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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上问路指路常用语Can I help you? Could I help you? 我能帮你吗?Do you need any help? 需要帮助吗?What can I do for you? Is there anything I can do for you?我可以为你做点什么?Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了?How can I go to Wal Mart. 怎么才能到?Where is the nearest Wal Mart? 距这里最近的沃尔玛在什么地方?You can take No.10 bus. 你可以坐10路公交车。Turn left/right. 左/右转。Go straight. 直走。You can get on here and change at International Trade Center. 从这儿上车,在国贸转车。Its on your left/right. 在你的左/右边。Its up the road. 顺着这条路走。Please follow me. 请跟我走。Go down this street for a while until you hit the first traffic light. 沿着这条路一直走,直到你看到第一个。Its on the second floor. 在二楼。This way, please. 请这边走。Show the Way 指路Dialogue 1A: Excuse me, could you tell where the post office is?B: Sure, if you go down this road and turn left at the second intersection , youll see it on your right-hand side.A: Thank you so much for your assistance . B: .A:打扰,你能告诉我在哪吗?B:好的,你沿着这条路走,在第二个十字路口左转,你可以看到它在你的右手边。A:非常感谢你的帮助。B:不客气。Dialogue 2A: Excuse me. Im looking for the Railway Station.B: Railway Station let me see. Its on the corner of Bridge Street.A: Shall I take a bus? B: Sure. Walk to the corner and take No.11. Get off at the fifth stop. The Railway Station is on a short walk from there.A: Thanks a lot.B: Welcome.A:打扰,我要去火车站。B:火车站让我想想看。在Bridge街的街角处。A:要乘公共汽车去吗?B:当然,走到街角乘11路车,在第五站下车,再稍走一小段路就到了。A:非常感谢。B:不客气。Dialogue 3A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the City Hall? B: Go straight along the road till you come to the corner. Then turn left. A: To the corner then a left?B: Yes, walk two blocks and turn right. Its on the corner opposite the post office.A: Thank you for your help.B: My pleasure.A:打扰一下,您知道到怎么走吗?B:沿这条路直走,走到街角处时左拐。A:走到街角,然后左拐?B:是的,走两个街区再右拐,市政厅在邮局对面的街角处。A:多谢你帮助。B:乐意效劳。问候语Hows everything? Whats up? Whats new?Whats happening? Hows going? How are you doing? How are everything going with you? Long time no see. 回答语:Im fine, thank you. And you? Same as usual. Ive been looking forward to meeting you again. 告别用语Good night 晚安。Have a nice/good day/weekend/holiday. 一天/周末/假期愉快!Bye/Bye-bye/Goodbye. 再见。See you (soon/later/then/tomorrow). 回见/晚些时候见/明天见Take care. 保重。Thanks so much for your time. 耽误您的时间。Will contact you soon. 会很快与你联系。Mind/(Watch)your step. 请走好。Goodbye and thank you for coming. 再见,谢谢您的光临。Goodbye and hope to see you again. 再见,希望再见到您。Have a nice trip! 一路平安!Wish you a pleasant journey ! Good luck! 祝您旅途愉快!祝您好运!Say Goodbye告辞A: I really should be on my way.B: Oh, not yet! At least have one for the road.A: No. Thanks all the same.B: Well, you have to leave so late.A: Thank you very much. We really had a good time.B: Well, thank you for coming.A: So, see you.B: Bye.A:我真的该走了。B:别啊!至少再喝一杯,以表送行。A:不喝了。不过还是要谢谢你。B:哦,真遗憾,你非得这么早走不可。A:非常感谢。我确实玩得很高兴。B:谢谢你来这里。A:那么,回见吧B:再见。See Off送行A: Where is Lucy? B: Is she coming?A: She told me she would be here.B: Theyre announcing your flight. Youd better board the plane.A: Are you rushing me?B: Im just reminding you about the time. You dont want to miss the plane, do you?A: I know what Im doing. Dont worry. Can you do me a favor?B: Name it and Ill do for you. A: Take care of Lucy away. Shes a nice girl. I dont want her to get hurt or anything.B: Ive got it. A: Thank you. Now I see that youre my true friend. Most of my so-call friends left me at the moment my company went bankrupt . You are the only one who has stood by me the whole time.B: Im just doing what I think I should do.A: Thank you for being a friend of mine.B: This isnt like you Well, I hope youll have a nice flight and a successful start in business. A: Thank you. I have to leave now. If you see Lucy, tell her Ill write to her. A:露茜哪儿呢?B:她要来吗?A:她跟我说过她会来的。B:在叫你的航班呢。你最好赶快去登机。A:你在催我吗?B:我是在提醒你时间,你不想误了飞机,是吧?A:我知道我自己在做什么。别担心。你能帮我个忙吗?B:说吧,我会帮你的。A:我走之后,请你照顾好露茜。她是个好女孩,我不希望她受到任何伤害。B:我知道了。A:谢谢。现在我看出来了,你才是我真正的朋友。在我公司倒闭的时候,许多所谓的朋友都离我而去,只有你一直在我身边。B:我只是在做我觉得应该做的事情而已。A:谢谢你做我的朋友。B:这不像你啊.好了,希望你旅途愉快,事业上东山再起。A:谢谢,我要走了。如果你见了露茜,告诉她我会写信给她的。专心-专注-专业


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