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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Unit4 Settling in and Arrangement学案(2)Common Practical Expressions主备:李荣荣 研备:英语教研组 【教师寄语】:There is no such thing as darkness; only a failure to see. ( Muggeridge )没有黑暗这种东西,只有看不见而已。(马格里奇)【Learning aims】学习目标学习关于宾馆入住接待、介绍宾馆服务设施、讨论日程安排等服务常用语句。结合不同的服务场量,使用常用语句恰当应答。【Learning Important and Difficult Points】学习重难点背诵本节课单词表中的单词并能正确朗读和使用。【Learning method Guide】学法指导:reading, speaking【Warming up】课前热身 I. 重点单词/短语(汉译英)欢迎用语入住接待没有预定房间的客人结束入住手续介绍酒店的服务项目介绍酒店设施商量日程安排讨论日程安排【Lead in】导入Li Ming wants to stay in a hotel for two nights. He has a reservation with them ahead of time. Today he comes to the hotel.【Thinking】思(英译汉)GreetingChecking inReceiving a guest without a reservationCompleting the hotel check-inTalking about services in a hotelIntroducing facilities in a hotel roomTalking about the scheduleDiscussing the itinerary【Discussion】 议关于宾馆入住接待、介绍宾馆服务设施、讨论日程安排等服务常用语句。(1)店迎接服务Welcome to the Peace Hote_Do you have a reservation?_How many are there in your group?_Come this way. You may check in here._(2) 客人入住时的场景Yes, thats a single room for., nights._Could you spell your name?_May I have your passport?_How would you like to pay?_(3) 接接待没有定房间客人的场景Im afraid we don't have a room available_Just a moment, please. I'll check to see if we have a room available._Yes, we do have rooms available._(4)结束入住手续的场景Heres your key._I'll have someone bring your luggage up_Do you need someone to help you?_(5)介绍酒店的服务项目Breakfast is served on the second floor from 7: 00a.m. to 8: 00a.m._Here is the breakfast ticket._Do you need a morning call?_If you need anything, just call the room service_(6)介绍酒店设施Everything you need is included in the room_Tap water in this hotel is not potable_There's free wireless and wired Internet access_There is a PC but you have to pay for Internet access_(7)商量日程安排This is the conference schedule._The conference will begin at 9 a m. tomorrow._There is a tea break at 10: 00 in the morning_The afternoon session will start at 1: 30 p. m_(8)讨论日程安排Shall we go over the itinerary?_We'll set off at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow._Do you have any suggestions abot the plan?_【Show Time】展1) settle in_2)_“在旅馆办理入住手续“或“在机场领取登机牌、托运行李”。3) _“单人间”, _“双人间”_”套间”。4) We have no vacancies at the moment._5) Ill check to see if we have a room available.“我查查有没有房间。”available_6) Do you need a morning call?_7)Tap water in this hotel is not potable._8) The afternoon session will start at1:30p.m.“下午会议在一点半开始。”此处session指的是_9) Shall we go over the itinerary?“我们过一下日程好吗?” go over_10)We' II set off at 9 a.m. tomorrow.“我们明早九点出发。” set off_【Exercise】 练欢迎用语欢迎您来到和平宾馆!_您预定房间了吗_你们一共是多少人?_这边走,在这儿办理入住手续。_入住是的,一个单人房间,住.夜_您的名宇怎么拼?_我可以看一看您的护照吗?_您怎么付款?_接待没有预定房间的客人目前我们没有空房。_对不起,没有空房。_请稍等一下,我查一下看有没有空房。_是的,我们有空房。_结束入住手续这是您的房间钥匙。_您需要人帮您(拿行李)吗?_我马上叫人帮您拿行李。_祝您在这里度过愉快的时光。_介绍酒店的服务项目早餐在二层,从早7点到9点。_这是您的早餐卡。_您常要叫醒服务吗?_您如果需要什么,请打客房服务电话。_介绍酒店设施您所需要的物品都在房间里。_房间水龙头里的水不能饮用。_室内的无线和有线因特网是免费的。_屋内有电脑,但您要上网的话,需要付费。_商量日程安排这是会议日程安排。_会议将在明早九点开始。_上午十点是茶点时间。_十二点午養,地点在餐斤。_下午会议于午后一点半开始。_讨论日程安排咱们一起过一下日程安排,好不好?明早九点出发。_明早我在大堂等你。_关于这个安排,你有什么建议没有?_【Homework 】Preview the Scenarios【Record after learning 】课后反思_专心-专注-专业


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