的情况或精神上、肉体上的痛苦所带来的所带来的 “压力,忧虑压力,忧虑”。vpressure指某事物所产生的压力、影响力指某事物所产生的压力、影响力,可用于可用于任何情况任何情况,从小的临时困难到大的连续发生的灾难。从小的临时困难到大的连续发生的灾难。vstrain指对智力、体力、财力、能力等的严格要求,指对智力、体力、财力、能力等的严格要求,即即 “负担,压力负担,压力”,也可指人在某种压力下所产,也可指人在某种压力下所产生的影响健康的生的影响健康的“紧张状态紧张状态”。42沐风教资Quick Practicetension, stress, pressure & strainv Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessary. v1. Worrying excessively about his job put him vunder .v2. I dont want to put on you to make a quick decision.v3. The incident has further increased the racial , and I hope it will not create international . v4. Heavy expenditures on armaments is a vgreat on the economy of a country. stresspressuretensiontensionstrain43沐风教资hold back:vstop yourself from feeling or showing a particular emotion; keep sth. secret 老板忍不住告诉了他真相。老板忍不住告诉了他真相。The boss couldnt hold back from telling him the truth.She is accustomed to holding back her emotions. 44沐风教资recall: v.v remember a particular fact, event, or situation from the past v CF: recall, remember& remind这些动词均有这些动词均有“记忆,记住,记忆,记住,回忆回忆”之意。之意。v recall比比remember 文雅,指想方设法回忆已经遗忘之事。文雅,指想方设法回忆已经遗忘之事。例如:例如:Try to recall exactly what happened.把发生的事情尽可能仔细地回忆一下。把发生的事情尽可能仔细地回忆一下。v remember含义较广,多指无意识地回忆起往事,也可指通含义较广,多指无意识地回忆起往事,也可指通过主观努力去记忆。例如:过主观努力去记忆。例如:Roberts contribution should also be remembered.罗伯特的贡献同样应该永远记住。罗伯特的贡献同样应该永远记住。v remind指经某人或某事的提醒而回忆起某件已遗忘之事。指经某人或某事的提醒而回忆起某件已遗忘之事。例如:例如:What you said reminded her of college days. 你所说的话使她回想起了大学里的日子。你所说的话使她回想起了大学里的日子。45沐风教资go ahead:vmake progress; advance; start to do sth., especially after planning it or asking permission to do it The police examined their car and allowed them to go ahead.46沐风教资Useful ExpressionsUseful Expressions 1. 充满期待充满期待2. 独自享用独自享用3. 冲进客厅冲进客厅4. 惊得目瞪口呆惊得目瞪口呆5. 强作欢笑强作欢笑6. 做全职工作做全职工作7. 邮购邮购8. 除除之外之外be filled with anticipationhave sth. to oneselfburst into the living roombe shocked into stillnessmanage a weak smilehold a full time jobsend away forin addition to9. 自叹不走运自叹不走运10. 前进的勇气前进的勇气feel sorry for oneselfthe courage to go ahead11. 下决心下决心12. 深深吸一口气深深吸一口气set ones mind totake a long breath47沐风教资Useful ExpressionsUseful Expressions 13. 寻求安慰寻求安慰 14. 感受某人的痛苦感受某人的痛苦15. 收拾餐桌收拾餐桌16. 招生额满招生额满17. 函授课程函授课程18. 妨碍某人妨碍某人seek comfortsense ones painclear the tablehave a full enrollmentcorrespondence coursestand in ones way19. 写信索要写信索要20. 将某人搂在怀里将某人搂在怀里send away forput ones arms around sb.21. 逐字逐字22. 抑制强烈的感情抑制强烈的感情23. 千百次千百次24. 在远远的那一头在远远的那一头word for wordhold back strong emotionson a thousand occasionsat the far end of48沐风教资The End49沐风教资


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