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学习-好资料状语从句专项训练1. Was Eric s father very strict with him?Yes.He n ever praised him.he became one of the top stude nts in his grade.A. sinceB. whe nC. un tilD. became2. Ihim the n ews as soon as heback.A. will tell ; will comeB. will tell ; comesC. tell; will comeD. tell; comes3. Don?t worry about me. I will call youI arrive in London.A. whe nB. whileC. as soon as D. after更多精品文档4. I will tell Jenny about the good n ews as soon as sheback.A. comes B. cameC. will comeD. has come5. 31.1 have heard a lot of good things about youI came back from abroad.A. sinceB. un tilC. beforeD. whe nA. un tilB. whileC. ifD. when“ Help ”6. -Have you fini shed your speech ?No. Last ni ght I was writi ngI heard some one shouted7. What were you doingthe rain storm came?A. whileB. whe nC. beforeD. after8. My father was watch ing TVmy mother was cook ing.A. whe nB. un tilC. whileD. as soon as9. 39.I will give him the gift as soon as he.A. will arriveB. arriveC. arrivesD. arrived10. -Let s go and play games, OK?-Sorry, Mike. I won t go outI finish my homework.A. un tilB. whe nC. althoughD. if11. My father was wateri ng the flowers in the gardenmy mother was cook ing lunchin the kitche n.A. ifB. whileC. uni essD. whe n12. Ithe bike to you whe n I get home. Tha nk you.A. giveB. givesC. gaveD. will give13. Where s your report, Sam?Sorry, Boss. 11 giveit to you as soon as it.A. fini shes B. will finishC. is fini shedD. will be fini shed14. Wu Yi will help with the housework he gets home after school.A. sinceB. whileC. as soon as D. un til15. Phone me .you get to Wuzho ng.A. sinceB. so thatC. as soon asD. while16. Are you going to tell the good n ews to Susa n?Of course. Ill tell hershe comes back.A. beforeB. Although17. It s raining outside. DonA. whe nB. un til18. I didn t buy the bookC. as long asD. as soon ast leaveit stops.C. althoughD. soI did n t have eno ugh mon ey.You should take eno ugh money with you whe n you go shopp ing.A. thoughB. becauseC. soD. if19. I did n?t buy thebook I did n?t haveeno ughmon ey.A. though B. becauseC. soD. if20. Jenny was late for class this morningshe got up very late.A. soB. becauseC. butD. so that21. we have eno ugh mon ey,w e won t buy any useless thi ngs.A. Si neeB. UntilC. BecauseD. Although22. 5. She drove fastshe could get home earlier.A. in order to B. because of C. So thatD. so as to23. I practice singing every dayI can go to a music college.A. so thatB. in order toC. IfD. although24. Youd better take the map with youyou wont get lost,A. afterB. as soon asC. Though D. so that25. Youd better take the map with youyou wont get lost,A. afterB. as soon asC. thoughD. so that26. The boy isyounghe can t go to school.A. too, that B. so, that C. too, to D. such, that27. The teacher speaks quickly we can t follow him.A. such, that B. too, toC. so, that D. too, that28. He isa clever boyhis teachers like him very much.A. such, that B. so, thatC. too, to D. eno ugh, for29. -Jim, you visited Wuhan Garden Exp Park this National Day. What do you think of it?-The trip is enjoyable, but there aremany peoplewe cannot find a good placeto eat.A. eno ugh, to B. too, toC. so, that D. too, that30. Mary wasillher mom had to stop work ing to look after her.A. such, that B. such a, thatC. so, that f D. so a , that31. The man isoldhe can t take good care of himself.A. such, that B. so, that C. too, toD. eno ugh, to32. The man isold he cant work any Ion ger.A. too, thatB. so, that C. too, toD. en ough, that33. She wasangry with her sonshe couldn t say anything.A. so, thatB. such, that C. too, to D. in order, that34. TF Boys arefamousall the tee nagers know them.A. too, to B. eno ugh, toC. so, that D. as, as35. Li Na isfamousall the tennis fans in China know her.A. too, toB. eno ugh, to C. as, as D. so , that36. He wastired hecould not go on walk ing.A. too, toB. such, that C. so, that D. eno ugh, to37. Kate, An gela and Ci ndy arecute kids that they havemany fans in Chi na.A. so, such B.such, such C. such, so D.so,so38. You should talk to your pare nts and you will get helpyou have a problem.A. unl essB. ifC. un tilD. so39. The Chin ese dreamtrue if every one works hard eno ugh.A. comeB. comesC. will come D. came40. If Xiaolinearly, he won t miss the early bus.A. gets up B. does ntget up C. will get up D. won tget up41. They will have a pic nic in the parkit is a fine day.A. ifB. orC. soD. although42. -Let s go to the community if ittomorrow.-But n obody knows if ittomorrow.A. won t rain;rainsB. doesn t rain;rainsC. doesn t rain; will rainD. won t rain; will rain43. They will have a trip to Ge Garde n if ittomorrow.A. won trai nB. will rai nC. did n trainD. does ntrain44. Tom will come and play with me if hebusy.A. isB. won tbeC. is ntD. will be45. We can t be successfulwe keep working hard.A. ifB. unl essC. becauseD. whe n46. He will get to work on time if hefast.A. driveB. driversC. droveD. will drive47. Would you mind if TomEn glish aloud here?A. will read B. is readi ngC. readsD. is going to read48. She will call you if she.A. goes toB. go backC. come back D. comes back49. If it ztomorrow, I will do some sightsee ing with my pare nts in the Summer Palace.A. didn t rain B. won t rainC.doesn t rain D. isn t raining50. we ll have a picnic tomorrowit doesn t rain.A. ifB. whe nC. whileD. becuase51. I don t know if hetomorrow. If he, I ll tell him about it.A. will come, will comeB. comes, comesC. comes, will comeD. will come, comes52. - Does Ted tell you if henext Sun day?-No, he doesn t. But if he , I ll give you a ring.A. will come, will comeB. will come, comes学习 好资料C. comes, comesD. comes, will comeWhen shall I hand in my report? As soon as ittomorrow.A. completesB. is completed C. will complete D. will be completedyou don t give upojy dreams will come true.A. As well as B. As good as C. As soon asD. As long asI don know if it _ tomorrow. If it _, I won go.A. will rain; rainsB. will rain; will rainC. rains; rainsD. rai ns; will rainyou put your heart into study, you will get better grades.A. As long as B. Although C. ThoughD. SoYou will see many aunts dancing together on the square if it in the evening.A. does n rai nB. rainsC. will rai nD. won trainI want to know if therea sports meeti ng n ext mon th. If theyit, I must get goodready for it.A. is, will hold B. will be, hold C. is, hold D. will be, will holdI don t knofhetomorrow. If he, I ll call you.A. comes, comesB. will come, comes53. will come, will comeD. comes, will come8.更多精品文档it s raining ,they expect to go to the park.A. Although, but B. Although, / C. 1,1D. But, although44. No matteryou do, I ll be on your side.A. howB. whe nC. whyD. whatYou d better travel around Nanji ng with a local tour guideyou want to know moreabout its culture.A. Uni essB. un tilC. although D. if-Remember, Tom,happe ns, keep calm and quiet.I will , tha nks, Dad.A. whatB. whe nit is snowin g, it is nA. Because B. Ifhe is poor(贫穷),C. howt very cold.D. what everC. WhenD. Althoughhe gives a lot of money to the stude nts in poor areas.A. Although, butB. /, andC. Although, /D. Because, soit was very cold,my frie nd still went swimmi ng in the river this morni ng.A. Although;/B. Although; butC. But; although D. /;although-The classroom isclea nit was yesterday. -Sorry, I forgot to clea n it.A. as, as B. so, asC. not as, asD. more, tha nyou work, your En glish will be.A. The more ; betterB. The harder; the betterC. The hardest; the bestD. The more ; bestHe speaks En glish well, but of course nota pers on born in En gla nd.A. so clearly as B. as clear as C. more clearly D. clearer tha nI want to take the first bus,I get up early.A. andB. butC. becauseD. so状语从句专项训练答案】、客观题1. C2. B3. C4.A 5.A6. D7. B8. C9.C 10. A11. B12.D13.C14. C15. C16. D17.B18.B19. B20. B21. D22.C23.A24. D25. D26. B27.C28.A29. C30. C31. B32.B33.A34. C35. D36. C37.C38.B39. C40. A41. A42.C43.D44. C45. B46. B47.C48.D49. C50. A51. D52.B53.B54. D55. A56. A57.A58.B59. B60. B61. D62.D63.D64. D65. C66. A67.C68.B69. A70. D二、主观题【解析】1.not.until,固定搭配,意为:一直到 才2. 句意:他一回来我就告诉他这个消息。在时间状语从句中用一般现在时表将来,主句用将 来,故选 B 。3.根据语境可知句意:不要担心我,我一到达伦敦就给你打电话。一就,as soon as故选 C 。4.句意: Jenny 一回来,我就把好消息告诉她。在时间状语从句中用一般现在时表将来。故 选 A 。学习 好资料句意:自从我从国外回来,我听到了很多关于你的好消息。A.自从;B.直到;C在。之前;D.当。时候。主句时态 have heard从句时态came back,主句是现在完成时,从句是 一般过去时,所以选 since,表示从过去某时间开始一直延续到现在的情况。故选A。6.句意:你完成你的演讲了吗?没有。 昨天晚上, 我正在写的时候听到有人叫 “救命”。 “当 的时候 ”可用 when 或 while, when 表示当某个动作发生的时候另一动作正在进行,后接短 暂性动词; while 表示当某个动作正在进行时另一动作也在进行,后接延续性动词。结合 语境可知用 when 符合句意,故选 D。7.while当时候,而(后面的从句中通常用延续性动词);when当时候(后面的从句中通常用短暂性动词),before在之前;after在之后,根据句意:当暴风雨到来的 时候,你正在做什么? come 是短暂性动词,故选 B。8.考查时间状语从句。When“当” until 一直到.,可加短暂性动词或延续性动词;while当,而”;与延续性动词连用,常用于进行时。as soon as一就,句意 我爸爸在看电视时妈妈在做饭。”表对比用while,意为而”。故选Co9.此题考查的是as soon as引导的时间状语从句的时态搭配:主句是一般将来时态,从句用一般现在时态,he做主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故选: Co10.句意:-让我们去做游戏吧,好吗?-对不起,迈克。我要完成作业才出去。notuntil -直到才。故选A。11.if如果,引导条件状语从句 ” while当的时候,表示当某个动作正在进行时另一动作 也在进行” unless除非,如果不,弓I导条件状语从句,等于 if notwhen 当的时候,表示当某个动作发生时另一动作正在进行”,通过分析句子的主句和从句可发现waswatering和was cooking ,过去进行时表示过去某个时间正在进行的动作,可知应用while把两个正在进行的动作连起来,表示当某个动作发生时另一动作正在进行,故选B。12.句意:当我到家的时候,我会把自行车给你。谢谢。根据when可知这是时间状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,空格位于主句部分,主句缺谓语,动词应用一般 将来时,故选 D。13.更多精品文档学习 好资料【解析】句意:Sam,你的报告在哪儿?对不起,老板。它一完成我就把它给你。as soon as引导的时间状语从句,主句为将来时,从句用一般现在时。句中指报告被完成,故用一般 现在时的被动语态 be finished,根据主语it,be动词用is,故答案选 C。考点:考查as soon as引导的时间状语从句和一般现在时的被动语态14.句意:吴怡放学后一到家就帮着做家务。本题考查连词。 根据主句的一般将来时态和从句的一般现在时态可以判断答案选 C。15.句意:你一到吴忠就打电话给我。本题考查连词的用法。since自从,既然;so that以便;as soonas 一就;while当的时候。根据句意可知选择C项。16.句意为:-你打算告诉Susan这个好消息吗?-当然。她一回来我就告诉她。 一就: as soon as故选: D。17.句意:外面正在下雨,直到雨停了你再离开。 A.when 当 时候; B.until 直到,固定结构 notuntil意思是直到才;C.although尽管;D.so所以。故选B。18. 句意:我没有买那本书,因为我没有足够的钱。你应该拿足够的钱,当你去购物的时候。though尽管,引导让步状语从句;because因为,引导原因状语从句;so因此,引导结果状语从句; if 如果,引导条件状语从句;根据句意可知上下句是因果关系,没有足够的钱 是没有买到书的原因,故选 B。19.根据句意: 我没有买这本书因为我没有足够的钱。 though 虽然; because 因为; so 因此; if 如果,故选 B。20.【解析】句意: Jenny 今天早晨上课迟到因为她起床晚了。 A.so 所以; B.because 因为; C.but但是;D.so that以致。这儿表示迟到的原因,用because故答案选 B。考点:考查连词的辨析以及because引导原因状语从句21.句意:尽管我们有足够的钱,我们也不会买没用的东西。 本题考查状语从句。since意为 自从, 因为”;because!为 因为”;until意为 直到 ” ;although意为 尽管,虽然”。根据句意可知D为正确答案。A 、 B 、 D 后均22. 此题考查的是目的状语从句。句意为:她开得快以便她能早点到家。选项 不能接句子,只有选项 C 后可以接句子。故选: C 。23.so that 为“了,以致于,后接从句,引导目的状语从句”;in order to 为了“,后接动词原形if “如果,引导条件状语从句 ”; although “尽管,即使,引导让步状语从句 ”,由上半句可 知我每天练习唱歌,由下半句可知我可以去音乐学院学习,所以每天练习唱歌的目的是可 以去音乐学院学习,属于目的状语从句,故选A 。24.after在彳之后,引导时间状语从句”;as soon as 一就,引导时间状语从句”;though “即使,尽管,引导让步状语从句 ”; so that 以“致于,为了,引导目的状语从句 ”,句 意:你最好随身携带地图以致于不会迷路。由此可知携带地图的目的是为了不用迷路,引 导的是目的状语从句,应用so that,故选D。25.after在之后,引导时间状语从句 ”;as soon as 一就,引导时间状语从句”;though即使,尽管,引导让步状语从句”;so that以致于,为了,引导目的状语从句”,句意:你最好随身携带地图以致于不会迷路。由此可知携带地图的目的是为了不用迷路,引 导的是目的状语从句,应用 so that,故选D。26.句意为:那个小男孩如此的小,以至于他不能去上学。too +形容词/副词 to do sth. 太“而不能做某事”;so+形容词/副词+that引导状语从句, 如此 以至于 ”。such+形容 词+名词+ that引导状语从句, 如此以至于”。结合句意,太小而不能上学,故选 B 。27.本题中too+形容词或副词+to+动词不定式,表示”太以致不能 ,suchtha作 如此以致”解,连接一个表示结果的状语从句。与sothat意思相同,但用法不同。在sothat这一结构中,so后边可加形容词或副词,而such后边要用名词(这个名词前面可以带形容词,也可以不带 )。如果 such 后边的名词前由 many、much、few 、little 等词所修饰 的话,则不用such而用so。横线后是quickly,是一个副词,故要用so来修饰。应选 C。28. 根据句意:他是一个如此聪明的孩子,以至于他的老师们非常喜欢他。可知这是一个结果 状语从句, so 与 such 在修饰可数名词单数时,结构分别为: such + a/an +形容词 +名词, so+ 形容词 +a/an+ 名词,故选 A。29. 根据句意:这次旅行很有趣,但是有太多的人,以至于我们不能找到一个吃饭的好地方。 可知这是 so.that.引导的结果状语从句,故选C。30.句意:玛丽病得那么很厉害以至于她妈妈不得不停止工作照顾她。so. that 如此以至于;故选 C。31.句意:这个男人如此老以至于他不能很好地照顾自己。sothat如此以至于,so后加形容词或副词;such.that中such后修饰名词;too.to结构引导简单句, 太而不能;enough.to 引导简单句,太 .能。故选 B。32.此题考查的是结果状语从句。句意为:这个人如此老以至于他不能再工作。如此以至于:sothat 故选:B。33.A. so, that如此 以至于 ,引导结果/目的状语从句,so后面跟形容词或副词;B. such, that如此 以至于 ;引导结果/目的状语从句,such后面跟名词;C. too, to太而不 能;D. in order, that为了 ;引导目的状语从句;根据分析可知选 A。34.句意为:TF男孩们是如此有名以致于所有的青少年都知道他们。tooto,太 而不能;enoughto.:足够可以去做某事;sothat :如此以致于 ;asas和 一样。故选:C。35.固定句式so.that.如此,以致,that后引导一个结果状语从句。句意:李娜是如此的出名 以至于中国的网球迷都认识她。故选 D。36.句意:他是如此疲惫以至于不能继续行走。so+形容词/副词+that 如此以至于。A太而不能;B如此以至于,但such后接名词;D足够做某事。故选 Co37.句意:凯特,安吉拉和辛蒂是如此可爱的孩子,以至于她们在中国有很多粉丝。Such+形容词+名词的复数 +that 表示如此以至于, so many +可数名词的复数,根据句意,故选 C。38. 此题考查的是条件状语从句。句意为:如果你有问题你应该和你父母谈,你将得到帮助。 if 引导条件状语从句,故选: B 。39.句意:如果每个人都足够努力,中国梦就会实现。 if 引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时, 主句用一般将来时态。故选 C。40.本题考查: If 引导的条件状语从句,体现主句用将来时态,从句用一般现在时,故选A 。41.本句是考查 “if 引”导的主将从现句式,译为 “如果天气好,他们将在公园野餐 ”,故选 A。42.句意 :如果明天不下雨 ,就让我们去社区吧 !-但是没有人知道明天是否会下雨。 结合语境可知 上文是条件状语从句,当主句描述将来动作时,条件状语从句中用一般现在时态表示将来 动作。下文是宾语从句,时态和主句没有必然联系。结合语境考察从句中描述的是将来动 作,故用一般将来时态。故选 C 。43.句意:如果明天不下雨,他们将会去 Ge 花园旅游。根据主将从现原则,主句是一般将来 时态,在时间和条件状语从句中要用一般现在时代替一般将来时态, if 引导的是条件状语 从句,故选 D 。44.根据句意:如果汤姆不忙就会跟我们一起玩。 If 如果,引导条件状语从句,主句为一般将 来时,从句用一般现在时,应选:C。45.A. if如果;B. unless除非,如果不; C. because因为;D. when当时候;根据句子结构可知空格前后是表示一种条件关系: 如果我不努力工作, 就不可能成功。 结合选项分析, 故选 B 。46. 句意为:如果他开得快点,他将会准时的到达工作地点,if 引导的条件状语从句,主句是一般将来时,从句则用一般现在时表示将来,故选:B。47.此题考查的是 if 引导的条件状语从句的时态搭配。 主句是将来时态, 从句用一般现在时态。Tom 做主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故选:C。更多精品文档学习 好资料48.句意: 如果她回来的话她会给你打电话。 考查 if 引导的条件状语从句。 主句用一般将来时, 从句用一般现在时。故选 D。49.根据句意:假如明天不下雨,我将和我的父母去颐和园参观。可知这个句子是 if 引导的条 件状语从句,时态符合主将从现,it是第三人称单数,否定句应该借助于助动词does,故选 C 。50.if假如,如果;when当 时候;while当时候;because因为,根据句意:假如明天不下雨,我们将会去野餐。可知这个句子是if引导的条件状语从句,故选A。51.前半句是宾语从句重点考查从句的时态问题,tomorrow 是明天,表示将来故用将来时;后半句是条件状语从句,考查从句的时态要用一般现在时。句意为:我不知道他明天是否会 来,如果他来了,我将把它告诉他。故答案为: D.52.本题考查从句时态。根据句意:泰德告诉你下个星期日他是否来了吗?不,他没有。但是 如果他来了,我会给你打个电话。结合语境可知上文为宾语从句,描述的是将来发生的动 作,故用一般将来时态。下文是条件状语从句,当主句描述将来动作时,从句用一般现在 时态表示将来动作,故选 B。53.as soon as表示一就后接状语从句,从句可以用一般现在时表示将来时。主语将来时,从句一般现在时。根据语境可知此句要用被动语态故选B。句意:只要你不放弃,你的梦想就会实现。A也,和 一样;B和一样好;C就; D 只要;故选 D 。55. 试题分析:句意:我不知道明天是否下雨,如果明天下雨,我们就不会去。此题中第一个 if 引导的是宾语从句, 是“是否 ”的意思, 第二个 if 引导的是条件状语从句, 是如果的意思, 所以第一空的时态根据题干应用一般将来时,第二空时态根据主讲从现原则应该用一般现 在时态,故选 A 。56.as long as 只要“ 就 ,引导条件状语从句 ”; although 尽“管,即使,引导让步状语从 句”;though尽管,即使,引导让步状语从句” ;s。因此,弓I导因果关系的并列句”,通过分析句子可知本句是条件状语从句,句意:只要你用心学习,你会得到好成绩。故选A。57.句意 :如果晚上不下雨的话 ,你会看到很多阿姨在广场上一起跳舞。 本题考查动词的时态。 if 引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时表示将来。故选 A 项。58.本题中第一个空是 if 引导的宾语从句,时间状语是将来时间,主句是一般现在时,从句的 时态由时间状语 next month 来决定,用一般将来时;第二个空是 if 引导的条件状语从句, 主句用将来时或者主句中含有情态动词,从句用一般现在时.故答案为 B.59.句意:我不知道他明天是否会来。如果他来,我会打电话给你。第一个if 引导的是一个宾语从句,根据语境可知,这是谈论一个即将发生的动作,应用一般将来时;第二个if 引导的是条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。根据题意可知,答案应该选B。60.句意:尽管下雨,他们还是期望去公园。 although 不能与 but 连用。故选 B。61.句意为:无论你做什么,我都会支持你。 A. how 怎样 ; B. when 何时 ; C. why 为什么;D. what 什么,故选 D。62.句意 :如果你想更多地了解南京的文化的话,你最好和一个当地的导游一起环游南京。本题考查连词。unless除非;until直到为止;although尽管;if如果。根据句意选 D项。63.根据句子结构可知,所填单词在句中做主语,选项B和C都是副词,不能做主语,故排除B和C.选项 A 和 D 都可作主语,用 whatever 和用 what 意思略有不同。用 whatever 更偏向 于泛指,发生的任何事;而用 what 则偏向于某一件事。根据句意:记着, Tom, 无论发生什么事,保持镇定和平静。故选D。64. 句意:虽然今天下雪,但是天气并不冷。本题重点考查四个连词引导的不同的状语从句。A 表示如果,引导条件状语全句; B 表示当什么时候,引导时间状语从句; C 表示因为, 引导原因状语从句; D 表示虽然 ,引导让步状语从句。根据上下文语境,故选D。65.句意为:虽然他很穷,但是他把许多钱给了那个贫困地区的孩子们。although 虽然,尽管,不与but连用;but但是,不与 although连用;and和;because因为;so所以。故选 C。66.句意:虽然天气很冷,今天早上我的朋友们仍然在江里游泳。although 虽然,尽管,引导让步状语从句,不与 but 连用,故选 A。67.as.as和一样,not as/so.as 不如,据 Sorry, I forgot to clean it.可知教室不如昨天干净,故选 C。68.句意:你学习越努力,你的英语就会越取得好成绩。固定结构越 就越”“ the+较级,the+比较级”,故选B。69.根据问句:他英语说得很好,但是当然不如在英国土生土长的人说得清晰。 修饰动词 speak, 应该用副词clearly ; as/so.as中间应加形容词、畐恫的原级,故选A。70.D 正确。从句意可以看出,因为想坐早班车而要起早,有因果关系,故更多精品文档


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